RWBY – The madness of Lappland

Fate of the deserter

Pov 3 person 

 In an unknown location on the continent of Anima in the kingdom of Mistral , there is a place known to the higher levels of command of the white fang as the main base , which aervesas as the location for the leader of the white fang to preside over the organization. Looking at the purpose of this base, it is no wonder that In this base there is a specific room resembling a throne room .

 Throne room is a long and tall hall made from stone and bricks and lined with columns. The walls feature a geometrical pattern and there are red banners with the white fang symbol hanging from the columns. Below these banners hang torches , which are the only sources of light in the entire room. The floor has a red carpet that leads the length of the hall and leads to a simple, elevated throne.

On either side of the throne stood two people per side . These four people were wearing distinguished uniforms of white fang , from under which some of their animal features were visible . In their hands they hold spears , which combined with the fact that they stood at attention in an equal line gave them the appearance of royal guards . And the King , or rather the Queen they protect is Sienna Khan , sister of Hazel and leader of the white Fang .

Just like her younger sister Sienna is a beautiful woman with a dark complexion and wild black hair in an asymmetrical bob. Her Faunus trait manifested as an extra pair of cat ears, and her body was adorned with numerous tattoos resembling tiger stripes.What was most striking, however, was the jewel resembling a bindi on her forehead. Sitting on her throne , Sienna besides looking beautiful also looked bored . 

Sienna rested one of her hands on the armrest of her throne and on the clenched fist of that particular hand , she rested her chin . At this time one of her long legs was cross on top of the other which completed her tired and lazy look , without taking anything away from her charm. The thing that bored Sienna so much , was the person reflected in her bored amber eyes .

The person currently standing in front of Sienna is someone who has been giving her detailed reports on every nonsense for the last five hours . From notification of the relocation of the hidden camp , to notification of successful recruitment . In short , everything she's going to forget anyway if she doesn't mark it on the map or write it down somewhere in her office . But well she was a leader and she had to listen to it to be able to give an immediate opinion or order , which were written down by the poor guy who for hours had to read this information from his scroll in front of Sienna . 

Every order and information passed by Sienna was written down by the man so that nothing would be forgotten. But impact of the last hours was as evident in him as in Sienna , the monotony of his voice put everyone in the room to sleep even himself . If it not been for the masks on the faces of the guards , Sienna probably could have caught one of them falling asleep while standing up .

Raport reader :" And that brings us to another two reports of similar , they are about the lack of uniforms , weapons , dust and ammunition . "

Saying this the man looked at Sienna whose eyes lit up with irritation .

Sienna : "From whom is this report ?"

Asks Sienna wiping her tired face with her hand .

Raport reader : " Both reports of similar content came from Adam Taurus and Corsac Albain . "

Hearing this Sienna raised her eyebrows after which I sighed in exasperation, a visible throbbing vein appeared on her forehead.

Sienna : " Adam is in Vale , I heard he has increased his activity in the last month however so far I have not received a report on what he is doing . I have heard that he is increasing his forces and recruiting quite a bit , so I understand the uniforms but why does he need so much ammunition and dust ? "

Sienna : " As for the brothers I understand the need for uniforms , however why the hell do these foxes need so much ammunition and dust . They only deal with recruitment and training on Menagerie. What we sent them to train new people , should be enough . Bloody hell , even battle groups attacking convoys do not get as much ammunition and weapons as these three idiots !!!. "

Saying this Sienna hit the armrest with her free hand .

Sienna : " Tell Adam that he will receive these uniforms but he will not receive any ammunition or dust until he tells me what he will do with them . If he needs them so badly then tell him to steal them from SDC transports . As for the brothers , it's the same , they will get uniforms without any problem . However , dust , weapons and ammunition will only be given to them if they tell me why they need it and what happened to the last shipment , which I sent them ."

After saying this Sienna ended the topic . Every word she said was written down to be passed on later  .

