Shinobi:The RPG

Chapter 27: The Organ Trail: Resolution

I woke up without a sound. I stood up, yawned and heard a sharp knock at my bedroom door.

The best part about being a living video game character was the equip function my note-book had, so I was ready in seconds. "Just a second!"

After applying my Henge, I slid over to the door and yanked it open, seeing Kakashi-sensei, flanked by ANBU. Down by the door to Sensei's room, there were a…pair of Hyuuga shinobi. Huh.

Quest Updated: The Organ Trail:

Completed: Wait for reinforcements.

Talk with the Hokage and Hyuuga Hiashi.


"Our reinforcements are here?" I asked with a blink, rubbing the sand out of my eyes.

"They are," Kakashi nodded. "The Hokage has asked us to report on the mission."

"I wasn't sure this was important enough to grab the Hokage's attention," I replied, closing my door behind me. "And I thought perhaps Hyuuga-sama would be informed after we brought him back."

"A Dojutsu was nearly stolen right from under Konoha's nose," Kakashi replied with a serious look in his eye. "We only stopped it because of you. The Hokage is very interested in what happened today and its standard practice to inform the clan heads when something very bad has happened to the clan."

"So he just up and decided to come along?" I asked. That's…not entirely something I would've thought Hiashi would do. Then again, he probably wasn't as bad as fanon made him out to be. But the curse seal on our captive's forehead says otherwise.

"He's the clan leader," Kakashi said as he led me to Nichiren's door. "This is the sort of thing he gets involved in."

He knocked sharply and the sound of someone falling out of bed on the other side was heard. Nichiren came to the door, only opening enough for us to see his face.

"Get dressed," Kakashi ordered. "The Hokage is here and he wants a briefing."

"Hai Sensei," Nichiren said, closing the door. A minute later, he came out, fully clothed and Kakashi moved to knock on Hisako's door.

Nichiren cleared his throat and started to speak softly. "You need to talk to Hisako."

I slumped where I stood. "I know. I just don't know how."

Nichiren stopped and blinked. Then he frowned deeply. "Were you eaves-"

"It looks like we're all ready," Kakashi said, Hisako coming out of her room with a large yawn. "The Hokage and the Hyuuga Clan Leader are with our guest and the Hyuuga has requested the chance to thank us personally."

Well, that's awfully polite of him.

"And Daisuke?" Kakashi added, bringing us to a stop at the door. "Let me do the talking, alright? Nichiren, Hisako? Try to remain awake."

Oh, yeah. They did look like they just got up. Rings under their eyes and all that. Hisako's eyes were red, which made sense. What time is it, anyway?

Kakashi knocked on the door.

I suppose I can check later.

"Enter," The Hokage sounded unusually business-like from the other side of the door.

Kakashi opened the door. The Hokage was standing in front of the box, fully robed and puffing from his pipe. To his right stood whom I presumed was Hyuuga Hiashi; robed in a kimono with the creepy Byakugan eyes boring a hole in my soul.

"Hokage-sama, Hyuuga-sama," Kakashi gave a polite bow, we followed suit.

"Kakashi-san," The Hokage greeted.

"Hatake-san," Hiashi gave a short bow in turn. "I understand Cell 13 was responsible for thwarting this travesty. I wanted to extend both the gratitude of the Hyuuga clan and my personal gratitude to the four of you."

"It was our pleasure to serve Konoha in this manner," Kakashi replied. "We could not allow the Byakugan to fall into the hands of either Cloud or Stone."

"You each have done the village a great service," Hiruzen stated. "Our shinobi has been prepared for rescue. The seal-work is unfortunately too complex to work on here; we'll have to break the network within our walls."

"It's deeply unfortunate this happened at all," Hiashi frowned, looking at the Hokage. "By your leave, Hokage-sama. I want to get Hyobe back to Konoha as soon as possible."

"Yes, that would be best," The Hokage replied. "Make all possible haste."

