Rubik’s Cube Heavens

Vol 8 Chapter 121: Gouging

Van der has always been able to break the heavy atmosphere in parliament.

And everyone likes this better, because it will make the Twin Cities Council more humane, rather than the Piltover Council, which is full of intrigue between interests.

This is the case at the moment.

After the chaos in the afternoon, everyone should have discussed countermeasures in a dignified atmosphere, but after Van der's gag, everyone's mentality became relaxed unconsciously.

Next, the topic continued, and everyone continued to express their opinions on the issue of "preventing the infiltration of Noxus spies".

On the gallery side, Ke Wen expressed concern to Camille.

He asked softly, "Is your Philos family okay?"

"no problem."

Camille also responded in a low voice: "The spies of Noxus are indeed very strong. In comparison, the spies of our family are too weak."

"There was nothing to do with those spies before, but after getting the supply of two kinds of shimmer potions, the current situation has become that the spies have the upper hand."

With a faint smile, Camille's tone was full of confidence: "Otherwise, those Noxus spies would not be forced to show their faces today."

Ke Wen nodded slightly when he heard the words, and said politely: "It's hard work."

Camille was too lazy to respond to such meaningless words, she crossed her legs and continued to listen to the discussions of the congressmen.

The next morning, Jinx, who stayed in bed until after nine o'clock, was sent away, and Ke Wen sent it back to the repair shop to open for business.

There are relatively few customers today, and there are less than ten people waiting outside the door.

Customers enter the repair shop one by one, and leave happily after a short time.

Cowen's technology is too satisfying, the repair speed is fast, and it is not easy to cause repeated failures.

All the prosthetics repaired by Kewen are more durable than new ones.

After all, after Ke Wen's technical reputation was widely spread, the business of his repair shop was almost a monopoly.

So she didn't follow the example of other repair shops, or leave some hidden dangers for customers' things, or loosen a few screws on purpose.

Cowen doesn't have to rely on those tricks to keep repeat customers.

In this way, Zaun's prosthetic limbs malfunctioned less and less.

Correspondingly, the jobs he can receive every day are becoming less and less.

Kewen is so happy, it would be nice if he doesn't work all day, he can just idle away.

An hour or so later, Ke Wen sent off the last customer.

He glanced outside the store, and after realizing that there was no one waiting, he walked out from the counter.

After going to the kitchen to wash off the oil stains and alchemy solution on his hands, Ke Wen picked up the shopping basket at home and prepared to buy some fresh ingredients.

However, he just opened the door to go out, but was blocked by a customer at the door.

The customer's figure was slightly petite, and his head was lowered under the hood, making it difficult to see the other person's face clearly.

Ke Wen glanced at the asymmetrically proportioned prosthetic limb on the other's right arm, and then asked, "Ma'am, is there something wrong with the prosthetic limb?"

"Yes." The woman didn't look up, she said in a slightly low voice: "Is the boss going out? Can you fix my prosthesis first? I still have work to do."


Ke Wen turned and re-entered the room, and greeted: "Please come in."

The woman thanked her, and then stepped into the door.

However, when the door was closing, the woman quickly turned over the business sign outside the door.

The door slammed shut, and the closed sign swayed on the door.

Cowen didn't notice the woman's small movements.

He walked into the counter, and while beckoning the other party to take a seat on the high chair, he unfolded the tool cloth bag.

"Put the prosthetics on the table, please."

Ke Wen said again and asked again: "How did the prosthesis break?"

"have no idea."

The woman placed the prosthesis in front of Ke Wen with a 'Peng' sound, and changed the subject abruptly.

As if chatting, the woman asked Ke Wen: "It is said that you are the best in technology, so the boss didn't think about developing elsewhere? Although the changes here in Zaun are great, they are still very backward overall, right? Why not go elsewhere and make more money?"

Cowen was silent for a moment.

He looked at the woman's prosthetic limbs on the table, and then looked up at the other's mouth and nose protruding from under the hood.

