Royal Dragon and Phoenix transmigrate to Earth

Chapter 870: Revenge on a Bastard Father II*

"The main dish is none other but you!"

Hearing Tianlong Yun, his blood son, voice those words made Second Master Yao feel a chill down his back at first, but then he just started laughing unrestrained.

"Hahahahahahahah~! What are you going to fu*ck me after you are done with them!? It seems like I have truly underestimated you 'son'! Hahahahahah~!

Have you truly fallen that bad and started to swing the other way!?"

For a man of power, honor, and face swinging the other side was even worse than being a bloody murderer or an unrestrained psycho.

Well, it didn't really matter, because while Tianlong Yun didn't really care about people's sexual preferences, he was for himself as straight as he could be.

For that reason, he didn't take any offense to those words, and neither was he irritated at hearing them. In fact, the more his object of torture acted like this, the better it would be for him.

With these thoughts in his mind, he looked at the man with a slight smirk and devilish grin, and then continued in a rather amused serious voice,

"You are half right and half wrong!"

"What do you mean!?"

Even though he had been laughing unrestrained until now, the moment that he saw Tianlong Yun's face and heard those words, Second Master Yao immediately got serious.

"Heehehhe~! Curious!?"

But now that he had turned serious and stopped laughing, it was Tianlong Yun who seemed to lose his seriousness and look at him as if he was looking at one of his toys.

Was he curious!? He was damn curious, the more Tianlong Yun tarried what he had to say, the more nervous and frightened did Second Master Yao become.

Even though he had tried to keep a false strong pretense as if he had seen through life, and didn't have any problem with dying, he couldn't do it anymore.

Right now he was getting truly afraid of what Tianlong Yun had to say, and what he would have him do. His fear rose exponentially with each passing moment.

"Heheheheh~! I don't want to tell you though!"

Of course, now that he had broken through the fake calm and strong impression of this bastard, there was no way Tianlong Yun wouldn't continue playing with the guy.



"Please! I said please alright! Please tell me what you have in mind, and please give me a quick and honorable death!

If you have any feelings or thoughts of me as your father, please give me a quick and honorable death!"

Broken in fear, and imagination, Second Master Yao broke all character as he started actually pleading, but at the same time trying to incite Tianlong Yun's emotional side.

Unfortunately for him, there was one thing that Tianlong Yun hated the most in his whole existence, and that was the existence called father.

From his original father in the Immortal World to this current trash of the Yao Family, he had had the worst luck regarding his father.

Unknown to him, the word father had taken a terrible misconception inside his heart, and the moment he heard those claims he started laughing like a maniac,

"Hahahahahahahahahah~! Father!? If I ever thought of you as a Father!? Hahahahahhahahahahahah~! You should be wishing for the opposite!

Just because you mentioned something like this to me, you just worsened what lies ahead of you! I hope that you enjoy it 'father'!"

With that said, Tianlong Yun didn't seem like he had any intention of playing and longing for this anymore as he immediately clapped his hands.

The next moment, the door to the cell was opened once again, and more of his bastard father's women were brought into the cell.

At the same time, there was now another batch of big muscled men, who entered inside. Weirdly and surprisingly though, these guys' eyes weren't on the ladies, but on Second Master Yao.

The moment that Second Master Yao felt their burning gazes, and took a hint of their intentions, he couldn't help but feel his whole body shiver, as he started screaming,

"Tianlong Yun, kill me! You bastard don't do this to me! Kill me! I order you to kill me, you bastard!

I challenge you to kill me, you nutless bastard! I challenge you to a life and death duel Tianlong Yun, do you dare fight me!?

Do you dare kill me, you bastard!? You better kill me right now, if I ever get off these shackles I swear I will make you regret you were born you bastard!

That slu*t should have really swallowed you, you bastard!"

It took Second Master Yao only a few instants to start cursing, ordering, threatening, daring, and insulting Tianlong Yun so that he could give him a quick and painless death.

Unfortunately, every word he had to say seemed to fall on a deaf ear, as Tianlong Yun just gave him a nice big smile, turned around, and started walking outside.

After all, he had no intention of witnessing the next scene, he would be sufficed with the face, and condition of the bastard after everything had happened.

"No, Tianlong Yun, don't leave! Please, kill me! Please, Tianlong Yun, don't do this to me, just kill me! I beg you, Tianlong Yun, just kill me!

I beg you, you bastard, please just kill me! Don't do this to me, I don't deserve this, please, just kill me!

You can't do this to me, Tianlong Yun, I am the Third Master of the Yao Family, you can't do this to me, just kill me, please!

Tianlong Yun, I am your father, I am the reason you exist today, please don't do this to me son, please, please, just kill me!"

Once he saw that Tianlong Yun didn't seem to pay any heed to his negative comments and words, the bastard, started begging and pleading for his life.

Unfortunately no matter what he said, and no matter how loud he said it, there was no one who dared to help him out, and give him a quick death.

Just as Tianlong Yun left the small isolation cell, he started pleading to the ladies, telling them to go and give him a quick death, he wouldn't resist in the least.

Yet, none of them even dared to take a step, in fear that they end up even worse than him. they understood it perfectly that the Yao Family had fallen, and Tianlong Yun was now Heaven and Earth in Huaxia.

In a short time, the sounds and screams became even more painful, scary, and terrifying, before they stopped all of a sudden.

It wasn't that the bastard had died, no! After all, this was just his daily dose of torture, and Tianlong Yun had an intention of keeping this going for quite some time.

No, his mouth had been gagged by something, and he couldn't scream any longer! Tianlong Yun had no intention to see it, but he was certain that it was an extremely unpleasant scene.

In fact, to make matters worse, all of the bastard's food had been filled with different kinds of aphrodisiacs, so in a short time, he would get burning as well.

While he had started the first bastard's torture program, Tianlong Yun quickly took a run at the rest of the Yao Family members, enslaving those he deemed less guilty, and making torture plans for those that were guilty.

The Yao Family people would have probably never thought that one day they would be imprisoned inside their own dungeon, and worse to be tortured in those cells.

That night, the whole Yao Family stood awake, as Tianlong Yun made sure that no one stopped or tried to isolate the sounds.

This was his revenge, but most importantly his warning towards the rest of the Yao Family people, if they didn't want the same fate they had to fully surrender to him and forget any foolish ideas.

The stick was administered that night, as for the carrot they would have to work hard before they could actually see it.

Once he had taken care of the most pressing matters, Tianlong Yun finally returned to the cell of the bastard, and took a look at his haggard, and paining face.

Even though the place and the bastard had both been cleaned almost perfectly, the signs on his body, and his face couldn't disappear.

He seemed like he had aged quickly by a few centuries, making Tianlong Yun feel quite satisfied with the result.

"You look extremely good 'father'! I guess that you truly loved my first gift, but don't worry that isn't the only gift I have for you!

Right now I am going to bestow my second gift upon you! From now on, I will come here and scr*ew one of your ladies!

It could be your lover, your secretary, your daughter, your legal wife, or even your mother, right in front of your face, and show them a world that they have never seen with you!

I will take each and every one of them from you one by one, day by day until you are left all alone!

I want to show you what it means to be all alone, with no one to even look you in the eye. I will show you the despair of being despised, hated, and ridiculed for the rest of your life.

You said that my mother should have swallowed me right!? Well, I will make you wish that your own mother swallowed you, dear 'father'!

Don't worry though it won't end once all these women have left you, it will continue until the moment that you have fully ceased to exist.

This is just the beginning 'dear father'!

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