Saving Wang

Chapter 4

Chapter 4-Tenderness in the Bed (I)

When the first sunshine in the morning came in, Wang Weixi was embracing Chen Kexin who was asleep in his arms, quietly enjoying this pleasant morning.

Opening his eyes, Wang Weixi looked down at Chen Kexin, who was still asleep, and kissed her forehead. Last night, a group of his colleagues had roughed horseplay at weddings which had exhausted her. Thinking of the days in future, Wang Weixi was holding her in a pampering manner, and Chen Kexin was somewhat slightly awakened in this warmer embrace.

“Hubby, why are you holding me so tightly?” Chen Kexin opened her eyes and pouted her mouth, looking unhappy.

Wang Weixi gently kissed her cheek and said, “Sorry to wake you up, dear.”

Chen Kexin nodded and wrapped her arms around Wang Weixi’s waist. She put her head on his chest and said with a smile, “Yes, you are a bad guy…”

Wang Weixi tapped her forehead and said, “Small pig, if I am a bad guy, why have you married to me?”

Chen Kexin smiled and said after thinking about it, “Because you are bad… haha…”

Wang Weixi revealed a gentle smile on the corner of his mouth. “From today on, I am a person who really has a family. I am no longer wandering and hovering. I have my own house, and a lovely wife.” Wang Weixi did not know how to describe this feeling but he felt so good,like in a beautiful dream.

“Honey, when I told you that we could not go on a honeymoon, didn’t you really mind?” Every time he thought about Chen Kexin’s disappointed face because of his canceling the honeymoon, he felt very guilty in his heart.

All the expenses of their wedding were paid by Chen Derong, his father-in-law. Wang Weixi did not want to spend any more of his money. If he wanted to satisfy Chen Kexin’s hope of going to French, her perfect honeymoon destination with his own money he had saved in these years, their life in the future would be quite difficult.

Wang Weixi was a stubborn person. Instead of leading a hard future life with her just for one happy time, he would rather give her a rich life with his love. He would satisfy her every dream someday.

Wang Weixi stroked Chen Kexin’s hair. He didn’t know why they two were married so soon. He only knew that he was very happy and very pleasant now. For Wang Weixi, having a family meant he had something to rely on; having a wife meant he had the motivation to work harder.

Chen Kexin opened her beautiful big eyes, thinking with her head cocked sideways, then laughed and said, “We are on the honeymoon, aren’t we?”

Wang Weixi looked at the serious Chen Kexin silly. Her smile had been so brilliant since they first met. “Yes, we are on the honeymoon. There are you, me, a bed and sunshine. Is it the best honeymoon?”

At the same time, Wang Weixi was somewhat moved. Although Chen Kexin was like a proud princess in the greenhouse, she would like to compromise for him. She could put herself in his shoes and even comforted him. Thinking of this, he said softly, “Honey, you are so nice.”

Chen Kexin clicked on his chest, mischievously spit out her tongue, and said, “You finally know…”

“Silly girl.” Wang Weixi chuckled and wanted to get up. Chen Kexin turned over and mischievously put arms around his waist and said, “Dear, if I make a mistake someday, will you stop loving me?”

Wang Weixi turned around and looked at her face seriously. For the first time, he discovered the shallow sadness between her eyebrows. He shook his head, cuddled Chen Kexin, and said, “Of course not, dear, you are a gift for me from God. Do you know… it is my greatest luck to meet you.” Everyone should be clear how important a woman was to a man other than gays.

The arrival of Chen Kexin made Wang Weixi’s life become fruitful for the first time and even fragrant like peaches and plums.

Wang Weixi’s words made Chen Kexin’s nose sour. Everyone had always thought that she was a useless gimmick that no one wanted; no one had ever known why she no longer believed in love; she had never thought of meeting a man who talked to her like this. In Chen Kexin’s eyes, Wang Weixi was a man who could help her forget her shameful past; moreover, he was the person that she fell in love at first sight.

“Honey, it’s good to have you.” She buried her head deeply in Wang Weixi’s chest, sucking her nose, looking up and feeling his warm breath. Their four eyes met when she replied his gentle kiss.

“Oh…” Wang Weixi frowned, and his tongue reluctantly withdrew from Chen Kexin’s mouth. Looking at the blushing Chen Kexin, he asked with concern, “Hungry?”

Chen Kexin nodded and said, “Well… How embarrassing!” Then she left Wang Weixi’s arms and covered her blushing face with a quilt.

Wang Weixi shook his head helplessly and said, “I am going to make breakfast for you now, and you should get up and clean up.”

Chen Kexin nodded, and Wang Weixi got up and left.

Then he came to the bathroom and quickly started brushing his teeth. As soon as he finished brushing, he heard Chen Kexin’s voice, “Honey, could you come?”

Wang Weixi turned around and ran into the bedroom, “Honey, what happened?” He saw Chen Kexin lying there lazily, her fingers pointing at the clothes hanging on the hangers. “Could you pass me the clothes?”

Wang Weixi smiled and handed her clothes, patting her ass, and said, “Naughty, get up quickly.”

“Oh…” Lazily answering Wang Weixi, Chen Kexin kept still and yawned on the bed.

After cleaning up, Wang Weixi glanced at Chen Kexin in bed and smiled helplessly. This girl seemed really tired. While thinking about this, he walked into the kitchen and started to make breakfast.

