Saharan Successor

Chapter 165 – Vol. 3 – Chapter 30

Chapter 165 - Vol. 3 - Chapter 30


While Augustine was having "fun" acting like a butler for one of the Saharan Empire Dukes, Mathias was using the old man's computer to look around some forums while his phone was blasting him with all sorts of notifications coming from his communication group he created for the Guild.

The guild members were quick to take notice of Mathias's fast raise, and were complaining about how he ignored their congratulations, and he facepalmed himself for his choice of silencing the guild chat, and while on his phone he started showing signs of being alive.

Being the scorn of the sarcastic remarks of the guild members, and even the old members of the guild who were with him from the first month of the game started joking at his expense for silencing the chat.

#Red: [What? We were too noisy for you? Be careful big boy, or we will take revenge on such disrespectful treatment.]

#Malakai: [Bah, he was probably busy picking up girls inside Titan, that's why he turned the guild chat on mute. Understandable, at least he showed signs of not forgetting that he also has to level up.]

#Evans [Boss, I know you started training MMA, but don't tell us. Are you on steroids or something?]

Evans, hitting at the fact his level went from 32 to 45 in just a couple of hours, 6 hours at that.

Responding to each guy's remarks, he also saw how Orpheus was tagging some of the newer members that he added to the guild with Mathias's approval, a Serbian guy and another Chilian one, who weren't so fond of Mathias' low level.

#Orpheus: [See you guys, I told you not to question the Leader's abilities. He did what some of you struggled to do in one week. Heh, and you questioned me in private about who this Mathias is?]

#PageUp: [My bad. Guild Leader, you have my apology.]

Mentioned PageUp, the Serbian Player who along with Astromania questioned Mathias's legitimacy as guild leader.

#Astromania: [Yep, my bad too. Maple told us that you were the Black Spearman from the Beta Phase, but since I never met you, I was doubting this remark.]

Astromania, mentioning how Maple had to tell them that he was the one who filmed Mathias fighting against the Syndicate Thugs in the Beta Phase.

[Good to see you active again, big brother. I want to talk something with you in private, when you have time.] said Maple Mist, or how Mathias and the old ones of the guild called him, by his given name, Louis, by now among the top players of the Satisfy, having a level of 68.

Leonor wasn't online in those moments in the group chat, but the rest of the guys were there to make fun of Mathias, as if he was lost in some dumpster.

Dealing with them, and briefing them with some of his hunting grounds, everyone, Red included, mentioned how crazy he was of fighting without a party monster that outleveled him by 40-50 levels, only Malakai was silent with regard to Mathias's comments, as he knew about his Victorian Set and part of his skill set.

Red, said in a joking way, that he was willing to tag along with Mathias, bringing along his team of 5 members to soak some of his exp in the hunting ground he was currently, but nevertheless, Mathias declined the offer, wanting to receive the full end of the Experience coming from the monsters.

[Boss, you are greedy. Why don't you let me, the boys and the girls, tag along?]

"Where are you right now?"

[That … Far from Titan, currently at the Toulmount Duchy, Duchess Basara territory, moving toward the Travian Sierra as I found from the merchants I traveled with stories with regard to the monsters inhabiting the mountain.]

"See, you are far from Gravelmark. Anyway, why should you worry? You are already level 84. Stay where you are and build some reputation for yourself and the guild, but with the inhabitants of the Duchy, not in the player's circles as that is irrelevant."

[Well, is not as irrelevant as you think, but sure. Now that you mention it, you are right a bit with regard to the citizens of the Duchy. I would lose time by traveling toward Gravelmark just to laze around while you would carry me. We'll meet again when you open that Workshop of yours, just so I can flex on those noobs that Leviathan is still the Pinnacle of Satisfy.]

Settling down his guild members' worries, he let them return back to their game time, with the exception of a young man who was still connected to the software they used to talk, and with a small question that he addressed Louis, he got an immediate reply.

@Mathias: What do you want to talk about with me, Louis? Everything is alright with you, right?

@Maple Mist: Yes, Mathias. All is good with me, I am having a good time inside Satisfy and experiencing new things with my class.

I wanted to ask you something. Well, mostly get your opinion in regard to something. Rose says she received a quest after she killed a necromancer, and I feel it is a dangerous path to take.

