Royal Road

Chapter 304

Chapter 303 All you want

Zhang Bin was invited by Duan Qin to the staff room before he even went to the office. The six divisions have their own occupation houses in the governor’s house, among which the division of households and division of soldiers have the largest scale. Duan Qin is gentle, Zhang Bin is smooth, and the relationship between the two can be called harmonious, and occasionally invites each other to be a guest at home. But like this, holding back around and talking with the door closed, real numbers are rare.

After sitting down, Zhang Bin took the lead to speak: “Brother Duan is not at heart today, but is there something to worry about?”

On the matter of persuading the lord to marry today, Duan Qin’s expression is weird. How could Zhang Bin ignore it?

Seeing everyone retreating, Duan Qin hesitated for a moment, and finally said: “There are some things that are extremely difficult to do without hiding from Meng Sun. If I was not wrong, General Yi, he might admire the lord…no, two The relationship between people is no longer as simple as longing.”

Started by the sudden secret news, Zhang Bin frowned: “The lord and General Yi… how is it possible?”

Zhang Bin said that he was acquainted with people, and since he knew the lord, he has never noticed the slightest powdery taste on him. Don’t say the south wind, even the female **** is not contaminated. Yi Yan admired the lord very much, but with so many staff members in the mansion, who did not regard the lord as the master sage, let alone those Li Shu who believed in the Buddha. Even if he has any wrong thoughts, should the main guild respond?

Besides, Yi Yan is still a jealous Jiehu. How can Zhang Bin believe this?

Seeing Zhang Bin’s unbelief, Duan Qin sighed: “Meng Sun can remember that on the day General Yi returned from Youzhou, the lord not only pro-supplied the party, but also greeted him at Hukou Pass. Since that day, General Yi has lived in In the governor’s mansion. I was just suspicion before, but yesterday I asked him to talk to the mansion and mentioned the husband’s wife’s marriage. His demeanor is obvious at a glance! Today the husband refused the marriage again, and he still had the idea of ​​not marrying. How could it be possible? Don’t make people worry about it?”

In the battle of Youzhou that day, Zhang Bin was in Leping, but did not see the scene in person. But this matter is not a secret. From the perspective of others, it is more that Liang Feng values ​​his confidant lover. Duan Qin is different, he saw the scene firsthand. Seeing his solemn appearance, Zhang Bin’s mind quickly turned. There are some things that you don’t need to mention. Once someone mentions it, everything is suspicious. Not to mention anything else, before the Yuanri family banquet, the lord’s demeanor was a bit wrong. If the two really have a head and tail, then…

Zhang Bin’s face changed, and Duan Qin knew that he believed him eight points, and said hurriedly: “If this is the case, if the lord does not marry one day, there will be hidden dangers. After all, Yi Yan’s identity is different from others. Who can get into love entanglement? The lord is really confused this time!”

This is the most critical issue. Yi Yan is not a bystander. He is the top general who brought out the three armies of the Liang Mansion and broke 40,000 with two thousand. Once the relationship between the two breaks down, and he draws troops into rebellion, who can stop it? But the lord is frail and sick, and if he dies early, who can guarantee Liang Rongan’s safe inheritance of his family? In troubled times, having soldiers in hand is the root of everything. And now, the relationship between the two has begun to hinder the lord’s marriage. As a counselor, how can Duan Qin not be anxious!

However, Zhang Bin pondered for a moment, but shook his head: “If the Lord has an affair with General Yi, it would be wrong to force him to marry now.”

“You…” Duan Qin was furious, “Is it possible to achieve such a laissez-faire?”

“The Lord’s heart has a chance.” Zhang Bin replied unhurriedly, “Whether it is to appease General Yi or really unwilling to marry, at least his plan today is not bad, far better than reluctantly getting married. And General Yi is right. The lord’s loyalty, I am afraid that you know it best. Rather than act rashly, it is better to watch the changes. What’s more, in military affairs, it is not difficult to be guarded.”

Duan Qin was taken aback, and immediately reacted: “You mean Zhang He?”

“It’s not just Zhang He.” Zhang Bin said, “and Sun Jiao, and even Liu Gong. The three armies of the Liang Mansion now have their own commanders. Among them, Zhang He is the most shrewd. Follow. The same is true for Sun Jiao and Liu Gong, not to mention that they are either from Liangfu’s households or Shangdang’s troops, and they must have their hearts on the lord. In addition, Linghu’s nephew, Li Jun, Tian Xun and others, only When it comes to military affairs, the risk is not great.”

Zhang Bin is in charge of the army and knows all about the military affairs of Bingzhou, which is not bad. However, Duan Qin did not relax and asked, “Where is the tiger and wolf ride? Wang Long is also a Capricorn, and most of them are Hu people in the tiger and wolf ride. If Yi Yan climbs up and shouts, the consequences will be disastrous!”

