Silver Coin

Book 1 Chapter 37: More and more!

{In Silver’s bedroom}

Silver and Despair was so heated up.

”Make love to me you sexy monster!” Silver said.

Despair licked all over Silver. They went into a scissor position. With her pussy tongue, despair moved inside of Silver’s tunnels. The tongue waggled inside.

“Ahh! Ughh! Yes, you slut! You’re such a good bitch!” Silver yelled.

Her toes curled as the tongue had its way. Silver laid back on the bed as her eyes rolled. She was feeling an orgasm coming on.

“Yes! Pussy-licker! Lick your prize! Do not stop until you make me happy!” Silver exclaimed.

Silver squirted on Despair’s tongue while grabbing it. When she finished her ecstasy. Silver showed her ass to the creature.

“Okay! You're going to lick my ass and pussy now! You’re not going to stop being my bitch until I sleep!” Silver yelled.

As time went by, Silver used Despair’s tongues for everything. She had her lick her feet, fuck her behind with the pussy tongue.

Despair pelvis trusted a tongue inside Silver’s ass. The tongue was like a dick, but even better. It wiggled inside, hitting the g-spot. The tongue-like cock slid in and out. Silver’s ass also got loved with a tongue.

Despair has never been with a human who didn’t run from her. She wanted to make Silver happy. More tongues licked all over Silver’s ass while still pelvis trusting.

“I’m cumming again!” Silver yelled.

Silver was so exhausted. As she slumped on the bed, completely satisfied. Despair kept licking.

Silver was bathed in tongues. Silver came so much, ultimately she fell asleep.

Silver treated the Guardian like a plaything. Despair loved every moment of it.


The next morning. Silver woke up from the amazing sex she had last night. She had Despair’s slobber all over her body.

Despair was now grinding on Silver; continuing to lick all over her. She sucked on Silver’s tits, licking her stomach and ass.

Ten tongues were licking Silver’s full body. Silver was practically inside the guardian’s mouth.

When Despair saw Silver awoke, she licked her face.

”That’s enough, you can stop if you want. I don’t want to make you do that all day. I do need to go eventually.” Silver said.

Despair wasn’t listening, she wanted more. She was fingering Silver.

“You really like me that much? If only more people wanted me, for me! I feel like they only do it because they have to... Well, whatever! They can all kiss my ass!” Silver said.

Despair flipped Silver over. She actually started kissing her ass.

“That’s not what I meant!” Silver said.

Tongues licked all over her ass. While giving small kisses to it every now and then. A tongue slipped inside of Silver’s pussy. Slightly slipping inside of Despair’s mouths.

Despair never met anyone like Silver. People usually ran. She was so lonely, she could worship Silver forever.

“Okay, okay! If you like me that much, keep on kissing my ass! You know what?! I should actually hire someone to kiss my ass and say yes to everything I say! I would have my personal ass-kisser! Yes! I will also annoy the fuck out of Margolin!” Silver said.

Silver didn’t want to sugarcoat it either. She’s aware that some kings have ass-kissers, but they’re called something else. She wanted to call it like it is! The positions would say exactly what they‘ll be doing. They’ll be agreeing to say “Yes!” to everything she says. Then kiss her ass, in public!

Of course, she didn’t think they'd actually join her position. But this idea still gave her a laugh.

“Despair I have an idea! Last night when I was waiting for someone. I’d asked some people to do various things for me. When it comes to meetings and all the responsibilities I have to do. I get bored very easily. So I have a group of people to create things to entertain me. They had recorded other people acting, like in a play! They’d learned to edit and create a real story with it!” Silver said. She was excited.

She has created a full guild with dedicated people that wanted to do this.

People seem to like it a lot. They’d created non-sex recordings. There are comedy and drama shows.

“I really enjoyed what these people gave me last night. I want to have screens inside of my citizens' homes. They can see the recordings other people have made!” Silver continued. “The reason why I’m telling you this is because I want to ask you to be in a recording. I hired people from a brothel and I think you’ll make a perfect enemy for a hero. I want to say I don’t see you as an evil person, but this is acting. Eventually, people will get over their fears of you. I want you to be taken care of when I am doing my responsibilities. They are going to give you a good fucking.”

Despair seemed really interested in this. She was shy because people hate looking at her, but she really wanted to get fucked.

