Sins of the Forefathers: A LitRPG Fantasy Isekai

Chapter 59 - Infiltration

It was early enough in the morning that the green period hadn’t ended yet. Once again, I left Azarus’s house not from the entrance onto the side road, but through the forest with Thorn Cloak active. Even though I was heading toward the wall again, I didn’t intend to go far outside of it. I was angling for the servant’s entrance into the manor, which was along the opposite side of the manor from Azarus’s place. There was no convenient connecting stretch of forest that I could slink through to reach it, so I’d have to briefly go outside the wall in order to bypass the guards along the back gate.

Before long, I’d reached the wall. Swiftly getting out my climbing tools, I scaled the wall much quicker than I had the first time, Thorn Cloak still running. I’d had plenty of time to practice climbing this wall during my trips out to see Silvia. Dropping down to the other side as quietly as I could, I started making my way along the outer wall as swiftly as I dared. Before long, I’d reached the clearing where Magnus’s hunts occurred and the back gate stood. Even from my position, I could hear the creaking of the guard’s armor as they shifted in place before their post. Taking a breath to settle my nerves, I crept my way out far enough into the clearing to minimize whatever unintentional noise I would make. Slowly, I navigated my way across the clearing until I was on the other side, conscious of all the little stealth tricks Silvia had taught me.

Once I was safely ensconced within the tree line of the clearing, I caught myself before I could let out a relieved sigh. No unnecessary noise, fool. Shaking it off, I slunk my way back to the wall at an angle, making sure to arrive far from the guards. Briefly peeking through the tiny gaps in the logs of the walls, I was able to confirm that there was forest on the side. Taking out my climbing claws again, I scaled the wall again before dropping down to the other side. All right, now to get to the servant's entrance.

It didn’t take me long to find it, as it was close to the back of the manor, but thankfully out of sight of any guards. Okay, now it was time for the next part of our plan.

Silvia had confirmed for me that the manor’s contingent of slaves didn’t actually live inside the manor. Every morning, the slaves would trudge up the pathway along this side of the manor and enter this door. Supposedly, they would be put to work once inside. Silvia had suggested that I find a way to slip in with that group of slaves in order to get inside. Once there, it was my job to think on my feet in order to do my reconnaissance and find both the slate and the Ward Stone.

Getting my first close-up look at the door, I noticed that there was a row of large bushes on either side of the pathway that extended out in front of the servant’s entrance. Making a split-second decision, I darted my way out of the tree line and into the foremost bush that still technically stood on the main path. Once inside, I crouched down in it as low as I could in order to minimize my profile and prayed Thorn Cloak would keep me hidden. It should, though. My impression of the skill is that it was meant for hiding in foliage.

The green period began to end not long after that, and down the path, I could see movement. Before long, I saw a haphazard group of dispirited slaves trudging their way down the small dirt road. I noted that they didn’t have a guard escorting them, which I could only be thankful for. That would have complicated matters. I couldn’t help but hold my breath in anticipation. Once the front of the group had reached my position, the slave that had been leading them turned around and gave the group a weak smile, but didn’t say anything. Turning back around, he walked up the path to the door and opened it. As the group of slaves were walking past my position, I waited for my moment. The minute that the last person in the group passed me, I instantaneously canceled Thorn Cloak and slid out of the bushes to walk behind him. I mentally winced at the slight rustling noise my exit had caused, but the slave in front of me didn’t even react. Once it was my time to enter inside, my eyes met those of the lead slave who was holding the door open for the group. Giving him a weak smile, I was internally relieved when he didn’t hesitate to return it. Looks like I’d managed to avoid raising any suspicion among the other slaves, at least. The lead slave closed the door behind me.

Discreetly looking around, I noticed that we had entered what appeared to be a kitchen that was currently empty. That didn’t last long though, as with a bang one of the servant dwarves of the manor barged through the door on the far wall, causing the group of slaves to jump. Actually, looking closer at the servant, I think this was the same one that had visited Van’s shop the other day.

He didn’t waste a minute. “You!” He barked, pointing at a slave. “You, and you! Cleaning!” He pointed to a different slave. “You! Cooking!” This continued on until he pointed at me. Thankfully, with the FAT I wasn’t recognized. “You! Dishwashing!”

Shit. How was I going to case the manor if I was stuck in the kitchen doing dishes?

