Ruin World's

Chapter 20:Meeting with friends named Jun Navi

Jade gained absolute command power with in the both ships and the A.I. systems that Huo install become auto pilot system for the ship. For now they can just receive command from Jade and Huo. But if jade and Huo order them at the same time they will obviously listen to Huo command first.

Huo after commanding Dark Ghost he went to his room in the 5th floor and start blood drop blade picture technic training in the Jade's conciseness space. That space all the A.I. system can create like a virtual reality world.

After a long time Huo again started his warriors path training. Because of so many other work's Huo didn’t get the chance and time to practice blood drop blade picture technic anymore previously. Huo also breakthrough for the sake of craftsmanship training at that time. But now he has enough time for training.

Huo previously reached level 3 early stage in the blood drop blade picture technic. So he started his training from that level. In his whole travel time Huo train like a crazy man and managed to master the 3rd level blood drop blade picture technic. After only 6 years of travel Huo also reached Tao star. then he called Navi and asked where is he.

Navi answered his call and said "I am in Brilliant star that not far from Tao star. Its my family's personal star. This star our clan head manage personally. Why not you come here in our clan and meet my family too."

Huo said "ok, no problem. I will visit you soon then."

Before cutting the call Huo also asked Navi "What's your clan head level."

Navi answered "our clan head is a Domain lord 7 level warrior. Don't be afraid he won’t harm you. I will also help you by introducing you to him."

Huo laugh and say "then I will be in your care my friend."

"Brilliant star is 30 days away if we journey with normal C/D grade ship but with our ship it will take 12 to 14 hours" Jade said to Huo.

Huo smirked and said "let go towards the brilliant star and see how powerful my friends family is."

Jade replied "yes, master. But for your information I will tell you some information. Brilliant star is 60 times bigger than earth and 5 times bigger than Tao star in size."

"I understand what you are saying but aren’t we just visiting a friends clan. I will just give him a level 3 weapon then leave immediately" Huo said to Jade.

Jade replied "Master, Navi's father and elders atleast 50000-80000 years old and has quite experience's of the life and death situation. They also just to rise their clan fame participated many battles. So I just want to warn you. You should not take them lightly."

Huo replied "ok, I will not let my guards down."

After 12 and half hours later they reached brilliant star. In front of the entrance of the brilliant star when they arrive Huo and his crew saw the security is quite tight for a clan of this level.

Jade smirked and said "its not your some normal visiting star after all. Its a star that handle by clan to protect their warriors and families. That's why I warned you before coming here."

Then Huo called Navi and said "I arrived in the entrance of the Brilliant star."

Navi said "you are quite quick my friend. Just wait a sometime I am coming to pick you up from there."

Huo replied to Navi "ok, no problem take your time."

Then after 20 minutes later Navi come with his clans some core disciples who are at universe level.

Huo then also went toward inside the brilliant star's atmosphere and parked his ship in the ship docking area. Then Huo let Elfy, Ken, Nira and Elfy's soul slave Marky who is domain lord 6 level follow him as his guards. All the guards are at a 6-9 level domain lord level warrior. After so many years of training in the life force pool they reached this levels.

Navi with shocked expression because he didn't thought he will feel pressure equal to his clan patriarch. So Navi greet and welcome Huo into his clan with utmost respect. All the disciples of the Jun clan showed very respectful manner toward Huo too because of aura pressure. After all who will disrespectful toward a warrior who can make 4 Domain lord level warriors his mere guards.

Then Huo asked "Navi my friend, where are we going now."

Navi replied to him "obviously in my personal quarters."

Huo laugh and said "I thought you might just leave me in some guest room of your clan."

Navi replied "don't be sarcastic. How can I treat my friend like a some stranger. It’s like you don’t think of me as a friend."

Huo replied "sorry, about that. I thought it might be create troubles for you if some outsiders enter your clans core area's."

Navi said "what is the problem here. It's not like you are here to steal something from our clan."

Navi thought that Huo might be gotten strong from training and his guards also might be strong enough to release a strong aura. But he didn’t want to believe that they are all domain lord level. After all it takes thousands of years to reach universe level and Navi met Huo not to long ago in the Tao star. In the universe some centuries are like a week for warriors and they meet around little less then around two hundred years ago. So he treat Huo like a normal warrior friend from the universe. But Huo didn’t see the treatment Navi gave him as a insult. But like it. After all in earth close friends treat each others like this.

