Si Vis Pacem -‖- Para Bellum [Naruto FanFic]

Arc II Chapter 12



Arc II Chapter 12


Lamps illuminated the dark room. Tall stone pillars supported the wooden ceiling. Asami was standing before Konoha's village council, awaiting her judgement. Unfortunately, they took their time. The village elders, the jonin commander, and the Hokage were talking, and talking, and talking, not coming to any conclusion.


She survived the mission, and she eventually returned to Konoha in one piece. There she was asked to report to the village council immediately in the light of her revelations and the identity of one of the attackers. They demanded a detailed report of the course of events.


All the village grandees were present. The Hokage himself and the head of the Sarutobi clan, Sarutobi Hiruzen. The three village elders, Mitokado Homura, Mitokado Homura, and the infamous and ill reputed Shimura Danzo. The jonin commander and the head of the rising Nara clan, Nara Shikaku. And the commander of the ANBU. Only the representatives of the major and the four noble clans were missing. Otherwise, the council would have been complete.


Asami was already standing and waiting here for an hour already. She wished to leave, but she wasn't allowed to. They forced her to stay and defend herself against a series of uncomfortable questions and even veiled accusations.


Shikaku, head of the Nara clan, jonin commander of Konoha, and council member, folded his hands.“So, to summarise, you are telling us that the merchant you were escorting turned out to be an Iwa diplomat ...”


Asami nodded, her back straightened. “Correct.”


Shikaku continued, “That he was leading you through Amegakure. Subsequently, the convoy was attacked by two enemies. The attackers easily dispatched the diplomat and his retinue. Then, they went to slaughter your team. In the end, only you survived.”


Asami nodded once again. “Correct.” It was said that honesty was at times the best policy.


Shikaku examined her. “And you are telling us that one of the attackers was identified as Uchiha Itachi?”


 “...” Asami merely nodded.


“Uchiha Itachi ... The traitor ... The clan slayer ... Are you completely sure that it was him?”


Asami nodded again. “I am. There is no doubt that it was him. His crimson eyes ... are impossible to mistake.”


... ... ... Profound silence greeted her.


“...” Even Shikaku fell silent, deeply immersed in thoughts. “I think I speak for everyone here when I ask, how did you survive, Asami? How did you escape? Did you run, or what?” The accusation of cowardice and desertion were lying in the air.


“Are you trying to insinuate that I fled the battlefield and abandoned my team?” Asami narrowed her eyes, disapproving of his accusations. Especially, since she did the utmost to protect them.


“Not necessarily, Asami, but it is our duty to explore all possibilities. Even the less savoury ones.” Shikaku folded his hands. “Because the questions remains, how did you survive the attack? How did you survive facing Itachi. Anwser us.”


The anwser was simple. Too simple to be true. “... Because he didn't fight us. Itachi disengaged after eliminating the diplomat and his guards. He didn't bother with the rest of us. In fact, he ignored us. All he cared about was his mission, and nothing else.”


“... So you never fought Itachi?” Hiruzen took the word, his pipe in his mouth.


Asami nodded. “We didn't. It was his partner that fought us.”

“He had a partner?” Shikaku asked.


Asami confirmed, “Correct, they both worked together as a duo.”


Hiruzen took a pull on his pipe. “Were you able to the identity of his partner, Asami?”


Asami shook his head. “I wasn't, but I was able to catch his name. His name was Kisame ... The man was carrying a giant sword on his back.” The council broke out in discussion.


“Kisame ...” Hiruzen reacted surprised.


“Hoshigaki Kisame ...” Danzo took the word. “One of the legendary seven swordsmen of the mist ... A Kiri-nin of immense skill and ability ... Uchiha Itachi and Hoshigaki Kisame, they make for a formidable due indeed. To think that you not only faced them, girl, but also survived. Impressive, to say the least. You are quite the lucky one.” The interest in his eyes didn't go unnoticed.


