Skyrim System In Westeros

Chapter 128: Chapter 128: Dorne and the Iron Islands

Lesser Tyrosh was the closest of the Stepstones to Sunspear, the capital of Dorne. Though Dornish ships were few, Robert's strategy, crafted with Wright, was to drain Dorne's resources. Thus, he assigned this seemingly minor island, where pirates were unexpectedly well-fortified, to the Dornish forces.

While they lacked naval expertise, the Dornish had no fear of land battles. Prince Doran, constrained by his infirmity, delegated command to his younger brother, Prince Oberyn, who raised his banner and rallied much of Dorne's nobility. Seeing the war as a sure victory, many families brought their young heirs to gain battlefield experience and win glory.

The Northern troops accompanying the Dornish were few — only a small force of Bear Island warriors led by Ser Jorah Mormont. Most of the pirates on Lesser Tyrosh had already fled. Earlier infighting among the pirates had left their ships scarce, and they fought amongst themselves for the few remaining vessels. By the time the Dornish destroyed the few ships still on the water and landed at the port, blood and corpses already littered the docks, untouched and uncleaned. Those left on the island were desperate pirates who hadn't secured passage and the sick, injured, or dying left behind.

The port town was in chaos, with Dornish soldiers rampaging through the streets. Prince Oberyn, clad in scaled armor and wielding a spear, led a group of veteran knights through the town's narrow alleys, breaking into houses in search of hiding pirates.

"Your Grace, these pirates are cunning. Many of our soldiers have been ambushed and injured," said Lord Ryon Allyrion, heir to Godsgrace. He wore a scale-cloak of red and black with a golden hand emblazoned upon it.

Ryon was also the father of Daemon Sand, who had died bravely in Braavos. Prince Oberyn had personally delivered Daemon's body back to Godsgrace, praising his courage and loyalty — an immense honor for a bastard. Following their conversations, Ryon had sworn unwavering allegiance to Oberyn.

"Burn it. Torch the entire port and town," Oberyn ordered decisively.

Robert and Wright had miscalculated. They'd intended to use the stronghold as a way to weaken Dorne's forces. But this island had once been a base for Oberyn during his time as a pirate. Oberyn's old crew had merely changed clothes to become Dornish soldiers, leaving behind only a small band of true pirates, who had already fallen to infighting. The wealth and incriminating evidence had long been relocated.

"Robert intends to colonize this place? Burn it to the ground," Oberyn declared.

Ryon glanced at the port, full of Dornish soldiers, confused as to why Oberyn wanted to destroy it.

Walking briskly, Oberyn explained, "Let Robert rebuild it if he wishes. For now, I'll ensure no harm comes to our people." In truth, he sought to leave Robert with nothing.

"Burn it, then," agreed several middle-aged knights, passing orders to messengers.

The campaign against the Stepstones was relatively safe, and despite Quentyn Martell's repeated requests, Prince Doran refused to allow him to participate. Quentyn might be the second son, but as the heir apparent, his safety was paramount. Instead, Arianne Martell, who had left Sunspear on her own, had arrived here.

Accompanying her was the newly named Sword of the Morning, Ashara Dayne, who acted as her bodyguard. Though Arianne's combat skills were lacking, she managed to point out enemies with her spear, leaving Ashara to dispatch them with her flaming sword, Dawn.

Since claiming Dawn, Ashara had abandoned her dual-sword style, mastering the Dayne family's traditional single-sword techniques. With her meteoric iron blade's resistance to heat, no enemy could withstand her strikes.


A nearby shack erupted in a flash of yellow light, sending broken tiles from its roof flying across the street. The wooden doors and windows shattered, releasing a thick plume of dust and smoke.

"Jon! A few escaped this way! After them!" Robb Stark burst out of the ruined building, shouting. His body was coated in white dust, with a thick layer on his head. Only the area around his eyes was clean.

Jon Snow, pulling his sword from a pirate's chest, turned toward Robb's voice. Leaving a trail of faint violet shadows, he sprinted outside and saw Robb covered in dust.

"What happened to you?" Jon asked.

"Quicklime powder," Robb replied, shaking his head. "Luckily, none got in my eyes. These damned pirates only know how to use such underhanded tricks!"

Robb stepped aside carefully, brushing off the lime dust.

Jon Snow asked, "Which way did they run?"

Robb, patting the dust from his clothes with his eyes shut, pointed in a direction. Jon, leaving a trail of faint purple shadows, turned a corner and sprinted off in pursuit.

