Saharan Successor

Chapter 156 – Vol. 3 – Chapter 21

Chapter 156 - Vol. 3 - Chapter 21


Mathias made himself comfortable in his grandfather's Capsule and proceeded to enter the game after changing the accounts linked on the device, which was quite an interesting procedure that required him to access his phone and complete all the security checks.

[Players should be warned that sharing accounts with different capsules might hold the risk of the user's property being corrupted. Are you sure you want to link the username:...leus0x249yz]


It was the first time he was experiencing the relentless security checks he had to pass to connect his account to another capsule, and this experience helped him understand how serious the S.A group viewed the security of their product.

[Account has been linked successfully.]

[You can proceed to log inside the game.]

'Initialize the loading phase'

Clearing the notifications going inside his eyes, while giving commands to Morpheus, his vision swiftly changed in the familiar loading interface that never ceases to amaze him, not even once was he dissatisfied with how his "wake" started.

[Loading 15%]


[Loading 65%]


[Loading 99%]


[Welcome inside Satisfy. You've been away for 4 days, a total of 12 days in the world's society.]


Clearing out that specific notification, he found himself standing inside Jeanne's living room, where everything was placed in order, cleaned, but without the chimney being set on.

The brief instant he reconnected inside Satisfy, there was a familiar voice that he rather felt missing in those couple of days he went away from Satisfy.

{Lad! You've returned. Thank my stars you've returned. One more day in that place and I would have given up.}

'Take it easy, old Hay. Nothing happened to you. In fact it seems you have been fine those weeks I've been away.'

{Trust me boy, you don't want to stay in that claustrophobic place. Especially after you've experienced being stuck inside a tree for a millennium. There's no fun in that whatsoever.}

'I guess. Still, it's good to hear your voice.'

{Ohh, you've been lonely without me? Don't worry, lad, I also missed you and your stupid remarks.}

'Ahem, I wasn't lonely, but when I was outside, I would find myself talking by myself, and no one was there to reply back. It is that type of sensation which I doubt you understand.'

{You are so wrong, boy. That dark place is really creepy, far creepier than the Abyss.}

{Nevertheless, that is insignificant right now. How come you've returned so early? Weren't you saying you'll be returning in another couple of weeks?}

'I found another gate to the world which I could use to reconnect back to my avatar.'

{Splendid. It means you'll not be losing much on the training. How about it lad, are you up for some training?}

*Chuckle* 'That's what I had in mind. Can you read my mind already?'

{Nah, I just had a feeling you got bored to hell without entering back, checking with me and your dolls. Right, do you know where those dolls of yours went off?}

'No idea, but I can check.'

Getting to his System Interface, and later on touching the [Friend List] where his guildmates and the two girls he adventures together inside Gravelmark, along with Fayrene resided. Some were offline, while certain people were online, like ghosts, such as Red.

Red was one of those guys who eat, slept and played Satisfy like a craved degenerate, reaching already level 79, getting closer and closer to the level 100 mark, being only one level away from Kraugel.

However, the situation about Red didn't surprise him whatsoever, instead he was expecting for that guy to be in TOP 10 since he had nothing in his life that would make him take a break from the game.

Yet the biggest surprise he saw was when he checked Fayrene, wanting to give her a message but along the way, he noticed her level which was sky-high being at level 76 from what he remembered her to be sitting at level 34 it was a big jump that made him smile like a fool.

{Something's wrong, lad?}

'No, not at all. Just surprised. The girls have decided to work hard while I was lazing around eating mom's food and playing around with the brats.'

'Fine, I've decided, from today the plan to reach level 100 will begin. I've been slacking my powers too much when it comes to leveling.'

'It has come the time, I will seriously test those skills we've been working on, old Hay.'

