Royal Dragon and Phoenix transmigrate to Earth

Chapter 879: Putting Oil to the Fire

Still, despite knowing that and being aware of that possibility the beauty had no choice but to try her best to save the person closest to her.

The fact that Tianlong Yun and his people had studied her so much that they were even able to tell that this old man was the most precious person to her, was sincerely frightening.

If she did offer him extra information from what he knew, it would be the same as offering the country to him at this point, but he wouldn't be able to do something like that.

That was just a crazy-ass assumption! After all, in order to take control of the whole country Tianlong Yun needed to have the strength to make it possible, which he clearly didn't.

Even though he had the information, and money he said he had, she couldn't feel the slightest bit of Qi waves from him.

The other woman on his side was certainly dangerous as she actually was a Golden Core Realm expert, but it was nothing she couldn't handle.

All the guards that took the 'prisoners' inside were at the Golden Core Realm as well, and while the line-up was a bit unexpected, she could still easily deal with them.

With her thoughts up to here, she actually realized that she had no reason to comply with Tianlong Yun's wishes, and in fact, it should be the opposite.

The moment her line of thought arrived there, she actually showed a charming smile to Tianlong Yun, before she disappeared from his side, and reappeared right beside the old man.

Even though he was quite a good undercover agent, the truth was that his strength didn't keep up with his abilities, as he was unable to go further than the peak of the Golden Core Realm.

The moment that she reappeared beside the old man, she sent quite a vicious attack toward the guard keeping him in check.

She wanted to assert herself, and frighten Tianlong Yun, she didn't care about the guy's fate at all.

The moment that her punch was going to connect though, she felt like something solid and unbreakable had grabbed her wrist.

At first, she thought that this was just her mind playing tricks with her, but the next moment she found out that something similar to a scorpion pincer had grabbed her and rendered her unable to punch.

Immediately turning her head to look at the reason, she could only see Tianlong Yun's serious and solemn angry face, as he said in a low but clear voice,

"Are you trying to hurt my people in my presence!? You don't put me in your eyes!? Are you tired of living!?"

The beauty couldn't believe the fact that the man she had felt no unusual energy from was grabbing her wrist like that, and despite her strength, he was grabbing hold of her without a wrinkle on his handsome face.

Just how!?


"I thought you were smart and was going to give you a chance, but it seems like I was wrong about you!

Now either do as I say or just suffer and then do as I say!"

The fact that Tianlong Yun was saying all that in a calm and solemn voice made his words even more believable, as the beauty couldn't help but look at him with a newfound fear.

The advantage she thought she had was gone at this moment, and she felt just like a little kid in front of a grown up waiting to receive punishment.



"I will do as you say, just let him go!"

"No, no, no! You already lost the right to bargain the moment that you took that stupid decision of yours to attack my people, now we will play by my terms.

Satisfy me with your actions, and I perhaps might release him later, otherwise, you are both in for a 'fun' ride!"

The beauty wanted to argue some more, but from Tianlong Yun's words and voice, she understood that the more she talked the more difficult would her situation become.

With these thoughts in her mind, she could only agree to what he wanted. She first needed to know more about him, before she did something once again.

Once they seemed to reach an agreement, Tianlong Yun started asking her a few questions, before he started spreading the news of the marriage between her and someone from the Kim Family.

The news burned through the city just like wildfire in the summer, as in a few short hours everyone had heard of the news at least once.

The man she was supposed to be marrying was the third brother of the Kim Family Head, and also one of the ficklest people in the Kim Family.

His aspirations to become the Family Head despite his shortcomings had never been in doubt, and there was a feeling that he would do everything he could to achieve it.

Surprisingly or unsurprisingly that guy was nowhere to be seen the moment that this news struck, as people started to believe it more and more.

Still, the most important opinions on this matter belonged to the Kim Family Head, and the Leader, who each thought that a family member had betrayed them.

While the beauty in Tianlong Yun's custody was his own blood niece, the Leader was a true chauvinist, and never thought highly of her.

Not to mention that he had done his fair share of injustice towards her in all these years, as he had even killed her nanny in front of her just because she didn't accept to accompany him to bed.

While her absence wouldn't shake his rule and structure, the information she might have made her a dangerous thorn in his foot.

Just as he was thinking like that, news started running towards him, as important facilities that she had knowledge of were being raided and destroyed by the Kim Family's Third Master, her supposed husband.

In a matter of hours, more than a dozen facilities had gone through that process, which made the Leader extremely angry and decided to hunt her and Kim's Family Third Master down, dead or alive it didn't matter.

A lot of bounty hunters, soldiers, agents, and even policemen started running high and low to find track of the couple, unsuccessful every time.

This action though caused the displeasure of the Kim Family, who had one of their own hunted down in the open.

For the Family Head, this was great news as he was actually going to get rid of a nuisance on his side, a nuisance that could danger his standing.

But the situation got even more complicated the moment that all those 'hunters' actually started torturing, killing, and crippling people of his Kim Family indiscriminately.

That was a tight slap to the Kim Family's face, and also a great loss for them, as they were left with no other choice but to fight back, lest they get trampled by some brainless fools.

With that said, Kim Family Head personally made an appearance, ordering the Clansmen to counterattack in the same coin should they get treated like that.

Unfortunately, his words seemed to have a much stronger reaction than it should, as his people didn't stay in the passive any longer but started counterattacking and wreaking havoc on the 'hunters' and government.

"Aaarrggghhh~! Bastards~! Idiots~! Who told them to counterattack like that!? I just told them to defend their selves! Those bastards!"

Kim Family Head was breaking everything in his office the moment he received such news. Even though quite a few attacks had proved to be successful, he still wasn't happy in the least.

That was because he understood that those victories wouldn't last for long and that his Kim Family would have to suffer the brunt of all those attacks.

After all, his Kim Family was involved alone in this matter, and the other big families wouldn't help him much, as they were most probably thinking he was cheating on them.

Since he hadn't shared the information that his little useless brother had managed to get himself from his good bride.

They were most probably thinking that he had hidden intentions in doing so. Perhaps the Kim Family's loss until now had been just for show, and it was only now that they were showing their teeth.

Their appetite was truly big!

So the Kim Family Head and the Kim Family were alone in this matter, as a frightening battle was approaching soon.

Meanwhile, Tianlong Yun was enjoying another drink in his presidential suite, while enjoying the attention of his Shadow Clan beauty who was giving him all the recent news.

The truth was that everything that was happening at the moment, even though it felt like a natural course of action and reactions, was actually orchestrated and played by him.

Both the beauty, and Kim Family's Third Master were under his custody, and all the attacks, raids, destructions, and killings that had happened had the hand of his Shadow Clan members in them.

Of course, he tried to keep their real involvement as minimal as possible to not raise the opponents' awareness and doubts about them, but it was their job.

All this while Tianlong Yun had been using whatever way he could in order to throw oil at the fire and make it as big as he could.

He was trying to make two ferocious beasts fight each other to the death, before jumping and killing them both and taking over their kingdom.

And it seemed like it was truly working…

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