“Don’t worry, these people are professionals. They are from a brothel. They don’t feel like they’re worth anything anyway. So hopefully your verbal abuse won’t work on them. If it does, try to keep it light, and say sexual things. I don’t know exactly what you’re saying because I can’t hear you. But you’ll be a boss character. So it’s normal for you to be taunting heroes. Tell a guy, ‘You have a small dick!’ or ‘Begone worms! You won’t ever defeat me!’ Things like that! It will add more to your character! Now, if they can’t handle what you’re saying. I’ll think of something else. This experience should be fun for everybody, including you!” Silver said. Despair nodded in approval. “Another reason why I’m doing this. I want to test out my sex classes with you. You don’t get tired like a human, so you and the people at the brothel can try my sex dungeon! I can see what does and doesn’t work as I go! I am basically asking you to do two things at the same time. Record for a boss role and test out my dungeon. Anyway, enough talking! I’ll tell you where to go and do this while I get ready to have breakfast and meet the kings.”

Despair moved to kiss Silver’s lips lovingly. Surprisingly Silver kissed her back.

Silver was giving Despair a chance to be around people more. She was loving her for it.

”I’ll get going! I don’t want my sister to come to find me. If she finds out that I didn’t tell her about her parents being linked to the core. She would likely get really upset.” Silver laughed.

She felt good talking to Despair. People don’t normally listen to what she had to say without ridiculing her. Which was strange... Because this guardian was made to make people feel miserable and tell them, ‘They’re shit!’


After Silver took her bath. She wanted to tell Jennifer she’s going to get some breakfast.

Despair already went to the brothel and Silver had someone to help with managing the sex classes for the sex dungeon.

The only thing she had to do now, was listen to Margolin yell at her for keeping secrets. Then hear a bunch of kings bitch about nothing... Yay! Today was going to be fun!

Silver knocked on Jennifer’s door. When it opened up, she saw Theodore, her uncle.

“Come in, your majesty!” Theodore said.

Silver was confused. She thought he was taking over a Kingdom.

“Why are you here? Is your task done?” Silver asked.

“Almost. My son is still weeding out the rebellion. I am here because of my brother. Did you think you could bring him back and I wouldn’t be here? Come, your family wants to talk to you.” Theodore said.

“Fuck! They already found out?!’ Silver thought. She already knew Kilo would say something... Guardian of keeping burden; My ass!

Everyone was sitting inside Jennifer’s big room.

Margolin was talking to her mother. She ignored Silver. She was mad at her...

“Daughter, I need to speak with you!” Travis said. Her father took her to a corner, then continued. “I understand why you do some things. Both of your mothers have been talking to Margolin. She is calm now, but she understands why you didn’t say anything to her. Also, we all want you to tie me and your Spirit mother to the main castle dungeon core. Your real mother wants to be added there when she dies as well. That is now in her deed. She wants all of her family to have this option.”

“What?! Well, first of all! I was tired last night! I didn’t know this was going to work so it was no point in me telling her! And I don’t want my mother to be nagging me even after death! So, no!!!” Silver said.

“You may be the ruler, but that’s not your decision. Sandra and I have been through a lot. I don’t want any of our family members to go through it. As a family, this decision has already been made. I know it doesn’t seem like you don’t have any say in your own land, but please understand how we feel... Please, daughter.” Travis pleated.

“Sigh, okay! I’ll do it for you! Tell them I have rules! No nagging!” Silver said.

“Yes, daughter... Now, we want to ask what you’re going to do with Bastion? I was mad you didn’t tell me about him being here. You have your reasons, yea?” Travis said.

“That one is simple. Because Margolin wants to do everything the right way and according to the law... I want to get proof that he did anything wrong before I put him to trial. I promised Margolin I would try, and so I will...” Silver said.

Travis grimaced. “Okay, daughter... Margolin also mentioned that you killed some people in revenge. Is Don... dead?”

“He is... I didn’t know if he was involved or not but he seemed to enjoy what he did...” Silver said.

“Thank you, daughter. I know it’s wrong for a father to want their child to seek revenge, but there’s no shame in what you did. You protected the family. That’s all there is to it. Now that I’m here. I would do whatever it takes to protect my family, too.” Travis said. He then kneeled before Silver. “I, Travis Knox! Pledge my allegiance to my emperor! I am your sword in your hand! Your shield to protect! Whatever my emperor commands, I’ll give it my all!”

“Father... You don’t have to-...” Silver said slowly.

Silver stopped talking because Travis had determination in his eyes.