Still, I did as I was told and walked over to the primitive dishwashing station. I didn’t want to raise any suspicion by pissing off the servant dwarf. Thankfully, even if it was meant for slaves, it looked like they had still shilled out for a familiar handful of small metallic discs at the sink. I think there was a cleaning solution of some kind that I was supposed to use as well. There was a wooden bucket full of what looked like small white pellets. The sink was full of dirty dishes already, so I filled it with water by pressing one enchantment disc and then heated it up with another. Taking a handful of the pellets and a nearby rag, I got to work on the dishes.

The servant dwarf finished giving out assignments to the slaves and bustled out of the kitchen, leaving us slaves to our work. I guess that uptight asshole had his own duties to look after. Thank God he didn’t feel the need to hover over us.

As the kitchen slave got to work on their cooking, I nonetheless kept ready. I was going to have to wait for my chance, and if one didn’t come?

I would make it.


I think I’d figured out how I was going to do my snooping.

Once the kitchen slaves had finished their cooking for breakfast, one of them had wheeled out a cart that was apparently meant to be delivered around the mansion. Once the fancy plates of food had been loaded up on it, the entirety of the kitchen staff had stood around for a few moments in dead silence. The leader from earlier stepped up then and volunteered to deliver the food with a shaky smile.

I’m guessing that delivery service wasn’t a very pleasant task in a manor filled with uppity nobles.

It took the delivery man maybe twenty minutes to return to the kitchen after finishing. When he did, his face was bloodless from fear and stress. Nobody asked him what he went through, because I suppose this group knew what it was like. I could take a guess, myself.

Still, the important part was that the kitchen staff apparently took turns delivering meals. As unpleasant of a task as it seemed, that was the perfect chance for me to do my searching. I would just have to wait for the next meal to go out and then volunteer. It wouldn’t be long I think, because the kitchen staff immediately started cooking again once the leader returned.

I was right. A few hours of work later, I got my chance. The staff had finished lunch for the nobles of the manor and were loading up the cart again. Drying off my hands on a nearby rag, I focused on the group gathering. Walking over to them, I spoke up before anyone else could.

“I’ll do it,” I said, trying not to sound too eager.

Five different pairs of eyes swiveled my way instantly. Some were filled with relief, and others pity. The leader from earlier spoke up. “Are…you sure? You look…new.” He said hesitantly. “You don’t know what they’re like up there.”

I gave him a weak smile. “Well…I’ve got to learn somehow, yeah?” I took a not-altogether fake breath to steady my nerves. “I’m sure. I’ll do it.”

“Okay.” The leader answered, ashamed relief in his eyes. “If you’re sure. Take the cart and wait outside. Mr. Pignolo will be by in a bit to lead you around. You…really don’t want to make him wait.”

I nodded at him and did as he asked. Taking the cart, I wheeled it out of the kitchen doors to wait in the hall beyond. Sure enough, the servant dwarf from earlier in the day came bustling down the corridor shortly thereafter. That must be ‘Mr. Pignolo’.

He didn’t bother with any niceties, not for a slave. “You!” He barked at me. “Follow!” He didn’t even wait for a response before turning back around to impatiently hold open the door at the end of the hall.

I did as he asked, making sure my head was sufficiently lowered. I didn’t want to make eye contact with Mr. Piggy. Well, that and I didn’t want him to see the brief smirk that flashed across my face.

I had to resist the urge to say ‘I’m in’ like I was some kind of spy from back home.

Once I had entered the manor proper, I was unsurprised to find that it was almost unspeakably gaudy. Unlike the more tasteful usage of gold I’d seen back in Rhoscara, this place was almost eye-searing in comparison.

Gold paint, gold chandeliers, gold ornamentation. The only thing that kept it from being visually indistinguishable from all the gold was the occasional smidgeon of green on the carpet or drapes.

I’d say gag me with a spoon, but I didn’t want any of this gold in my mouth.

Over the next few minutes, Mr. Piggy led me around to various functionaries and fops that were lingering around the manor. Whenever we’d reach a destination, I would wheel the cart into the room, and then Piggy would do the actual serving. I guess these pricks didn’t want grubby little slave fingers anywhere near their food. Never mind the fact it was slaves that made it in the first place. Whatever, it’s not like nobles were known for rationality.

