Saving Wang

Chapter 30

Chapter 30 Sudden Memory

When Wang Weixi got home, he put the dishes in the kitchen and then went to the bedroom. As he saw Chen Kexin snore loudly in her sleep, he felt helpless at it.

“My wife really didn’t get up!” Wang Weixi shook his head helplessly and put the quilt on Chen Kexin carefully. Then he walked out with a crappy and went to the kitchen to get busy.

In the bedroom, Chen Kexin enjoyed the midday sun comfortably. Although she was dreaming, she also lamented why the house didn’t have a floor-to-ceiling window. Suddenly she missed the days at home. This feeling was very strange, and she opened her eyes.

Her eyes were moist for no reason.


The sound of the dish was mixed with a scent of fragrance, which attracted Chen Kexin. She subconsciously rubbed her eyes, and the cold tears wet the back of her hand. She sat up, and her messy hair covered her slightly sad face at the moment.

She suddenly remembered the photo that she had thrown into the trash bin that day. “Will Dad pick it up and put it back? Or just left it lying there? Or maybe he can’t stand it anymore and throw the photo away?”

Wang Weixi was in the kitchen, and he did not know about these things. The sunlight lingered through the screens, making him feel that the days were still so beautiful.

Chen Kexin lay down listlessly with her eyes closed and opened them again in a moment. She sighed helplessly. “Uh… I have said that I wouldn’t grieve over the passing of the spring anymore. How can I become so depressed again?” Thinking of this, she reached out her hands and licked her face as if to make herself a ball.

If she had a mirror above her head, she would have been stunned by her distorted face. At this moment, Wang Weixi had already opened the door gently. The dish would be cooked quickly. He then adjusted the fire and wanted to call Chen Kexin to get up.

Chen Kexin sat up, and her hand was still on her face. She looked at Weixi with a strange expression. When she saw Wang Weixi, who could not help but laugh, she realized how embarrassed she looked like now, so she hurriedly released her hands and spit out her tongue to Wang Weixi awkwardly.

Wang Weixi’s face was a little blush. He hadn’t seen his wife’s cute look for a long time. The little flame in his heart burned at this moment.

He turned to think,”My wife and I are together every day, and it is only this morning that we were departed. She usually doesn’t get up until noon or afternoon. Why didn’t I feel this way at that time?” Now he discovered that he had loved her so much. He didn’t want to separate with her for a minute or a second.

When he walked over to her and sat down, Chen Kexin had already leaned in his arms. Wang Weixi squeezed one of his hands on her cheek, and the other hand hugged her waist. Her slender waist was like a willow. Every night when he licked this waist, he felt that his life was already complete.

Chen Kexin’s arms hooked Wang Weixi’s neck restlessly. Her face was gently rubbed and buried in his chest as she spoke, “Dear, do you miss me?”

Wang Weixi bowed his head, gently kissed her forehead, then slowly lowered his head, and picked up the hair near her ears, revealing her delicate little ears. A gentle smile evoked on Wang Weixi’s face, and he gently snorted in one of Chen Kexin’s ears. The breath was gentle and sultry. Chen Kexin released her arms around his neck, and her hands slowly slipped downto Wang Weixi’s waist. She then chuckled.

Wang Weixi faced the beauty in his arms, whose reddish face was so tempting at the moment. Wang Weixi couldn’t help but crush Chen Kexin in bed.

Chen Kexin’s eyes were slightly stunned, and her cheeks were redder. She pulled out one of her hands from Wang Weixi ‘s waist and gently hit his chest. She pretended to be dissatisfiedsaid and said, “What are you doing? You bullied me as you just came back…” Her eyes had been bent into crescent-like slits.

Wang Weixi caressed her cheek with one hand and gently lifted her chin with the other hand. His wet lips kept biting in her left ear.

His heavy breath gradually grew louder, and the feeling of numbness spread throughout Chen Kexin’s body. She couldn’t help blush and muttered, “Dear, itchy… hey… dear, don’t make trouble…”

Wang Weixi still did not loose her, but he gave up biting her ear, and his lips fell to her neck. His body had become hotter and hotter, and he couldn’t care for everything. His hands slowly slipped down and sneaked to Chen Kexin’s back and fondled her smoothly back. Chen Kexin’s breath was getting heavier. She clung to Wang Weixi’s waist tightly and twisted her body to accompany his enthusiasm.

Wang Weixi kissed her neck and lips. His wet lips clung to her lips. Chen Kexin’s cheeks were reddish, and she suddenly pushed him away. Wang Weixi looked at Chen Kexin in surprise and asked in a very awkward voice, “Dear, what’s wrong?”

Chen Kexin lowered her gaze, and her long eyelashes covered her black eyes. “I didn’t brush my teeth..”

Looking at her face, which looked like delicate peach blossoms, Wang Weixi couldn’t help but smile and say, “Why do you mind? We didn’t brush our teeth that morning, did we?” Chen Kexin opened her cherry-like mouth and just wanted to talk, but she was stopped by Wang Weixi with a hot kiss.