“I, as the emperor! Accept you as my right hand! You will be my Silver Knight for the empire! Rise, may you carry out my bidding and protect my people!” Silver yelled.

“Yes, my emperor! I will not fail you! I may be dead, but I’ll fight until I am no more!” Travis said.

Apparently, the rest of the family overheard this. They wanted responsibilities to the empire... Yet again, Silver was wasting time not fucking...

The reason why Travis’s last name was Knox and not Yule was because he took Sandra‘s name instead. Travis loves his family; it's just that he thinks differently from them. He didn’t care that Sandra was dark-skinned or what his family thought. Travis was disowned like his son.

Eventually, Travis’s family got over it especially after he died. They all respect and love Margolin.

They’re not sure about the other ones, that includes Russ. They only dislike Auly because of his desire to put on a dress. However, now that Auly is an actual girl. That doesn’t matter anymore either.

“Okay! I need food! Where’s my breakfast?!” Silver asked.

“You can eat while we meet the kings. It’s time to go.” Margolin said.

“Alright! Let’s get this over with!” Silver exclaimed.


Silver bound her Spirit parents to the core that’s a part of the main castle, but they are still linked to Jennifer’s room. The main core has gotten enough levels to cover a large portion of the Castle.

During this time with the kings. She told her parents not to show up at the meeting because she didn’t want Bastion to see them yet.

Silver created class jobs to get experience. Like all things, you need something to make it anew. She couldn’t necessarily create jobs from scratch. The empire can take an existing class and break it down to make a new one, but not from out of nowhere.

She took strong classes. Made them powerful classes that are able to kill a bunch of enemies at once. This was for getting experience. These XP formers were called nukers!

Silver didn’t know what the word ‘nuke’ meant, but Wishlist told her to call it that... All Silver knew it was some sort of explosive?

The nukers had a significant amount of power, but with a great cost in mana and long cool-downs. That’s why they needed several of them. They would go into a dungeon, give some experience to dungeon cores, soldiers, or whatever else they needed it for.


{In the throne room}

“The king’s are on their way, your majesties.” A female attendant said.

In a big-wide throne-like couch. Silver, her fiancés, Bonnie, and Margolin sat in the throne room. Emily was doing something else for Silver.

While Silver waited on the kings, she watched her recordings people made for her. She really enjoyed eating and looking at action and drama. These recordings are better than any theater she has seen. Most plays were boring to her. The directors she got for these recordings were brilliant!

Plays are expensive. That’s why commoners normally don’t see them. There are some theaters that are made for commoners, but it doesn’t happen everywhere. With Silver’s idea, a common person can have a screen in their home to watch a show. They would have to pay a monthly fee, but it’s not too expensive and they’ll get many channels!

(Channels) was another word her guardian told her.

Like her sex dungeon, Silver doesn’t do things half-assed. She wanted to perfect her idea before giving it to everybody. So only her and a select team know about this.

“What are you doing, Silver?” Margolin asked.

“You don’t need to know everything I do!” Silver yelled. “I know you and my mother don’t trust me but I’m asking you to do it anyway!”

“Silver, I know this is hard on you. You feel like you’re under a lot of pressure. I want you to know that I want the best for you. It doesn’t seem like it, but that’s the truth. I won’t snoop or pry. I am just asking you as a sister to let me know what’s going on in your life.” Margolin said.

“Listening to Kings is boring! I am voting on shows I like so I can sponsor them. It’s nothing you need to concern yourself with.” Silver said.

“Shows? You mean like a play? I love plays! Let me see them!” Margolin said.

“No! I don’t want you to tell me what to vote on!” Silver said.

“I have money as well, Silver. If something interests me. I will do my own vote, okay?” Margolin said.

“I have never seen a play... Can I watch?!” Mille asked.

“Okay, fine! Everyone can see them. They’re not very long. I only asked these people to show me a quick idea of what they had. They made like 30 so far. With the classes I made for them, they did some amazing things! They have special effects and everything!” Silver said.

Even though there’s so much magic in this world, 70% had only dreamed of adventures. Soldiers and adventurers are the only ones who see action. But all they knew was violence. There’s nothing really magical about it. They also had to deal with a lot of walking and leveling. So it’s not as glamorous as a story with adventure.

While the Kings took their seats. Silver and her women looked at the recordings. They watched on their own screens.

