Sins of the Forefathers: A LitRPG Fantasy Isekai

Chapter 31 - Performance of a Lifetime

I didn’t pay much attention to the next couple of people that came to petition the Prince. I was more focused on the implications of Olgar’s petition, instead.

It sounded to me like the human kingdom was involved in some kind of war.

Moreover, it sounded like they were at war with themselves, in some fashion. Olgar had called it a ‘rebellion’ involving some group called the ‘Sculpted’. What the hell did that mean, anyway? What kind of name was ‘Sculpted’? What did they want? People didn’t typically rebel against their own government for no reason, after all.

What the Prince had said was interesting, too. When talking about it, she’d used words like ‘murky’, and ‘nebulous’. That implied to me that she might have sympathies for these ‘Sculpted’, whoever they were.

Very interesting.

After all, one man’s ‘rebellion’, could be another’s ‘revolution’.

I snapped out of my contemplation once I noticed that the last few petitioners had finished up with the Prince. I knew what that meant. It was our turn to be presented. The few people that had stuck around to see Azarus must have known this too, as I saw multiple other dwarves looking almost eager. Not Olgar, though. I could see that his followers looked more interested in us than he did, for some reason. He just looked…politely interested, I guess.

Hearing someone clearing their throat, I looked back up at the throne to see Piccio holding out his scroll again. “The throne calls upon Lord Azarus, of House Savoy, and his companion, Sir Nathan Hart!”

There was that ‘Sir’ again.

Azarus caught my eye from off to my left. When he saw that he’d gotten my attention, he nodded at me. I nodded back at him, trying to settle my nerves and mentally prepare myself. Azarus stepped forward and began making his way to the foot of the dais. I followed him, aware that all eyes in the hall were on the two of us.

When the two of us reached the dais, Azarus bowed at the waist in the direction of the Prince, right arm bent over his stomach and left behind his back. I emulated him as best I could.

“Rise, cousin. Rise, guest.” I heard the Prince say, in a noticeably warmer tone of voice than she’d spoken to Olgar in. I did as she bid, aware that Azarus was doing the same to my right. Looking up, I could see that the Prince was looking at him with a small smile. “Be welcome in these halls, blood of my blood.”

Azarus returned the smile. “I thank you for your kind words, my Prince.” He said, ducking his head briefly.

The Prince then shifted her gaze to me. It was far more neutral than the look she’d given Azarus. “And you, Sir Hart. Welcome to the Cardinal Halls.”

I took a deep breath before bowing my head to her. “Thank you, your Highness.”

The Prince nodded ever so slightly in my direction before addressing Azarus again. “I assume it’s your regularly scheduled business that brings you to my city?”

“Aye.” Azarus nodded. “That and…some other business that I’ll need to see done.”

“I see.” The Prince said slowly. “We can discuss any private business later. I invite you, and your companion, to dine with me after the conclusion of-”

“I apologize, my Prince.” I heard a loud voice say. “But I must object!”

My stomach fell. I recognized that voice.


Turning my head to the side, I could see him walk back up to stand at the foot of the dais. This time, he stood at the foot of the dais in order to keep both the Prince, Azarus and I in his view.

The Prince stared disapprovingly down at Olgar. “You forget your place, Olgar. Your time to speak has passed.”

Olgar placed his right hand over his heart. “I deeply apologize once more, my Prince. However, this man!” He said, suddenly pointing a finger in my direction. “Is highly suspicious! Who is he? Why has Azarus deigned to present him before the court? We know nothing about him! What if he was an assassin, with designs upon our beautiful sovereign?”

I could tell that Olgar’s speech was starting to sway the crowd somewhat, judging by the murmurs throughout the court. The Prince could tell too, I could see, from the frown on her face. In my case, I could feel my heartrate skyrocket. Along with my anxiety.

“I assure you, Olgar.” The Prince said carefully. “I’ve been briefed about the basics of the situation with Sir Hart.”

“I beg you, your highness,” Olgar replied passionately. “Illuminate us. I speak out of a deep sense of concern for not only your august self but for all residents of Rhoscara. We live in uncertain times, with barbarism rampaging beyond our southern border. Who knows what agents of disorder the vile Sculpted could slip into our midst!?”

Azarus stepped beyond me to stand in front of Olgar. “Leave it be, Olgar.” He said warningly. “It’s private.”