Hiashi bowed, first to the Hokage, then to us one more time, saying how grateful he was that we stopped this, then he stepped out. After a few moments, the Hyuuga I saw outside the door popped in and started pushing the box, it moving effortlessly with my seal on the bottom.

I won't lie; I'm proud of myself right now.

…Hyobe's the captives name? Huh. Well, if he's been missing, I'm not surprised the head of the Hyuuga clan knew his name. I wonder how much trouble he's in. Hopefully none, I seriously doubt this was actually his fault.

"Now, Kakashi-san," Hiruzen said. "Give me a report on the mission. The blow by blow."

"Daisuke's premonitions proved invaluable as you suspected, Hokage-sama," Kakashi began, giving me the most uncomfortable feeling. "At our first stop we investigated the company warehouse and found that the manager had been keeping files for blackmail, and found that the mysterious package had been moved to the warehouse here. We arrived, found the package and discovered the contents. It was being smuggled by Morita Seiho."

"Oh, that is a headache coming my way," Hiruzen rubbed his temple with a groan as he took the letter Kakashi had stolen from the safe. "Your team has dealt with multiple hostile encounters on this mission, correct?"

"One on the way to Takayama," Kakashi replied. "A team of bandits kidnapped the driver and ambushed the wagon while I was away. They were dealt with, no losses on our side."

"Yes, our captive has been quite willing to divulge information on his former gang," Hiruzen nodded with a smile. "Ibiki hasn't even had to try. The other?"

"We left Daisuke here to guard the box while I took Nichiren and Hisako with me to send a message to you," Kakashi continued. "On the way back, we were accosted by five homeless nin, undoubtedly from the same gang. There were no survivors. Nichiren and Hisako both held their own, I'm happy to say."

"I see," The Hokage said, taking a puff from his pipe. "Was Diasuke's turn as guard quiet?"

"While we were sending a message, Daisuke was attacked by Mori Kazu, an A-rank homeless-nin in the bingo book," Kakashi reported.

Hokage coughed on his smoke in surprise. "An A-rank? A Fuinjutsu specialist as well…that's quite remarkable, Daisuke-kun."

"Thank you, Hokage-sama," I replied.

"Here is the medical report of Daisuke's injuries," Kakashi held out the medical form.

Hiruzen took it and began reading, his eyes going wider and wider as he re-read certain parts. "You survived all of that, Daisuke-kun?"

"So did he, oddly enough," I replied, folding my arms. "I had to pop his head before he mystical-palmed himself back to working order."

…why did the room just go quiet?

"You kept fighting?" Hisako asked incredulously. "After that?"

"Yeah," I replied. "Wasn't hard, he couldn't walk either."

"Then how did you get to him?" Hiruzen asked, holding his pipe in his hand. "I would understand the explosion would have knocked you apart."

"Chakra-slide," I replied. At the confused look, I slid from side to side to demonstrate. "It's my variant on the tree-climbing technique."

"That's…a very clever technique, Daisuke," The Hokage puffed on his pipe. "After that, your teammates found you, you were taken to the hospital. Is that the end?"

"That is the end, Hokage-sama," Kakashi answered.

The Hokage took a moment to think. "Clearly, this mission is over. I will oversee inquiries into the Warehouse and into the company at large. The three of you are free to go."

"Hokage-sama?" I raised my hand.

"Yes, Daisuke-kun?" Hiruzen asked.

"I would like the chance to fulfill the mission as intended before inquiries are made if at all possible," I requested. "As you've…noted, I improve in bursts and doing do will get me closer to one such burst."

"Will it?" Hiruzen looked at me oddly. "Is it absolutely necessary for you to do this in order to get closer to that spike?"

"…well no," I admitted. "It's entirely optional."

"Then I will indeed have to say no," Hiruzen said with an apologetic smile. "You may be able to go on endlessly, but…look at the rest of your team."

I did and…oh, man.

Perception Check Success: 8/3.

They had bags under their eyes, they looked utterly exhausted and basically entirely unable to do anything involving a mission and I should feel bad for assuming they'd be okay with keeping up my insane pace. Even Kakashi looked tired.

