She is the Third Kind of Stunning

Chapter 36

Chapter 35 – Please

All five senses were lost, and the surroundings were pitch black, as black as thick ink that could not be melted.

I was so sleepy that I couldn’t keep my eyes open, and my body kept falling, unable to reach the bottom.

so tired.

Unprecedented fatigue, unable to exert any strength in the whole body, too tired to move or think, and let the body fall down.

It sounds like someone is calling something…

I can’t hear clearly, so I’m too lazy to respond…

The shouts were intermittent, and Lu Yinxi tried to think, but his thinking was like Tetris of different shapes, and there was no piece of it.

Thinking of Tetris, childhood images flashed past—she was sitting in an empty home with a Nintendo game console, playing the simplest game of stacking cubes.

The game console was given by my mother, the only birthday gift I have ever given since I was a child.

Segments of memory are like photos scattered all over the place, disordered, chaotic, messy, and unclear.

She found her mother’s face amidst the chaos.

She hasn’t seen her mother for many years, and wonders if her mother is still mad at her…

“What’s so angry about it? I’m not you, I like to be angry.”

“Who loves to be angry?”

“Whoever agrees will say it.”

“It’s just the two of us here.”

When was this conversation again?

Turning the screen, I saw another familiar face, with cold brows and aloof demeanor.

what do you say that is?


“Simple Jane, clear water.”

Someone said so in the moonlight.

She was still on the sofa just now, waiting for the man to come home.

Jane Qing…

Lu Yinxi struggled to move, just felt himself sitting up, and the next second, he felt that his limbs were as heavy as lead, and he couldn’t lift them up at all.

As if she was in a dream from which she could not wake up, she struggled desperately, punched and kicked, bit the tip of her tongue, and tried to speak. For a moment, she thought she could move, and after a few seconds, she felt her body trembling did not move.

The soul is separated from the body and seems to have lost control over the body.

She was quiet for a while, no longer struggling, and quietly let her body fall into the darkness.

I was still thinking of Jian Qing’s name in my heart.


Suddenly, some hands grabbed her and dragged her out of the darkness, like fishing out a dying fish.

The sense of smell and touch recovered, the overwhelming pain hit, the nasal cavity smelled of metal, some hard metal product pressed her throat, the nausea surged up from the stomach, and the eyes instantly became moist.

As if she had regained control over her body, she moved her fingers, and she could move, and immediately reached out to grab the foreign object in her throat.

“Don’t move! Hold her hand!”

Someone shouted in my ear.

“I’m intubating you for ventilation, don’t be afraid.”

Oh, being intubated.

She obediently didn’t move, opened her mouth, let them manipulate her, and reviewed the main points of endotracheal intubation in her mind.

The tears from the corners of the eyes were wiped away.

Hearing regained, but some can’t hear clearly, it’s too noisy.

She tried to open her eyes, but the bright white light was too dazzling, and she could only open them a little.

“Wake up!”

Someone shouted in the ear, and the shout was deafening.

She frowned and saw more white, white ceilings, white walls, white uniforms…

I also saw a pair of familiar eyes, which I saw on TV just now, Qiushui Mingyan.

It is red now.

Why are the eye sockets so red?

She reached out to touch those eyes.

“Don’t move!”

Someone around her yelled at her again, fiercely…

She didn’t move, lying quietly on the bed, looking into those eyes.

Consciousness recovered little by little, and her cognition gradually recovered. She knew that she was lying on a hospital bed with many tubes and electrodes attached to her body.

—Like a fish at the mercy of others.

Surrounded by several people, including doctors and nurses.

She stared at them.

A nurse asked: “Why is the little girl so careless? The pneumonia dragged on until it was so severe that you came to the hospital. If it was later, you would burp!”


No delay, she just had a fever not long ago…how did it develop into severe pneumonia?

Or are the viruses and bacteria already lurking in the body before tonight?

Lu Yinxi moved his lips, wanted to speak, and hummed twice, and someone next to him said, “Don’t talk, the tube is intubated, lie down and have a good rest.”

Asking her again, but not letting her speak…

Lu Yinxi closed his eyes, trying to recall his memory—

She was caught in the rain on the playground, and after returning home, she had a fever, took antipyretics, and drank a lot of hot water.

She clings to Jian Qing, and wants Jian Qing to accompany her more, not to leave herself alone in an empty room, but Jian Qing answered a phone call and went out…

She sat on the sofa and waited for Jian Qing to come back, her head was drowsy and she wanted to sleep, she was disturbed by the sound of the rain, her whole body was cold, she was sweating profusely, and she was a little out of breath.

