Royal Dragon and Phoenix transmigrate to Earth

Chapter 873: Master Tang’s Opportunity, Pressure, & Threats


Hearing that hoarse and creaky voice, Master Tang was immediately on his guard, and he started looking around for the source of the voice.

After all, the words that had just been overheard were just too heavy for the current him. If Tianlong Yun found out about it, then he would most certainly suffer his rage.

He still didn't understand why Tianlong Yun would pick precisely him for such a role at this time, but he was decided to make the most of it.

If he was unable to find Tianlong Yun's opponent in Huaxia, then he would seek for such a guy in the whole of Earth.

Yet, before he could even put his plan into action, he was actually overheard in a moment of weakness. This could only spell doom for him!

"Kekekekek~! Trying to find this Seat with your puny skills, is no different from trying to cover the sun with a pasta drainer. Kekekekekeke~! This is funnier than I thought!"

"What!? Who are you!? Where are you!? What is your purpose!? Appear in front of this Master right now!"

The mysterious voice in the dark seemed to be mocking and playing with Master Tang, while Master Tang couldn't help but get even more anxious, and cautious.

"Kekekeke~! Why should this seat answer to you!? You are nothing but a mere ant that I talked to due to my boredom, only because you were too stupid for me to ignore!"

"What do you mean!?"

"Heh~!? What else then!? You probably failed in your plans, and now were thinking of taking revenge without even knowing the strength of your enemy and even his intentions!

While I don't know who that guy is, I was able to sense the woman that took down this whole place that night, and she is an existence that you can't even imagine!

So, if you are not a fool then what are you!?"

"This… if that was true, then how come she didn't find out about you!?"

"Hehehe~! She is still too young to deal with this Seat, too young and too weak!"

"Then does this mean that you could take her down!?"

"But of course!"

"Very well then as long as you take care of her, and that bastard Tianlong Yun, I am willing to give you everything, just name it and I will give it to you.

My body, my soul, this country, everything!"

"Heheheheh~! You think that I would be staying here if I could get out!? Stupid!"

"Then how do I take you out!?"

"You can't, the current you isn't worth even a fart! But if you get stronger, perhaps there is a chance!"

"Then help me get stronger, I swear to do whatever it takes!"

"Ohohoo~! Really!? Even if it means walking through a sea of blades, and an ocean of magma!?"

"Yes, I swear!"

"Haiz~! I might have gone senile, but I will give you a chance, here take this cultivation manual and start practicing, if you can't have a breakthrough in a month, our deal is off!"

"This… Isn't this a bit too much!?"

"Too much!? Hmph, you just know how to talk big and shit, if you aren't able to have a breakthrough by then even with this Cultivation Manual then you aren't worth even a fart!"

Master Tang couldn't help but look at the jade slip in front of him that had appeared out of thin air, as he couldn't help but wonder just what kind of existence was the man he had just talked to.

This could be a trap for as much as he knew, or this could be just some sick trick of that thing, but he didn't have much of a choice, he could only give it a try.

With those thoughts in mind, Master Tang immediately touched the jade slip, and without even understanding how, all the contents inside it flew towards his brain.

The cultivation manual was named as 'The Great Corpse' and its biggest requirement was that the 'user' needed to 'die' in order to reach GodHood, as the manual gave insights into the Corpse Law.

The moment that he learned of the contents, and thought of the current situation, Master Tang came to some conclusions of his, but still, his logic and reason were overcome by greed.

After all, this was a clear path to GodHood, which was a realm that all experts on Earth were only able to imagine and delude about.

For that reason, he had decided to give it a go, but still, he couldn't help but get a bit surprised and shocked when he read the notes and requirements added by the 'old man' himself.

In order to have a better affinity and connection with the Yin Qi and corpse law, he had to sleep and stay around corpses all the time.

This was certainly something disgusting and extremely hateful, but he had to do it if he wanted to grow stronger, so he started thinking of the possibilities and ways to do something like that.

While Master Tang was experiencing such a weird and strange occurrence, what could be best described as his fate and opportunity the Huaxia families, and organizations were suffering.

Since the foreign powers were still disinformed and wary of the situation of the big families, they decided to go for the small fish in the pond.

Medium and small families that had stains on themselves, were either pressured, bought, or threatened to work for the foreign powers.

Most of these families were even being 'visited' by more than 2 or 3 different organizations and people, doing whatever they could to have them cooperate.

It was unavoidable that a few eggs would be broken while the foreign powers were trying to make an omelet, and even if they tried to hide their tracks it was still impossible to fully clean their work.

Still, the message was spread, and few families dared to disobey the cooperation with the foreign forces and organizations.

It was difficult to find patriots when people were afraid of their own lives or their families lives and didn't believe in their higher-ups.

While for the big families their union was probably the greatest matter of the century, for those below it was just a momentary ruse.

Who didn't know that while the three big families appeared united on the outside, they were still vying for their personal triumph and hegemony!

In a short time, the peaceful, quiet, and closed Huaxia turned into a noisy and complex market where information and loyalty were the most required products.

At such an important time, Tianlong Yun had told Master Tang to keep the country running smoothly and not intervene. No one knew what was in his mind, but that aligned with Master Tang's needs.

In fact, he even spread the news that he was going to enter a secluded retreat for a while, and everything would be handled by his assistants.

No one was able to understand what were the higher-ups thinking about this whole mess, which made the foreign powers even more confused.

Still, they thought that the secluded retreat was just a lie of Master Tang to escape responsibility, as he was too afraid of aggravating the situation.

This could be taken as Master Tang's step back in the diplomatic war, and they could finally relax a bit, while refocusing their attention on the more important stuff, like the ongoing war with the Justice League, and EITS.

Both these monsters were capable of standing high in front of them, and in case they allowed them to grow further, they would only suffer.

Still, in order to make sure that things hadn't changed much in Huaxia, they actually sent one Fake-God Realm powerhouse to 'visit' Huaxia and express their condolences and congratulations.

Normally the movement of such powerhouses would cause a great reaction worldwide, but since the rest of Earth were curious as well, they all closed an eye to this.

These three powerhouses were actually hiding their faces, and bodies under some old and worn-out capes, as they arrived atop the clouds right above the Presidential Palace.

People of that Realm and power wouldn't bother with etiquette or manners, they would just arrive and face their targets.

The moment that those three guys appeared above Huaxia, three different lights actually jumped from the Palace and met them in the air.

Surprisingly or unsurprisingly the three lights were none other than the three old men that were called the guardians of Huaxia.

It wasn't difficult for Tianlong Yun to turn them into puppets obedient to him, as he observed the situation from afar.

"Isn't it a bit rude to appear over our heads without an invitation, and without informing, guests from afar!?"

The first to speak was the guy that had spoken first even in front of ShuiJing WeiXie, but this time he wasn't haughty, he was cautious and alert.

"Hehehe~! It's a bit too much to call us that, isn't it!? After all, we are all old acquaintances, having shared quite some situations and moments together.

We are here today in order to offer our condolences for the death of your old disciple and congratulations on your new one!

Even though it looks like a hurried decision, don't you think!?"

The one who spoke seemed to be a gentle and amiable man, who seemed to be meeting with old friends, but he was one of the scariest powerhouses.

"You aren't wrong, you aren't wrong! Unfortunately in our situation, we could only do it so, as there seem to be a lot of people interested in our national unrest!

For that reason, we are unable to receive you as we should, despite our 'deep' bond! So we can only.."

"Hmph~! Overestimating yourselves…"

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