His eyes finally fell on the other party's full red lips painted with dark red lipstick.

Cowen smiled.

He swiped his hand across the counter and rerolled the unfolded tool bag.

Then he chuckled and said, "Ma'am, please explain why you are here, and..."

Pointing at the opponent's mechanical prosthesis: "Take this thing off, can you tell me? Which unlucky guy has your arm removed?"

The corners of the woman's mouth turned up slightly.

She raised her left hand and grabbed the prosthetic limb of her right arm, and then pulled it down, even pulling out the prosthetic limb directly.

The intact right arm was gradually exposed, revealing her bronze-colored delicate skin.


The hollow prosthetic was thrown on the counter, and then the woman raised her hand and lifted the hood.

It was a beautiful face. Although there was a vertical scar above and below the left eye, it did not affect the other person's appearance at all.

Long red hair hung down.

The woman brushed her hair charmingly, then leaned forward, resting her right elbow on the table and resting her chin on her palm.

She tilted her head and looked at Ke Wen, and said with a charming smile: "Sorry, I just want to have a good talk with you, will you forgive me? I heard that beautiful women have some privileges to be forgiven, I myself I think it looks pretty good."

"The guests are indeed beautiful."

Ke Wen had already recognized the other party, and he asked with a smile: "So what does the guest want to talk about?"

"It's still the problem just now."

The woman said in a seductive voice: "The boss has such abilities, doesn't he want to go further? I can promise you to make more money, and I can also promise you to get a high status."


The woman raised her slender hand slightly, her fingers stroked from the corner of her lips and all the way down.

The fingertips swept across the tight skin of the thin neck, and cooperated with a swallowing movement, and then the fingers continued to press down, pressing the peaks until they appeared elastic and soft.

"I heard that the boss has always been single?"

The woman's voice was lazy: "Look, with financial resources and a position that can protect financial resources, wouldn't the boss get more?"

In this regard, Ke Wen couldn't help chuckling.

He didn't give a response, but asked knowingly: "What's the name?"


The woman did not hide: "If you have heard of the 'Du Kecao' family in Noxus, then you should know the weight of my guarantees, as long as you promise, then what I said can be absolutely guaranteed. "

Hearing this, Ke Wen felt very fresh.

This was the first time he was poached by sex.

But he was not interested in wrangling with the other party, so he shook his head and said, "Thank you for your kindness, but forget it, I'm fine now."

"Is it really good?"

Katerina still didn't give up, she said in a bewitching tone: "I know that your two daughters are developing very well, but here..."

She raised her hand and pointed to the not-so-high-end store lobby: "The conditions here don't match the achievements and status your family has achieved, right? Don't you deserve more?"

Katerina shook her head with a look of being worthless for others: "Not to mention those noble manors in Pierwater, if your achievements are placed in our Noxus, I am afraid that you will be a guest of honor wherever you go. You will be respected and even adored by all Noxians!"

"I can see you here."

Katerina reached out and fiddled with the tool bag in front of her: "The whole of Zaun has been lifted into the air, but you still live in the deepest part of the city! Your technical strength, which has already stood at the top of the world, can only be used for maintenance. A desolate job to earn a living!"

"You misunderstood." Ke Wen said with a smile: "I just like this kind of life."

"I don't believe anyone would settle for mediocrity!"

Katerina squinted her eyes and looked at Ke Wen: "There are crowds when you go in and out, all the enjoyment is extravagant, rich and glorious, and you can serve jade food. Has the boss never imagined that kind of life?"

"have not thought."

Ke Wen shook his head with a smile: "It's not because I can't imagine it, but because I have experienced more and don't care."

"Miss Catalina."

He blocked the other party's words one step ahead: "Power, fame, wealth, and beauty, these are no longer temptations for me. I just like the current life, and I just like the relaxed and leisurely life now."

"Then can't you think about your daughters?"

Katerina still didn't give up: "They could have gotten more because of you!"

"They will." Ke Wen still smiled faintly: "But they are pure Zaun people, and they will not go to other places to get anything."