Shikaku seconded the opinion of his fellow councillor. “Agreed, but the question remains, how did you survive, Asami? As far as I understand, it was Kisame killed your team. It was Kisame who killed Masasane, yet you escaped.” His question was directed at her, and so were the eyes of everyone. They excepted an anwser.


“...” Asami lowered her gaze. “He made a bet with me.”


“He did what?” Shikaku didn't believe his ears.


Asami nodded. “Kisame made a bet with me. He said that he would spare me, if I survived for two more minutes. He kept his word.”


... ... ... Silence.


Shikaku folded his hands. “Asami, do you really think that I can believe your story ...”


Hiurzen raised his arm to protect her, shielding her from any accusations.“Enough, Shikaku, I do believe her.”


Shikaku was forced to disagree, “Hokage-sama, with all due respect, do you seriously think that the girl is capable of fighting one of the seven legendary swordsmen of the mist?”


Hiruzen exhaled a cloud of smoke. “As I said, Shikaku, I believe her, and that is all that matters. I find her story credible.”


“...” Shikaku fell silent, as did the rest of the councillor, except for one.


Danzo giggled in the dark. “Shikaku, I do understand your concerns, and I do share your doubts. That is why I think that a small practical demonstration is in order, isn't it, Hiruzen?”


Hiruzen narrowed his eyes, his distrust blatant. “What are you planning, Danzo?”


Danzo grinned. “If she possesses the skill she claims she does, then a small demonstration should more than suffice.”


“Tch, don't even think about it, Danzo. This is neither the right place, nor the right time for your little games.” Hiruzen clicked his tongue.


“Too late, Hiruzen ... Fu ...” Danzo gave a discreet hand sign.


“...” Asami was confused. What were they talking ...


Asami rolled sidewards, dodging the blade. A ninja lunged downwards from above, from the roof, ramming his sword into the ground, right where she had stood before. A white mask covered his face and his auburn hair. The man was an ANBU. The enemy readied his blade, charging at her, giving her no respite. His intent was clear,


“...” Asami gritted her teeth, her hand reaching for her trusted blade. She had no choice.


Asami quickdrew and their blades met in the air. Edge against edge. Steel against steel. The enemy was pressing down on her, but to no avail. She stood her ground, unflinching, unmoving, her sword held high. The tension in the air was palpable as they faced each other point blank, each of them waiting for a gap in the enemy defence.


The ANBU backed off, only to start his next attack. This time, however, she was better prepared. Her purple chakra sharpened her edge.


Their blades met in a ceaseless swirl of steel, exchanging blow after blow. Attack. Parry. Counterattack. Block. Attack. Sidestep. Counterattack. Parry.


Asami grinned. This was the moment she had waited for. Her blade ignited, and her chakra turned to raging plasma. The surprise was written all across his face, even behind his ANBU mask. Her blade melted through his sword in an instant, irrecoverably breaking his guard. Her enemy was unarmed, defenceless.


Asami smirked, pressing the purple shimmering edge of her blade against his unprotected neck. The meaning was clear. “You lose.”






Applause echoed through the empty halls. Danzo was clapping his hands. “Marvellous, your performance has exceeded my expectations, girl. To think that such a talent would go unnoticed.”


Hiruzen lowered his Hokage hat, visibly annoyed. “Do you have finally enough of your little games?”


Danzo gripped his wooden cane. “I have seen what I needed to see, Hiruzen. I recommend Asami join the ANBU. Her abundant talent should be certainly put to better use rather than being wasted among the common ranks. It is obvious where her future lies.” His proposal surprised everyone, except for Hiruzen. 


Hiruzen puffed on his pipe, contemplating. “So that is what you were planning ... Don't you think that she is too young?”


Danzo objected, “Hardly so. Itachi joined at the age of eleven. Kakashi at the age of thirteen, if I remember correctly. Her age makes her a more than adequate candidate.”


“Still ...” Hiruzen frowned before his gaze turned to her. “... ... ... Asami, what do you think? Do you wish to join the ANBU?”



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