After a short while, a hearty breakfast was ready. Wang Weixi looked at the table with satisfaction and then filled the bowls with the porridge. He shouted at the bedroom, “Dear, come to have the breakfast…”

However, there was no reaction for a long time.

He shouted again, “Dear, the breakfast is ready, are you up?”

There was still no answer. Wang Weixi shook his head. Was she asleep again? He walked into the bedroom and saw Chen Kexin huddled on the bed like a tortoise. Her body was naked, and her smooth skin was tempting.

Wang Weixi quickly went over and covered her with the quilt under her body. Then he sorted out her clothes that he had fetched for her.

Looking at her sleeping face, Wang Weixi’s eyes became more gentle. “Have a good rest, my small lazy girl.” He walked out of the room. Looking at the meal on the table, he felt a little disappointed in his heart.

Just like this, the clock unstoppably went to twelve o’clock. When Wang Weixi was preparing lunch in the kitchen, he heard a “plop”. Wang Weixi stunned for a second, then hurriedly ran to the bedroom.

When he opened the door, he saw Chen Kexin be wrapped in the quilt and sit on the ground in a mess.

“Oh… Dear, it hurts.” Seeing Wang Weixi, Chen Kexin pouted her mouth and said.

Wang Weixi looked at Chen Kexin with a funny smile and said, “How did you fall out of bed?” Then he walked over and carefully picked her up.

Chen Kexin laid down unhappily. Wang Weixi patted the quilt and then covered her, “It is twelve o’clock. You are such a little lazy pig.”

Chen Kexin stretched out before she opened her eyes and said, “So late? Is it already twelve o’clock? No wonder I’m so hungry.” Patting her stomach, Chen Kexin looked at Wang Weixi sullenly.

“I am cooking. Hurry to get up.” Wang Weixi kissed her forehead and then got up and went to the kitchen.

Chen Kexin lay in bed and narrowed her eyes. Embracing the warmth of the bed, she glanced at the clothes on the side. “I don’t want to get up…” She reached out reluctantly, touched the clothes, and then immediately withdrew her hand.

“Dear, get up, lunch is ready.”

“Dear, I have cooked your favorite mushroom soup. Get up quickly.”

“Dear, are you planning to have dinner directly?”

Facing Chen Kexin’s Gecko Skill, Wang Weixi finally rushed into the room with a heavy pace. He saw Chen Kexin slowly turning her head, blinking her sleepy eyes. Then she said weakly, “Honey, my entire body hurts… Can you bring the food in?”

Wang Weixi couldn’t believe what he had heard. Standing there blankly, he looked at Chen Kexin. The latter grabbed the corner of the quilt and put on a pitiful look in front of Wang Weixi, “Dear…”

Looking at Chen Kexin, who was as pitiful as a frightened kitten, Wang Weixi withdrew his faint anger on his eyebrows and said softly, “Well, wait for me. But you’d better put your clothes on, brush your teeth, and wash your face before lunch, then you can go bed again after lunch, deal?” Wang Weixi thought that she must be really tired and felt more tenderness toward her.

Upon hearing this, Chen Kexin nodded reluctantly, and then cautiously asked, “Do I have to wash my face and brush my teeth only?”

Wang Weixi nodded patiently.

Chen Kexin nodded slowly and then struggled to leave the bed.

Wang Weixi chuckled and said, “Are you really so tired, small lazy girl?” Then he turned and walked out of the room. When he opened the door, he felt a strong wind coming behind him. Wang Weixi frowned and turned, and there was a row of crows immediately appearing above his head.

Chen Kexin wrapped her body with the bed sheet, leaving the bed in a mess. At sight of Wang Weixi, She spat out her tongue embarrassedly and then slipped into the bathroom.

Wang Weixi shook his head helplessly. “Does the girl dislike to wear clothes so much? How tired was she?” Thinking of what had happened last night, he didn’t make her too tied, did he? Well… Forget it, spare her this time. Thinking of this, Wang Weixi went out, found a small table, and then put the food on and took it into the room. When he entered the bedroom, he found that Chen Kexin had lain down again. Her Gecko Skill was really amazing!

Seeing Wang Weixi come in, Chen Kexin widened her eyes. She said with excitement, “Honey, what did you do for lunch?” Looking at the table full of dishes, Chen Kexin clapped her palms happily and sat up. The sheets on her body were like a beautiful long skirt and her unwrapped white skin was a temptation.

Wang Weix put the table down and looked at the messy bed. He sighed and said, “You have so many beautiful clothes and you still have to steal clothes from your bed.”

Chen Kexin picked up the chopsticks and took a piece of meat. Then she cutely smiled and said to Wang Weixi, “Honey don’t be angry… Come and try this, ah…”

Wang Weixi looked at Chen Kexin, who was smiling sweetly. He opened his mouth and swallowed the meat in one bite, “Bad girl, you are always irritating and pitiful.”

Chen Kexin giggled, her beautiful hair pouring down her shoulders, as playful as her. Wang Weixi shook his head. At this time, he felt tremendous love for Chen Kexin, because, in his eyes, Chen Kexin was just like any other ordinary girl: she was mischievous for a while, but this did not overshadow her lovely character or stop him from loving her.

Wang Weixi wanted to clean up before eating, but he couldn’t persuade Chen Kexin, so he had to sit down. This was the first day after they got married. This was the most reassuring lunch that Wang Weix had ever eaten. Looking at Chen Kexin, Wang Weixi felt that his heart was full of sweetness.

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