There were cramps in her chest, and she realized something was wrong. She stood up and wanted to hit 120, but her feet were weak, she couldn’t stand, and fell to the floor.

Waking up to the hospital…

Who brought her to the hospital?

She felt that she had only thought for a few seconds, but when she opened her eyes, she found that she had changed to another ward.

The ward is somewhat familiar, but it is not the second tumor area.


Surrounded by the warning sounds of various medical equipment such as ventilators and monitors.

She was admitted to the ICU.

Years ago, she came here to visit He Bei, but now she is lying here.

The ICU does not allow visitors, but someone moved a chair and sat by her bed, watching over her.

Usually, a patient whose life is hanging by a thread and who may have a sudden cardiac arrest at any time needs to send a little doctor to stand by the bed.

She turned her eyes and looked over

— not a little doctor.

Jian Qing, Deputy Chief Physician, Tumor Division II.

Seniority is very important here, because one brick here can kill a whole bunch of Ph. There are small ones at the bottom, which serve as sandwich biscuits in the middle.

Not a small doctor, nor a particularly big one.

But her favorite doctor.

She looked at Jian Qing, hoping that Jian Qing would look over tacitly as usual.

Jian Qing didn’t look at her, but looked down at her inspection documents, frowning slightly.

She couldn’t help but want to stretch out her hand to smooth her eyebrows. As soon as her hand came out of the bed, she lifted it up a little, but was caught and stuffed back into the bed.

Never let go.

The two held hands under the blanket.

She wanted to see Jian Qing’s expression, but Jian Qing kept her head down, refusing to meet her eyes.

She thought of those red eyes just now.

Did it make people worry?

Lu Yinxi pinched Jian Qing’s palm lightly, and Jian Qing raised her head, looked at the monitor first, and then at the person on the hospital bed, and asked, “Are you uncomfortable?”

She handed over a pen and a magnetic drawing board.

Lu Yinxi held the pen and wanted to write some words on the drawing board. After working hard for a long time, he couldn’t write a word, so he had to draw a trembling question mark, hoping that Jian Qing could understand her meaning.

Jian Qing looked at the question mark, was silent for a moment, and said: “I was walking on the road, thinking that you were a little pale, and thought that I should listen to your heart and lung sounds before going out. Wei Mingming just returned to school from home, and I met her. Just let her go and see you.”


Fortunately, Wei Mingming was allowed to go, otherwise…

After saying the word “it’s okay”, Jian Qing lowered her eyes and didn’t say anything else.

She is not good at expressing her inner feelings. A lot of regret, self-blame, fear, and worries about gains and losses are accumulated in her heart, and the only thing she can say is “it’s okay”.

Lu Yinxi used all his strength to pinch Jian Qing’s palm.

Jian Qing only felt a little light force, like a feather falling on the palm.

She held Lu Yinxi’s hand tightly, looked at the beating heartbeat on the monitor, and said softly: “Don’t fluctuate, I won’t talk to you anymore.”

Lu Yinxi obediently emptied his mind, calmed down, and didn’t think about anything. Listening to the ticking sound in his ears, he missed the hug in the rainy night infinitely.

“Female, 20 years old, usually in good health, got fever after being exposed to rain…”

In the morning round of the second day, Jian Qing was nowhere to be seen.

Lu Yinxi guessed that Jian Qing should go back to work in the tumor ward, and there is a teaching round today.

Surrounded by the bedside are doctors and medical students.

Lu Yinxi listened to them discussing his shock pneumonia, auscultation of the right lower lung with moist rales, culture and found that it was Streptococcus pneumoniae infection, and exposure to rain and cold may be the cause…

Some teachers asked students: “Who will tell the clinical manifestations of shock pneumonia?”

A group of students quietly looked down at their toes, not looking at the professor.

The teaching doctor directly pointed to a student: “You tell me.”

The student tightened his nerves and said all the symptoms he could think of: “Amount…fever, cough, abdominal pain, vomiting, the time from onset to shock is usually within 1 to 3 days…”

When answering questions, as long as you are not too nervous to say a word, try to say as many words as you can, and in the eyes of the teacher, you will not have the impression of being unlearned and incompetent.

And the questions and answers written down when asked questions will not be easily forgotten after three or two years.