But Navi's guards and Jun clans core disciples understand to some extent to their power level. They thought this warriors can destroy the Jun clan like smashing insects. So why their young master Navi is treating them so normally and inform the clan elders about this. All the Jun clan's core disciple felt to their clan elders aura before. So they grasp Huo's power to some extent.

After that Navi and Huo talked like normal friends and become even closer to each other even more. After all Navi helped Huo at a very critical time. When Huo was unable to do anything to save the earth.

Suddenly a woman with some others clan elder's from Jun clan knocked Navis Personal Quarters gate.

They wouldn’t have knocked the door if it was only Navi inside the room. But they couldn’t grasp the levels of the friend Navi invited by their aura. That's why with complex expression they knocked Navi's quarters door.

Nira said in Huo's mind "master someone is outside the door. They around 7 warrior with Domain lord level 2-5 warrior.

Huo replied "I also sensed them. Don't do anything rush. They might be Navi's family or clan members."

The warriors reply "yes, master."

Huo said to "Navi it’s seems you have visitors my friend."

Navi said "it’s actually odd to have guest in my quarters. After all I am free spirited man and do whatever I want. That's why clan members don’t give too much attention to me."

Huo replied with sigh "friend you are special in your own way.. Don’t look down upon yourself. Attend the guests I will wait here. Now I am quite free. So you should settle your business with them first. Then let's go to Tao star and have some fun in the Marketing area."

Navi answered with great joy "ok, friend. Then please wait until I return" and order his quarters servants to properly attend Huo.

Then Navi went to his quarters main gate and saw his eldest sister. Who is strongest in the family in the young generation. She was also in the line of succession of the Clan patriarch position. Along with her also came family's top 6 elder's who are at a domain lord level.

Navi asked with respect and hesitation voice "did I do something wrong. What have I caused that made the elders of the clan this mush troubled."

The elder's replied "no, you didn't caused us any trouble. But who is the person you invited in the family's main star as a guest."

Navi answered "I invited a friend. Whom I meet a long ago in the Tao star. When I went to get my citizen identity card in the alliance office."

Elders asked "Navi… can we meet your friend."

Navi with hesitation said "if it’s not some important matter I don’t want to trouble my friend."

Elders said "it is a important matter."

Navi said "then can you give me sometime to talk my friend and get his opinion in this matter."

Elder's said "ok, you may do that. After all we came here unannounced."

Navi went to Huo and explain the situation and said "I don’t know what they want to talk to you. But its my first time seeing them so cautious. But if don’t want to meet them I will ask them to leave."

Huo thought we cannot trouble Navi and answered "what's the problem with meeting your elders. It’s a good opportunity to greet my friends family members."

Navi with shocked and happy expression said "thank you for your understanding."

Huo laugh and said "between friends its not good to say thank you and sorry. We are friends so we should also respect each other's family members opinion."

Then they went to meet the clan elders.

Clan elders greeted Huo first and said "may we know the reason for such a higher being's visiting purpose to our humble clan."

Huo also greet them back and said "I am here to just visit a friend who helped me in a critical time."

With sign of relief the elders say "why not come to the main mansion and give us the opportunity to serve you properly."

Huo said "if Navi also think this then don’t see any problems."

Elders asked "who are this warriors beside you. May we know that."

Huo reply " they are my friends and also my personal guards. Who I think of as my family members."

Elders also invited them along with Navi. with complex expression they also accepted the invitation.

Navi said to "Huo what are they talking about to you. I didn’t understand at all."

Huo replied "my all the guards are domain lord level warriors. So they wanted to invite them in the main mansion too" and smiled.

Navi with shocked expression said "you should have said to me this earlier. I would have treated them better."

Huo laugh and said "even if I give them permission. They wouldn’t sit with me to eat. They are just to respectful toward me."

Then Huo said to his guards "Navi want to treat you with something. You guys should accept it."

All the Huo's guards replied "we are thankful for the offer but we cannot accept such treatment."

Huo sigh and said to Navi "see… that's what I told you just now."

Then they continued their talk and cancelled their plan to going Tao star and remained in brilliant star. later Clan elders specially arranged some good wine and maid to serve them.

Next day Huo with his guards and Navi went to Clan leaders mansion.

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