Report Reader : " And now the last thing ......... "

Saying this , he ran his finger over the scroll , but he froze in place as he read and spoke . Squinting his eyes as to check if he read it right . And when he did he immediately he seemed openly surprised and uncertain , but looking at Sienna he forced himself to smile . His behavior did not escape Sienna , who looked curiously at the man in front of her .

Report Reader : " Early this morning we received a report from an old informant . The report is about the possibility of encountering information about Lappy the White Wolf  ."

After saying this the atmosphere in the entire throne room froze . Sienna's eyes lit up and her cat's ear twitched . Her whole attitude changed , fatigue and boredom disappeared . Sienna sat up straight on her throne and she looked at the man in front of her . There was some dissatisfaction in her eyes .

Sienna : " And why did I get information about it now ??!!!! "

Shouted Sienna at the same time angry and happy . Finally after a year od worrys , stress and uncertainty the desired information about her Lappdumb . Anyone who knows Sienna , at least well knows how much Lappland means to her. Even people who do not understand their relationship can see the favoritism that Sienna had for the White Wolf . 

Even when Lappland attacked someone in the organization , Sienna did nothing about it . As she herself said " as long as no one is maimed or dead don't come to me with it " . According to Sienna , the fact that Lappland atack someone means that the person must have been bothering her or did not notice that Lappland was having a bad day .

Of course overt favoritism would be harmful , but Lappy the White Wolf of White Fang was too good at her job . This made many people turn a blind eye to Lappland's problems . Lappland was like rabid dog , running around their yard . Lappland may have bitten a few people from the organization , however in contrast to the light bites and bruises given to them , the enemies of the White fang were ripped to shreds .

After getting her own team of enforcers , Lappland for the first years of running it has shown that she deserves the trust entrusted to her . Thanks to her abilities she was good at any type of mission . However, the missions where her talent was most evident , were target hunting . Traitor , spy , deserter , even targets deep in the Atlas . Lappland did not disappoint . And it is thanks to the fact that Lappland did not disappoint , Sienna have the ability to protect her .

Of course, over time, the situation of Lappland began to change . Several unfortunate missions , ended with civilian casualties caused the name Lappy the White Wolf to fell into the gutter . The unfortunate fire that Lappland caused, and which ended exceptionally bloody and tragically, drove away from her all non-exterminist members of the organization. In their eyes, what happened was unforgivable .

Extremists did not care about those events , they themselves have done such things many times , and even many worse things . But they , did it behind the backs of those less extremist members of that , thus leaving them in the dark . Blake was an example of these unawere people .

 Extremists gave up on Lappland only when she lost any interest in the world around her . She became disobedient and sloppy . Her quarrels with Adam and other commanders became too frequent . Drugs and declining mental health drove last people away from her , causing Lappland to become isolated . And then the increased violence and problems caused by Lappland began to make it difficult for even Sienna to control the situation .

People gossiped and said things about Lappland behind her and Sienna's back. Of course, Sienna eventually found out . But it was too late to do something about it , so Sienna decided to let Lappland leave the organization . Throughout her career Lappland always wore a mask , her name was also not used so people did not know it so her identity would be safe . All this gave Lappland a chance for a normal life .  But Lappland refused to leave , she still wanted to be in the organization and Sienna didn't quite know what to do about it because she had seen that Lappland was falling apart . 

Lappland at that time was a mess and Sienna was afraid that when she kicked Lappland out of the organization , Lappland would completely collapse . Sienna saw that the only thing keeping Lappland up at the time was the feeling of being needed on missions .  Lappland literally lived from mission to mission . Taking away something for her to focus on , could have been the drop that overflowed the glass .

Besides, while Lappland was busy Sienna could get some time to think about what to do with Lappland. But before Sienna came up with something , Lappland disappeared . And it goes without saying that this has left Sienna heartbroken . Sienna cried more than once over the disappearance of Lappland, the guards guarding her bedroom door at the time heard it well . 

Many believed that Lappland died , as to why , looking at her strength , many believed that she drank so much that she died or allowed herself to be easily killed . Others believed the same but because of drugs . There were even people suggesting that Lappland killed herself . However, people who knew Lappland knew that she must have escaped somewhere . 