The Tiger Wolf Cavalry’s combat power is amazing, and it is also one of the best among the three armies. It is also the one with the most Huren among all the parts. And this team is in the hands of Yi Yan.

“Don’t forget those humiliated people, who worship the Buddha most.” Zhang Bin said flatly, “Bingzhou is now prospering in Buddhism. Which of the tiger and wolf rides does not treat the lord as a god? If Yi Yan really wants to rebel, it is not easy to gather people’s hearts. After the racecourse, the new recruits added by the tiger and wolf cavalry will be dominated by Yihu, and the Hu people will account for less than 30%. The lord has never been ambiguous in the use of troops.”

How to turn Hu into his own use has always been the main point of Liang Feng’s concern. The Huns had previously absorbed a large number of Hu people from the North, and the refugees in Binzhou were mainly Han. Therefore, the ratio of Hu to Han in Bingzhou has been adjusted from the original five to five to three to seven. A series of measures such as changing customs and living in a mixed population have never been relaxed. If these generals in the army will rebel with Yiyan, it is really unlikely.

Has Yiyan noticed this kind of defense? Duan Qin suddenly noticed that Yi Yan participated in everything the army handled. In fact, it was he who contributed to this development. Step by step, he was stripped of his military power, and even took the initiative to teach the soldiers sent by the Liang Mansion to treat them as gods.

No one knows Yiyan’s loyalty better than Duan Qin. However, for the sake of this, how lucky? Isn’t this too risky?

“Siruo found it out?” Zhang Bin smiled slightly, “General Yi has already been prepared for this.”

No one can reach this point at the expense of their own interests. But it made sense to replace it with an unreasonable personal relationship. Is this deliberately done by the lord? Or is it a tacit understanding between the two people who trust and value each other? The reason is actually not important. In the final analysis, there is only one thing. Can the lord control Yiyan? This question is self-evident.

“What about behind the lord?” Duan Qin hesitated.

Fortunately, unless he died before the emperor, without exception, all were ruined. The more you hold authority, the more so. The lord is older than Yiyan, and his body is not healthy. Who can guarantee that Yiyan will die before him? If the lord dies, will he be slaughtered?

If they refuse, how can the power be safely transferred to Young Master?

“This, I’m afraid I have to ask General Yi himself first…” Zhang Bin replied thoughtfully.

As the chief official of Xinling Mausoleum, he was more concerned about this matter than Duan Qin. The great cause must not be lost. If there are hidden dangers, they must be eliminated as soon as possible!

“Practicing soldiers in spring is a plan that was made last year. How can it suddenly change?” Just getting up that day, before going to the big camp, Yi Yan was blocked by Zhang Bin in the governor’s house. He frowned when he heard that it was about military training.

Early spring is a busy season for farming, and the soldiers must temporarily disarm and go back to cultivate the fields. But the tiger and wolf cavalry are all upright soldiers, and they don’t need to participate in farming. After training for a few months, it’s time to let him go out to fight the bandits. This is a plan made last year, and it has also been approved by the lord. Now that Zhang Bin talks about it again, it is unavoidable that it is surprising.

Zhang Bin said: “Last year, the time will be set, and the emperor has not moved the capital. Now the situation has changed, it is time to reschedule.”

Immediately, he briefly explained the situation. The so-called change is nothing more than reducing the size of the bandits so that they can withdraw troops at any time and return to the party.

“The Xiongnu will come out in the spring?” Yi Yan responded extremely quickly and asked immediately.

“I’m afraid I have this plan.” Zhang Bin replied.

This is not good news. Shangdang is one of the main granaries in Binzhou, with the most complete water conservancy facilities. Once spring plowing is damaged, this year’s harvest will be drastically reduced. At the same time, there are tens of thousands of hungry people waiting to be fed near Luoyang. If there is a shortage of food, it will cause chaos.

“Can this battle be beneficial to Bingzhou?” Yi Yan didn’t struggle with the issue of the spring battle, and pointed to the key. If the situation is serious, Zhang Bin will not stop him here, but should report to the lord and call a military conference.

“General Yi did not expect badly.” Zhang Bin nodded, “Old thief Liu Yuan will not live for too long. There may be changes in the pseudo-Han Dynasty.”

Zhang Bin answered roughly, but Yi Yan didn’t ask carefully. He just nodded: “I understand, this time you train troops and suppress bandits, you won’t cross the border of Taiyuan country.”

Zhang Bin is in charge of Xinling Mausoleum and is only responsible to the lord, and the information is often kept secret. Yi Yan knows this and won’t ask the bottom of it.

Seeing his answer so simply, Zhang Bin smiled and said: “That’s good. I heard that General Yi will soon move out of the governor’s residence. After living in Beppu, I am afraid that I will marry a wife and have children. Good things are coming.”