So I do feel bad.

I inhaled. "I understand, Hokage-sama. Sorry, everyone. I…briefly forgot that you need to sleep."

"It's okay," Hisako said with a deep yawn.

"Thank you, Hokage-sama," Nichiren said, rubbing his eyes behind his glasses.

"Don't mention it," The Hokage gave a small chuckle. "But I'm afraid this mission is over. Please, get some rest and return to Konoha the day after tomorrow. That's an order."

"Yes, Hokage-sama," I replied with a bow. The others did the same.

"Kakashi-san, if you'd stay for a moment longer," The Hokage said.

"Yes, Hokage-sama," Kakashi replied, closing the door behind us.

Quest Completed: The Organ Trail.

Completed: Talk with the Hokage and Hyuuga Hiashi.

Failed: (Optional): Meet Arai at the Warehouse for the final journey.

+2400 EXP.

Holy cow.


Level Up!

Level 11. Oh, man. What was the plan, here?

Okay, I put 5 points into Ninjutsu, bringing it up to 60. Then I put 15 into Genjutsu, bringing it up to 36 in preparation for One-Handed-Jutsu at 16. I place the final 3 points into Melee Weapons, bringing it up to 38.

And that's it. It's an odd level, so I don't get a perk. 3405 EXP until level 12, at which point, I'll get Toughness to make me even more durable.

"Dismissed," Hokage said, and we filed out. Kakashi stayed behind, presumably to explain stuff in more detail. I don't particularly care all that much.

"So, Daisuke," Nichiren said. "If you don't mind me asking…how long until you get a power spike?"

"I just had one," I replied. "Right as the Hokage finished shooting me down."

"You were that close and you wanted to keep going to get more," Nichiren's eyes boggled.

"No," I shrugged. "It was just worth a lot."

I opened the door to my room. "Sleep well, guys."

With that, the door was shut, and I was left to my thoughts.

So, first things first. I need to intercept Kakashi on his way to bed for gambling privileges. If I went without his approval, I'd get in a lot of trouble. This was, technically, the military. Going AWOL was bad on thousands of different levels, even if you only went five blocks away at maximum.


What to do about Hisako.

I need to shut her down. No matter how much I might not want to. I…no. I can't go into a relationship with a twelve-year-old, even if I've been, physically and perhaps mentally, a child for the past twelve years myself. It…she needs someone mentally her age. I'm undoubtedly a mess of psychological issues and problems that I don't really want to share.

But how do I do it without also causing her a lot of grief?

I don't think I can. Charisma 1…4…it's one of those.

I rest my head on the wall with a groan as I tried to ignore the approaching headache.

What I don't understand is how her crush even started. I thought it was just the suit from the dinner party doing its thing but from what she said, it's been going on for a lot longer. How do you crush on a statue? One that's wearing a disguise so he can pretend he's somewhat normal? Why do you crush on a statue? Platonic friendship is what I'd expect not full on physical attraction.

Why am I also feeling like I kind of like it?

I know the answer to that one, at least.

I've only had one girlfriend in both of my lives. The state of my romantic life was pathetic in my previous life and hasn't even been resuscitated in this one. I've…lost a lot when I came here. My name…my family, friends.... culture, history, civilization. The world. Okay, I lost everything. Then, I make a decision that leaves me almost friendless for most of my life.

Then this girl comes around and she likes me in spite of that.

In spite of her envy. In spite of every social challenge I completely fail at, she likes me.

I don't understand why.

What does she like about me? She turned me down when I offered to help. She openly despises my skills. I…don't get it. Granted, I don't understand why she's one of my friends in the same manner. Is she my friend, or just my teammate? Is Nichiren?

Obviously. She's tried to help me with social understanding several times since we became teammates and according to her, in the Academy.

Nichiren was kind enough to invite me into his home, but maybe he was just being nice? Since I am his teammate?


