Shattered Moonstone

Life update

I do apologize that this is not a chapter as I continuously promised people that I would post one. But over the last few weeks a lot of things have happened that have kept me from being able to write, but now that my life is settling down I should be able to resume writing and posting at the rate that I have before. Below you'll find a list of excuses about three of them, and then at the end of this you'll find a poll that I do ask you to partake in.

Excuse number one, about 3 weeks ago I changed jobs which would not be a problem normally. Except for a drastic change in my schedule and travel times it has left my sleeping schedule in disarray and has made writing difficult. But now that I've adjusted to my new schedule I should have more free time with the new job to dedicate to continuing the story.

Excuse number two, last week my computer decided it no longer wanted to exist on this plane of existence. After several attempts to revive it I've managed to leave myself with an operating computer that is capable of writing. This is no one's fault but my own as for the things that I do with my computer and private probably should have deemed some protection. The real downside of that is that it costed me the two drafts of the beginning of book 3 that I had which means I will be starting from scratch here shortly.

And my final excuse, and likely the biggest one I've recently gotten engaged. No one informed me exactly how much work it was once two people decide they wish to be married, and though my wedding is planned to take place half a year from now I underestimated the amount of work that goes into the first few weeks. For those of you who have not been married or are not married, I will give you a fair warning you might think you have a lot of time but you don't. The second you decide to get married you need to have things thought out such as where are you going to get married, who are you going to invite, who are you going to have stand if anyone, do you really want to as you'll find out very quickly that this single decision can cost thousands of dollars no matter how Frugal you try to be. How to break it to your parents that after 10 years of being with the same person you've decided to finally get married, explaining to your mother that no I do not wish to invite my uncle that I haven't talked to in 15 years. Things like that.

I do however want to say thank you to my lovely fiance who up until this exact point well I've been writing this this story has reread 12 separate series equaling to over 50 separate books, hundreds of hours and haven't read a single word of what I've written. Love is a weird thing I don't think I understand it.

But now for the actual update for the story, the included poll in this story has two options that I will explain now. Option one I continue writing the story exactly how I have, it is no secret that I have a lot of characters and they are doing a lot of different things this leads to me trying to include all of their points of you so you the reader understands the world almost as a whole at almost all times. This leads to me switching back and forth between what's going on with the gods what's going on with the Empire of crown things like that. Option two which was brought up to me by one of my close friends, to change the perspective of the story just a little bit in Focus solely on Hecatolite, in her immediate repertoire. This would change how you the reader gets information, we wouldn't know what's going on with the gods unless they talked to them, they won't have all the information about the war you'll learn it when she learns it, and what she learns might not be the truth, she'll hear rumors as they travel, and things like that. This would lead to a much more focused Story on the Misadventures of the twins along with hamari and Eryl. It was an idea that I toyed around with but it would require me to commit to it meaning book 3 would have a slightly different tone then the rest of the story.

Thank you all for reading, even if you don't want to vote in the poll or share your opinion in the comments that is perfectly fine I still appreciate each and every one of you who have opened this book and shared this story, it's strange to think that hundreds of people have read something I created in a couple handfuls of you have actively changed parts of the story with your comments and your input and for that I do thank you. I do ask that you be patient while I work out how the story will progress from here, I do estimate it will be about a week maybe two until I'm able to post a chapter itself.

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