Shan He Biao Li

Chapter 54 - I feel like I am alive again

On this day, Chu Huan had a conversation with the elders and Ruger. Instead of seeing the clouds, the two sides became more foggy.

Especially when Chu Huan mentioned that “walnut” is conscious, the fragile elderly are obviously frightened.

As one of the two sacred objects of the mountain guards, “Holy Fire” has been handed down for generations and generations, and I have never heard of the potential for success. But then again, the identity of this torch is so extraordinary, but it has been silent for so many years. Except for being unable to burn and absorb fire, it has never shown any difference from ordinary walnuts, so it seems that there is a little bit of consciousness. Reasonable.

The elder swayed in the two conclusions of “Chu Huan is faulty” and “Holy Torch is faulty”. In the end, he was still indecisive and walked away. Chu Huan quickly stopped him: “Wait for elder! Will you be able to ask you the words of Shoushanren in the future? “

The elder waved at him from afar, leaving him with a mentally exhausted back.

The topic of changing blood is temporarily gone.

What exactly is this “walnut”? What can it do?

Where did Chu Huan himself get picked up by Chu Aiguo?

And how to successfully slip to the ground without Nanshan’s interference?

This became the three unsolved puzzles entrenched in Chu Huan’s heart. The first one seemed to be unknown at all, and the second insider had done it.

The third……

If the mountain gate is reversed and Chu Huan ca n’t stay when the whole mountain-keeper settlement is transferred back to another world, then all his previous plans will be invalidated, and his action time may have to be early this winter.

In fact, if possible, Chu Huan did n’t want to hide Nanshan. Whoever does something for the person he loves actually wants the other party to know, even if he was embarrassed to say at the time, and hopes he can pass other people or other channels afterward , I found this silent contribution.

But everything is imminent, Nanshan will spare no effort to obstruct, Chu Huan can only hide.

He only felt that he was in a fog, groping for a narrow passage.

The future is slim. For Chu Huan, the only thing that can be more certain is that the weight of the snake is a straight-line rise.

The little poisonous snake has grown into a fat headed big snake, but its intelligence has not kept up with the body. It has long forgotten the new hatred of Chu Huan and the old hatred. When I see him coming back now, he has no clue. Stick him coquettishly.

So every day when Chu Huan was not bright, he would be awakened by a thicker and thicker snake, and he scolded, climbed up in the stars, took a pot of mountain water, and poured himself into a crystal clear and cool heart. Waking up, during the 300 rounds of the battle with the “little green” who tried hard to wrap around his neck.

The fat man didn’t have the cold hold that a venomous snake should have. Chu Huan felt that he was about to fall out of cervical spondylosis.

Therefore, Chu Huan adheres to the good tradition of “independent music is better than all music”. When he gets up, he will bring the big and round venomous snake “Little Green” to Yuan Ping, so that Yuan Ping can also open his eyes every day. At that time, he was bathed in a friendly and bright red snake letter.

In this way, Chu Huan will be pursued by Yuan Ping in an angry manner for more than an hour, and he will have a fruitful morning training in the forest.

When Yuan Ping was desperate to go to the Shoushan Gate, Chu Huan climbed to the top of the mountain where the Shoushan people lived and asked the elder to learn to write.

The elder’s residence was shabby, with no teaching equipment, and he was given only a long slate. Chu Huan could only grievously curl up two long legs that he couldn’t put down. He sat on the ground half-kneeled, half-memorized. The book of earth sciences and mountain guards has been completely reduced from supporting teachers to corporal punishment students.

Elder Goat said to Chu Huan at the beginning: “The sinking place is a dead place. The Nanshan patriarch will not let you go, but we do not discourage you, but help you hide him. This is actually using you, do you know?”

Chu Huan: “Don’t talk nonsense, hurry up and teach.”

The elder found a nail that was half a foot long, and put a nail on a dozen of old sheepskins every day. The nail was pierced from head to tail, and a thick dozen was pierced. How many.

Among them, the daily language commonly used by Shoushan people is only a small part, and most of them are the words of sacrifices and various ceremonies that are not heard by Chu Huan. In case of a misreading, the old goat will be fooled into a blank board. Chu Huan is now a big boy. He is suddenly regarded as an elementary school student in the old society wearing crotch pants. Of course, he ca n’t stand the teaching of this self-respecting stick.

