Royal Road

Chapter 350

Chapter 349 night terrors

As the sun approaches the western mountains, night is approaching. The Huns are still in chaos. Today is another bitter battle, not to mention that the generals of the army, even the leaders of the Diqiang tribe, are all exhausted.

“Buddha sitting in town, how can I win? I want to go home and stop fighting…” A Qiang man murmured while pressing the wound.

No wonder he would say that. It has been ten days since the two armies confronted each other, but the fur of the Bianzhou soldiers and horses was not injured. The coach was anxious and began to use Qiangdi forces in large numbers. These people are short of food and horses, and more than 70% of them are steppers. On the battlefield, it is the life of filling the trenches.

After rushing into the battlefield and retreating again and again, I can’t tell how many people were injured. With the war, rumors began to run rampant. Those Qiang people who believed in Buddhism could no longer hold back and talked about the Buddha. It also found an invincible reason for the indestructible camp and for the murderous thing that could throw a huge boulder. This rumor shakes the military’s mind even more than the war.

Hearing his nonsense, the companion on the side quickly covered his mouth. It is strictly forbidden to mention the Buddha in the two-day army. If those Huns hear about it, they still don’t know how to punish them.

Just the mouth can cover, can the heart?

“Never sit still and wait for death!” Liu Yao was also overwhelmed in the big tent. He didn’t know how the people in the army were unstable, but the enemy camp on the opposite side was like an iron bucket, indestructible.

What’s more frightening is that the enemy has begun to avoid the battle!

After a small loss in the first battle, Liu Yao changed his position, and instead of using cavalry to encircle and fight, he used a combination of cavalry and cavalry to launch a fierce attack. Although it is still unsuccessful, it is not all hopeless. He has a lot of soldiers, so he can switch his troops and fight in turns. And even if the combined state has few soldiers, even if it is good at fighting, it is impossible to withstand such an offensive.

But I didn’t expect that as soon as the wheel warfare was launched, Binzhou Daying turned offensive to defensive, and stayed behind closed doors.

The original rudimentary camp was built as solid as a rock in a few days, and the huge thunderbolt also appeared after Juma. Any means of attacking the camp will turn into a **** massacre. It can’t be attacked, it can’t be broken, and it can’t play its due role even if it attacks the enemy overnight. The enemy was not overwhelmed by his tactics. On the contrary, long-term fierce battles drained the morale of the army. The mobs were quietly chanting the name of the Buddha, and the amount of food was also reduced visible to the naked eye.

Do it all at once, second time tired, third time exhausted.

Liu Yao is good at fighting and naturally understands what he is facing. Today’s Bingzhou Daying is not far from the city of Anyi. And the Buddha of Bingzhou was a poisonous bait that couldn’t be swallowed. Just before the battle, you can make all Qiang Hus cowardly and cholera military.

Never follow the other person and lead his nose.

“Liu Bao, you took 20,000 horses to bypass the battlefield, and go straight to Anyi. Cut off the enemy’s back!” Faced with the fighting confidante, Liu Yao was still worried, and carefully warned, “This raid is of great importance. It’s best to cut off the grain road of the Bingzhou Camp in one fell swoop, and use its military spirit! Once the Bingzhou soldiers retreat, it’s time for our army to break the enemy!

This is dangerous, but there is no other way. With the state army outside, there are bound to be few defenders left behind. With 20,000 fine riders drawn out, the possibility of success is extremely high. After success, it is possible to break through the enemy’s battalion by attacking on both sides.

“My lord, if the division of troops is known to the enemy camp, it might not be good.” The counselor on the side remonstrated.

Twenty thousand horses were divided, and the strength of the camp was drastically reduced. If the enemy reacts, I am afraid it will attack aggressively.

“It’s okay, they avoid the battle, and we can also hang the flag of the war.” Liu Yao said coldly, “Go down, the stove will not go out, and the camp will not be withdrawn. Even if the horse comes to the camp, we can’t find out the depth of our army. !”

The two big camps are separated by a long distance and are sheltered by the terrain. As long as the troops are deployed at night and the number of camps and stoves remains unchanged, it is extremely difficult to detect the gap of the 20,000 horses. It is too late to wait until the back road is attacked!

All the generals under his command led the orders. Liu Yao was also relieved from the bottom of his heart. There is no need to force the merging state camp, it is the best way today. It just depends on whether this method of breaking the game will work!

That night, the cavalry quietly got out of the big tent. On the second day, several consecutive days of offensives stopped, and the two armies looked at each other in separate camps and stood still.

“The Xiongnu finally ended the war. Are you going to attack my back?” Liang Feng also sat in front of the sand table early in the handsome account.

“There is news from the watchtower that although the smoke rising from the enemy camp has not been reduced, the number of soldiers who are spending their meals is less than ten thousand. It must be a sneak attack.” Zhang Bin replied affirmatively.

