Shining Marvel Saints

Chapter 15: joint assault

The appearance of the white-haired old man brought the trio's trip to the bar to an end before it even started.

The old man was very polite. Not only did he explain that the **** he entered was not allowed to accept three people, but he also asked the younger brother who watched the scene at the door to notify all the bars in the nearby street.

Whoever dares to receive these three boys, the old man will make him disappear from this world.

Thompson couldn't hold back his face, so he took Le Xia and Parker to try various bars without faith, and no one dared to let them in.

"This old man... Who is this old man? How can you speak so effectively." With a strong desire to survive, Thompson abruptly changed the words that came to his lips.

Le Xia sighed, "That's Uncle Li, he said no, it won't work for anyone."

"Are you familiar with him?" Parker looked at the door of the **** with longing in his eyes, not sure if it was for Uncle Li or the club.

"Well," Le Xia nodded, "He is an old friend of Grandma Joan An, the director of our orphanage."

After failing to go to the bar, the three of them headed back home in a dispirited mood.

"I'm leaving in two days. I wanted to have fun with you, but it seems that I have no chance." Thompson kicked the cans on the street, looking a little depressed.

Parker patted him on the shoulder, "It's just going to be a soldier, not to mention life and death."

Le Xia also answered, "Don't talk about being a soldier for a few years and then come back to marry Barabara, you can't afford the consequences."

"Hey!" Thompson stepped hard, and the can was kicked away by him, and flew in an arc to the door of a van dozens of meters away.

Boom! The sound of impact was heard far away in the night.


The three of them were about to run away quickly while no one was watching, so as not to have to pay compensation, when the van suddenly shook a few times, and there was a faint scream from the car.

Although the voice was very short, with Le Xia and Parker's hearing, they could hear everything very clearly.

Is there a ghost in that car?

As an ex-veteran driver, Le Xia was very sure that it was not a car vibration, and the rhythm and tone were obviously wrong.

The three of them were driven by curiosity, and they were going to check it out.

After walking a few steps, the passenger door of the car was suddenly opened, and a round and fat man came down from above.

Before he could stand on his feet, he heard the fat man shout, "You bastards, you dare to damage my car, you don't want to live, do you, get out of here!"

The fat man was full of anger, his voice was loud, and he had a hideous and ugly face, so he was very intimidating when he shouted harsh words.

When Thompson heard this, he instinctively wanted to turn around and leave, because he saw a person sitting in the driver's seat from the door opened by the fat man.

Thompson, who was familiar with the streets, knew that these people must not be good people, maybe they were gangsters, and it would be better not to have them pay for the car, so he ran away quickly to avoid getting into trouble.

Le Xia and Parker heard a woman's suppressed sobs and a man's low-pitched threats from the open car door.

The two looked at each other, nodded at the same time, turned around and left behind Thompson.

Turning a street corner, Thompson said happily, "I didn't expect that there were people in that car. Fortunately, they seemed to have something to do and didn't have time to talk to us. Otherwise, we would be miserable, and we might lose a lot of money."

Thompson was talking, but no one responded. When he turned around, he found Le Xia and Parker parked at the corner of the street, carefully looking back.

"Hey! Hurry up, those people may be gangsters, we can't afford to mess with them." Thompson came up and was about to pull the two away. He brought them out, and he was responsible for bringing them back safely.

Le Xia gently broke free from Thompson's hand, "Lightning, you go back first, keep the phone turned on, we will contact you later."

"Huh?" Thompson asked with a black face, "Xia, you're crazy! Those are gangsters, and they all have guns. Let's leave now!"

Le Xia glanced at Parker, and Parker answered, "Lightning, it's like this, my uncle asked me to pick up Aunt Mei from get off work, and Le Xia happened to be on the way, so let's go together."

Thompson frowned, "Peter, do you think I'm a fool? Who would believe such nonsense."

Parker wanted to say more, but Le Xia suddenly patted his arm, and the three of them poked their heads out, and saw the back cover of the van opened from a distance, and the two carried an unconscious woman into the car.

Afterwards, the car started and roared away.

"This is, kidnapping...kidnapping?" Thompson was dumbfounded. For an ordinary high school student, seeing such a thing with his own eyes was still too shocking.

Le Xia ignored Thompson's words, but pointed to the roof of the building next to him, and said to Parker.

"You are fast, go up, and I will chase down, and you must not lose them."

"Okay!" Parker nodded without dragging his feet. He jumped up and stretched his legs to kick the wall, and he jumped up. Then he climbed up the wall with his hands and limbs, and climbed up to the roof more than ten meters high in a short while.

Thompson looked dumbfounded, his mouth opened as if he wanted to eat a child.

"Lightning, UU Reading hurry home."

Le Xia patted Thompson on the shoulder, and he rushed out into the alley.

"Xia, I..."

As soon as Thompson lowered his head, he felt a gust of wind blowing in front of him, and he almost couldn't even open his eyes. When he recovered, Le Xia's figure had already reached the entrance of the alley dozens of meters away.

"I...WTF!" Thompson felt like he was going crazy, "Are you two **** human?"

Watching Le Xia and Parker leave, Thompson knew he couldn't keep up with them, and even if he could keep up, it probably wouldn't be of much help, but would be a hindrance.

As for practicing kung fu with Le Xia in the afternoon, I just learned a little bit of superficiality, and it is a bit blindly optimistic to say that it can be directly used in actual combat.

But Thompson felt that it would be too embarrassing for him to go home like this. After thinking about it, he turned and went back to the strip club.

"I told you not to let you in, so go back quickly." The social people watching the scene at the door began to drive Thompson away from afar.

Thompson stepped forward, pointed inside and said, "I have something to ask Uncle Li."

Le Xia rushed out of the alley and chased for a block, and lost the van on the way. With his current ability, it is still a little bit reluctant to chase the car with his legs.

At this moment, the phone rang, Le Xia took out the phone, it was Parker calling.

"They headed toward 19th Street, and then this."

A black shadow fell on the foam of the **** pile next to it. Le Xia looked over and saw the skateboard that Parker was carrying on his back.

A black shadow leaped over his head, and Parker had already chased him out along the roof of the building. Le Xia didn't think about it any more. With a kick, the skateboard flew out like an arrow.

'Unexpectedly, I will also have a cos dead elementary school student one day. '

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