I don't know what to do. What do I tell her? I can't function in a relationship. At all. A couple in a romantic relationship have to be able to put each other's needs ahead of their own. They have to be able to anticipate those needs and help the other understand what their own needs are. They have to be able to balance, live together in harmony and trust each other. After all, love is fleeting. Infatuation fades quickly. Trust, carefully cultivated, can last forever. What was the old saying? 'True love is friendship caught on fire?'

How much of that can I do? How many of her needs can I anticipate and adapt to? None! I can't do that. It's physically impossible for me to do that. I have the emotional intelligence of a brick!


I guess I know what to say to her, now.

…am I crying?

I used a finger to carefully pass under my eye. I stared at the tear that I had gathered on my fingertip with a frown.

Huh. I am crying.

Alright then.

…should I talk about the house?

I don't want to. But clearly, it's bothering them. What do I say? Konoha got attacked by a highly advanced army with a giant robot. The initial attack was a bomb that completely disintegrated the house, dropped metric tons of radiation in the air…I watched as my first and one of my only friends melted in my arms…and promptly went ballistic on the enemy and popped them like water balloons.

I'm crying again.

Dang it.

So, what should I…keep out of that? Mentioning Liberty Prime won't do. Maybe just mentioning the attack would be all. How to avoid mentioning radiation? I can't justify Naruto dying the way he did if I don't mention something. He died of radiation poisoning. So maybe…just saying 'the air was poisoned' will suffice.

But when do I bring it up?

I have no idea.

Do I bring it up? Should I wait for one of the others to ask me again?

…I don't get anything done by waiting for someone else.

I jumped into bed and decided to sleep for three hours.


About three and a half hours later, we were sitting in a restaurant. It was pretty standard stuff, a hot grill in front of us where our slices of meat would cook to whatever version of done we'd prefer. I'd discovered a fondness for medium rare steak, myself. Kakashi was seated to my left, Hisako right across from me and Nichiren on her side.

Kakashi had handed us each our pay-vouchers, to be handed in at whatever financial institution we deemed fit. I preferred the front desk of the academy, it was simpler. The amount was just over 2 million, and I received an extra voucher for 750 thousand for dealing with the homeless nin.

We had an S-rank mission on our belts. That's going to look odd when we go in for the Chunin exams. People will freak out, calling us plants to make Konoha look good. I really can't wait for it. I mean, I probably won't be able to kill any of the enemy nin, but that shouldn't be too much of a problem; I didn't have to solve all of my problems with violence. Just most of them.

"Kakashi-sensei?" I asked. "Do you know when the Chunin-exams are?"

"The next ones start at the end of November," Kakashi replied. "This year they'll be handled in Suna, one of our allies."

I blinked. Oh boy. I might catch a glimpse of Gaara early. Or I might not. I can't imagine word of Gaara would not have spread in the previous timeline for Naruto and gang to hear about, so they knew how dangerous he was.

Stuff just got complicated.

…I need to stop being a coward.

"Are we going to be entered this year?" Nichiren asked before taking a large bite of his slab of pork.

"It's certainly a possibility," Kakashi replied. "I might've entered you in the ones that happened a week ago but you… were all on vacation."

Oh…right. You know, I didn't hear about it. Probably not something they'd tell new Genin about if it's not being held locally and they weren't going.

"We needed that vacation," Nichiren nodded with a frown.

"No kidding," Hisako grumbled.

They brought up the house. If ever there was a time to talk about the house, it would be now. Right? Maybe it would be better until we're all alone. Maybe…I need to stop being a coward.

"Can we…talk about that, actually?" I asked hesitantly. "The house, I mean?"

"Sure," Kakashi said after a moment. "Just try to keep it quiet, alright."

"Thanks," I muttered. I grabbed the glass of water to my side and took a gulp. "So…we all saw things in the house. I saw things in the house."

"You did?" Hisako asked with a disconcerted expression.

"Yeah," I shrugged. "I... just have had problems figuring out what to say about it. All of you have noted I'm terrible at society."