They categorize the genres into different channels. Margolin wanted to vote on things that are parental control for citizens. She also wanted kid shows. Silver wanted to produce adult channels, Mille likes comedy. Mary wanted how-to-do-it-yourself recordings, some call it; DIY. They had their own taste and they wanted their own thing.

All of this was fine to Silver. Her kingdom will get lots of entertainment. She didn’t care for wars. If she can keep her people safe and entertained. This was very important to her.

Even though Silver and Margolin were always wealthy. Money never appealed to them. So far they’ve been using money to help those in need rather than keep it for themselves.

Lady Annabella cleared her throat and then spoke to the kings. “We have reviewed your offerings for the information! I can’t promise you that she will accept them. Now, let us begin!”

One by one, they stepped forward.

Unlike the last time, the kings sat in decent seats. So the kings patiently waited for their turn.

Some gave people like women and soldiers. Land, towns, areas. Exotic clothing and items. Even rare creatures and animals. She took whatever she felt like taking.

During this, Silver was multitasking. She’d had sex and have conversations all the time. So watching shows and eating; while listening was no problem.

Even Margolin was doing this. The drama series she watched was better than paying attention to the kings.

The things they were given weren't guaranteed to get the emperor list. No matter who got what, they won’t receive it until everything’s done.

It was now King Al Bastion’s turn. Silver stopped looking at her screen and gave him her full undivided attention.

“Bastion! Because these kings have given me so many things! I want more from you! I did only receive one whore!” Silver said.

“What?! But you said that’s all you needed!” Bastion yelled.

“I also told you not to hurt her anymore! Unmolested! And yet she came to me with cuts and bruises that were fresh! She also came with cum coming out of her holes! Do you think giving me damaged goods is acceptable?!” Silver yelled back. “You Kings need to learn that your actions have consequences! If any of you argue with me one more time and not comply! Then you all can get the fuck out of my face! I don’t want to hear it!”

Bastion the big bad wolf; growled in anger.

He gave Silver his one daughter he didn’t like. Silver wanted, “More.” He gave her over 100 people and a portion of his soldiers, “More!” Silver’s hometown, the villages she loved. The small town her parents died in. She took whatever she wanted from this man, “MOOORRREEEE!!!”

“What MORE do you want from ME, woman?! REEEE!!!” Bastion roared.

“Bastion! You are a bully! You take whatever you please! I am sick of it! When you decide not to take any more! That’s when I’ll stop taking from you! You can call me a hypocrite-evil-bastard! I don’t care! I have learned in life that if you don’t push back a bully! Then they’ll continue to TAKE! Give me six of your wives, one capital, and more people and men! And then you can sit down! You only gave me enough for a kings list! Now, what are you going to do? I don’t have the patience to argue with you!” Silver was furious.

After her speech to him, she wanted to just kill him now! Fuck, evidence! She knows he’s responsible! She hates the right way of doing things!

Deep down she wanted him dead, but she didn’t wanna set a bad example for her people. At first, she was upset about not having any war skills. However, she had grown to enjoy having simple skills for simple people. She only wants blood if that was the last resort. The people's opinion mattered to her. She will have her revenge, but the right-way. She just really, really hated the right-way... she ended up taking more! Fuck this guy!

When Silver was satisfied with his offerings. He sat down with hatred in his eyes. He lost so much more than the other Kings.

“Next!” Silver yelled.


New king skill added for your entire empire!

Retribution: Everyone has an enemy. With this skill, the rival of the entire empire will lose something when they take things. (Their loss is random but equal to what they take.) This only occurs when a significant number of people hate that particular rival and they must be enemies of the flag.


{King Albert Louis Bastion} Status: Infamous (Hated) Flag Relationship: Currently a flag enemy.


‘Huh?!’ Silver thought.

Apparently, everyone in the entire empire saw this message. She knew she hated Bastion, but it would seem she wasn’t the only one. Hundreds of people had suffered at his hands.

Margolin frowned at Silver.

“My bad, I got angry. I know we talked about keeping the king skills friendly, but this guy got on my nerves.” Silver whispered.

“Honestly, you said everything I wanted to say. I think the point of your skills that involve everyone is, they feel the same way. Why else did it involve them? So it wasn’t just your fault.” Margolin whispered back.

A woman walked forward to them.

“Hello, my emperor. I want all four options.” Wendy said.

Silver looked at the queen. Her Blue hair with white stripes was so beautiful.

The queen was in her 40s. However, she kept herself up with her body. Her face looked youthful.

