Scumbag Regrets the Divorce

Chapter 46

Um, it’s on the shelves, darlings

Babies, this book will be on the shelves from today.

I thank you all for your company during this period of time, and I am very happy every time I see people commenting and complaining about me.

Being able to communicate with everyone makes my codewords more motivated.

Thank you so much!

Well, let’s talk about the shelves.

What does listing mean? In addition to starting to charge, but the number of words will definitely increase, from the original 2,000 words per day to at least 3,000 words.

Of course there will be changes from time to time.

This also means that there will be more content, and everyone can watch it better.


I’m a person, the codeword speed is very slow, not the usual slow. When the other big speed is three or four thousand per hour, my speed has been maintained at one thousand words per hour.

The slowest one, because of Kavin, I wrote a thousand words for 5 hours.


But it’s on the shelves today, I will try to do more.

Then talk about the follow-up content.

Chu Shixiao, this scum, must be tortured. I prepared a crematorium for him. It is not an ordinary crematorium, but a giant crematorium.

What truth was revealed, what kind of suspended animation package…

Anyway, there will be everything you want.

I don't know if anyone will start to feel sorry for him again.

Lin Yue's end will be miserable, but he is also a tragic character, let's take it slowly.

Of course, the little angel Su Mo was so pitiful in the early stage, I would definitely reluctant to write him dead, so I will make him happy.

Good people are rewarded. This is a principle that I have been implementing since I wrote the book.

Finally, I would like to thank my editor Nan Guo for his encouragement and support.

Thank you again, and I hope you all can go along with me!

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