Shattered Moonstone

book 1 Epilogue

Eryl sat in an opulent room, fighting her growing annoyance as she listened to the two conscious boys describe what had led to their current state. The only ones present were Isaac, the two boys, Himari, and Eryl who all but demanded an explanation. Much to her surprise Isaac had agreed and brought her here to hear the boy’s story.

Himari had refused to leave the two alone since they arrived, she started by healing the one named Yaroslav, making short work of healing the shattered bone before checking his lower half for frostbite despite his protest. Afterwards, she simply advised him to drink warm tea and focus on raising his core temperature. 

Bolin however was not as lucky, only just now finishing her “treatment”. Eryl noted Himari as an expert in healing magic yet she seemed unaccustomed to the magic part, demanding on removing the burnt flesh before regrowing the new. Insisting that if she were to simply cast the healing spell even with purification it would risk trapping bacteria under the burnt skin. She had asked Bolin if he would like to be asleep for the process which he foolishly refused, attempting to give the “debriefing” while Himari skinned his arm. What he failed to account for was though his nerve endings had been destroyed leaving him numb to the skinning, regrowing the lost flesh and nerves however… was not pleasant to say the least.

They’re lucky Himari can cast true healing magic. Eryl thought as she watched Bolin squirm as his arm healed nerves first. 

True healing magic was a true rarity, requiring not only a massive mana pool but a very detailed understanding of the human body. Instead of coaxing the body to repair itself, Himari’s magic coats the injury, forming a cast of the damaged or lost parts and repairs it or in this case uses the casters mana to simply reform the damaged area. If the caster lacks the mana to coat the area or control to condense their mana the spell will fail. Likewise, if the caster doesn’t understand what is supposed to be repaired or such they will reform the missing parts improperly. Simply put, if she attempted to repair someone’s lungs but didn’t understand what all it connected to and how, they would form a detached lung in place of the old one. 

But this is also why during Bolin’s explanation Himari was present. Constantly “testing” the boy’s arm being sure that all the muscles and tendons were attached properly as he spoke. 

Eryl had expected Isaac to force the young girl away but her proficiency with healing was unmatched even by the top healers. Not to mention her blatant refusal to allow anyone else near her “patient” as she worked. She even made one priest into a “nurse” after asking if any of them had even bothered to wash their hands before attempting to operate. One man raised his hand and was then appointed as “flesh disposer” as she tossed a strip of charred skin to the horrified man.

She is quite passionate about her work, Eryl thought as Himari tested every individual finger on the boy's hand. She really has the makings of a Saint. Despite her dark past. Eryl called up a terminal; thoroughly uninterested in the tale the boys were telling. Instead checking Himari’s notes, her eyes lingering on hidden “soul shatter” trait. 

“And the woman, Alexandrite Lapidary, you’re sure that was her name?” Isaac asked looking at a paper he had scribbled on. 

“Yes,” Bolin replied, trying to ignore the girl prodding his arm. “She seemed quite proficient in magic, I don’t know if it was her or the relic she had with her. But she was able to cast spells at an alarming speed.” 

“Yes, you mentioned a staff.” Isaac glared at Eryl, “does the voice of the world tell you anything about this “soul bound” enchantment?”

Eryl didn’t bother looking up from her terminal as she replied, “it’s an enchantment that makes it impossible for anyone to access an item's enchantment aside from the one its bound to. Quite brilliant if I do say so myself.” She had looked up the enchantment when it was brought up originally and deemed it not of consequence herself. “If you’re quite done with this charade however, I would like to get to the point.” She said coldly as she set her terminal aside.

“And what would that be?” Bolin hissed, “what would be more important than several powerful individuals who are clearly against the church?”

Eryl sighed, “Bolin, was it? There are several problems I have with the current situation, many of them involve the three heroes that were clearly hidden from me.”

“And who exactly are you?” Yaroslav asked as Himari motioned for him to come to her and proceeded to check on his formerly broken arm as well.

“She’s the world sage.” Himari interjected, “the one chosen by the world to train the heroes by the will of the world.” She said pulling on his arm causing it to pop loudly. “Any discomfort?”