Olgar stepped forward too. “I will not! You, sir!” He said in my direction, still pointing an accusing finger. “I demand that you explain yourself!”

Azarus clenched his hands into fists. “Olgar-”

“It’s fine, Azarus,” I interjected.

Azarus turned to face me with an almost panicked look on his face.

I took a deep breath and continued. “If Lord Olgar is so concerned about my presence, then I believe I should explain myself.”

I took a step to position similarly to Olgar, half facing the Prince, half facing the rest of the hall. “Rest assured, my lord, that I have no designs upon the good people of Rhoscara. In truth, I’ve followed Lord Azarus to this fine city for the exact opposite reason! Please, will you not listen to my tale?” I cried passionately to the hall, in an attempt to match Olgar’s theatricality.

Judging by the interested gazes I could see throughout the hall, as well as the raised eyebrow from the Prince, I was succeeding.

“As many of you know,” I began. “My Kingdom, -” fuck fuck fuck what did he call it “Herztal, is currently suffering a period of strife and unrest. Like many of my people, I too attempted to flee the anarchy across the northern border, as it is well known that the chaos has not touched our most illustrious neighbors!”


Must have been on the mark though, from the ‘sagely’ nods I could see from so many of these painted fops.

“However!” I shouted bombastically. “Before I could travel even a league upon dwarven clay, I was attacked! By Elven raiders!”

Gasps rang out from many of the gathered nobles, while others just looked like they were enjoying the show. The Prince’s other eyebrow went up.

I affected a sorrowful visage, bowing my head and laying a hand across my heart. “Sadly, the caravan of refugees that I, and my companions-” Me, myself, and I “were traveling with, could not fight them off. Nay, I’m afraid to say that those that were not slain, were enslaved by the barbaric raiders. Including my dear comrades…” I trailed off, forcing my eyes to well up. God, I hadn’t done that in years. I was surprised I was still capable of it.

I could hear one of the sheltered popinjays in the audience start to weep softly.

Surging violently upright, I made a sweeping motion with my right arm. “But all was not lost! For before the elven leader could sentence me to a fate most foul, I was saved! By none other than Lord Azarus!” I spun in a circle, pointing a finger straight at him and causing more gasps to ring out across the hall.

I could see that the Prince was visibly fascinated by my show, leaning forward on her throne to watch more closely.

Azarus had been gaping at me with an open mouth during my speech, but when I turned to point at him, he visibly started. Closing his mouth, Azarus flicked his eyes to the audience to gauge their reaction. Looking back at me, he slowly nodded his head.

I nodded back at him, relieved that he was following my lead, but not letting it show on my face. “If it were not for him, I might not be alive this instant to address this august court! I shudder to imagine what would have befallen me had he not driven the foul elves away that day.” I actually did shudder dramatically, before shaking my head sadly. “Lamentably, others were not so lucky as I. The raiders were successful in taking a number of poor, unfortunate souls as slaves that day, during their retreat.”

A number of cries of outrage rang out, even from one of the dwarves in Olgar’s retinue. The dwarf next to him elbowed him in the ribs.

God, I had these fops eating out of the palm of my hand.

Still facing Azarus, I mouthed something to him while I let the outrage in the hall die down. I’d had a fucking crazy idea, but based on the reaction of the room, I thought I could pull it off.

‘Trust me.’

He just gazed back at me with wide eyes, as if he’d never met me.

“I am truly blessed.” I near whispered once the hubbub had died down. Nonetheless, my voice still echoed in the dead silent hall, so enthralled was my audience. “Alas, I did not escape that day without my own scars. You see, the vile raiders did succeed in one manner. For while they did not manage to bind me, they did leave me with a parting gift. Behold!” I cried, grasping my cloak at the collar.

Azarus’s eyes bulged in their sockets, guessing what I was about to do.

Ripping the cloak from my body in a violent motion over my head, I bared my body to the court.

Including my collar.

Shocked gasps rang out from every corner of the hall. The Prince lurched on her throne. Olgar gaped at me. Hell, I even heard some of the avian knights shuffle in their armor.

I drank in their reactions, smiling near manically. I spread my arms wide, fully facing the hall this time. “Peace, my dear gentle dwarves. Peace. Did I not say that I was not bound?”

That quieted the hall.