{It was about time, you've also challenged yourself with real dangers. Do you remember how I told you that the fastest way to improve yourself is by facing powerful opponents?}

{The amount of fighting knowledge you'll acquire by fighting some monsters will be insane when compared to the simple drills we've been doing.}

'I am fully aware of this, but I had my own priorities. Now they will be slowly shifting to accommodate my new goals. My newest goal is to become a Red Knight, which will slowly overshadow the rest of my priorities.'


Both Haycien and Mathias become pumped up, ready to challenge themselves and the newer skills and techniques the crimson-haired man acquired in the meantime he was training.

Still, he had to do the first checks on his close ones before starting his preparations for the grind to the top rankings.

[Send Message user:Fayrene]

@Mathias: My love, I've returned back home. Are you still away with little Vek?

@Fayrene: You've got back faster than I thought, this is why I didn't prepare to return home. My journey back home will take some days, maybe weeks, but you shouldn't worry about me, I am fine.

@Mathias: I am not worried. Are you still on that quest of yours?

@Fayrene: Mhm, pretty much. It is an annoying monster wave thing where a certain being keeps spawning those monsters and I have to protect this Amphail Village inside Como County.

@Mathias: A monster wave? Like the one you've fought at the Tavern?

@Fayrene: How do you know?

@Mathias: Silly, you've forgotten that you are a player? Such a big event that a lot of people participated in will not be left untouched by the rest of the people. You've shocked me a bit.

@Fayrene: You've seen everything? Me fighting including?

@Mathias: Mhm, we'll have to work on something once you get home. That Arcane Sword of yours, it is an interesting spell, but you lack Swordsmanship.

@Fayrene: Okay, okay, don't nag me, or make fun of me. That spell is a versatile one that can allow me to fight in a daring fashion, pushing my body in danger which I began enjoying a bit.

@Mathias: Just be aware that your swordsmanship is that of a little kid. Don't focus too much on that. Once you get home, we'll work on that.

@Fayrene: Heh, you'd better be prepared because I want to challenge you to a spar. I want to see the person that made little Vek so quiet when referring to the one who taught him.

@Mathias: Hahaha, let's not. I don't want to hurt you.

@Fayrene: Hmph, don't chicken out. Only by fighting will our skills grow faster.

@Mathias: Fine, but you better don't get angry after what I will do to you.

@Fayrene: Deal. I will hang-up, it seems I got a new monster wave.  Damn, I really want to destroy that person who wants to harm those poor villagers so much.

@Mathias: Fay, I can only wish you good luck, since I don't know the whole situation there. But it might be connected with the initial monster wave you fought with those insectoids.

@Fayrene: Thanks for the words, darling. It will be fine.



Ending his conversation with Fayrene, he checked around the mansion. Maybe he could find Jeanne, but it was only himself, and not wanting to bother her, he moved out from the mansion, closing the door, and on the first order of his list was to check on the Workshop.

The weather outside was still of a winter, but clearly a milder one, where he could see more of the commoners or even the wealthy privileged citizens making the rounds of the streets, checking around.

There, Mathias only checked on the passing-by the situation around the Inner City, only being interested in the progress his Workshop was making to completion.

It was easy to notice the difference from two weeks ago, as the building had more details to it, with the stonemasons climbing the wooden scales to start carving the ornaments for the outside.

"Lord Mathias! Your visit is early. Haven't you mentioned that you'll be out of town for about one month?" asked Edwin, who greeted Mathias stepping inside old Pliny's estate, approaching the building where some kids could be seen assisting the stonemasons with food, and other tools.

"I've returned from my business faster. How is the progress going, Leader? When will I be able to call people to work inside the Workshop?"

"Lord, I promise you that you'll have the whole manors keys in the spring. In the mid-spring to be specific. Everything has been going according to the plans. Your building model and plans have helped us enormously. My stone and brick supplies are also grateful to work with me especially when I kept them afloat in the winter."

"What about the funds?"

"That … Ahem, I'll be honest with you Lord, as I will always be. I might need the rest of the funds now that we have reached the part of the construction requiring more details."