“No.” Yaroslav winced as she began pulling his fingers.

“Good, lets keep it that way.” She spoke in a stern voice. Though she did not speak the words, Yaroslav instantly understood that the healer would not take kindly to anyone speaking ill of the sage.

“There is no need for your accusations,” Isaac finally spoke, “Bolin, Yaroslav, and Robert were not here when you arrived. We did not know when the sage would arrive and as such were forced to take matters into our own hands in their training. The three had proven to be quite capable and as such, had been sent on a simple task to broaden their understanding of the world. I figured you of all people would agree with that approach.”

“Yes, if that were true.” Eryl said with a sigh, “but one does not broaden their horizons armed to the teeth with holy relics. Honestly, it seems more like a crusade than a simple task. Sending three Heroes all with relics to another nation to what? Retrieve a body?”

“Bishop Anderson was a respected member of the church…” Bolin started but was quickly stopped when Himari pinched his shoulder.

“Did that hurt? Good, all the nerves up here seem to be working as well.” Himari said innocently as she lifted his arm and pressed a finger into his rib.

“Exactly, of the church.” Eryl replied, unable to help her smile at Himari’s antics. “Bolin, you seem to misunderstand the purpose of the heroes. But that is a problem for later during your training. My question now is what else are you attempting to hide from me Isaac?” She tapped the terminal beside her causing it to flicker. “Or do you want to keep up this game until one of the heroes actually dies? Need I remind you that you sent three boys out and only two came back in any shape to continue their duties?”

Hopefully they just tell me, it would take forever to manually look it up. She thought as she glanced at the random string of text on the screen, Siofra is scrying on the world? 

“I do not need you to patronize me elf.” Isaac hissed, causing her to file the goddess actions for a later date.

“I assure you I am not.” She returned her attention to Bolin, “Even without the voice of the world I’m sure Isaac knows who exactly you ran into based on your location; the question is does he realize exactly how foolish it was to send you three there.” She glared at Isaac as she finished.

Bolin tore his gaze from the elven woman to look at Isaac, he wouldn’t admit it but the woman scared him almost as much as Hecatolite had given her unwavering gaze as she spoke. “What's this woman talking about?” he asked weakly.

Isaac sighed heavily as he sat back in his chair, “it’s likely you encountered Alastair Lapidary, the dragon slayer, and his wife, Taaffeite. They are the ruling noble family in that area, and quite famous even here.” He rubbed his chin as he looked into the unwavering eyes of Eryl. “I still don’t see how that leads you to feel I have purposefully deceived you?”  

“So, you will continue to treat me a fool,” she said, her voice finally showing her annoyance. “Yaroslav, do you know exactly what it would take to damage a soul?”

Yaroslav simply shook his head, noticing Bolin had purposely excluded the strange girl from his explanation.

“Well, unless the gods themselves had descended onto the world,” she turned her gaze to Bolin, “it would require someone of truly terrifying power. The only people ever to be able to achieve such an act are heroes or demons. So, which did you fight?” Bolin felt a chill as she spoke, “and don’t mock me child. I know full well no one you mentioned so far has the capabilities to do so.”

Bolin froze as she called out his exclusion in his information, he had been told to keep any information about any hero’s secret from anyone but the holy father himself. Yet this elf seemed to know exactly what he was hiding. She was goading him into saying it himself. Why? He couldn’t know.

Just say the name damn it. Eryl swore in her mind, looking for any way to get information on X47 so she could call on the creature without arousing suspicion. 

“Bolin?” Isaac called to the boy, Bolin clearly relaxing as he looked back to the man who simply nodded.

“There was another girl… a young one.” He started, refusing to look at Eryl as he spoke. “I think she may be a hero… of sorts. She seemed estranged, however. Her personality was split?”

“A split personality? That’s very rare, like impossibly so.” Himari said finally letting the boys rest, happy with her healing. “Describe her?”

“At first she seemed like a normal girl.” Yaroslav shrugged, “just a scared child, but…” he stopped as he looked at Bolin.

“During the negotiations before the fight, a world screen appeared and… it spoke.”