Margolin told Silver, she used to be a naval captain like her father. She hunted pirates and outsmarted them. She settled down as a queen to the Seaport Kingdom.

Her nickname was (The Serpent).

“You do know if you choose the last option, you can’t be married to a king? Also, it seems your offering is not only your ships and people, but the entire kingdom. Some of the kings here have done small portions of the things they had. But you’ll have nothing if I accept it. I will have complete control over you. Won’t your king be angry?!” Silver said, she was confused.

“I am aware. You can have me, if you like. If not, I have a daughter and son for yourself.” Wendy smiled.

“Why? Don’t you love your king?” Silver said.

“Of course I do, he is my world. However, my king is ill, and everyone knows it. Because my son likes men more than women. My king‘s family had decided to king his brother instead of my child. Therefore I must step down as a queen. These are the rules of my kingdom.” Wendy said.

Silver was surprised at how bold and open she was to speak about this. Even other kings can hear her. She was desperate. Her son and daughter were standing right next to her. They all wore cloaks for some reason.

“Why are you even here?!” Silver asked. “You were trying to give me your kingdom, all of your soldiers and ships in your service to me. And now you’re saying they’re not yours to give?!”

“They are mine, as of now. So, therefore, I am going to give it to you. Everything I have will be yours, including my body. My children are also yours. It is as simple as that.” Wendy said.

“I don’t understand. Why even bother asking about requirements for the king and the emperor if you don’t need them? You could’ve just simply given yourself to me by marriage and that is all.” Silver said.

“Over the years of fighting a bunch of mongrel pirates! I have learned to aim high. That is why I am the queen. My king knows I’m here and he trusts me. His family may not fully approve of what I’m doing here. I want to protect my kingdom. I won’t let pirates or other kings destroy everything me and my king had worked for! If I have to sacrifice my body in order to save my people, I will!” Wendy said.

Silver looked in her piercing blue eyes. She had determination and she was very serious.

“I do have a favor to ask, though. Let his family pick who they want. I want to be an empress of that kingdom and make decisions for it. But they can have the kingdom itself. Additionally, do not publicly humiliate me... Unlike Emmett, I am giving you more than any king here, you said it yourself...” Wendy said.

She wasn’t demanding anything of Silver, just wanted respect.

“I want you to have a contract with me! I don’t trust someone who has nothing to lose!” Silver said.

“Yes, my emperor!” Wendy said.

Silver was getting a feeling this former sea captain was baiting her into a hook. Margolin constantly reminded Silver, Wendy was intelligent.

“You know the final requirement, don’t you?! That’s why you’re so casual about giving me, yourself, and your kingdom! I can see it in your eyes!” Silver yelled.

“Oh, this will be fun! I’d wondered if you were smart! My king is not a very smart man. Every plan he made, it was my own. I do love him, I just wished he kept up with me... Anyway, yes! I have figured out the last requirement for the emperor. It’s so obvious!” Wendy said.

The kings mumbled in confusion.

“What is she talking about?” A king asked.

“We don’t know how many, exactly. But me and my kids had determined the limited number of emperors at one time is five or less.” Wendy said. ”This is why we are not aiming for an emperor, but instead, I want to be an empress. We also have the feeling that all slots are filled.”

“What, there’s a limit?! How many? You’re saying all of us can’t become emperors?! I sold my land for nothing!” The kings were outraged. They were basically talking over themselves.

“This is outrageous! I gave my rare items to become an emperor?! And you’re saying it’s limited??” A king said.

“You idiots really didn’t know?! Did you really believe all of you can be your own emperor?! She even said, ‘Not every king has the luxury of being an Emperor.’ There are more than 30 of you!” Wendy’s son said.

His hair was also blue. His name was Jeffrey.

“She also said, ‘Emperors can make a king, but we don’t know any.’ That tells us, she thinks some may exist. I still believe it’s two slots in all!” Wendy’s daughter said. Her name’s Zara.

“Seriously, two?! Is it really that many?! Silver Emperor, is this true?! Why aren’t you saying anything?!” Kings were freaking out and asking a bunch of questions.

Silver silently sat on her throne. She glared at Wendy, who was grinning.

‘She wanted this chaos? This seems intentional. Did she want to see what I would do or confirm her beliefs?’ Silver thought.

Margolin ignored what was happening. She was really caught up in her drama series.

The thing about Silver and Margolin, they handle different responsibilities. When it came to the empire, Margolin was more political and Silver knew how to put up a fight. So chaos was Silver’s department.