A familiar kiss, which made her happy to suffocate each time. Chen Kexin closed her eyes with a shy expression and responded affectionately to Wang Weixi. For a moment, Wang Weix’s hands had quietly passed by Chen Kexin’s back to her lower abdomen. The feeling of numbness made Chen Kexin let out a burst of swearing.

It seemed that it was a kiss for too long. Wang Weixi also felt a little breathless. He threw his tongue out of Chen Kexin’s mouth and gasped with his mouth wide open. Chen Kexin also wore a thick mouth, and her body was already too hot to be able to extricate herself.

Wang Weixi gazed his wife and smiled softly. He pulled out his hands from her lower abdomen. He then sat up and dragged her nightdress down.

Chen Kexin said shyly, “Wretch, are you not afraid of being late for work?”

Wang Weixi said with an evil smile, “No, dear, I love you…”

Chen Kexin couldn’t stop laughing again.

Wang Weixi began to take off his clothes. He was definitely faster than the soldiers when taking off their clothes. After a while, the two were already naked. At swords’ points, a bit of burnt smell was waft unhurried.

Wang Weixi sniffed the smell and was about to make fun of his wife’s smell. Suddenly, he remembered something, got up from the bed, and rushed to the kitchen with stark naked.

Chen Kexin looked at the ceiling with her eyes widely open, wondering what had happened. Then she heard noises from the kitchen. She couldn’t help laughing. It seemed that the kitchen was going on a big deal~

After this incident, the desire that had just been provoked gradually disappeared. Chen Kexin put up the clothes which Wang Weixi had already prepared for her and went to the bathroom in a good mood.

Wang Weixi’s face had been wrinkled like a bun. He had forgotten that the pot was still stewed. It seemed that he was really stunned by the beauty of her wife.

Looking at the simmer pork that had been burnt, Wang Weixi wanted to cry but without tears. “Boss, couldn’t you wait for me to finish my business? I haven’t eaten the meat yet. What were you hurried about?” Wang Weixi sighed. “Uh… bad luck.”


A cool breeze blew through the window. Although it was noon, it was still cool. Wang Weixi was stunned and bowed his head, just to realize that he came out naked. He ran out of the kitchen shamed and rushed into the bedroom. He thought, “okay, anyway, the pot has been pasted, and it’s important to hold my wife~”

Who would know that when he came to the bedroom, there was no one on the bed. With the sound of water coming from the bathroom, Chen Kexin, who had finished taking a shower, came out. Seeing Wang Weixi standing there, Chen Kexin laughed out.

Wang Weixi’s looked somewhat disappointed. “Dear… oh… why you get dressed now?” “My own problem has not been solved yet!” He was bored and glanced at between his legs. “Oh… it’s already soft.”

Chen Kexin touched her nose and said with a playful voice, “Dear, are you ashamed? Go to cook quickly. I’m hungry.”

Wang Weixi still refused to give up. He walked over and hugged Chen Kexin. It seemed that he was turn on again after he touched Chen Kexin. It was no wonder that people would say that men were animals, who thought through their the lower body.

Chen Kexin giggled and slammed Wang Weixi gently. “Okay, dear, that’s it. I’m really hungry.”

Wang Weixi lamented and said, “Okay, dear, please give me a kiss.”

Chen Kexin nodded solemnly and said, “Yep!”

Wang Weixi squatted on Chen Kexin’s mouth and was not willing to let her go. He said, “The food is pasted. let’s go out to have a meal. It’s a celebration of my promotion, ok?”

Chen Kexin nodded and said, “Okay, dear, wear your clothes quickly.”

Wang Weixi nodded and quickly went to wear clothes.

“Dear, can we take a time to go home?” Chen Kexin suddenly asked seriously.

Wang Weixi was stunned to turn his face and asked curiously, “What happened? Are you homesick?”

Chen Kexin spit out her tongue and said with embarrassment, “Well… Yes.”

Wang Weixi nodded and said with a smile, “Well, I know. But on Saturday, we have to go to sister Jiang’s home to participate the Camellia, so, we won’t be free on that day. Shall we go back on Sunday?” A City was different from Wang Weixi’s hometown. There was no such custom that the couple should return to home after getting married. So, since they got married, Wang Weixi had not visited his father-in-law even once. However, it had been only eight days since they got married, and this was the second time that Chen Kexin has missed her home.

Wang Weixi chuckled. His wife was such a home-loving girl, and she was also a very filial girl.

He didn’t know what kind of expression Chen Kexin was wearing at the dressing table. “Missing?” She shook her head. In fact, she was afraid to go home.

Suddenly, Wang Weixi remembered the scene of meeting Chen Derong for the first time.

“Ah!” He had forgotten such an important thing! Made a call… When Chen Kexin went home last time, he forgot to call his father-in-law…

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