So far, I hadn’t suffered anything more than a few sneers from these assholes. I hadn’t experienced anything yet that would account for the fear on the last delivery guy's face. But I was probably going to find out, shortly.

The last delivery was apparently going to the head honchos.

The Seneschal, Orinbar. And…


Mr. Piggy led me up to the second floor, near where I estimated that one of the rooms Silvia had pointed out to me was. Sure enough, once we’d reached a more opulent than normal wooden door covered in golden ornamentation, Mr. Piggy stopped us. I could vaguely hear conversation drifting out of it from the distance I stood. Straightening his clothes, Piggy turned around to give me the evil eye. “Stand up straighter, maggot.” He hissed to me. “I will not have you embarrass me.”

Fuck you too, buddy. I did as he asked though, and stood up as straight as I could.

With a quiet huff, Piggy turned back around and rapped smartly on the door, causing the sound of conversation to cease. Smoothly, the servant opened the door and impatiently waved me inside.

Magnus and whom I could only assume was Orinbar were inside. The Seneschal wasn’t quite what I was expecting. Clean-shaven like all the other non-noble dwarves I’d seen, he had a sharp look to him. He had the same blond hair that Van did, but his was slicked back heavily, exposing a prominent widow's peak. I only caught a brief glimpse of his eyes, but they were a hard, unforgiving steel grey. Luckily, neither he nor Magnus were paying much attention to me. In fact, Magnus wasn’t paying much attention to anything, I noticed. He was glowering in the large padded chair he was sitting in, and hadn’t even looked over his shoulder at us as Piggy and I entered the room. I only had a few minutes before I was asked to leave though, so I had to hurry up. Concentrating, I took in the office as discreetly as I could.

It was visibly different from the rest of the manor. For one, it wasn’t even a tenth as gaudy. Gold ornamentation was kept to a minimum, in favor of more earth tones. Green was still a common color, but so were browns and greys. Rather than being painted in gold, the wooden furniture was unadorned except for carvings of snakes spiraling up and down their surfaces. The largest piece was the absolutely massive desk that Orinbar was sitting behind, and Magnus in front of. There were a few bookcases, and what looked like a large metal safe along the back wall. I didn’t even need to wonder if the slate was in there, because I could see it clear as day.

The control slate was on the desk, sitting just to the right of Orinbar.

Orinbar’s eyes flicked up from the document he was inspecting to look at Mr. Piggy, only briefly lingering on me. “Giancarlo.” He said evenly, in a surprisingly deep voice. “I assume that is lunch?”

“As you say, my lord,” Piggy answered him, bowing extravagantly. Even though ‘Giancarlo’ wasn’t able to see it, I was. Orin wasn’t impressed by the grandstanding, distaste flickering across his face. It was gone by the time Mr. Piggy straightened back up. In a flashy movement, Piggy took the last two plates, still hot from the enchanted cover over the top of them. “For you, Lord Magnus.” He said, setting it in front of the bastard.

He didn’t acknowledge either Piggy or the food.

Piggy’s smile faltered, if only briefly. Walking around to the other side of the desk, he sat the other plate in front of the Seneschal. “And for you, Lord Orinbar.” At the very least, Piggy got a slight nod from Orinbar.

Walking back over to me, Piggy jerked his head at the door. Getting the hint, I wheeled the cart back around and out the door. Before he shut the door behind us, Piggy turned around. “Have a good day, my lords.” He said simperingly. He didn’t get a response before he shut it.

When Mr. Piggy turned back around to face me, he had a scowl on his face. “You will wait right here.” He hissed, leaning forward. “Wait for the lords to be finished with their meals, and then collect the plates when Lord Orinbar signals for it. Afterward, take it back down to the kitchen. If you don’t, I swear to the gods I’ll have to you whipped to death, do you understand me?”

I bowed my head. “I understand, master."

“You had better.” Piggy narrowed his eyes at me. He didn’t bother with anything else, he just turned around and left down the hallway in a huff.

I hope you get gored by a real pig one day, you bastard.

Calming down, I was positioning myself next to the door when I heard conversation start back up in the room. The door was leaking a surprising amount of noise out of it. Risking a look up and down the corridor I was standing in front of, I saw that there was nobody else around. I leaned in closer to the door in order to better eavesdrop.

I might as well get something out of this if I was going to stand out here.

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