"So what did you see?" Nichiren asked with a deepening frown. "What could possibly scare you?"

"…a lot," I replied quietly.

"Like what?" Hisako asked, disconcerted and a little incredulous. Or perhaps alarmed?

I couldn't answer that question right away. Inhale, exhale. Take a sip, let the cool liquid calm me down, alright.

Stop stalling. Inhale. Exhale. "Down in the basement, I got trapped in a Genjutsu, same as you. From what I saw- uh, well…"

Just don't mention Liberty Prime, the Brotherhood of Steel or anything involving Nuclear Bombs. Just don't mention any of that and we'll be golden. I mean, I'm not entirely sure how to do that, but…one step at a time? Improvising's worked out pretty well.

…no, my tactics are horrible.

"The ground shook like a severe earthquake or perhaps an earth-release. Blinding light poured in from the windows," I began. I cupped my lips with my hand as I tried hard not to simply 'nope' out of this at top speed. My toes were bunching and flexing due to the anxiety. "I had to move. The stairs had collapsed in on themselves, blocking the way out. When I busted my way out, I saw that…there…wasn't a house above me anymore. You guys were dead."

"Wait," Nichiren's eyes narrowed as he thought about something. Then they widened. "Losing us was a part of your nightmare?"

"Yeah. Why wouldn't it be?" I shrugged with a frown. I held up four fingers. "I can count the number of friends I have on one hand."

Hisako was taking a drink of water, only to start choking on it. She slammed the cup down and started to cough.

Medicine Check Success: 30/5.

She'll be fine. Whew, okay. I was worried for a second.

"Breathe, Hisako. Breathe," Kakashi said.

Nichiren thumped her on the back a couple times and she came back up for air breathing heavily. "I'm okay. Sorry."

"It's fine," I replied. Inhale, exhale. I was gripping my chopsticks hard enough that they snapped. I laid them to the side. "Outside the house was…well. A…how do I say this? A pillar of fire reached from the ground into the clouds, smoke coming from the top. The sky had turned to ash. Nearly every house around us had been completely leveled. The wall was melting."

Just breathe. I need to breathe. Calm down. "With three of my…precious people dead, I had to find the last one. My first and best friend was out there somewhere."

I had Nichiren and Hisako's undivided attention. Kakashi-sensei's lone eye was trained on me, his arms folded in front of him. It was almost unnerving, seeing their eyes locked onto me, like they expected me to unveil some great, unexpected truth. If I wasn't careful, I might just do that on accident.

"I…found him," Inhale. Exhale. "The attack had…poisoned the air. As a result, he couldn't really move."

Don't cry. Don't cry. Don't…dang it. "I held him in my arms as his flesh melted off of his bones. He…died. Effectively…I lost everyone. Everyone I truly cared about. I lost the one person that didn't turn his back on me once he didn't have to deal with me anymore."

Hisako put her hand on mine. I fought with myself to remove it. I didn't want her to think we could really be a couple. But I lost that fight and I didn't move.

Breathe. Don't forget to breathe. My breath was starting to shake. "The…people responsible for the attack came from the sky and attacked. We tried to fight them off but…they had superior combat capabilities. Eventually, I realized that I was in a Genjutsu."

I let my head hang down. "You know the rest. I was targeted for capture because of my bloodline, obviously because the basement monster grabbed me and ran for it. Then Kakashi-sensei pulled me out and you two killed it…saving my life in the process. I…just realized I never thanked you properly for that. Thank you."

"I really appreciate all the effort you all are putting into being on a team with me," I looked up at them. "Even if I don't show it or I don't get things for a while. I... you guys are some of the best friends I've ever had."

"The only friends you've ever had apparently," Hisako was frowning deeply. She gave my hand a squeeze…I squeezed back on reflex.

"Daisuke-kun," Nichiren sounded hesitant. "I, uh, wanted to apologize."

I blinked at him. "For what?"