Arianne Martell, unable to contribute much in the fight, approached to help Robb clean up. She had first met the three Northerners in Sunspear. Ashara Dayne had arrived there with other members of House Dayne, participating in a tournament arranged by Prince Doran to grant her the title of Sword of the Morning. During her preparation, Ashara, who identified herself as Dornish, confidently offered to guide Robb and Jon around Sunspear, claiming familiarity with the city. However, Arianne quickly noticed that Ashara had led them astray, wandering aimlessly.

Robb and Jon, realizing Ashara's unreliability, played along — they were new to Sunspear and welcomed the opportunity to explore. It was during this wandering that Arianne, introducing herself as the Dornish princess, struck up a conversation with them and took over as their guide.

After spending time with them, Arianne discovered that all three were children of the honorable Eddard Stark, though each had a different mother. From then on, she decided she would never again believe in tales of good men.

Jon turned several corners and soon caught up to the fleeing pirates, only to find another group had reached them first.

This group was tall and imposing, both men and women, clad uniformly in black armor. Their combat style was savage, hacking mercilessly at the fallen pirates. Those unable to join the fray prowled the area for more enemies.

A tall woman noticed Jon's violet-shadowed approach. She turned, initially wary, but upon seeing Jon's finely tailored noble attire and the wolf's head embroidered on his chest, she asked curiously, "Who are you?"

"I am Jon Snow, an apprentice of the King's Landing Magic School."

The pirates' corpses had been thoroughly dismembered. One of the armored figures detached a pirate's left ear and tied it to their belt, then turned toward Jon with weapon in hand.

"Jon Snow?" A middle-aged man in his forties stepped forward, scrutinizing him. "I recognize you — Eddard Stark's bastard son! I'm Jorah Mormont of Bear Island."

Jorah had seen Jon as a child and, despite the years, recognized him.

"What are you doing here? Shouldn't you be with the royal fleet?"

Jon replied, "We have other matters to attend to. Robb Stark is also nearby; let's regroup with him first."

After navigating several more corners, the group found Robb, who quickly recognized Jorah. They confirmed their identities and caught up briefly.

Robb, recalling their mission, asked, "Ser Jorah, were Asha and Theon Greyjoy traveling with your fleet?"

Jorah replied, "They sailed south with us, but they disembarked at Oldtown, claiming they had other business to attend to."

Robb frowned. "What business could they have in Oldtown?"

Jorah thought for a moment. "I recall seeing several Ironborn there."

While Robb and Jorah conversed, the tall female warrior turned her attention to Ashara Dayne. "Greetings, Sword of the Morning. I am Dacey Mormont."


The Ironborn fleet had not followed its original plan. En route to Sunspear, they delayed repeatedly. At Oldtown, Asha and Theon encountered a resupplying Ironborn fleet led by Dunstan Drumm, the lord of Old Wyk, known as Bone Hand.

Dunstan, an elderly, bald-headed man with a penchant for talking, quickly recognized the siblings. After some conversation, he began to rant. "Life on the Iron Islands grows worse by the day. No reaving, no glory. And that little port Lord, Sawane Botley — how dare he call himself a Lord of the Iron Islands?"

Asha exchanged a glance with Theon. "Is he truly so despised?"

Dunstan scoffed. "Your father commanded respect! The Iron Islands were mighty under him. But this coward won't even leave Pyke!"

Theon sneered, "He's no true Ironborn."

Dunstan clapped Theon on the back, laughing. "Hah! Harlaw and I often joke about mounting Sawane's head on a prow."

Asha said, "We're heading to the Stepstones for the battle, but with so few Northerners, we may not even see combat."

Dunstan grinned. "Join my ship! Fight alongside true Ironborn!"

The siblings thanked him, and Dunstan shook his head. "Living as Ned Stark's wards has made you too soft. Come on, to the port tavern — many are gathered there."


The tavern was overrun with Ironborn. While they hadn't secured the entire place, their raucous behavior had driven out other patrons. Inside, Sawane Botley argued with Harras Harlaw of Harlaw Island.

"This is outright defiance of orders!" Sawane protested.

Harras retorted, "Following Robert into battle will win us mere scraps. We are Ironborn! The wealthiest enemy is Lys — let's raid it! That glory will far surpass any reward Robert could offer."

Behind him, a servant held a flag bearing Harlaw's grim reaper sigil, which seemed to sway in agreement.

"Yes, Lys!"

"We've been itching for a raid!"

The room erupted with support from the gathered lords.

Dunstan Drumm entered with Asha and Theon, loudly announcing, "I too support raiding Lys!"

Sawane, visibly frustrated, found himself increasingly outnumbered. The longer he stayed in the Iron Islands, the more people disobeyed him. And now he had no choice but to agree, though he schemed to delay the fleet's rendezvous with the main forces.

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