“Your name is Wendy, correct? If you wanna impress me. Fix the mess you made. I make enemies and shut them the fuck up, all the time! But can you do it?” Silver said.

“Yes, my emperor. I killed pirates for a living. Of course, I can.” Wendy smirked.

“Come over here, my wanna-be empress! Watch shows with us! The kings are likely going to attack soon and I want to show you my power. Also, I want to feel your pussy as we sit and relax.” Silver said.

Silver sent her, her daughter Zara, and son Jeffrey, an invite to the harem. Silver also required all of the things Wendy offered. Silver now owned ships.

Wendy sauntered over to Silver. The large fancy blue overcoat she was wearing was taken off.

She was wearing a lacy leotard that showed a lot of her assets. Wendy had nice perky tits. Her pussy was almost coming out of the leotard. The outfit was blue and white with a corset. The woman was very fit with a nice rounded ass.

She actually sat on Silver‘s lap and started rubbing her breasts.

“What exactly are you trying to gain out of this?” Silver asked Wendy.

“You have a very strong force, my emperor. I don’t know how many seats are left for the emperor and I’m not someone who takes big risks. Especially when I can see an opportunity right in front of my eyes. After my husband is dead. I won’t have any kingdom to rule, so this is my only shot to keep me in power.” Wendy said.

“If all you want is to remain a queen. I don’t mind still having you in my empire.” Silver said.

“My ambitions are bigger than that. I also want you to train my soldiers. If we are going to fully integrate into your kingdom. You will level up all of my men and then we will be as strong as yours! You have things no ruler has and that is real power, I want it.” Wendy said. She was biting her lower lip. Her hands moved to Silver’s pussy.

Silver slipped Wendy’s breast out of the leotard to suck on Wendy’s tit while fingering her cunt. Wendy was soaking wet from excitement.

“I want it all back!” A king yelled. ”I have given you my women, including one of my wives in hopes to become an emperor! If I can’t acquire the class, I want you to give it all back!”

“Seriously...? Don’t these people know me by now..?” Silver sighed.

Silver didn’t really pay them any more attention. She rather has sex with a hot woman than bother with them...

She secretly gave Wendy a note saying, (If they come towards us, I’d given you the power to kick them from the kingdom.)

Silver wanted to know how ruthless she was. She was a pirate hunter, but that was a long time ago.

“Kill the emperor! If we kill the bitch! It will open up a slot, right?! Yeah! Let’s kill her!” The kings yelled amongst themselves.

Several kings with their men attacked Silver.

Wendy’s kicking power was limited, but she had no issues getting the job done. The Queen Hunter learned to never give her enemies enough time to get near. The kings and their people didn't have a chance. She kicked until there was only silence.

The last kings remaining were Bastion and some other kings who didn’t really overreact. There were eight left. Some of them already made an offer and some did not.

“That was really fun! I can see why you do it a lot.” Wendy giggled.

She was really loving this power. As Silver fingered her; she’d orgasmed. Wendy kissed Silver.

“Are you sure you loved the king?” Silver questioned.

“I do. It’s just he is very old. He has been sick for years and I have been lonely... I never cheated on him. And like I said, he knows I’m here, why, and what I’m doing. You are a woman, so it’s no big deal to him. Making our hard-earned Kingdom prosper, is more important to us. So what if I can have fun with you on the way?.”

“I see, alright, my queen, what are you gonna do, now?” Silver questioned. She wanted to see how far this woman’s ambition went.

“I don’t know who you want to keep, but I would probably find out if any one of them wants to join your empire,” Wendy said.

“As you know, I like sex. I like my women to also want it or matter of fact, demand it. I’ll handle the rest for now. You’ll get an opportunity to demand something from these kings, but not now.” Silver whispered in her ears.

Silver lightly bit Wendy’s lower ear, while continuing playing with her pussy. Wendy was so wet. This woman seems to really enjoy power.

Wendy became a potential fiancé.

“I’m tired of looking at you kings! Leave for your kingdoms! Teleporters are outside waiting for you! We’ll contact you if we need something from you. Now get lost!” Silver yelled.

Bastion wanted to attack, but to what end? He’d get kicked anyway. He definitely expected this outcome.

The Kings, Al Bastion, and the crowd of their people were teleported to their homes.

At least that’s what happened to the other kings. Al Bastion’s teleportation linked him to a jail holding. He was going to get judged for his crimes.