"For being a bad friend," Nichiren attempted to clarify. "I'm…not going to lie here. I was scared of you when we first got assigned together. You were skilled and you…didn't act normal. I wasn't sure I was…um…"

"Safe?" I supplied. It made sense, I looked like a statue and-

"No…okay yes," Nichiren shrugged defensively. "I wasn't sure how sane you were. Now…I see that you're sane, if not without communication issues."

Hisako was glaring at him. Very harshly. Considering her crush and what Ayame said about Naruto insulting Sasuke…oh, that makes sense. Well, sort of.

"It makes sense," I shrugged. "Being on the same team as a statue can be off-putting."

"I guess," Nichiren replied. "But I'm going to try harder from now on. Try to remember you have…difficulties and not be freaked out."

"Thanks," I said, not entirely sure if I could really say anything else. "I appreciate it. Really."

"Daisuke-kun," Hisako piped up. "Could you…not think of yourself as a statue? You're not one. Really."

"I look like one," I frowned.

"But you're not one," Hisako insisted. "You have precious people. You care about people. You are not a statue. Don't think of yourself like one. Okay?"

"Okay," I nodded. I guess I can avoid remembering the haunting visage of the Bunshin staring at me back in the academy.

"Good," Hisako nodded as if she had settled some matter.

This wasn't what I expected. I didn't know what I had expected, exactly, but general acceptance? That wasn't it. Just…I keep getting surprised. It's…really heartwarming. "Thanks, guys."

"Don't worry about it," Hisako said, still holding my hand.

Now I was able to move my hand. "So, Kakashi-sensei, can I ask a favor?"

Hisako groaned in annoyance, clasping her hands together with a glare at me now. It went away surprisingly quick, though.

"Sure," Kakashi said, perking up. "But it depends."

"I noticed there were a bunch of casino's in the city-"


"But Sensei-"

"No," Sensei was firmer this time. "Using jutsu to win at the games is cheating and would reflect very poorly on Konoha, who regularly supplies security for them."

"I wasn't going to cheat," I replied, raising an eyebrow. "I was just going to play it normally."

"I'd rather you not develop the habit in the first place," Kakashi explained, sitting up straight. "Gambling is a great way to lose all your money, in spite of how much you have previously earned."

"But I-"

"End of discussion," Kakashi raised his eyebrow.

"Alright," I sighed in defeat. He had a point. If I didn't know for a fact that I had the auto-win in Casino's, I'd say he had a point. Well, they'll still be here later, when I make Chunin and am not necessarily under his watchful eye all the time.


So, we were going to stay one more night here in town. We hung out as a group for the rest of the day, talking about...stuff. We went shopping, I found a book store. Civilian. We went inside and I stopped myself from simply making a beeline to the fiction section. Instead, I went to the non-fiction, instructional section of books and…

+3 Survival.

+2 Medicine.

+2 Speech.

Thankfully, reading the books didn't destroy them like in the games. However, multiple copies of the same book didn't increase my skill multiple times. If I wanted further increase to my skills, I'd need to find new material. So…32 Medicine, 35 Speech and 20 Survival.


I mean, they won't matter in the long run. I'd had enough points to max out everything before 45. But in the short run, it helps out quite a bit. Anyway. I checked out the fiction section after that, only took me about an hour, and I didn't find anything that really interested me.

So we went back to the motel later that night and…it was time.

I needed to shut down Hisako.

Why am I so conflicted about this? Just get in there and tell her you're not interested in a relationship. With anyone! Even if she would be the only relationship I've had for twelve years and likes me…for who I am.

But she doesn't even know who I am! She has no clue I'm a reincarnate from another universe. So it's more like she likes me for my personality. I guess.


Inhale. Exhale.

I gently knocked on her door. After a few seconds, Hisako opened the door so only her head was visible, looking surprised. "Hi."

"Hi," I said back. "Can we…talk for a minute?"

"Sure," She replied. "Give me just a second."

Perception Check Success: 8/6.