When he was about to abandon the ethical norms of respecting the old and loving the young, and started shooting, the old goat didn’t blow his beard, nor glared, but slowly chewed the licorice that he didn’t pull from. Alas, outsiders are outsiders, and they swear to say what is meant for our patriarchs-they all speak nicely. “

Suddenly, Chu Huan lost all his anger. He sat down again, aggrieved, and continued his unreliable foreign language learning with humiliation and burden.

After this, for a day or two, it was okay. For several days, he was too busy to show his face. Of course Nanshan would have doubts. He sent several tribes to stare at Chu Huan ’s tip. They gradually recovered from their discussions, and gradually they did n’t even follow the figure, so they chased them away.

One day when Chu Huan was tutoring a foreign language at the elder’s house, he happened to have something to do with Nanshan to discuss with the elder. The elder hurriedly stuffed Chu Huan into the log house in the backyard.

Chu Huan was wearing dry wood and straw, and his ears were listening nervously to the movement of the next door, and the more he thought afterwards, the more he felt that this matter was wrong-this is the rhythm of being caught!

In the courtyard across the wall from Nanshan, Nanshan explained the matter to the elder in three words and was ready to say goodbye. Finally, he couldn’t help but say: “Elder, has Chu Huan come to you recently?”

The elder opened his eyes and talked nonsense, straightening up: “Come to me? What’s the little white face on the other side of the river doing to me? Looking for scolding?”

Nanshan thought about it for a moment, said nothing, and nodded. At this moment, he accidentally lowered his head and glanced at the wooden table on the side, his movements suddenly stopped.

There are piles of dense small holes in the corners of the wooden table with different heights. They are deep and shallow, and are pierced by long nails.

Nan Shan raised his eyes quietly and glanced at the elder. The old goat’s cheeks flicked up and down, and he lowered his eyelids.

Nanshan reached out and touched the nail pit: “Which child is the elder teaching recently?”

Chu Huan, who has ears next to the wall, tightened his mind-the duck-filling teaching method of feeling nails and nails is an old tradition! This idiot old goat.

The elder pretends to be stupid: “Uh … ah? Well, the girl with Hua Gu Duo comes over occasionally.”

Nanshan’s eyes sank, and he silently stared at the elder for a few minutes. He has been a patriarch for a long time. It was not the little boy who was taught by the elders. The eyes were like a weight. The elders almost could n’t lift their heads. They had to stiffen their slender necks and harden them. The scalp faced Nanshan’s scrutiny.

After a hard silence, Nanshan’s eyebrows twitched slightly, and the tone was very intriguing: “Oh, the elder troubles are taken care of, but she is still young, teach it slowly, don’t make her too tight.”

The elder was speechless and had to laugh.

Finally, Nanshan was sent away. The elder probably broke into the firewood room to relieve the pressure, and cut Chu Huan with a board and chopped his head with his face: “You don’t know how to block the stone, waste …”

Before he finished his words, he was held down by Chu Huan and caught under the armpit.

Chu Huan covered the mouth of the old goat deadly and pressed him to the corner.

Sure enough, after a moment, Nanshan’s voice came from outside: “Yes, senior, I just forgot something.”

The elder came out with white hair sweat, and then he felt that holding his hand lightly and turning his head again, the figure of Chu Huan turned over from the side of the wall on his side, like a swallow, and disappeared in a blink of an eye. Seeking … This man is alert, really a good hand to escape.

The elders straightened their apron, and the model opened the door to Nanshan like a dog. Patience asked: “What else does the patriarch do?”

Nanshan couldn’t help but let him directly enter the courtyard. His eyes swept the elder’s site. He wished he couldn’t even miss the spider web in the corner. He turned his head and smiled gently at the elder: “Yeah , I heard you talking just now, did any of the children sneak in and make trouble? “

Senior citizens:”……”

Since the people sent out couldn’t stare at Chu Huan, the next day, Nanshan finally freed up one day and played in person. He was not so easy to deal with, and Chu Huan had to fight against him.