"Stubborn." Katerina shook her head in disappointment, "That would bring danger."

"Who is it from?" Ke Wen asked cooperatively.

"like me!"

Katerina casually stroked her hand across the table.

A long screwdriver appeared in her hand at some point.

Turning the screwdriver skillfully between her fingers, Katerina's tone was threatening: "If you can't get it, destroy it, Mr. Boss, have you thought about the safety of yourself and your family?"

"Vi and Jinx are strong."

Ke Wen looked at the screwdriver that was spinning out of the phantom, then raised his eyes and stared at the other party's dangerous eyes.

"I'm pretty strong, too." He said with a smile, "After all, I taught the daughters what they are capable of."


Caterina suddenly grasped the handle of the screwdriver.

She sighed in disappointment: "That's a pity, there should have been a better result between us, but now, you have blocked all the escape routes."

"is this okay?"

Ke Wen pointed to the screwdriver in the other party's hand: "Not to mention that there is still a 'twilight potion' business between Zaun and Noxus, but the current situation in your country does not allow another hostile country right?"

"You can't even imagine how powerful our Noxus is!"

Katerina chuckled disdainfully: "The small states around the country, or Demacia? And Ionia, which we are about to send troops to conquer?"

She is proud and confident: "It doesn't matter! No matter how many hostile forces there are, we, Noxus, can send out legions to conquer them!"

"What's more, you have a small place like Piltwater in Zaun, which can't be called a regular army at all. We can easily destroy it without even sending out a regular army!"

"Forget it, tell you what to do..."

Katerina shook her head and got up from her chair.

She pointed the tip of the screwdriver at Kewen's throat, squinted her eyes and asked in a cold voice: "I'll give you one last chance to answer, surrender to Noxus! Or! Death?!"

Ke Wen looked at the other's already tense arm muscles.

He laughed in his heart, but said on his mouth: "This should not be an order from your Noxus high-level, right? Is it okay to act without authorization?"

"It doesn't matter if there is no assassination order."

Katerina replied in a low voice: "Zuun and Pierwater are ignorant of current affairs. Since that's the case, then I can make these two cities chaotic and lay a convenient foundation for the empire's conquest and destruction!"

Ke Wen smiled, inexplicably.

At the same time, he smiled and said inexplicably: "Here we come."

These words made Katerina raise her eyebrows slightly.

She is very confident because she has already observed Ke Wen's physical condition.

From Ke Wen's muscular arms and exposed delicate skin, Katerina decided that Ke Wen was just an ordinary person.

And during the two days of investigation, she didn't hear that Ke Wen had any hands-on with anyone.

That's why she was so patient and chatted with Ke Wen for a long time.

All because she thought Cowen was no threat.

But Katrina also remained vigilant.

After listening to Ke Wen's words, she took a quick glance outside the shop from the corner of her eye, but she didn't see anyone.

This made her unable to understand what Kewen meant. Could it be possible to run away from her by saying something inexplicable?

Anyway, Ke Wen is just an ordinary person, so just ask if you are curious.

So, Katerina stretched the tip of the screwdriver slightly forward, and asked softly, "What did you say?"

"Isn't that what's written in storybooks?"

Ke Wen said with a smile: "The villain will always fail because of talking too much. In this situation, there will definitely be a scene where the hero saves the beauty or the beauty saves the hero."

Katerina was taken aback for a and then was amused.

She shook her head speechlessly, and she didn't plan to get entangled with Ke Wen, she should complete the assassination immediately and let the two cities become chaotic as soon as possible.

Therefore, Katerina suddenly put away all the emotions on her face.

She leaned forward indifferently, about to stab the screwdriver into Kewen's throat.

at this time!


The doorbell rang lightly, and the door was pushed open from the outside.

A head of curly red hair poked into the store door first, followed by a lazy voice.

"Hello~ Although there is a closed sign outside, I saw someone in the house, oh? Are you playing some kind of local game?"

While speaking, there was a playful look in Miss Fortune's smiling eyes...

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