Sounded like she was getting dressed in there. I appreciated that she wasn't forward enough to remain undressed for this little talk, that would've made this…awkward. After she was finished, she opened the door all the way. "Come in."

"Thanks," I said, walking inside. "So…I have a confession to make."

"Okay," Hisako replied, sounding a little unsure about the direction of this conversation. She sat on her bed. "You can sit down if you want."

"Thanks," I quickly claimed a chair as my own. I tapped my feet on the floor as I worked up the nerve to continue talking. "I heard you and Nichiren talking last night."

Hisako nearly jumped out of her skin, then froze on the spot, looking frankly terrified. "How much did you hear?"

"I heard from 'I thought Daisuke was invincible' to 'I liked him better when he was brainwashed'," I replied with a nod. "I'm sorry for eavesdropping like that."

Hisako groaned in exasperation, hiding her face in her hands. "You must think I'm a horrible person."

"No, I don't blame you," I said with a frown. "Really."

"Don't-" Hisako stopped and blinked. "You-you really mean that, don't you?"


"Exactly as you said it," Hisako frowned.

"Yeah. Why wouldn't I?" I blinked.

Hisako started to giggle and laugh. For some reason. Her face turned red and she was holding her stomach.

"I don't get it," I said.

"That's-hehehe-okay," She said with a smile. "I just figured you a little, I suppose."

"Okay," I replied. "But…I wanted to talk about what you said. About liking me in general?"

Her smile disappeared, being replaced with a look of, what is it, dread? Dread. In her eyes. "Yeah. I like you. A lot."

"Why?" The word was out of my mouth before I could stop it. "I'm the most socially inept person in Konoha. A fact my…premonitions…remind me of every time I screw up."

"You get reminded of how bad you are?" Hisako blinked and frowned.

I nodded.

"That…must be horrible," Hisako said.

"It is what it is," I shrugged. "But…seriously. Why?"

Hisako sighed, rubbing her temple in exasperation. "Well…it mostly has to do with you not being an arrogant jerk."

"Why would I be an arrogant jerk?" I frowned.

"You remember the Hyuuga on Gai's team, right?" Hisako asked. "Neji?"

"Yeah," I shrugged. "What about him?"

"He was an arrogant jerk," Hisako explained. "I know you don't really pay attention to people from other clans, but they tend to be…very proud of their clan. The Hyuuga…and if you remember the Uchiha at all, in particular, tend to look down on the rest of us non-clan Shinobi."

"Right," I replied.

"So…I almost thought you'd be the same," Hisako said. "Especially back in the Academy, when you rolled over every opponent you had, succeeded at every test and barely paid any attention to conversations around you."

She took a breath and looked at me. When I didn't say anything, she continued.

"But you weren't. The first victory I had against you, you congratulated me. Congratulated! I almost couldn't believe my ears, I thought you'd stalk off with an angry word or two but no."

"Well yeah," I replied, remembering it. "You beat me with a kick to the stomach. It was a remarkable display of skill and karma. I was impressed. Why wouldn't I congratulate you?"

"I don't know, pride?" Hisako shrugged. "But you did, and I…started to realize that you weren't arrogant. Just…bad at talking with people. And listening. And understanding what people mean."

"I-I get it, Hisako," I held up a hand. "Trust me, I do."

"Sorry," Her face was red. "So I tried to help you. Just hang out during Taijutsu class, talk with you. Try to help you get better. Tried harder when we got put on a team together. I…got jealous when your bloodline let you break the rules of jutsu and hard work but you never lorded it over us. You just…did your thing while I seethed on the side."

"I didn't mean to make you envious," I said with a shrug. "I just wanted to help…especially after the house."

"Yeah," Hisako replied. "Listen…I'm really, really sorry for just assuming you didn't see anything back there."

"It's okay," I replied with a shrug. "I'm sorry for not…talking about it sooner. I didn't realize how much it bothered you that I didn't say anything and I just…didn't know how to talk about it."

It was quiet for a few seconds.