“I,” I started, before pausing dramatically. “Am not a slave! For while the raiders may have collared me, I retain my freedom!” I bellowed. “I may bear this collar, but I am not bound! Before this throne, and all gods, I proclaim! I will undergo any trial to prove this truth to you!”

Here I stopped speaking for a moment, praying to anyone that would listen that my hint would be picked up while my heart thundered in my ears.

Thankfully, my prayers were answered.

I heard a throat clear from behind me. I watched the stunned eyes of the hall shift to over my right shoulder. “Steward Piccio.” I heard the Prince say smoothly behind me. “Were you not trained to detect the presence of the slave bond?”

“Ah, ah.” I heard Piccio stutter behind me. “Um. Yes, your Highness. Right away, your Highness.” I heard him shuffle hurriedly down the steps in my direction. I didn’t turn to face him, still facing the hall with confidence written across my face. I didn’t even turn to face him when he laid a hand on the back of my left shoulder. I heard Piccio mutter something behind me, but I wasn’t able to make out the words. I felt a slight heat on my back, but nothing more.

“This man,” I heard Piccio say behind me, after a pause. “Speaks the truth, your Highness. He does not possess a slave bond.”

Cries of amazement arose from the hall before they were silenced by the Prince clearing her throat again.

“I see.” I heard the Prince say calmly. Just as calmly, I turned to face her. I saw that she was nearly smiling down at me. Nearly. “Why, then, Sir Hart, do you still bear a collar?”

I bowed sweepingly in her direction, trying my best to emulate Olgar from earlier. “Your Highness, I bear this collar for two reasons. The first is as a reminder of my failure. For it was my weakness that day that allowed the elven raiders to massacre that caravan so. Before that day, and before the war, I did not take my training seriously. I am pathetically weak, your highness.” I said, shaking my head sorrowfully. “I will bear this collar until the stain of my weakness has been erased, and my companions avenged. And so, my second reason ties to my first.” I spun in place to face Azarus once more.

He was still frozen in place.

I stretched out my left arm in his direction, my right over my heart. “For his actions that day in heroically saving my life, I have pledged it to Lord Azarus!” I cried, dropping to one knee. “I am not his slave, but I have pledged myself to him! I will follow where he leads! I will fight his enemies in his place! I will be the shield that protects him from all harm! This collar may not be true, but I will bear it nonetheless, as a collar upon my heart!”

Oh, cringe, cringe, cringe. That last line was totally overblown.

I stayed kneeling in that position, my arm still stretched to Azarus, hoping I hadn’t screwed everything up. But I didn’t think so.

Cheers arose from the audience, echoing through the halls.

“Hail, Sir Hart!” I heard one dwarven voice call. “Hail, the Collared Knight!”

The other nobles took up the chant.

“The Collared Knight!”

“The Collared Knight!”

I rose to my feet to face the crowd and bowed in their direction, before turning back around to face the Prince. The crowd quieted again, seeing that I wasn’t finished.

“And so, I come to my petition, your Highness,” I said solemnly. “By now, from my tale, you should be aware that there are roving gangs of Elven raiders upon your southern border, waylaying innocent refugees. I have heard your arguments against interfering in the Herztalian war, and will not gainsay you. However, will you not find it in your heart to deploy soldiers to protect the downtrodden castaways that even now flee the violence of my homeland, to the safety of yours?” I finished, bowing my head.

Silence fell upon the hall, the audience holding their breath.

“Hmm.” I heard the Prince say, my head still bowed. “I have heard your tale, Sir Hart, and you have my sympathies for your plight. Intelligence so close to the border with Herztal of late has been lacking, due to the difficulties of gathering it within the Barren Forest. Neither I, nor my forces, were aware that the elves had grown so bold as to attack Herztalian refugees upon my lands. I will speak with my Captains and tentatively,” She stressed. “Agree to the deployment of forces, in order to increase patrols in the area. Hopefully, this will discourage any further raids.”

I let out a shuddering sigh, relieved for many reasons. Raising my head, I smiled up at the Prince. “Thank you, your Highness. I am truly grateful for your magnanimity.”

The Prince merely nodded back at me, a wry cast to her lips.

Thunderous applause overtook the hall.

The Prince raised her voice for the first time to be heard over the din. “Court!” She shouted. “Is adjourned!”

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