Should Have Let Me Die

Chapter 230: Wouldn't Be Much Of A Challenge

I walked over to Jenna's side of the table and she stepped out of the way for me, giving me some space. That surprised me, I thought she would have stayed and tried to act suggestive as usual. 

"You seem a bit different today, not that I am complaining. You just seem off not trying to get a rise out of me with one of your lewd jokes. Did something happen that I don't know about?" I asked.

"I just talked to the women and they said that your roster was all filled up in this world and I would have to try and get on the wagon for the next if I wanted a chance. So, I will just be helpful, and supportive; that way you might see me as someone you would want to take with you when you go. I know there are a lot of the women that have decided that they just want to stay here and wait."

"Yeah, and that isn't a bad thing, but I can guarantee that I could even bring you if I wanted. I am not my brother; he is the one that created the game, I just wanted to help," I said, turning my head to look out the window. 

"I know that, and I will just have to hope we can join you."

I turned back and looked at Jenna with suspicion.

"Who is this we?" I asked, squinting my eyes at her.

"I know nothing, and it isn't what you should be worrying about, right? We have a world to save, and you don't have to do it alone, so look," Jenna said, pointing to the map closest to me.

She was right, and it didn't matter, the next world would be a new place and a new fight, not this one. I looked down at the map and studied it briefly, and I understood what most of the stuff was, but I wondered what was the point of it all? 

Were there more weapons or something like that that could help us in the final battle? It had to be or why else would the islands be set up like this? 

Looking at the map, five locations were part of the main challenge trail, but three were marked in random locations. The first was a dragon head, but it was bones, so undead dragon. They were pretty tough, but it was undead so the job of killing it was already half done.

The next thing I noticed was a twisted staff at one of the locations, instead of a monster. It was in a forest, but there was nothing else to really say what the picture might mean. I left it be and moved onto the last one, and it was three-block rock faces, all with mustaches.

"Oh boy, that is going to be interesting," I said out loud.

"What is?" Jenna asked me, coming closer to inspect the map with me, and then she saw what I was looking at. "Yeah, I thought they looked strange. Do you know them?"

"I helped them a long time ago with an angry tribe on Micro-Dwarves. Before you ask, they are vicious little bastards with pick-axes less than half a meter tall and then will take anything apart, piece by piece. I really hope this isn't a repeat of that, but if it is, there should be a really good reward for helping them."

"What did you get from the last time?" Jenna asked curiously.

"Three max level meteor strikes in the form of three pebbles in three bags. They leave a mark, and when to cast, they create a magic circle around the area of effect. Anyone that isn't the caster or a member of their party is trapped inside. The problem is that if you are in there when it happens, well, you're not after," I said with finality.

"Well, I guess they have their uses," Jenna said, stepping back, looking a little wary, like she had got a bit more than she had bargained for with that question.

"If I do get some, then they will be very helpful in the final battle. No point in worrying about it yet. It's too bad that the challenges don't have any descriptions on them though," I said while running my finger up the challenging path that led to the center of the island.

"Sorry, what you see is what you get, and honestly, it wouldn't be much of a challenge if it told you."

"Touche, you got me there. I have another question. When you drew the island that broke in half, was there anything on there here before it cracked?" I asked, looking at both blank halves of the island that had been split.

"No, I was confused when I knew I was done, but before I could put much thought into it, everything started to shake and move. After that, I just forgot about it, but there wasn't anything. After everything else we have seen so far, that doesn't surprise me," Jenna said, shaking her head.

"Nor does it to me. Well, do you mind if I," But Jenna cut me off by handing me a small leather tube?

"This will keep it safe and dry when you are not using it...I made it. The magic lets me draw any map on anything, so I drew a map of your home in Dreams on the leather skin. I hope you don't mind," Jenna said with a small smile.

I walked over and gave Jenna a hug and thanked her for the case. Stepping back and really looking at it let me be reminded of all the people back there waiting for us to return. 

I left the room and headed up to the top deck, saying goodbye on my way out. That was a nice talk and this map was going to be a big help on the trip, but now it was time to see how Titania did with the Dragon Armor.

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