One of those people was Sienna , and Blake's parents . Therefore Sienna ordered practically every branch od white fang to listen for information about Lappland, this order has not disappeared until now . Any information about Lappland was to be given to her immediately , hence her anger at receiving this information only now . 

Report Reader : " I'm not sure what happened , maybe someone missed it and directly put it in with these reports . It was not marked as special so it's hard to say . The report itself came this morning , so it is highly likely that it is a mistake . "

Said the man , sweating bullets under the gaze of Sienna , who knowing that it was not the fault of the guy in front of her could only sigh .

Sienna : " Never mind I'll take care of it later say what they say" .

Said Sienna , turning her irritation and anger into joy . Her bored attitude turned into filled with enrgy . Sienna had trouble sitting still , only her leadership position stopped her from snatching the scroll from his hand and read the report herself

Report Reader : " The report comes from a spy working as a bouncer in a club " true nature " . The spy confirmed that he saw White Wolf in the company of Blake Belladonna and several other people including several humans . From the identity of the spy it appears that he has worked at the club for many years and has met White Wolf many times in private situations without a mask hence his knowledge of her appearance ."

Report Reader : " To confirm the report , there is another spy who had a chance to watch the cage fights .The white wolf was introduced by the announcer with her title and it caused quite a commotion in viewers familiar with her . The white wolf herself appeared in a mask similar to her orginal mask . Body shape , height , hair , tail and ears agree perfectly with the description . "

Report Reader : " Most importantly , the fight itself confirmed that it was a white wolf . The only thing that is worrying is the fight that seemed to have occurred in the bathroom . The white wolf injured and maimed , three members of white fang . Apparently the fight itself erupted due to the fact that the three members attacked, quote ........... A  " Big - Blond - Bomb " which accompanied the white wolf. "

Saying this , the man reading the report , raised one eyebrow uncertain how to interpret it . Sienna listening to this only rolled her eyes already imagining the guy who had to write it .

Sienna : " The club is familiar to me , it is run by Aqua . She is like an aunt to her so I can be sure that she was not playing a prank . And I understand why Lappy would be there . My little sister works there , so I'm sure she met her too . Cage fighting , this is typical for Lappy . However, Blake ? Isn't she with Adam in Vale , perhaps she and Lappy have just found each other . But in that case , I should get a report from Adam soon . No , I should get it immediately from Blake . Perhaps they enjoyed the meeting . "

Thoughts aloud Sienna , analyzing each piece of information .

Sienna : " This Blond bomb , must be one of her friends . The fact that she is protecting her means they are close . Do we know who are the members that Lappy beat up ? "

Asks Sienna , at which the man runs his finger over the scroll .

Report Reader : " According to the report , White wolf said that they belong to the white Fang . This was confirmed from the information on their scrolls . From the information , they are just recruits , who ventured into the club for fun . "

Says the man looking at Sienna who was smiling like a fool .

Sienna : " They are probably Adam's recruits . But well it is their fault that they upset my Lappy. "

Said Sienna shrugging her shoulders. 

Sienna : " Do we have information on where she stopped ? "

Asks Sienna as the smile does not disappear from her face . Finally good news , since there are two sources of confirmation one of which is a direct meeting there is nothing to doubt . All she has to do is contact her sister , Blake or Adam to confirm what's up with Lappland .

Report Reader : " Unfortunately no . But ........ if I may ask a question ? What will happen to the White Wolf now ? " 

Asks the man uncertainly , but this question interested even the guards , who gently turned their gaze to Sienna . Her face upon hearing this question was puzzled for a moment , jut when she guessed its meaning after a moment her face became cold and her eyes dangerous . 

Sienna : " What should happen to her ? "

Asks Sienna to make sure she understood correctly . But her tone , approach and cold stare made the man drenched in sweat and took two steps back with his head lowered unable to look at Sienna .

Report Reader : " Even if the white wolf did not actively participate in the mission , she still left the organization without informing anyone . This ......... According to the rules is desertion . "

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