Silver was trying to be very careful about this situation or this can blow up in her face. Even if she was an emperor. She didn’t want a rebellion on her hands without having war defenses for it. That’s why she wanted it to seem like she didn’t even care if Bastion goes away. All the Kings saw him leave when they did. That’s what Silver wanted them to see.

“Wendy? Are you happy with your decision? I’m just still trying to figure out what game you're playing.” Silver said.

“Well, when I play games, I play to win. I don’t let pirates fear me. Same for any man-woman. However, I know my place. I reach for the sky, but I don’t plan to touch the sun. I know that you have magic or the ability to crush me in seconds. I don’t plan to test your patience. I believe if you can’t beat them, join them.” Wendy said.

“And what would happen if you betrayed me?” Silver asked.

Wendy took Silver’s hand and placed it around her own neck.

“I don’t want to get squashed like a bug, and all you gotta do is just squeeze,” Wendy said.

“I accept this answer.” Silver said.

Silver and her fiancés continued to watch the recordings.

Wendy liked Silver, she was amusing to her. She just couldn’t wait to get more power.


{In Roton’s Throne room}

While Theodore was in the throne room. A halfling strolled to her king.

“King Theodore! They are here!” Henri, the attendant yelled.

“Let them in, Henri,” Theodore said.

Theodore’s wife and his full-grown children stood near him while he sat and waited on his guest.

The doors opened. Five men entered. The leader had a fancy animal fur vest, sharpened blades. A beard and a well-built frame.

Three of his followers also had fur vests and different weapons of their own.

These men were slave traders. They had a heavyset man wearing king robes with them.

“Roton, I see you have brought your friends with you... What do you want...?” Theodore questioned.

“What do I want?! I want my kingdom back!” Roton scowled.

“Oh? For how much? The system says I have full ownership. I even have new deeds saying it’s mine. If you have nothing else to say, we are done here...” Theodore said.

“Well, here’s the thing about that... You DO have something of mine. I paid for a near thousand slaves. And yet, I have not received them. Or even my money back. Roton also said his money had been stolen as well. This is an issue for me...” The slaver leader said.

The leader's name was Summeit, Lord Of The Black. He was one of the main leaders of the slavers organization, but not the only one. There are many slavers.

“Ah, yes! The emperor has a statement for you too!” Theodore laughed, then gestured for his attendance to speak.

“By the order of the Emperor, herself! She will give you money to buy every slave you own, including the ones we took! Additionally, you will sign a contract saying you’ll stop any further slave trading! She will also pay for this as well! If you do not accept this offer by tomorrow! She’ll declare war on your entire organization! Turn you, the leader, into a girl to service all of your men for your stupidity to go against an emperor!” Henri, the attendant announced.

I don't have too many meaningful things to say. I like to thank everyone for reading this far.

I am amazed at how many times the story surprised me. I think of an idea and as I write it down. It changes to something I did not expect. This happens constantly. Without spoiling I really like the next one because it shows Silver has many layers.

I really enjoy writing about Travis and what he wants to do to make up for his past. I feel like by the end of this whole book. I'm going to dig deep into the characters and why they do the things they do.

I know some people may feel distant with Silver, the main character. But for the most part, I do it on purpose. I don't want the main character to seem boring and I want you to learn more about who she is as the story goes on. If you knew everything about her right away, then there's not really much of a mystery to find out about her. That's why I'm doing her personality as slow as I can, to stretch the story as long as I can. When it comes to figuring her out. She will feel distant, for now. I just want people to care as I go.

With that being said. I do want to make her predictable. I use her personality as a tool to know what's going to happen. If she meets an enemy and they get on her nerves. You already know her reaction to that thing. When I fix the book. I intend on doing the whole book like that. I'm going to make it more consistent, even in the beginning chapters. I feel like I'm starting to understand what I want to do with my characters. I can’t wait for my big update!

I don't know if I talked about this yet, but Silver’s new age is 34. The reason why I decided to up her age is because I want all six of the children to be above 20. Also, I think it adds more why Lady Annabella wanted Russ to live on his own. If his age is that high. Margolin is also 34. I’ll think more about the other ones later.

I guess the vote can be should the slavers take the deal. If people care about that? I know side characters and especially enemies. People don't care, but I still feel I should ask people who want an opinion.



Silver-kiss-R.gif I love you all in my own way! I hope you all keep safe out there! Thanks for reading!Silver-Kiss-L.gif

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