"But…yeah. I like you. A lot," Hisako said, spreading her arms out. "Because you still care about us non-clans and don't consider yourself better than us. You care a lot. Enough to call us, me, one of your precious people."

A small part of me pointed out we didn't need to shut her down and we could probably go into a relationship without it getting too heated. The larger part of me, who actually understood my limitations, threw him in the closet where he belongs.

"Hisako…" I started. "I-I can't do it."

"Why?" She looked close to tears. Again. "Why can't you like me back?"

Inhale. Exhale.

"It's not that," I said. "It's not about whether or not I can like you, it's about my ability to function in a relationship. It doesn't exist."

"Look, don't worry about your lack of social skills," Hisako has an earnest look on her face. "I can learn. I learned something about you just now, which helps me a lot."

Speech Check Success: 35/30.

"Okay, but there's the fact that I can barely understand you," I shrugged. "A relationship…needs both people to understand each other. I. Can't. Do that. There's a physical disconnect in my brain that stops me from understanding people. I have the emotional intelligence of a brick. It would be completely unfair to you, more than being on this team is, if we were to get in a relationship."

"But we could work it out!" Hisako pleaded. "You said you get better with power spikes, so you wouldn't be too bad for long, right? And you said you were planning on a spike that would help your social skills in a while, so it's not like you'd be a cripple forever, right?"



She had a point. I didn't like it, but she had a point. The me in the closet was chuckling in anticipation. Plus, she was more overt about liking me while I had the bonus clothes on, so…I…

Charisma Check Success: 4/4.

"Maybe," I shrugged. "But that doesn't change that I can't do it now. Plus, there's the fact that I don't really understand you so I don't know if I do like you like that. A relationship where only one person knows they like the other just isn't healthy. I'm sorry, Hisako."

"But…but…" She was crying. Again. I'm a jerk. A giant, massive jerk. "Can we try when you think you can understand me?"

Charisma Check Failed: 4/6.

"I don't know," I shrugged with a frown. "Maybe? I don't want to make any promises."

She was looking at the floor. "I…I think I need to be alone for a while."

"Sure," I said, standing up and making my way for the door. "...Good night, Hisako."

I closed the door behind me and…oh, there was Sensei. Looking down at me with a gentle eye.

"You did the right thing, Daisuke-kun," Kakashi patted me on the shoulder.

"I don't feel like I did," My shoulders slumped. "I didn't want to hurt her feelings."

"I'll talk to her," Kakashi-sensei replied. "A relationship like that, as young as you are, is the last thing either of you need."

"Thank you Sensei," I replied somewhat robotically.

"And Daisuke-kun," Kakashi knelt to my level, both hands on my shoulders. "I promise you that you don't need to worry about your teammates getting hurt. Or me. I'm a Jounin and your Sensei and as such, I'll do everything in my power to protect them from harm."

"Thanks Sensei," I replied. "That means a lot."

"But you must also allow me to protect you," Kakashi continued. "You're my student too. If anything were to happen to you, I'd never be able to forgive myself. Okay?"

"Yes Sensei," I replied with a sniffle. "I'll…try to remember."

"Good," Kakashi said with an eye-smile.

Intelligence Check Success: 10/4.

"Something you could help me with," I started. "I've noticed that my grasp on tactics is…horrible."

"You did well in the written exams," Kakashi blinked with a raised eyebrow.

I nodded. "I did. But I've been terrible at implementing what I learned into my fights. I almost died because I couldn't really think of anything more sophisticated than 'Attack!' and it's…bothering me."

"So," Kakashi started. "You need to train battle-field tactics."

"Yeah," I blinked. "Yeah, I guess I do."

"We can certainly take care of that when we get back to the village tomorrow," Kakashi nodded with an eye-smile, standing up. "Now why don't you head off to bed. Or do whatever it was you were going to do for the night."

"Probably bed," I nodded with a frown. "I wasn't going to do anything else, really."

After all, I needed to sleep off the sudden onset of heartache that's clawed its way into my chest.

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