Nanshan is a ground snake familiar with the terrain. Chu Huan ’s concealment and anti-tracking skills have been professionally trained, including the geographical and geographical factors. The two should be considered to be half a catty. Chu Huan did n’t feel that he had turned away from Nanshan ’s sight until the sun was going down. .

Chu Huan was relieved, intending to detour to the elders, only to find that he accidentally walked into the small woods where he often hid when he first arrived at the Liyi tribe.

Suddenly, Chu Huan heard a burst of “poo” and “poo” sounds. At first, the frequency was very high, which was close to hacking. Later, it might be out of force, and the voice became more chaotic.

Chu Huan stepped in, did not want to step forward to disturb, just want to go back around the road, just about to go, he heard a “choking” sound, it seems that metal things fell to the ground, and then, a thin cry from rustle Leaves spread out.

Is it a child?

It was too late, even if the gatekeeper was guarded and there were no monsters on the top of the mountain, but there was no guarantee that a beast was infested. Chu Huan hesitated for a moment, but turned around and turned away from the jungle and walked in with the sound.

He saw the little bald head.

There is an iron rod lying under the feet of the little bald head. The tip of the iron rod has a sharp spike and a faint cold light. Whether this thing is length or weight or lethality, it is obviously not made for this kind of meatball-like little bean ding … … should be an adult man’s weapon.

The little bald man’s paws were red and swollen and cracked, and he sat on the ground in awkwardness, weeping a few times, and for a moment, he could not help but cry a few more times.

The wooden pile standing next to it was covered with traces of iron rods, and it was horizontal and vertical, with no rules.

Even though he was a mountain guard, the little bald head was also a small thing that was not as big as a bean. Without much effort, he held the sharp weapon of the adult and desperately poked the trace on the wooden pile, but it was not as deep as the elder took the nail.

Chu Huan came out from behind the tree: “… Ankaraye.”

The annoying extent of this little ghost is in the same vein as his bear daddy. Every time Chu Huan sees him, he has to do everything he can to get around, but I do n’t know when–maybe his vicious language learning has played a role. The old name of the little bald head.

The little bald stared at him blankly for a moment, then lowered his head and rubbed his eyes vigorously-how long did the little poisonous snake actually grow into a big poisonous snake, and this crying bear child actually learned to pretend that he did not cry.

But his pretence did not last long. The little bald man was dressed up, and he became even more aggrieved. Finally, he finally abandoned himself, got up from the ground, and rushed to Chu Huan.

Little bald head: “Abba!”

Chu Huan caught him, picked up the little bald head, and sighed, letting the little boy cry on his shoulders for a long time, and his nose and tears wiped him.

The little bald man let go of his throat and howled the flying birds in the forest. This movement finally attracted Nanshan who had been thrown away by Chu Huan.

Nanshan saw from afar, his footsteps, but did not step forward, but Chu Huan keenly heard the footsteps, looked back at him, his eyes collided, Nanshan’s heart jumped heavily.

Later, he saw Chu Huan approaching him.

The little bald man did not know how long he had cried, and had already cried himself out of strength. The soft, Chu Huan stuffed him into Nanshan’s hand and walked straight away.

When the two passed by, Nanshan suddenly said hard: “No matter what you want to do, I will not remember, nor will I be grateful to you, don’t waste your energy.”

Nanshan didn’t know that he still had a few years to live. In the short time, perhaps in the Ming Dynasty today, it must have been longer than two or three years, so he played a small trick-in truth, there is nothing wrong with this sentence. What can the dead remember and appreciate?

Chu Huan took a step, looked at him sideways, but did not respond, but only smiled.

It was a spoiled and indulgent smile with insight, as if he knew everything and planned everything.

Nanshan panicked at the time: “Chu Huan!”

Chu Huan responded with good temper: “Huh?”

“What are you doing recently? Have you been to the elders? What are you going to do?” At the end of the speech, Nanshan’s tone almost sternened, pressing him closely to him.

Chu Huan’s eyes turned, suddenly raised two fingers, flirted with a kiss and pointed at Nanshan, then he flashed into the forest like a ghost, when Nanshan carried a small bald head and chased it, it was already Even Chu Huan’s hair could not be found.