Lu Yinxi recalled his symptoms last night and added in his heart that there were also chest pains, pale complexion, cold limbs, cyanotic lips, irritability, lethargy, and dripping cold sweat…

How could it be so serious all of a sudden?

She felt very strange, but she didn’t have the energy to think too much, her thinking was blocked, and she couldn’t concentrate on thinking.

The teacher asked what indicators should be paid special attention to, and some students answered: “Blood pressure.”

Internal medicine ward rounds are most likely to encounter life-threatening serial questions.

The teachers and students asked and answered, and Lu Yinxi lay on the hospital bed quietly as a teaching specimen.

Different teaching teachers have different teaching styles, some are outgoing, able to mingle with the students under their hands; some are moderate, keeping a close distance between teachers and students; some are strict , ask questions when they get the chance, and swear if they can’t answer; there are also some irresponsible tutors who either ignore the students or let them run errands and do chores for nothing. teach.

Jian Qing… She should belong to the strict school, but she doesn’t scold people. If she has a good relationship, she will taunt a few words and don’t work hard; if she has a normal relationship, she just stares at people coldly, making them look red and embarrassed. .

Lu Yinxi suddenly missed her very much.

It was obviously an irrelevant matter, but my thoughts turned five or six times, and I wanted to think about her.

I also miss Gu Mingyu a little.

Lu Yinxi was afraid that he would die for no reason in this world, and would never see Gu Mingyu again.

On the one hand, I miss it, and on the other hand, I strongly deny it.

They said they broke off the relationship, what else do you want her to do?

I am not an unweaned child, but I still want to find my mother.

She intentionally forgot her thoughts about her mother when she was in a coma.

Feeling very uncomfortable all over, Lu Yinxi felt that he had been up all morning, sleeping and waking up, and finally saw Jian Qing in a white coat walking over at noon, put the back of his hand on her face, and gently touched her face.

“It’s the seventh day of the lunar new year.” She heard Jian Qing whisper, “It’s time for you to go to work.”

Lu Yinxi looked blankly.

How come it’s the seventh day?

She remembered that she moved in on the night of the fourth day of junior high school. She felt that she only slept all morning. Did she sleep for three days?

She could barely tell day from night.

Someone seemed to have left the next bed, the door of the ICU opened, and the family members cried hoarsely.

It is quiet here most of the time, only the sound of machinery and equipment running, and when someone leaves, there will be a burst of noise.

When Lu Yinxi heard the cry, he closed his eyes in a daze, and wept together.

She suddenly remembered that one day she asked Jian Qing—

“If one day I leave this world, will you miss me?”

I haven’t heard Jian Qing’s answer yet.

I don’t even bother to ask now…

If she died in this strange world, would Jian Qing cry for her?

I still don’t want it anymore, don’t make people feel sad for nothing…

“Deer drinking stream.”

In a daze, she heard the people around her calling her name, with an unprecedented gentleness in her tone.

She answered in her heart: “Hey.”

The tears from the corners of the eyes were gently wiped away, and a pleading whisper came from the ear:


“I beg you.”

The author has something to say: I marked he, how can a sweet writer like me write a novel about be~~~

But I did think about writing some be short stories to retaliate against the society, but I had a nightmare that night. I dreamed that “I” was happily in love with a little green plum, and then I died suddenly. In the dream, I was so desperate. . The “I” in the dream woke up and found that I was actually transmigrated into the body of Lily CP of a Republic of China TV series. Because the domestic film and television drama Lily CP does not allow he, so the screenwriter wrote me to death, and I was so angry that I opened it on the spot in the dream. Jin Jiang, opened a book called “After Transmigrating into the Be Lily Drama, I Hell (Quick Transmigration, and vowed to change all be’s lily cps! I will share with you in detail when I have time some other day~~~

Thanks to the little angels who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution during 2021-02-2100:07:36~2021-02-2207:28:44~

Thanks to the little angel who cast the rocket launcher: Muran 1;

Thanks to the little angel who cast the landmine: I am very ordinary, I am an old friend, 2; Is Tian Zaishui updated today, Tai Chi, Baa Baa, Cai, still arrogant, reading books, and 1 is mediocre in the world;

Thanks to the little angel of the irrigation nutrient solution: 74 bottles of madness today; 23 bottles of waste wood that wants to be a fat house; 20 bottles of Wangshu is the moon; 5 bottles for you; 3 bottles of Qiuqiuqiu; 1 bottle of high-grade hand-made wheat from Xiaobai, Yuanyu, Nayi, and Mamamu;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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