The move was decided two days ago. After learning that Duan Qin was aware of the relationship between the two, Liang Feng immediately chose a mansion for Yi Yan, and it was quite far away from the governor’s mansion. Wait a few days for the renovation to be completed, and then you can move in. However, in order to facilitate “official affairs”, the governor’s residence still reserved a vocational housing compound for Yi Yan. In case it is too late at the office, it is not surprising to live in.

Seeing that he is about to move, it is not surprising that, as a colleague, he cares about family affairs. However, Yi Yan narrowed his eyes, and Duan Qin had said similar things before. Now that the dust has settled, Zhang Bin mentioned the matter again, and the intention is not difficult to guess.

Without hesitation, he said: “The killing is too heavy and delays the children. I have no intention of marrying.”

This is the first time Yi Yan mentioned his personal plan to others. Zhang Bin raised his eyebrows pretendingly: “Which general does not kill? General Yi, you are still young, don’t you think. Wait until you get older,” How can there be no heirs to inherit the family business if you have no children?”

“Zhang Canjun has been worrying too much. Whether it is marrying a wife or having a child, I have no intention of doing it.” Yi Yan stopped detouring, and said directly, “How can you dare to lose sight of the Lord’s love?”

The words were categorical, but Zhang Bin suppressed a smile on his face: “If this is the case, how should the general be in his old age?”

Does this mean that there are no children and life is difficult in old age? of course not! It clearly points to the question of how he will stand up in the future. He does not have children, does not form a party, does not recommend virtuous people, and even has no relationship with generals such as Linghusheng. Who can protect him in the future?

“I am the blade in the lord’s hand. I use it or hide it. I have the lord’s decision.” Yi Yan’s face was as calm as water, but there was a bit of determination in his voice.

He left no way for himself. If one day, the lord wanted to regain his military power, Yi Yan wouldn’t have the slightest resistance. Everything about him was given by the lord, from his wealth to his life. What’s the harm in returning it to the lord?

This answer was somewhat beyond Zhang Bin’s expectation. After pondering for a moment, he said: “The gentleman doesn’t stand a dangerous wall, General Yi asserts so, don’t you regret it?”

Yi Yan asked, “Zhang Canjun is in charge of Xinling Mausoleum, don’t you regret it?”

This is really pungent. Controlling such a secret position as Xinling, there are only two possible outcomes. Either he was trusted by the Lord and became famous; or because he knew too much shame, he was killed by the new emperor on the day of success. He Zhang Bin, isn’t he afraid of being in a dangerous situation and having no place to bury him?

Zhang Bin said frankly: “Assisting Mingzhu, calming the world, is a lifelong wish for a certain person.”

For this ideal, no danger and hardship can stop Zhang Bin. Therefore, he will not regret it.

“I have achieved what I want in my life. Why do you regret it?” Yi Yan replied lightly.

Can mere love satisfy one’s desires? Zhang Bin doesn’t think so. But what Yi Yan did is really not wrong. It can even be said that as long as he does not change his mind, he will be more reliable than any marriage. Which in-laws can be as brave and proficient as Yi Yan, yet unselfish? No wife, no children, no worries, all honor and disgrace are determined by the lord. As long as Yi Yan is there, other generals can be suppressed, making others unable to move forward. And the master’s control over his army will also reach its peak, and there is no possibility of decentralization.

This is where the solid foundation of Jiangshan lies! As for the future, it depends on the lord’s will. If Yiyan doesn’t change this trip, it shouldn’t be too difficult to kill.

With a light sigh, Zhang Bin said: “Qingren, Xishi retreats, flattering himself with gentleness, but it is not known in the world.”

This is the evaluation of Wei Qing, the Great Sima General of the Western Han Dynasty, in “Tai Shi Gong Shu”. Strictly speaking, the reputation is mixed.

Hearing this, Yi Yan smiled: “Be the role of Da Sima and be buried in front of the emperor’s mausoleum.”

This smile turned out to be somewhat admired. Was Wei Qing the unfamiliar general of Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty to consolidate the foundation of Jiangshan? You can start and end well without cultivating scholars or forming parties. The king and his ministers know each other, and that is how it is.

Zhang Bin closed his mouth and answered with his hands. Yiyan returned a salute and turned away.

A few days later, the envoy sent by the emperor arrived in Jinyang. On the bright side, it is the merit of rewarding Liang Feng to send soldiers to escort, but it actually brings the imperial decree of marriage. And it’s not someone else who is referring to Sima Tan’s relatives. Even if it is not the eldest princess, it is a rare and noble status.

It is a pity that the envoy who came here with pride did not hear the answer in hope. After only two days in Jinyang, he set off in a hurry and hurried back to Shouchun.

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