@Mathias: Ohh really. Is she afraid to talk with me about this? I can give her some guidance in regard to this since I am also a magic user.

@Maple Mist: She doesn't want to place her burdens on others. This is why we even split our parties. But she is a good person, giving me a lot of support when I only began my magic class.

@Mathias: So you are worried about this girl? Hmm, do you by chance have some feelings for this girl?

@Maple Mist: I don't know. She is really beautiful. I am not in her league. That's something I know before someone tells me this.

@Mathias: Meh, who is to tell you, she is out of your league? You are a handsome lad, so don't get discouraged by what some idiots tell you at highschool, or what some bitchy, spoiled girl might say to you.

If you like her, try your luck, but if things don't work between you and you break up, don't get lost in your emotions, being engulfed by anger and losing faith.

@Maple Mist: Thanks, big brother. It means a lot talking with you since I consider you one of my best friends.

Reading that comment from Louis, it made Mathias give off a pure smile, and he returned the favor by telling the youngster.

@Mathias: Little Louis, I see you as someone similar to my younger brothers. You three are close in age by the way. Anyway, I'll talk a bit with Rose if she replies, and maybe give her some guidance.

Take care, I'll tell you more about the conversation. Want me to ask her if she feels something for you?

@Maple Mist: Nooooo! Don't do that. I am not ready yet.

@Mathias: Fine. But don't you dare be sulking and all depressed if you are rejected.

Finished with his conversation with Louis, with his phone in his hand, he scrolled to find Rose's name tag, and going directly into the DM's, seeing her online, he first greeted her.

@Mathias: Hello, Rose. Are you available for a couple of minutes?

Looking at his phone screen for a reply, seeing that he didn't even get a seen, he went about reading the forum left open on old Augustin computer, and as he was seeing the reaction of the people in regard to Anjo's forum post, it made him laugh.

'Those people are serious about the whole treasure thing? Hahaha, they really made it interesting for me.'

'You want the treasure of the lake? Bah, you'll have to work for it. Bunch of trolls, at least there are some of them with humor, otherwise, I would get bored reading those comments.'



His phone received the notifications from the chatting app, and not bothering himself to pick his phone, he continued reading the comment his eyes dropped, and only after finishing his read, did he pick his phone to read Rose's message, showing signs of being available for a talk.

@Rose: I am available now. How can I help you, guild master?

@Mathias: I heard you've received a quest for some dark magic. Right?

@Rose: Did Louis tell you about the quest? I told him to not stress himself about the quest as it's not that big of a deal. Indeed, Leader, it's a quest that is like an invitation for learning Dark Magic, it's an S-graded quest. I am still thinking if I should do it or not.

@Mathias: Is not like Louis did this to make me stop you. In fact, he wants me to give you some guidance in this choice.

@Rose: Sorry guild leader, but you really can't help me with anything in this regard. Even though I heard a lot of great things from Louis about you, being the Black Spearman that became really famous on his YT video, how can you help me, a magic user?

@Mathias: Heh, quite the gutsy girl. You might not believe me, but I know more about magic in Satisfy than any other player.

@Rose: Yea sure. If you want to hit on me with such lies, then let's not bother.

@Mathias: Little girl, do you think I am interested in you? I don't even know who you are, and only allowed you inside the guild because little Louis insisted that you'll become a great player.

@Rose: Tsk, that guy... So, what guidance do you want to give me? Since I took a break from playing, until I return back to Satisfy, I am all ears.

@Mathias: First, let me ask you a question. Do you know who the main users of the Dark Arts are?

@Rose: Hmph, are you joking with me? It's obvious, the Yatan Church."

@Mathias: Good, then let me ask you something else. Are you ready to walk that Dark Path? The path of Chaos and Death? Will you, little girl, be able to face death head-on?

Will you be at peace in killing the innocent?

That Dark Power, while it might sound strong, which compared to the other forms of conventional magic, it's stronger but also dangerous.

@Rose: You seem to know something about Yatan Church that I am not aware of. Mind sharing this information with me?

@Mathias: My pleasure. However, what I will tell you, let it remain between us. You don't seem that foolish girl to share around something that you can take advantage of.