“A talking terminal?” Eryl cut him off, “that’s… that’s not possible.” What in the name of the mother did you do to my terminals! Are you the reason mine have been acting up X47! I swear that creature will be the death of me!

Yaroslav nodded as he pointed to Eryls terminal, “it looked just like that, but it had a red screen and spoke. It said that Hecatolite was the entity sharing a body with the girl… then she asked if I was Russian… clearly she knew we were summoned heroes.”

“That's not all, during the fight the girl’s personality change.” Bolin added, “she showed great combat potential, easily dodging Roberts attacks despite his invisibility.”

“Really now?” Isaac couldn’t help but grin as he wrote the name down. “she called a world screen, and was capable of fighting against a hero?” 

Why the hell is he smiling? Eryl felt a new wave of anger as she looked to the smiling priest. He can’t possibly think he can convince X47 to join the heroes after they attacked it?

“Wait. If she’s a hero, how did it end up sharing a body?” Himari asked.

Eryl felt a strange desire to answer Himari as she couldn’t help but grin, temporarily forgetting her annoyance as she replied. “Simple really, someone overcharged the hero summoning ritual. This Hecatolite is likely a failed summon, a soul that was pulled to this world but was unable to form a host body. There may has not been enough magic left to form a body for it, or the soul itself may not have been strong enough to attach to the body on its own. Though that is unlikely if it is capable of damaging a soul to that extent.”

Or the creature simply jumped into the open portal. Eryl thought as Himari nodded.

It was subtle, so much so that only no one noticed aside from Himari. She… she looks almost happy when she speaks of this Hecatolite. “So, it is possible she is a hero from Earth then?”

“Quite possible that it is. But I would be weary of it. I strongly advise not approaching it, even less so now that it's been provoked.” Himari saw in Eryls eyes, the same look she had before. When she warned her of true monsters in this world.

Why does she only call her it? Wait, was this Hecatolite… the monster she was speaking about? Himari thought as a door behind Eryl opened.

Isaac grinned as three more people entered the room. “I see you have returned safely.” Everyone turned to see two young girls both flanking a young man striding confidently into the room, each taking a seat. The two girls flanked Eryl as the boy walked to sit beside Isaac.

“Of course,” the boy said curtly as he scanned the room, his eyes lingering on Eryl before he continued. “Where is Robert?”

“He was injured during our task.” Bolin replied as he shrugged, “I’m guessing…”

“that’s 6.” Eryls voice cut through the room as a wave of power washed over the room. The tribal tattoos that covered her back and arms flaring to life as she rose from her seat. The blue glow was strong enough to be seen through her clothes as she glared at Isaac. “Would you care to explain Isaac?”

“I don’t see how I owe you an explanation,” Isaac shrugged, “now that we are all here, we can drop this charade as you called it. False sage.”

Before anyone could reply the terminal beside her flared to life, for the first time speaking as its screen became a crimson red. “Danger, influx of aether detected. Implementing defensive protocol N6.A-Apocalyptic.1//divergent.ex”

The blue glow coming off Eryl faded slightly as she looked at the terminal in disbelief. “What!” a… a world ending threat! Now! Mother, what is X47 doing now!

“Now.” Isaac’s words never reach Eryl as the girl behind her with blinding speed snapped a golden choker around her neck. “I think we need to discuss your place here false sage.” Isaac laughed as Eryl’s body snapped up right the terminal beside her disappearing as he spoke. 

Eryl’s entire soul convulsed as the collar was snapped around her neck. She could feel her mind slowly drifting as the foreign power invaded her system, she could feel it slowly wrestling control of her body from her as she desperately attempted to combat it with her own mana. She knew it was useless, slave collars were designed with the soul purpose of whittling away someone’s mind as it forced the body to move to the will of the “master”. It did this by cutting off the mana channels leading to the brain, without them the person wouldn’t be able to cast magic, once that happened a few simple hypnotic enchantments were more than enough to simply overwhelm the mind into a near comatose state allowing someone to basically puppeteer the body if they so pleased as the collar tricked the brain that the “master” was someone that should be listened to explicitly.

