Shattered Moonstone

Chapter 36

 Hans was silent as he ushered the guards carrying the priest wrapped in a blanket out, a handful of unneeded gold in his pocket as he did. None spoke as he closed the door behind them, suddenly feeling a rush of mana from the door as he did. “So that’s what she was talking about. Soundproof.” He said tapping his fist on the door. 

There was clearly no danger from the half dead woman, and if they healed her with her aggressor still in the room there might be an even bigger problem than Hecatolite’s little outburst. Taaffeite paid the guards a large sum, and kindly instructed them to take Father Joshua to the wall’s prison. 

“No one is to see him until I arrive. Do I make myself clear.” She asked as she handed a handful of gold to each man. None spoke as they simply nodded and like that, 15 guards of the city drug an unconscious priest to a cell and tossed him in and promptly lost the key as they rotated guards in the hall. None even bothered to feed the man the next day as he called out, one replying, “can’t feed you if I can't see you.” only to be berated by the other guard on duty for talking to himself while keeping watch. 

Alexa was the one to raise concerns about this, sending all the guards away only for her mother to whisper to her. “And what will 15 guards do against Hecatolite and a demon?” Alexa paling at the thought, the only thing worse than an out of control Hecatolite is an out of control Hecatolite with back up. 

“Good point.” She said sheepishly as she looked to see her sister sitting in her fathers lap. “she has that look again.” She said absentmindedly as she saw the same lifeless distant stare she had when she first arrived.

“I noticed.” Taaffeite sighed. “Can you heal the d… succubus?” She asked looking back at the covered woman. Her husband procured the priest's robe from him to save the demon's decency apparently. 

“Even if I had the mana to,” Alexa shrugged. “You know I can’t regrow limbs. That kind of magic is locked so deep in the churches even thinking about it is blasphemy.” Alexa said sitting on the hard ground, the exhaustion finally washing over her as she did. “And even if we could get it all right. Say I did have the spell, and somehow had enough mana to cast it… should we? It’s a demon mom, you know the exact thing they keep calling Hecatolite.”

“I have thought about that.” Taaffeite snapped. “But we don’t have very many alternatives, think about it Alexandrite, we just sent three of their “heroes” back bloodied and with a clear description of where we are. I am about to travel to the queen and try and force the church out of our nation, but they know Hecatolite’s name… and her power.” Her mother sank beside her. “We will need to hide her now more than ever, and we can't do that if she’s blowing huge amounts of aether every time she needs to wake Amethyst up.” Alexa watched as her mother shook. “so… so with all that, we have this demon. A monster, who just happens to eat mana. what’s to say it can’t eat aether… what if it can help hide her…” 

Alexa watched as her mothers face broke, she watched as all the stress, all the worries, the whole world seemed to crash on her. Yet even then, her mother sat, silent, shaking with her fist clenched so tightly Alexa was sure she was drawing blood; as tears ran down her cheeks. She didn’t dare make a sound as she silently shook, she knew in her heart if she started crying now, she would never stop. Her family needed her, to be strong, to lead them. to protect them.

Then without a sound, for the first time in years, Marchioness Taaffeite Lapidary, Light Enchantress, Matriarch of the Lapidary family, cried. All the fear of losing not one child, but two to some xenophobic zealots, all the stress from trying to keep not only her family together but an entire territory with enemies within their own walls, the thought that they would have to stoop to the unspeakable act of feeding a demon to save her daughters… the simple thought. I am not strong enough.

She sat trying to compose herself but unable to as she rested her head on the cold stone floor, her silent cries tearing at Alexa. She had never seen her mother look so… defeated. She didn’t know what to do as she watched it all unfold before her, the tears not of a Marchioness or a powerful mage, but a mother. 

Tentatively Alexa held a handout to her mother, stopping before she could make contact. Afraid that even her touch would cause the woman to crumble more, she watched in silence. 

Before a shadow took over them, she looked back to see her father standing above her with Hecatolite on his shoulders. His face twisted in pain as he looked at his wife, unsure what to do before Hecatolite whispered in his ear.

He weakly smiled as bent down and scooped Alexa and Taaffeite up in one motion. He said nothing as he held them both tightly to his chest, Alexa felt a small hand rubbing her head and she knew even without seeing it that her mother was also in contact with all of them as well.

“family, strong.” Hecatolite's voice seemed to ring a cord with them all as Taaffeite shook again in her husband's arms. Finally letting out a single sob as she did. A calming sensation washing over them as the young woman began to hum as she held onto her father’s head.