First, let me tell you something. As a guild leader, and also someone who will hold a lot of power inside the Saharan Empire, a future Red Knight at that, my responsibilities would be handling all the dangers to the safety of the citizens of the Empire. Strictly speaking, the monster races and the Yatan Church are the primary dangers inside the Continent.

However, in your case I don't care. You can still be a Dark Magician, and also a member of the Leviathan Guild. Besides, you are excusing me from an additional expenditure of my time in an attempt to find a candidate for this Dark Magician class.

@Rose: You talk as if you are planning something. Tell me more.

@Mathias: Of course, little Rose. I might sound like a hypocrite, but I want to groom you into becoming one of the Yatan Servants as it would be to my advantage in having an eye inside that group of madmen.

@Rose: And here comes my question. Why would I believe you, and trust you?

@Mathias: Simple, you don't have to trust me. You'll soon find out that working along with me, compared to other people and guilds, would be in your favor. While I am not someone to care about levels and those rankings, most players do care, and maybe you are among them, but trust me, they can be nullified.

@Rose: In that regard you aren't wrong. While your level is rather low compared to the whole guild, Red, Malakai, Evan and Lane, including Louis speak with a lot of respect in regard to you. Means you aren't a pushover, and in fact, are the guild leader for a reason.

Building a base inside Titan, while most of the Guilds are fighting for hunting grounds, that Workshop of yours, would be the guild's source of funding for future endeavors. Compared to what other have, I can give you that, you are smart in doing this first.

If I wasn't in your guild, I wouldn't even believe something like this can be achieved so swiftly. And now I kind of understand why your level stagnated compared to Kraugel, Red, Chris, and the rest of the Peak Rankers.

So, how will you be able to help me, Leader?


Reading Rose's remarks as she started having an general idea for some of his reasoning, which was a bonus for him, seeing this girl having a lot of potential only from the way she was thinking. While she was arrogant from this conversation, he could see some parts of her personality, and her intelligence was visible.

@Mathias: I have some Dark Magic spell books that I can give you. When I open up my Workshop and everyone gathers for that event, I will give them to you. Apart from this, I am willing to give you some training sessions on how to wield magic freely, reaching a stage where most newbies lag behind.

@Rose: What? Do you have Dark Magic spellbooks? Did this mean you defeated Dark Magicians or Necromancers to get your hands on the spells? Also, what do you mean freely wield magic?

@Mathias: See, this is why I told you that compared to the rest of the magic players, I know far more than you guys. You are only a little beginner when it comes to magic, while I am at an intermediate stage by now.

'Well, I am almost there. But controlling Arcane Energy, compared to the magic the beginners wield, is like playing around with the Sun while the newbies play with small flames.' thought Mathias, feeling a bit shameless of that boost, but his magic abilities far outweighed the common player.

@Rose: You aren't joking with me, right? If you are playing with me, I will cut all ties with your guild, even though I might hurt Louis by doing this.

@Mathias: As the Guild Master, I still have some integrity to protect. You'll understand what it means to be taught by one of the best in magic. However, I have to warn you from the start. When it comes to serious practice, I am not a slacker.

@Rose: Sure, sure. This is really nice, I can progress with my quest now that I have your support and "guidance"

@Mathias: You might call it "guidance" but you'll soon understand that I am not joking about this. Also, don't forget. Becoming a Black Magician requires a strong mind. All the pain and death you'll cause to various people, either they be criminals or innocent, which I hope you don't pick the latter because it will affect you even more.

@Rose: If it requires me, I can do it. They are just NPCs and what matters the most is the quest progression.

Reading that, he frowned and mentioned something in a cold manner that confused the young lady seated on a couch, wearing dark pajamas, with long black hair, without any make-up on her face, having brown eyes, while her ears had a lot of piercings.

Holding on her slender white hands that had black polish was a phone where a long conversation was taking place between herself. She was holding a smile on her beautiful face, hearing what the one called Mathias had for her, but from nowhere, when she replied without thinking much about the quest, his response made her shocked by how cold and ruthless it was.

@Mathias: I see, so in the end you are still just a brat. I changed my mind, maybe you aren't fit to become a Black Magician. I need someone who is aware of certain things, not some brat who views the Satisfy world as something insignificant.