"No problem, Edwin. I told you that day, you just have to ask me for the rest of the funds. Here, take care of them, and I hope the next projects I do, will turn masterfully under your guild's hands."

Saying that Mathias took out from his inventory 67.500 gold placed inside a large bag that almost dumbfounded the stonemason if he wasn't already prepared mentally by how nonchalant Mathias was about those things, as if they were trivial things to him.

"Lord, the rest of the funds will suffice. I promise you. And is not like I've cut from my spending, in fact I've added some more additions, since my friends at the stone quarry and brick backers have cut their prices just for me."

"That's good business on your part Edwin. Anyway, I will not stay long today, I'll check on the old man to see how he feels, and I will visit maybe after 2 weeks?"

"Sure, Lord. It is always a pleasure having you around."

Nodding, Mathias shook Edwin's hand, and after greeting some workers and orphans that immediately bowed respectfully at his sight, he made his way toward old Pliny's house, noticing the old man read a book.

"Greetings, old Pliny. A surprising sight. Are you reading?"

"It is you, young lad. I'll not ask how come you've returned so fast. As for this book?

These are my younger self's observations of horses and their behavior. The experiences I had as a Court Stablemaster, and a horse trainer for the Hippodrome."

*Whistle* "You should give me that book for a later read."

"Maybe, after I settle down the first horses for the stable."

"As you wish. Apart from this, how have you been?"

"I've never been better, physically and mentally. The fresh vitality those children and working lads is contagious. It brewed confidence inside of me, making me want to ride those old friends of mine once again."

"Easy now, we shall take each step, one by one. No need to rush reaching the top from all directions. It will just cloud our judgment and we'll make some mistakes that we will come to regret."

"I got the whole point, lad. I will not rush. Besides, what about you?"

"Me? I'll get busy right away. I will check on the workshop in two weeks with Fayrene and Jeanne, and by spring time, we will start the Workshop."

Spending some time with the elder, he made his way back to Wallmort district, where he stepped inside Nelmon's Blacksmith seeing the place rather busy with clients, with little Ralph having to juggle between clients, responding to their questions.

When Ralph noticed Mathias stepping inside the shop, he waved his hands at him with an excited expression, confusing the players who turned their heads to see Mathias, who was wearing his chaperone hat, hiding his long crimson hair.

It took a while for Mathias to get to the counter, and ruffle the boy's sweating hair.

"How are you doing little Ralph?" "Busy. If you are here to ask about your order, me and dad are close to finishing it. This is why we opened the shop to take the rest of the orders. It is mostly about selling the weapons to the adventurers."

"Right, then I will not disturb mister Nelmon. Still, I want to buy some weapons and armor."

"How many?"

"Let me see, it is the first time I am thinking about it."

Mathias went to look around various weapons, and armors, that looked rather slimmer, that would fit a young kid, all of them being made from leather. It was a time that the players started murmuring, hurrying him with their looks, only to be ignored.

Nevertheless, what they couldn't ignore was when Mathias sent his final order to the boy.

"Big business has come in your way, little Ralph."

"Ehh? What do you mean, big brother?"

"Simple, I want 40 weapons, of rare quality, those that are worth 200 gold, then I want 60 pieces of the leather armor, the ones worth 550 gold each.

Wait, wait, don't hurry to take off, I still want 15 of the better graded Rare weapons worth 2500 gold each."

"Are you sure, big brother? That's a lot of weapons and armors even for the shop." "You have them right?"

"Yea, but we will be left without a stock." replied the boy scratching his small head, while Mathias just shrugged his shoulders, remarking.

"Wouldn't it be better for you? More free time while sir Nelmon works on forging more weapons."

"I guess, you aren't wrong, but I am sure dad will make me work too."

"That's more training for you. The better your talent will be for magic. You need perseverance." remarked Mathias to the boy, encouraging him to get on with the deal, to the point where without even doing a rethinking, Ralph dashed around the shop like a monkey that drank a big bottle of energy drink.

