Schwarz -‖- Der Wille zur Macht

Arc VI Chapter 12



Arc VI Chapter 12



30th Ignis Lunar X AAC 753


“... ... ...” Erich paled in an instant, all blood, all life draining from his face. His eyes were staring at the seal, his mouth gaping. 


Rudolf joined him. He gulped. “Erich, is this ... Is this what I think it is?”


Erich resorted immediately to panicked denial. “No ... No ... No, this can't be!”


Aurora beamed, teasing. All went according to plan. “How so? You don't think it is real?” 


With a growl, Eric grabbed at her promotion letter, snatching it directly from her hands. “Give it to me, dammit!” 


“This ... This ...” Erich trembled, unable to believe his eyes, his anger surging with every line. “This ... This is impossible! This can't be! This must be an error! You can't be part of our party! The guild must be joking!”


Aurora tilted her head, gently patting her doll in a soothing manner. “How so? It is written there in black and white, is it not?”


“No, this must be an error. I am sure.” Erich marched off, heading straight for the nearby guild counter where he engaged poor, poor Erika in a rather vivid discussion, judging by the overall volume, his colourful choice of words, and his frantic gestures.






The discussion ended, and he eventually returned, his shoulders deflated, his spirit dejected. “... ... ...”


“And?” Aurora beamed innocently.


A heavy sigh escaped Erich, a sigh of defeat. “It is true ... We are in the same party ... The guild ... has indeed paired us together.”


Aurora giggled, her hand concealing her lips in a ladylike manner. “I told you so. ” 


“...” Erich pinched the bridge of his nose, his frustration and disgust apparent. “Just why? Why, of all people, must it be you?” He didn’t look happy. He didn't sound happy. He clearly was unhappy.


“An excellent question indeed.” Aurora raised her index finger, smiling. “Look, Erich, I know that we have  had our differences and issues in the past, but it is time to put them aside and reach a more suitable arrangement, don't you agree? We can't remain enemies forever. At least, not as long as we are stuck in the same party. That wouldn't do, right? You detest me, Erich, but you strike me as an intelligent boy. Let's call a truce.” 


Aurora extended her hand, offering him a handshake to seal their pact. It was time for a truce for the sake of both of them.


“...” Erich grumbled, staring at her hand, his displeasure apparent. “You know, Edelgart, I hate it when you are right.” 


“So, you will accept my offer?”


“Tsk, as if we had much of a choice ...” Erich rolled his eyes, his hand grabbing hers. His handshake was firm. The pact was sealed. The truce signed between them and her and her doll. They were now all friends now for the foreseeable future.


“And now shake my Dolly's hand too~.” Aurora moved her doll's arm.


“What?” Erich tensed up. “No. I don't shake hands with a doll ...”


Aurora glared at him, pouting, insisting, “Shake ... Dolly's ... hand.” 


“...” Erich bit his lip. “Do ... Do I really need to?”


Aurora nodded vigorously. “Yes. Dolly important. Dolly best fwiend. So, you must shake Dolly's hand too.” She continued poking him with her doll.


“I ... understand.” Erich took her doll's hand and shook it, much to her satisfaction. 


“And you too, Ludolf. Shake her handsie~.” Aurora grinned, offering him her doll's hand as well. 


“...” Ludolf hesitated, yet he took it without major complaints. 


Erich commented, “Are you satisfied now, Edelgart?”


“Yes.” Aurora beamed. The negotiations had been successful. “I guess now that we aren't at each other's throats any more, it is time for another introduction. This time under more auspicious conditions.” 


Her hand reached for her chest, a polite curtsy accompanying her. “I am Edelgart, and this is my doll, Dolly. It is a pleasure to meet you both.”


Erich and his friend Ludolf hesitated initially, but they accepted her proposal. “The pleasure is all ours. I am Erich von Schwert. You know me. And this is my best friend, Ludolf. You should already be well acquainted with him.” 


Aurora smiled. “Yes, we remember him, right, Dolly?” 


“Yes, and I remember you.” Ludolf glared at her, yet he refrained from commenting further, unwilling to compromise their recent truce.


Erich sighed. “Anyway, now we just need to wait for our mentor. Seriously, where is she? What is that woman doing?”


“Waaaaaaaaahhhhhhh! Sorry! Sorry! Out of my way!” Angelika barged through the crowded streets of Freyburg, through the masses of meandering townsfolk, her blonde hair dishevelled, her breathing heavy, her arms pushing, shoving, her lips profusely apologising in every single direction for her behaviour. Her frenzied footsteps echoed across the cobblestones.


Her skirt billowed in the air, and her armour jangled along, her greaves, her cuisses, her vambraces, her cuirass, her mail underneath clattering in a metallic cacophony. Her holstered sword wasn't of much help either, trying to trip her every second step. Yet she had no time to rest. Yet she had no time to pause. Her destination was the adventurer's guild. And she was late, horribly late.


Her entire morning had been nothing but an unmitigated, utter disaster! Of all days possible, it had to be precisely today that she overslept. Not yesterday! Not tomorrow! No, today! The only day that had mattered.


However, to make matters even worse, not only did she oversleep, she also stumbled across a litter of kittens and their mother when taking a shortcut. Amidst a mountain of unused straw baskets, her watchful eyes spotted lone tufts of bright golden fur. Their faint meows caught her immediate attention. They were the cutest litter of golden tabbies that she had ever seen in her entire life!


Her heart crumbled in an instant. Naturally, the kittens required her immediate care and undivided attention. Of course, the kittens had to be properly fed and cuddled adequately by rubbing her soft cheeks against their fluffy fur. The urge was irresistible. Time flew by, and before she realised another hour had passed, another hour had been lost. But what else was she supposed to do?


 They were so cute, so fluffy, so fuzzy, so adorable. They meowed and purred at her. They stared with their big, round eyes full of hope, begging for treats with their little paws. Resistance was futile. She couldn't leave them alone like that. One treat led to another. One treat became two. Two treats became four. Four treats became eight.   


“Dammit! Dammit! Dammit!” Angelika mumbled under her breath, further increasing her pace. Could this day get any worse? It could.


Fate heard her prayers. A stranger emerged before her, standing right in her path. The man failed to notice her approaching. It was impossible to decelerate. It was impossible to change direction. They were on a direct collision course. The collision was inevitable.


“Watch out!” Angelika raised her arms to brace herself. The impact followed. They collided head on, crashing into each other in the middle of the street.


“Aargh.” A startled cry escaped Angelika as they both stumbled backwards. They both fell, landing on the ground.


“Ouch.” Angelika started rubbing her poor butt. It hurt.


“Aargh.” The man recuperated from his shock, turning his attention to her. “My apologies for my oversight, are ... you ... all right ...” Unfortunately, though, she was in a hurry. There was no time to spare for pleasantries.


“Sorry! Sorry! I am so sorry, but I really need to go!” Angelika quickly apologised before leaping up and hurrying off. Time was not on her side.



Litter of Kittens



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