Chapter 11: I Must Stop
Streaks of blinding rays of sunshine filter into the room and wake me from a sound sleep. They shine so bright that I have to blink rapidly before my eyes flutter open.
I barely had any sleep last night. I tossed and turned, convinced that the lock on my door would mean nothing to anyone who wanted to enter my said room. Specifically somebody with bright brown eyes and a nasty disposition who kidnaps and drugs young women for fun. I was only able to relax because I knew Karlen slept a few doors away from me.
I roll on my back and study the plastered ceiling above me. If I'm going to find my way out of this mess, it won't happen if I stay in bed or keep hiding in this room. I have to get out and explore, look for any signs of weakness. Try to come up with an escape plan. Even if Karlen has come in terms and resigned himself to this marriage, I haven't.
Thankfully, the bathroom has been stocked with all the toiletries that I might need, which are mostly high-end brands that I never found in Krasnoyarsk. The wardrobe and closets are full of clothes. Yoga pants to designer dresses and everything in between. Even so, I don't know why they bothered with such expensive and sexy clothes and undergarments. No one here will see them.
I get up and slip into the most comfortable clothes I get, jeans and a t-shirt. The jeans are a perfect fit, but the shirt is a little tighter across my chest. I decide that I might as well just leave it on. Maybe it will distract some guards from my escape efforts.
Once I'm ready, I slip into the corridor. The house is silent and the door to Karlen's room is closed. But I remember my way to the kitchen, so I head downstairs. I hope that Sergio slept as late as his son did.
The aroma of freshly baked bread wafts up my nose and makes my mouth water. When I get to the kitchen, I find Lucia taking something out of the oven. I instantly liked her when she brought me tea last night. She is an older woman with grayish brown hair. A sister to Sergio's father. Ever since her son and husband were killed years ago, she has lived in the castle. Unfortunately, she doesn't speak much English.
"Hello," I greet as I walk in.
She smiles at me, holding up her tray. "Hi. Coffee?"
I sit on one of the stools on the island. "Yes." I nod. "Thank you."
She soon sets a cup of espresso before me along with a basket of things that look like croissants.
One thing about me is that I can't resist pastry. Especially warm pastry. I might be a prisoner, but I'm not dead.
I'm enjoying the third one when Karlen walks in, fully dressed and groomed and looking like some movie star. He presses a soft kiss on Lucia's cheeks then reaches for pastry. "Good morning, Ivie. How did you sleep?"
"Like I'd been kidnapped from my home to a foreign state."
"Sounds about right." He says, lips curving into half a smile. "I'll walk you around the estate. We can even sample some wine while at it. If you'd like, that is."
"You have vineyards here?"
He smiles at me. "Vineyards, olive groves, animals. You'll love it."
"I'd rather go home."
"Come on, you can't stay inside all day."
It's true. Plus a tour will help me learn the property. I can then use that information to better plan my next escape plan. "Okay." I accept reluctantly.
Seconds later, the tapping of heels on the tiles catches my attention. I look over and meet the face of a tall brown-haired woman. She strides into the kitchen like she belongs here. She is lean and beautiful, and her tiny silver dress shows off a figure that models would kill for. The heels make her legs look longer. Gorgeous woman indeed. But who is she?
"Good morning. Lucia. Karlen. I just wanted to help myself to one of Lucia's pastries on my way out." She says with an accent that isn't Russian, and I can't quite place it. Eastern, European maybe?
Lucia smiles tightly, but Karlen is a little more welcoming. "Hello, Marlene."
The woman picks out a pastry from the basket then cocks her head at me. "You must be the fiancée."
"We'll be seeing a lot of each other then, I guess."
From the stove, Lucia makes a somewhat disapproving grunt. "Our driver will take you wherever you want to go, Marlene." Karlen says.
"I know, Karlen. This isn't my first time." She rolls her eyes and a smirk remains on her lips. She strolls and heads back the way she came. "Thanks, Lucia. Your pastries are the best."
When we are finally alone again, the silence in the room becomes oppressive. Lucia looks murderous and Karlen looks embarrassed. I can't figure out the reason, but the sinking feel in my stomach tells me that something isn't right. Lucia crosses herself and mutters something in Russian. Karlen responds to her, but I don't understand a thing.
"Who is that woman?" I ask.