Taaffeite let the warmth of her husband overtake her, the feeling of all her daughters surrounding her even if Alexa’s elbow was in her kidney. She realized that she didn’t stand alone against this threat. Like all those years ago, her husband stood with her, the immovable laughing giant he always was. Her children, the woman who single handedly made it snow in the summer, her son who was a rising guard that would make any mother proud, and her youngest twins, one a hardworking space mage who would no doubt rise just as quickly in the ranks as her older siblings. And finally, the insane daughter who had resolved to fight the world to protect her sister. She was Taaffeite Lapidary alone, but with her family they were a force strong enough to reshape the world if they needed. It would take some getting used to, but she resolved herself to relying on her family just a bit more in the future.

Neither Alastair or Taaffeite heard the slight pings, as a Babylon terminal appeared silently behind them.

Alastair Lapiday, traits acquired; Aether touched. God seed. Mana conversion.

Taaffeite Lapidary, Traits acquired; Aether touched. Seedling. Mana conversion.

Even Babylon knew not to speak as the family embraced, it simply flashed the message and dissipated.  The system itself wondered how the two had evolved without Hecatolite feeding them aether, but now was not the time to ask.

Hans, being the true gentlemen, said nothing as the family took all the time they needed, instead going to the back door and locking it with his tower shield. He watched from the shadow of the next room before entering. By the time he decided to come out they had all begun talking about what to do about the demon, a Babylon terminal displaying a spell circle that gave the man a headache just to look at.

Alexa sighed as she looked at the screen, “even with the spell to heal her… I don’t think I will ever be able to cast this.” She shook her head as she turned back to them, “without a more healing orientated title and a stronger healing affinity this would take everything I had and then some just to manifest.”

“But you’re a medic? Isn’t that a healing title?” Hecatolite asked.

“Yes and no. It means that I have healing affinity but it’s a secondary affinity.” She sighed again as she sat down. “I will never be as powerful as someone who is a healing specialist. I can mend bones, sure, but all of my spells simply speed up the healing possess. If I tried to regrow a limb the person would likely die of starvation before the healing even started, that’s if I didn’t black out from the mana draw before that.” She pointed at the screen, “this however is true healing magic, this isn’t using the body's metabolism or anything from the other person really, simply rebuilding it with mana. what I do is a parlor trick compared to this.” Her hand fell limp to her side, “I am sorry, but I will never be able to do that.”

“What about that priest? He had tons of healing magic; his soul was completely green.”

“It's unlikely we could get him to do it.” Taaffeite interjected. “That and I doubt even if he was a full healer that anyone less than a saint could cast this spell.”

“I never seen a spell with so many rings,” Alastair said counting the conditional rings that circled the main three spell rings. 

“There’s what, 36 per spell circle. It would take dozens of soldiers just to fuel the thing.” Hans said in amazement.

 “That’s if you can find someone capable of keeping the whole thing together. Hell, I have two minds and I wouldn’t even know where to start.”

“Why don’t we carve it into the floor?” Hecatolite asked, pointing at the stone.

“We couldn’t do that.” Taaffeite replied. “it’s not an enchantment ring, Hecatolite, carving a spell circle into an object simply acts as a reference for the caster, you wouldn’t be able to fill it with mana and even if we somehow got it to work like a enchantment ring, we would likely heal the entire city before the demon even felt the effects, the mana cost would go through the roof.” Taaffeite rubbed her daughter’s head. “It's likely that there are only a handful of people in the world that could cast this spell.”

“Why not ask?” Hans said, turning to the screen. “Umm, Babylon who can cast this spell.”

“I am unable to tell you specifics about any soul in this world other than those who are tied to my system.” It replied to flashing yellow, “but of all the people I have data on, Hecatolite would be the only one capable of fueling the spell. Please note, Hecatolite Lapidary would not be able to assist another casting this spell given she would have to transfer a large quantity of aether into the other person. I can tell you no one alive would be able to withstand the amount of aether being introduced suddenly into their body.”

“Than… why not have her cast it?” he asked looking back at the family who gave very different replies.

Hecatolite proudly exclaimed, “of course, the simplest solution. Why didn’t I think of that… you’re a knight of our family right… so your good ideas are my good ideas. Great work Hans. I'll make your shield even better as a reward!” She spoke quickly, jumping from her seat only to be caught by Alastair.

“whoa there,” he said, holding her up as he legs comically pumped beneath her as if she did not notice being picked up. “I am sure you can but you will need to be calm first.” He laughed as he held the excited girl.

“I… can’t say that’s a great idea.” Alexa said, looking to her mom for confirmation. “I have never seen her cast a spell aside from reinforcements have you?

“no, that along with her… traits. I don’t know if such a complex spell would be… right for her.” Taaffeite chose her words very carefully so as to not excite her daughter any more.