@Mathias: Sigh, such a waste of time.


The girl frowned while she was reading that comment, especially when Mathias mentioned that he wasted his time on his talk with her, and immediately her fingers were dancing on the phone's keyboard, asking why he mentioned that.

"What do you mean, I am not fit to become a Black Magician? Hmph, such an arrogant bastard. Just because you are one of those lucky guys to get Beta Access, this doesn't mean you know everything about Satisfy."

"Wait, I think Louis said something about Mathias that I should keep in mind if I ever talk with him. What was that … I've noted it somewhere, as the way he mentioned made it seem big."

Seeing that Mathias ignored her messages, wanting to clarify the problem at hand as if he already abandoned the thought of helping her rise above the rest, she went into her DM's, looking for a name.

[🖤Louis ❤️]

She entered her conversation with Louis, which was long, as if it was a talk between two lovers discussing all sorts of things, and while searching in his messages, some made her chuckle, making the moment between Mathias to be relieved.

"Found it!"

[#Louis: Rose, if you talk with Mathias, please make sure you don't talk to him about your views of the people in Satisfy.]

[#Rose: Why? Aren't the characters in the game just NPCs?]

[#Louis: Well, while you view them as simple NPC's as the vast majority does. For example, Mathias is that small minority of people who view the people of Satisfy as real people. This is why I tell you not to mention NPCs to him in that manner, as if they are insignificant.]

[#Louis: If you do that, as brother Malakai said to me, he will either A: Ignore you totally B: Mention that you are stupid and ignore you; C: Ask you, why you view the NPC's the way you see. C being the best option you have.]

[#Rose: You talk as if this happened to you. Has it?]

[#Louis: Not really. Because the way I see the inhabitants of Satisfy is somehow complicated. At times I can experience their emotions, especially when I do a quest that doesn't involve killing monsters but dealing with the people. Listening to their worries and so on, their struggles. Everything seems real at that time, but then comes the part of the monsters which makes you see the world as a game.]

[#Rose: I don't know what to say Louis. It's not like I even bothered to listen too much to what those NPCs had to say. But you are right, at times they seem too real for a game.

However, this doesn't change the fact this Mathias is a weirdo. Are you sure he is really the Black Spearman from the Beta? If not, he is a scam, a noob that can't level up, holding down the top players.]

[#Louis: Ahhh, you'll understand as you spend more time in the guild. Today was only your first day, and brother Mathias wasn't so active in the guild chat. That's because he is busy with an important project in Titan.]

Re-reading that conversation she had with Louis, it made her tap on the phone screen, starting to ponder about what Louis told her in the past when she just joined the Leviathan Guild three months ago.

"Tsk, is this guy really so sensible, that he got angry at me for mentioning about the NPCs in that way?"

"Ahhhhh, I get it now. The reason he was so serious about the Black Magician class. If he sees the people of the Satisfy as real people, he wouldn't like the idea of his co-worker being a wanted-killer with dirty hands."

'Wait, my head hurts now. If I would view the Satisfy world as a real world, and I would take the Black Magician class, I would for sure be pushed into becoming a serial killer. This is why he mentioned he wouldn't mind me killing criminals …'

Slowly, this young lady, finally was using her brains to understand Mathias's intentions, and seeing that she was still ignored by him, as if it was the A scenario. Ignoring her. Her womanly personality wanted to also ignore him, but she had the feeling that if she postponed for longer, it would lead to her being kicked out of the guild.

She didn't want to leave the guild, leaving Louis without a real reason, and her fingers once again began clarifying things, beginning with an apology, and mentioning that she was wrong in viewing the NPCs as nothing more than data.

Without even stressing himself too much, Mathias managed to do something that many men struggled in doing, making a woman apologize, and after some minutes where Rose was staring at the phone, tense moments where she felt she should call Louis for help.

It was in that moment of doubt, that her first thought was to call the person she placed her trust in, but then Mathias's response came along, cold and direct. Yet the ending made her white face turn a bit rosy, and confused.

@Mathias: I'll see you in a couple of weeks in Titan, and we'll talk there about your class. Until then I wish you good luck with your quests, and yes, have your eyes open with regard to the people inside Satisfy World.

Also, you better don't hurt little Louis, or you'll get in trouble with me.


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