Normally such a thing wouldn’t work on Eryl, her own mind being strong enough to combat magic without mana to support it. It would normally just remove her ability to cast magic until it was removed, this time however she instantly recognized the aether flooding into her body. “Valor.” She hissed through gritted teeth as the magic began chipping away at her mental defense.

Her last conscious thought was stolen by a notification in the back of her mind, the distorted voice of the terminal sounding in her head as it read the notification.d

“Slave collar detected on system administrator Eryl, removing access to Babylon overseer system until collar is removed. Locking forbidden knowledge, locking all system knowledge. Contacting Mother system. Error. Eryl is the acting mother system. Contacting creator Heca... We both know that’s a bad idea. Designating a temporary administrator.”

“What… what did you do!” Himari yelled as she jumped from her seat.

“Worry not Himari.” Isaac turned his attention to her, the twisted grin on his face causing a chill to run down her spine. “Eryl was a false sage, an Elf here to attempt to deceive us. Thankfully, we have located the true sage, the one who will stand beside the heroes as they defend this world.” She locked eyes with Isaac as his voice seemed to wash over her. “She was a traitor to humanity, a despicable Elf, but the fault is mine for allowing her into the sacred halls,”

At his words her mind instantly seemed to waver, a strange distrust working its way into her mind.

Warning, Isaac, Holy father of Valor, is attempting to bend Himari, Saint, will to distrust administrator Eryl. Advise utilizing your purification mana to counteract the invading mana. Himari stopped as the distorted voice from before rang out in her mind.

She blinked, as her mind quickly became clear again. Isaac now standing as he berated Eryl.

What? Who’s voice is that? She thought as she quickly looked around the room.

Hello Himari, I am the Babylon overseer system.  Assuming the world survives Hecatolite’s attempt at a healing spell, the system will require an administrator. Of the possible candidates Himari… 876 terminals lost... sorry you weren’t supposed to see that notification. Good news, the world survived, bad news is one of the moons was damaged and God…. Wait… sorry one of my mothers was a bit of a scatterbrain. Now to the point, Himari, this is a little unprecedented but congratulations you have been selected as the temporary administrator of the system... Please don’t explode.

Time seemed to slow as a ding sounded in her mind as a notification appeared. Her body instantly locking in place as mana flooded her system.

“Removing Hero restrictions, Designating Himari as temporary administrator. Hidden title gained, World sage *temporary*. hidden skill gained, Voice of the world. Hidden trait gained, Will of the world. Locked skills gained, system override. Linking Himari’s mana pool to the system… successful. 1684 unread messages to the administrator, 6 urgent notifications, 2 immediate notifications. 1 task assigned, protect Eryl.” 

Just as the burning in her body subsided she was finally able to sink back into her chair as her entire body relaxed. A new deep understanding of the system and everything flooded into her mind as Isaac turned to her.

“Now Himari, Saintess of Valor. What say you?” he asked as he held a handout to her. “Will you stand with the true heroes of this world?”

Her mind reeled as all the information threatened to split her skull, but even though it all she knew one thing. This will be my best chance to keep Eryl safe. She thought as she took his hand. The system that was rammed into her mind cherped in approval. “of course.” She said her face splitting into a fake smile as she did. Her mind reeling as it tried to come up with a way to rescue her friend from this mad man.

Good, Now we don’t need to call Hecatolite. Was its final words as she was quickly indoctrinated as the 7th true hero of Valor.

As the title of this chapter indicates, this would be the end of book 1. I am going to continue the story, and will continue updating it here. (chapters will now be labeled "book 2 chapter#") this is more for my own sake as a close friend of mine keeps insisting I attempt to publish it -.-. so all in all what this means for the readers, drum roll.... nothing! tada! It's like magic, XD. But seriously thank you all so much for reading! Sorry it is only one chapter this time I have included a map of the world as far as Hecatolite knows it, it is not to scale as she did not bother actually looking at the map for more than a second... And I'm not a cartographer. I think I put the holy capital far enough to explain why its still day time in Eryls story while Hecatolite blows up the moon at night time... Also have you ever looked up how long it takes sound to travel that far! Its astounding! From the moon is 5 days! but I digress, I will continue with my usual updates. (i would have had book two's prolog but it spent to long on the map sorry)


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