Chu Huan didn’t return to his residence because he was afraid that Nanshan would be waiting for the rabbit at the door of his courtyard at night, so he went down to the gate and planned to find a room in the empty house of the gatekeeper. He came to the settlement of the small house behind the mountain gate and was encountering Yuan Ping brushing a strange pattern on a mountain wall.

Taking care of the teaching effect of the elders, Chu Huan recognized the calendar for a moment.

The gatekeeper also has years, months, and days, but through the elder’s explanation, Chu Huan has figured out that the time on both sides of the mountain gate is different. From the river side, it seems that there is only one season for the gatekeeper to transfer to the world here. However, the people who have turned around stayed here for a long time. From the days of Yuan Ping’s paintings, there are at least three hundred days, which is close to a whole year.

Yuan Ping did not raise his head: “What are you doing here?”

Chu Huan silently found a place beside him and sat on the floor, watching Yuan Ping mark the days that have passed in the countdown. At the end of the calendar, Yuan Ping drew a symbol of the end with black dye.

In their words, the words “End” and “Death” are written very similarly. Beginners need to work hard to distinguish the subtle differences. At first glance, this calendar is almost like a countdown to death.

Chu Huan suddenly remembered that when he first arrived here, he saw the corpses of the mountains and the wilderness, and now there are a large number of mountain guards, who can fight alongside them, so when the mountain gate is turned upside down again?

The sinking ground has been so close, all monsters try to occupy this mountain gate, get the vitality of the holy spring and from another world, the mountain guardian acts as a carrier through the two worlds, when they are forced to leave again, the gatekeeper will face what?

Chu Huan stared at the word “end” at the end of the calendar. For a long time, he suddenly said: “I plan to leave in two days.”

Yuan Ping’s hand snapped: “What are you talking about?”

Chu Huan didn’t answer, Yuan Ping suddenly turned his head to look at him: “I thought you at least went back to get a few guns …”

Chu Huan interrupted him: “I’ll go back once, at least wait until the mountain gate turns again to come back, are you still alive then?”

Yuan Ping was shocked, and after a while, he said: “The gatekeeper can be regenerated by the blood of the guardian, so I … equivalent to regaining his life.”

“Death can’t be resurrected. The reborn person may have the previous shadow through the memory of the Shoushan people, but that is different.” Chu Huan smiled bitterly. “At least your former patriarch was not so good at speaking now.”

Yuan Ping remained silent for a long time, and then he suddenly came to his face in a rare way: “The life of the gatekeeper is not the same as the life of people in the usual sense. Of course, we ca n’t look at our death in the same way you look at death-Chu Huan From the point of view, we are this mountain, just by your memory into a different person, as long as the mountain does not die, we are eternal … “

Chu Huan: “Don’t talk about that, so you disclosed my plan to Nanshan.”

Yuan Ping didn’t answer, and defaulted.

Chu Huan looked down at his hand. His hand was scarred but slender and powerful. The palm was not particularly generous among men. However, when he held it up, he seemed to be as stable and reliable as he could pinch all destiny.

His recovery speed was terrible. Yuan Ping, who was practiced every morning, felt the brunt of it. Chu Huan did not appear exhausted in the high-intensity shaft rotation, but his reaction and energy had almost returned to his own peak state.

“Don’t owe your mouth like this,” Chu Huan said, “I carried the sheepskin of the elder almost back, and other things, the goat face and your water ghost patriarch also touched black, I think I should prepare All are ready, almost ready to go. “

Yuan Ping caught fire: “Did you not see the old man’s divination results? Death! You are neither a guardian nor a gatekeeper. Are you sick to catch the death? Has Nanshan let you go-he does not interrupt Your legs are weird! Is Qingsheng the right thing, stupid? “

Chu Huan: “You know what a fart.”

Yuan Ping listened and dropped the brush, intending to exchange his life experience with him.

Chu Huan didn’t seem to see his fierceness, sitting in meditation, motionless.

“It’s very lucky to have someone who can let you go through the flames for him,” Chu Huan said. “It makes people feel like they are alive again.”

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