"Smaller weapons, right? Like those for young kids, yes? Just like the armors?"

"Pretty much, Ralph. Place all daggers, and short swords, maybe some sabers, even a smaller sized pike could work." "Got you."

After about 45 minutes that Ralph began his work out, of placing weapons on the counter, some players abandoned the waiting que, simply leaving the shop, not that Mathias or Ralph were bothered by this, as they began calculating the amount of money required.

"It should be 78.500 gold, little Ralph. Trust me, I know my calculations."

"WOOW, so much money. I never thought father's scrap would be worth so much money at one point."

"There you go. Place them in the safe." responded Mathias, who took out pouch after pouch of gold that he passed to Ralph, while his system began doing the magic, placing the entire gathering of weapons and armors inside his bag, almost breaking the weight limit again, missing it my some kilograms.

"BIG BROTHER STAY SAFE! THANKS FOR THE PATRONAGE!" shouted Ralph waving his hands at Mathias who departed from the Forge Shop, taking off toward his house.

The players who witnessed this big deal between Mathias and Ralph looked shocked at one another, not being able to believe the sum of money spent for the weapons.

"Did that guy really spend 80.000 gold inside this cheap shop? Are we in the same game?"

"How could that guy make so much money? I only have 6.000 gold right now, after reaching level 60."

"Maybe those are bank loans?"

"Buddy, it takes insane diplomatic skills to receive a loan to spend on items. Especially with the restrictions that you could lose ownership of the items if you can't pay the loans after certain dates. It happened to many people who believed they fooled the system."

"Fuck it, the more I think about that crazy sum of money, the more I want to chase that guy and PK him, maybe he drops his gold poach."



"Don't bother. Shop boy, show me the swords in the range of 500-1000 gold, that are level 50-60."

"Shop boy, show me only for the 600 gold range swords, that are strictly level 60."

Ralph looked at those players giving him orders as if they were eating something rotten, and with a sigh, he moved to check the swords on the sell moving to search for something he viewed as cheap for those guys, understanding that those poor guys couldn't compare with Mathias's generous pockets.

"That's all, for the requirements you've mentioned."


[Earth-shackle Greatsword]

Rating: Rare

Durability: 204/204

Attack Power: 148~241

Attack Speed: -11%

* Small chance that Additional earth damage will be added to critical attacks.

Conditions of Use: Level 60 or higher, more than 220 strength, more than 130 stamina.

Weight: 1,050




[Swift Lightsword]

Rating: Rare

Durability: 168/168

Attack Power: 112~204

Attack Speed: +7%

* Agility +20

There is nothing special about the materials or method used, but both the craftsman's skill have created a sharp and light sword.

User Restriction: Level 60 or higher. More than 150 agility. more than 160 strength

Weight: 560


"I will buy it!"

Both guys immediately reacted when presented with Ralph's offers for the requirements they gave him, and were spot on what they were looking for, both weapons costing 1250 gold coins, which forced the guy who only wanted to spend 600 gold to murmur something, but with no choice buy the weapon.

"Here's the money, brat. Good job."

"Hehe, my pleasure mister. You know where to find me if you require something else."

"Of course, boy. You are my lucky charm. I will make sure to crush any fool that ever troubled you." mentioned the player with level 60, Garuda to Ralph with a wide smile, pleased by his longsword that felt like a feather in his hands.

"Haha, sure."

Garudo and his partner exited the shop, while Marty was butthurt by the push on the item cost.

"Dude, stop being so cheap. That boy gave us great deals for the requirements we asked. 1250 gold for a weapon that can push me to level 70 or 80? Hah, even if it cost 1250 gold, I can get my investment back easily. I even gained 20 bonus agility. That's like 2 levels ahead of you bud."

"Still, I can cleave you easily with my greatsword."

"Heh, it seems you aren't that affected now once you check it compared to that scrap you have since level 30."


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