Shadow Slave | School Days

Chapter 28: Chapter 28

A dumbfounded expression painted itselfacross Sunny's features as he stared at Seishan incredulously. A god? Him? Ofall the many things he had been labelled throughout his life, that was one hehad never thought he'd be seen as. Not in the slightest.

"A god… what do you mean?" Sunny askedtentatively, Seishan sighed as though she was talking about the weather beforewalking past Sunny, pointing at the pile of bodies that Sunny had created."Look! I've seen many people get killed before, but nothing like this. The wayyou do it, the way you operate in battle, the cold look in your eyes as youtake a life. It's amazing! Never stop killing Sunless!"
Cocking his head to the side, Sunny didn'toffer a reply before walking past Seishan silently. Thoughts of theimplications of her statement still snaking their way around his mind as Sunnycontinued forward. He needed to find someone; they were likely the only way hecould escape.
After hours of searching, Sunny and Seishanfinally stopped near an old man, he wore a hoodie covering his head and hadlong white locks that fell loosely at his side. His wrinkled features werecurled into a slight smile as he stared openly into the air without focusinghis eyes on anything.
Kneeling slightly, Sunny gently tapped theman on the head before pulling off his hoodie. "Jest, it's… Sunless." Uponhearing his name, the man's head snapped upward as he extended a hand withblinding speed for someone his age. In a blur, Sunless was out of his range ashe sighed in frustration.
"Ah, so it is you Sunless! Hold on, let methink of a joke." Turning to Seishan, who wore a confused expression on herface, Sunny merely shrugged without saying a word. Suddenly, the silence waspierced through by Jet's hoarse voice. "Why did Sunless bring a flashlight tothe party?"
Since the question wasn't directed at him,Sunny didn't feel the need to answer. However, strangely, Seishan gained thatfeeling on Sunny's behalf as she cracked a slight smile in anticipation. "Idon't know old man, please enlighten us!" Jest laughed heartily for a fewmoments, amusing himself at the joke he had concocted.
"Because he always kills everyone in thedark!" Immediately, Seishan and Jest broke into hearty laughs as Sunny watchedthe two with a dumbfounded expression. "But I don't…" Sunny mumbled under hisbreathe as he watched Seishan almost fall over in laughter.
Clearing his throat, Sunny caught Jest'sattention once more as the last remnants of his laughter slowly came to a stop."I need a way out the underworld." Sunny said, his voice remaining even andsharp as he studied Jest's expression. Jest's face slowly hardened at Sunny'sstatement before he slowly began to stroke his beard.

"Well, there are ways. If you want toescape the underworld without having Valor's dogs chase you down, you're betteroff going to the northern quadrant to Song Eubin or as you know her…beast-master." Sunny's ears slightly perked up at the opportunity of such agood deal, but his scepticism remained firm as he waited for Jest to finish hissentence.
 "Butshe'll always ask for payment. And just taking one look at you I'm sure youknow the type of work she'll ask you to do." Sunny's lips curled into an uglysnarl as his bloodlust flared, Seishan, who had been listening to the wholeaffair attentively felt like she would fall to her knees in moments just fromthe sight of it.
'He's amazing, he's godlike!' she exclaimedto herself, her knees shuddered beneath her as Sunny slowly relaxed himself.Jest on the other hand, appeared completely fine despite Sunny's oppressivepresence, waiting patiently for Sunny to come to a decision.
"Can't I just kill her and leave?" heasked, Seishan's eyes lit up at the prospect, eagerly awaiting an answer asJest sighed to himself. "Kids these days, always so prepared for a fight.Listen, Eubin is strong, extremely strong. I'm sure she's not nearly as strongas you, but are you sure you could kill her before Morgan catches wind of whereyou are?"
Balling his hand into a fist, Sunny wasfaced with the irrefutable fact that Jest was right. Sighing to himself, Sunnylooked upward, staring at the marble ceilings that kept him trapped in thehellhole of despair that had taken years of life from him and warped hisperception on reality.
'I'll get to see the stars again.' Sunnythought to himself, before letting out a long sigh. "I'll do it, I'll go seebeast-master." Spinning on his heel, Sunny glanced at Seishan before beckoningher to follow suit. His steps were heavy and laced with anger, yet regardless nota single sound came out no matter how much weight he placed on the floor.
"Master, what will happen to me if youescape here?" Seishan asked, her tone was laced with a mixture of curiosity andconcern as Sunny continued to walk forward without uttering a reply. Frankly,Seishan didn't want to leave. Sunny leaving the underworld would take everythingfrom her.
Sunny was the spark of light in the mundaneand monotonous life she had lived, only being excited slightly when she had beenkidnapped and yet, even that too grew boring. Yet, Sunny, Lost from Light,continued to entertain her as he dove into battle. She wouldn't let anyone robher of her reason to live, not even Sunny.
Turning around, Sunny glanced at her asthough she asked something obvious before sighing. "Of course, I'll take youwith me… even though the payment might be unpleasant." He spat out the wordpayment with a disgusted expression before turning around and continuing hissteps, walking aimlessly forward to clear his head of his lingering rage.
But Seishan's curiosity remained undeterredas another, more pressing question invaded its way into her mind. She had neverbothered asking it before as she didn't particularly care, but now that itappeared like her time in the underworld was coming to an end, she suddenlyfelt the urge to ask.
"You've probably saved loads of girlsbefore, why did you choose to follow me?" Seishan asked, Sunny turned back andstared at her with a puzzled expression, placing a hand on his chin as thoughhe appeared genuinely confused before responding.
 "Idon't know… what it's like… to feel alive. My mum told me to find someone whomakes me feel alive… it looks like you were having the same problem as me. So,I helped you, there isn't much to it." With that, a comfortable silence settledbetween the two as Seishan watched Sunny's back, slowly and silently making itsway toward the northern quadrant of the underworld.
'But you're trying to take away my reasonto live. You're always so far away, like a lightless star that lights up myworld. Everything about you, your brutality, your emotionless gaze, your fury.None of it needs to change, so why do you keep looking for more? You don't needmore, I'm all you need and you're all I need. There doesn't need to be anythingelse.'
Seishan's thoughts remained firmly gluedinto her mind as she watched Sunny slow to a stop after about an hour ofwalking. Sunny had taken about six shortcuts to cut his way into the northernquadrant of the underworld, and finally they were there.
Although the northern quadrant didn't markthe farthest point north in the underworld, instead serving as a point to markthe beginning of the gigantic northern territories, it still was quite thegigantic sight, spanning across Seishan's vision like a looming city.
Compared to the rest of the underground,the northern quadrant was filled with black, inky bricks that served to perfectlycompliment Sunny's darkened choice of clothing. Only small lights that lit upthe streets of the northern quadrant served as faculties to enable vision,truly it was a place designed for a shadow.
Above it, stood a small tube which wasconnected to the tip of the highest building. Beast-master's tower. It loomedover the rest of the city like a tyrant, a gigantic dimly lit clock sendingticks that echoed throughout the vast expanse, marking the passage of time. Ironically,it had been a long time since she had last seen a clock. Seishan didn't evenknow what date it was.
Turning to Sunny, Seishan gave him a slightsmile before shuffling close to him. Leaning down to his ear, she saw Sunnyrepress a sudden jolt of fear as she whispered into his ear. "I'll be back soon;I'll see you at beast-master's tower."
Sunny nodded, his happiness that Seishanwould not be present to witness what Eubin made him do remaining invisible ashe saw Seishan slowly disappear into the bustling streets of the northernquadrant.
Little did he know, Seishan was about tomake a decision that changed their lives, throwing off the course of Sunny's fate entirely.

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