“What do you mean?” Hecatolite realized she wasn’t moving and chose to go limp in her fathers’ arms. “I have the sorcerer title. Of course I cast spells. I mean I cast that one spell that the system locked, and before that Eryl had to delete one that I cast to save Amethyst.” they all looked at her as one of her words came out in a different language, “I am a great mage! Why else would the stupid box keep locking my spells!?”

“It could be because every spell you cast either destroys a soul, or risks killing yourself.” Babylon replied only to find itself under a barrage of mana bullets. It turned a bright yellow before replying, “Note, a sorcerer is not a mage, it would be unwise to compare the two.”

“Who asked you box!” she yelled, throwing IRIS at it. “Float over here so I can claw you!” she yelled, flashing her claws at the screen.

“What's the difference?” Alexa asked, ignoring the flailing child her father was now spinning in his arms. 

Babylon flashed blue as it turned to her. “A Mage weaves mana into spells, carefully planning out spell circles and delicately bending the world to their will to get results. A sorcerer simply floods the problem with power until it does what it wants or explodes. Hecatolite is one of only a handful of people ever recorded to have a sorcerer title given people rarely have a mana pool capable of being used so recklessly. Advice not allowing Hecatolite to “ever” cast a spell, even her self-enchantments are her simply flooding her body with aether.”

“I’ll rip you apart and shove you back into the egg!” She yelled as her father patted her back laughing. 

“Is that why she bleeds black when she’s got them activated?” Taaffeite asked, looking back at her daughter who was now being gently rocked by her father. Her face still angry yet her body now hung limp, a small smile hinting on her lips. 

“Yes. The black blood is her body expelling the access aether from its system.” Babylon replied. “It should be harmless as long as she doesn’t over exert the body or flood it with too much aether given Amethyst’s aether conversion skill.”

“I don’t mean to cut in,” Hans looked at the unorganized spectacle before him, “what's the harm in her trying exactly? If she loses focus, she will simply sizzle cast the spell won't she?”

“Yea and if she messes up the spell circle and manages to still “cast” it. she may have an aether discharge.” Alexa shivered at the thought. “I don’t exactly know how violent an aether discharge would be but I know the amount of mana needed for this spell and it could sink this whole city into the dead sea.”

“Right. That would be very bad.” Hans silently chastised himself, forgetting that improper casting could lead to a discharge. In his defense that is something most mages don’t have to worry about after a certain point in their lives, and he with no children of his own had not had to worry about a mana discharge in 20+ years.

“I don’t know why you're all so worried.” Hecatolite finally chimed in, “it'll be a piece of cake, cast the spell. Ask the lady if she wants to help us, wake up Amethyst, what could go wrong?”

Before taaffeite could point out the flaws in the plan, Alastair spun her around again. “That's right! Never give up before trying!” he exclaimed.

“Of course, he would say that,” Taaffeite rubbed her nose as she rolled her eyes.

“He’s probably the only person here who would survive being thrown into the ocean.” Hans finished her thought.

“Babylon,” Alexa however was not as calm, “is… is there any way to… protect from a discharge?”

“Don’t mess up the spell.” Babylon replied before pausing, flashing different colors. “There is a way to direct it if need be. I advise if you wish to take this course of action please arrange yourselves as such.” It displayed a crude diagram of the four of them standing in a circle around Hecatolite and the demon, an arrow pointing at each of them before veering upwards. “with your family’s composition it is likely you all would survive contact with Hecatolite Aether in smaller doses.”

“And what about me!” Hans nearly yelled.

“Pray.” Babylon replied deliberately pausing as if teasing the man. “Your connection to a god will allow you to send the access power to them in the form of prayer. It is advisable that Alexa do the same.” Both looked to Taaffeite and Alastair.

“Don’t.” Taaffeite hissed, causing even Babylon to float back for a moment before it continued.

“Given that both Alexa and Hans have blessings the connection to your god is much stronger and would be able to bear the transfer of aether. Taaffeite has a baptism but the connection is weak and would likely be of little use. Alastair has no blessings or baptism.”

Before anyone could reply Hecatolite began patting her father on the shoulders. “No god is a good god!” she bellowed, mimicking his laugh causing him to laugh as well.

“Advise, simply burn the aether off as quickly as possible through spells. Alastair’s flames should be sufficient if he utilizes them fully, and Taaffeite should be able to direct the aether with her “refraction” spell. Advise Alexa to create an angled wall of ice.”

“You’re forgetting someone again.” Hans pointed to himself.

“You have an awesome shield!” Hecatolite yelled from her father’s shoulders.

“Reinforcements, anchoring, and praying.” Babylon replied, the color draining from Han’s face as he bolted for the back door to get the only thing he knew could stand up to Hecatolite, “best of luck Sir Hans.” Babylon finished in as close to a yell as any had ever heard as it disappeared.

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