Shinigami: Survive In Soul Society

Chapter 455

Chapter 454 There Is No Chance Of Victory In Countless Futures!

For more than 900 years after co-sleeping with yourself, the ability of omniscience and omnipotence is rotten?

Could it be that Da Shenchen also has the ability of holy characters?

Grain after grain, he is like a scavenger who is panning for gold in the sand sea, constantly searching and digging, but in front of him, apart from the vast sand, it is still the vast sand, where can he find a grain of gold!

The moment Yohabach’s right hand touched Da Shenchen Zanpakutō, Yohabach’s eyes widened and he shouted: “Break it! 99

For the first time, Yohabach felt an unprecedented fear, which is a natural emotion of human beings when facing some unknown behemoth.

“how can that be……!?

But it is not easy to escape.

Youhabach was stunned for a moment, thinking about it too, he was even more surprised when a set of omniscient abilities explored the past.

He didn’t know that Da Shenchen’s ability only had one ability to predict the future, plus a mind reader, when it was duel, it was basically the same as omniscient, but the distance from omnipotence was huge.

He could only hear his trembling murmur: “Could it be that I… can’t break your Zanpakutō?’

In this battle, Yohabach is already a little bit reluctant to fight.

For the first time, Yohabach doubts his own power.

Because Da Shenchen was blocking the door, the huge bronze mirror hovering behind him almost completely sealed the entire door.

He has searched for countless futures, but none of them is the one broken by Da Shenchen Zanpakutō!

The bronze mirror behind Da Shenchen suddenly shot out a ball of golden light, forming a huge golden passage.

Da Shenchen’s blade was not broken, but his hand was cut by the opponent’s sharp blade.

He can tamper with the future, the premise must be that such a future really exists.

“You… who are you?

Da Shenchen pursed his lips and said with a look of disgust: “Why have you lost your share? Aren’t you omnipotent and omnipotent? Do you need to ask me about this?

He will make the future without Da Shenchen a reality!

“It’s not too late, I suggest we start now.” Da Shenchen said with a smile.

Yuhabach frowned and said, “What?”

Could it be that the Shinigami in front of him is invincible?

He slammed towards Da Shenchen, and set vicious traps around Da Shenchen through his omniscient and omnipotent abilities.

This bastard not only destroyed the invisible empire he had worked so hard to build, but also caused the deaths of all the members of the Star Cross Knights.

In the same way, countless images flashed in Da Shenchen’s eyes.

This had to make Youhabach hate Da Shenchen from the bottom of his heart.

“Impossible! There is no one in this world who can restrain me! Even if there is, I will make him disappear without a trace!”

And Da Shenchen’s figure seemed to melt into a golden light in an instant, and in an instant, he rushed out of the layers of traps laid by Youha Bahe, and slashed at him with a sharp knife!

His so-called risk-taking is now.

“How long have you lived?” Youhabach asked subconsciously.

Yuhabach watched in disbelief at what was happening in front of him.

I don’t believe it! I don’t believe it! Such a thing can never exist!

Yohabach decides to take the plunge.

He cannot distort the future infinitely according to his own will, otherwise he himself will suffer the backlash of causality!

Da Shenchen is Shinigami, where did he come from?

Because all this is already doomed in countless futures!

If there really is a situation where the so-called Zanpakutō is constantly folded, then there is only one answer: in infinite futures and infinite causes and effects, oneself has not been able to defeat Da Shenchen.

“This bastard!”

Blood, bloody palms.

He will destroy the Zanpakutō of Da Shenchen with his omniscient and omnipotent power!

I am fighting hard, and I have to fight for a bloody way!

Youhabach raised his hand and waved, but the annihilation cross knife slashed out, thousands of times in his mind, and countless images flashed in an instant.

But this is also what he expected!

However, the future projected in his eyes was shrouded in a golden light again.

Da Shenchen said: “Let me disappear without a trace! 35

A battle that you know you will lose 107 times, and insisting on fighting, does not prove bravery, but only shows that some people are idiots.

Youhabach said: “You have only lived for a few hundred years, how could 28 have such abilities!””

Da Shenchen smiled: “I am Da Shenchen, a Shinigami who is going to kill you!

“Let me think about it.” Youhabach hurriedly deployed his omniscient and omnipotent abilities, constantly exploring the infinite future like grains of sand.

It was a trap that was rebuilt with a Reiatsu of his own, who was extremely lethal, with a cluster of spirits, enough to inflict damage on anyone!

Da Shenchen pouted for a while, and replied with a serious face, “Maybe it was specially used to restrain you.”


I saw Youhabach suddenly reached out and grabbed Zanpakutō of Da Shenchen, intending to take the opponent’s sharp blade with his bare hands.

But the Reiatsu after Da Shenchen’s release was almost on par with him, and it was impossible for him to take the blade with his bare hands.

Yohabach asked that question again:

The two are working on the ultimate offensive and defensive calculation, and everyone is trying their best to calculate the infinite future mapped out in their eyes!

But think about it carefully, isn’t it right!?

That is to say, even if he spends hundreds of thousands of years, he will never find the possibility of defeating Da Shenchen in this gravel of the future.

“How is it possible? 35

But what he saw about Da Shenchen with his omniscient ability was that Da Shenchen seemed to know everything, and all his decisions were made by his Master, so he naturally thought that Da Shenchen had the same ability as him.

How can there be such a hated guy in this world?

Unfortunately, I can’t take care of him myself!

His face was pale, his lips trembled slightly, his teeth were gnawed on the skin of his mouth several times, and his lips were blue and white.

Da Shenchen pursed his lips and smiled, spread his hands and said, “Come on then.

Is there any reason for this? Is there any law!

Blood splattered from his palms.

“How is that possible?”

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