Karlen sighs. "Marlene… She is my fathers… you know, mistress."
So she is Sergio's kept woman. His mistress, and she slept in last night.
I don't care that he has a woman he fucks whenever he sees fit. It is just surprising to see her here in the morning. Yes, the hollow feeling in my stomach is definitely a surprise.
"Oh. Well, she seems…" I can't form the correct words to say. "Comfortable here."
"She isn't terrible." Karlen says. "But I never care what my father has Fong on in his personal life. Don't worry though, she won't last long. They never do."
"They don't?" I ask, surprised. Apparently, Sergio Sakharov turns out to be worse than I had imagined.
"They never do what?" a deep rumble asks.
My body jolts as the devil himself strides into the kitchen, looking too sexy in the morning and thoroughly groomed. Why wouldn't he be though? He didn't spend hours in the dungeon last night like I did.
Unable to help myself, I study him through my lashes. His gray suit is perfectly crisp and looks like it was made of a luxurious fabric. And he has on a brown tie that complements the color of his eyes. His hair is wet, meaning it hasn't been long since he came from the shower. Was Marlene with him in the shower? Had he screwed her in there?
There are no unwilling women in my life, Ivanna.
I have to stop thinking about Sergio. I have to stop noticing his looks. I don't like how the hairs on my arms rise when I notice his presence. Anything remotely attractive about a horrible and dangerous man who dragged me from my home, someone who went out of his way to lock me in the dungeon and make me miserable, for fuck's sake, is out of the question.
"Hello, Papa." Karlen says his posture stiffer now that his father is in the room.
Sergio bends and presses a kiss on Lucia's cheek. "Good morning, nona." His expression is unexpectedly soft and affectionate as he hugs her.
Lucia smiles and playfully hits his shoulder with her palm as she talks to him in rapid Russian that I can't quite place.
Karlen leans over to me. "He calls her granny often, just to get her worked up."
I frown. I hadn't imagined that I would get to see this side of Sergio, the side that teases his aunt whom he obviously loves. I need him to remain the heartless cruel bastard who bullies me for fun.
Sergio starts to brew a cup of coffee then he leans on the counter and begins to talk to Karlen in Russian. The only word that I catch is blood. How I wish they could speak slower. Of course, I know a little Russian, but not enough to keep up with the rapid pace.
I need to improve my language soon. I know that it will come in handy and aid my escape.
I notice how Karlen's face hardens, showing that he is clearly unhappy about whatever conversation they're having. But he nods." Yes, Papa."
"This makes me happy" Sergio suddenly switches to speaking English, gesturing to me and his son. "The two of you will spend more time together and get acquainted. It's more than most of us had before our weddings."
He translates it again for his aunt who responds with something that makes him laugh. My breath catches in my throat. I didn't think that I would get to see the lines of his face eased and him laughing, all the manly charm and beauty getting at me. I feel a weird tug of arousal in my belly.
I cannot find anything about him attractive. I need to get a grip.
"What did she say?" I ask, desperate to get my head out of the gutter.
He sips his coffee and studies me over the rim. "She said it was intentional, that my ugly face and grumpy disposition would have scared off any potential bride."
I agree with half of that description. "Or your dungeon." I can't help but add.
The mood of the room changes in an instant. Karlen doesn't move and his father pins me with a cold stare that reminds me of who he actually is beneath this façade. He flexes his hand, which has a little bandage on it. "Did you enjoy your stay in the cell? Because I'll be more than happy to escort you back there should you give me a reason to."
The thought of going back to that godforsaken pit sends terror along my spine. My skin suddenly grows all cold and clammy. I stare at Sergio with all the loathing that I feel in my soul.
"That's enough, Papa." Karlen says.
Sergio picks his cup and saucer and leaves the kitchen without another word.
"You shouldn't ever antagonize him like that." Karlen warns me. "And never do that in front of his men again."
"I'm not here to play nice, Karlen. I'm here under duress. And I want to go back to Krasnoyarsk."
Karlen gives me a concerned gaze and shakes his head sadly. "In this life, we barely get what we want, Ivie. But it is better to accept that this is now your fate." Before I ask him to explain, he holds out his hand. "What do you say we go for a walk?"
I thank Lucia for the breakfast then we leave through the backdoor into the morning sunshine. Maybe, I can use today's outing to my advantage and figure out a way to escape his nightmare.