The Xiongnu occupies a favorable geographical position, and it is really difficult to detect if they want to secretly transfer their troops. But no matter how disguised it is, there is no way to hide from the telescope above. It is necessary to conceal the troops when they are dispatched. It must be a sneak attack. The staff camp had anticipated this possibility a long time ago, and no less than five counter tactics had been drawn up.

“To attack Anyi, one day is enough time to arrive.” Liang Feng asked, “How is the wind direction these two days?”

Zhang Bin understood: “It’s all downwind, and the wind is strong at night.”

A smile appeared, and Liang Feng nodded: “It seems that this time, I have to borrow something from the wind.”

Everything is ready, but no one can understand it. But when the sky was completely dark, the flag on the watchtower was agitating towards the Xiongnu camp. All the people in the handsome account stood on the stage.

The crescent moon is like a hook, and the sky is dim. Looking at the Xiongnu camp in the distance, it was like hiding in a gauze tent. This was an excellent time for a night attack, but in the camp, no troops were mobilized, only a small team rushed out of the camp.

After another half hour, a flame suddenly floated in the wilderness. Hundreds of white lamps floated up in the wind and rose into the air.

Who has seen this scene before? Not to mention that the soldiers in the battalion, even the generals on the high platform, couldn’t help taking a breath. Don’t the lanterns just fall when you let go? Why can you fly straight into the sky instead of normal? The spectacle of this scale is simply astonishing!

Looking at the Kong Ming lanterns in the air, Liang Feng also narrowed his eyes. Even for later generations, lighting the sky lanterns will cause a surprise, let alone the present more than a thousand years ago. The staff camp has arranged more than one night attack method, but this is undoubtedly the most effective and the most labor-saving method.

Turning his head, he said to the people around him: “The Kong Ming Lantern works, but we have to wait some time. Let the soldiers rest and stand by.”

Yi Yan’s gaze was not attracted by the skylights. He has seen countless wonders and tried countless wonders. However, everything was brought by the person in front of him. Compared with the astonishing sight, the indifferent expression in that person’s expression made him unable to hold on to himself.

“The master’s conspiracy, he will not fail in the end.” Under the bright lights, the figure was also printed on the bottom of his eyes. Yi Yan did not reach out to touch, but fisted with both hands, and replied with certainty.

With this shocking lamp array, are you still afraid that the Huns will not be chaotic?

“The king! The king is not good!”

I had to guard against the enemy all day, and finally got up to the night, Liu Yao went to bed early, hoping that there would be good news tomorrow.

However, the Hong Kong Economic Journal came earlier than expected. In the middle of the night, he was awakened by the soldiers and heard that there was a vision in the sky. Liu Yao couldn’t even wear his boots and ran out of the camp barefoot.

Could it be that what tricks the state has used? Is it a falling thunder or a meteor? He also thought about a lot of ways to deal with it, and it would not cause a bombing…All the cranky thoughts came to an abrupt end. When the starlight came into view, Liu Yao buzzed in his head, almost unable to stand firm. what is that? light? Sky lanterns falling from the sky?

Who can make the lamp float in the air? Why are there so many lights? What is the effect?

Although the great earthquake disturbed his mind, Liu Yao still suffocated one sentence: “They want to set fire… to set fire to the camp!”

As if grabbing the last straw, Liu Yao raised his voice: “Hurry up and organize crossbowmen and shoot those lights down! All battalions must be on guard and must not burn the tents. There is also food and grass… Yes, in this direction. , I want to destroy my food! We must not let them succeed!”

There was a buzzing in his head, and Liu Yao didn’t want to think carefully about why the fire came from the sky. What kind of supernatural power can make thousands of lights float above their own camp. Now he can think of how to get rid of panic! Never scream! No civil strife! Never let the enemy break through the camp!

“The whole army is armored to guard against night attacks!” Liu Yao’s voice oozes hysterics. He must not let those Jin dogs succeed!

That night, countless sky lanterns flew over the Xiongnu camp. Some are boundless, drifting higher and higher, some swaying and falling into the camp. The arrow feathers kept roaring, and there were so many chants of Buddha. The whole camp was like a giant boiling cauldron, waiting for it, and the bonfire was bright.

Liu Yao did desperately blocked the camp change, but the expected enemy never appeared.

When the first ray of sunlight crossed the sky, his face was dead ashes, looking out of the camp. A dozen thunderbolt guns tore off the black cloth that covered them, revealing the ferocious gun mounts. The countless tips of the guns gleamed in the morning light.

The enemy had never attacked, but they had come to their side unknowingly. Panicked all night, exhausted all night, will his soldiers still have the strength to resist the offensive? Is there still a strong army led by the courage to follow the Buddha?

No one can answer his question.

The huge thunderbolt screamed, and one projectile after another tore through the sky and attacked the enemy camp!

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