Robert’s Second Chance: Dance of Dragons Rewritten (Completed)

Chapter 9: Chapter 9: Rhaenyra IV

"Absolutely not," she declared as she scurried through the room, checking every nook and cranny for possible access ports to secret passageways. She'd lived at Dragonstone for years, and Daemon had lived here in his youth before Viserys was crowned, and she once believed that, together, they knew every secret passageway in the castle (there were far fewer than in the Red Keep). But now, after the death of Meleys, she was not so certain.

There is a traitor in my midst, she knew. A dangerous one. One capable of sneaking past the Keepers, poisoning a dragon, and living to tell the tale. But damned if she could figure out who it was.

She'd discovered Lord Bar Emmon's innocence too late; he had died under interrogation. Tortured for information he did not possess, and the guilt made Rhaenyra physically ill. The thought of doing it again, condemning another innocent man, was more than she could bear. But the thought of ignoring the traitor altogether was more terrifying still. He had already killed one dragon; what was stopping him from killing the rest? Or her? Or her children?

And so here she was, practically on her hands and knees examining her own living quarters for cracks in the floor that may indicate a hidden door. Even when Daemon grabbed her by the elbow and pulled her back to the sitting area.

"Rhaenyra, we're running out of options, and rapidly," he told her. "I'm flying back to Harrenhal on the morrow, because without Caraxes and I, the Darrys and the Rootes cannot hold it. House Frey has agreed to join us, but they cannot march south because we do not yet know if the Northerners will side Green or Black. If they side Green, we need to keep the Freys near the Neck to slow the Stark army until we can meet them with dragonfire. I cannot remain here on Dragonstone, and I cannot leave Harrenhal long enough to fight in every battle on my own. We need more dragon riders." 

But at what cost?

"Dragons are the only way we are going to win this war, mother," Jace agreed, scowling and balling his fists. "Cregan Stark would not give me an answer. He said he needed to consult with the other Northern Houses and receive their council before making a decision, but I saw the look on his face after Aemond killed the Wildlings. Even if he does side with us, I don't see him fighting with a great deal of gusto."

"And we have precious little support elsewhere," Daemon added dramatically, scowling as he stared at the small map.

She knew he wanted to have this discussion in front of the painted table, but that room was too open. Too exposed. She could not avoid using it when meeting with her entire Council, but this discussion was far too sensitive. She only allowed Daemon, Jace, and a near-silent Corlys and Rhaenys to join her. She could not be certain that anyone else would keep her secrets.

Frustrated, Daemon pointed at various parts of the small map. "The Westerlands and Stormlands are completely Green. What little support we did have in the Reach has either fallen at Honeywine or been frightened into submission by the Tyrells. We have exactly three Houses in the Riverlands, and none of them are large enough to do any significant damage to your brother's loyalists. And we have exactly three Houses in the Crownlands. True, two of them are House Darklyn and House Staunton, but even so, we simply do not have the manpower to compete with Aegon. Even with the Vale."

Rhaenyra let her eyes wander over the map, her heart sinking with every little dot of green ink. 

I remember the Lords of so many of those castles, she thought sadly, her mind wandering back to the day her father named her heir.

How fearful she had been, dressed in the most regal attire she'd ever donned. The weight of the chain she wore made her shoulders ache, but it was necessary that she wear it, for it bore a sigil from each of the great Houses in the Seven Kingdoms. The Seven Kingdoms that were promised to her. A promise that her father sealed by making all the Lords kneel to her and swear an oath of fealty.

Until she died, she would never forget how that felt. The power, yes, but more than that was the sense of worth. By naming her heir, Viserys confirmed that he did value her. He did love her, her and her mother both. And he swore he would never supplant her as heir, no matter how many sons Alicent bore him.

But it seems the Lords of Westeros made no such promise, she thought. And now that she looked back, the sweet haze of her memory began to lift. Had those Lords looked bitter and angry when they were forced to kneel to a woman? Had they done so only under threat of death? Were they relieved when Aegon was born, secretly toasting in celebration of the birth of a silver-haired son to take the throne?

All along I feared this might happen, but I told myself that it never would. She swallowed. I told myself that the people would accept me as their Queen. That they wouldn't prefer my brother's rule simply because he has a cock…

But now it seemed she was wrong. The realm did not want her. It wanted Aegon.

"Jace, Daemon," she said, shaking her head. "Listen to yourselves. Is it worth going to war so I can be queen of a realm that does not want me on the throne? When our only chance of victory is to allow strangers, dragon seeds, to claim dragons?"

The room fell silent, and she felt everyone's eyes on her, until Corlys finally, hesitantly, spoke.

"You are considering accepting your brother's peace terms, your grace?" he asked softly. "Or perhaps counter offering for more?"

Jace snorted at his grandfather. "More?" he challenged. "If we bend the knee now, they only 'more' they're going to give us is a swift death."

"The Greens would not risk…"

"They are usurpers," he cut him off. "Their word is worthless. They may honor it for a day, or a few years, but not forever. How long until Aegon decides that he wants his son Jaehaerys to be named Prince of Dragonstone? How long until he declares Joffrey and I as bastards and has us sent to the Wall?" A flash of pain danced across his eyes. "They don't see us as people, grandfather. How long before he can easily rationalize our deaths?"

"How long before they kill the rest of the dragons they cannot control?" Rhaenys added softly, making Rhaenyra wince.

Rhaenys tried to mask it, tried to focus on the war effort, but the cold hard truth was that there was little for her to do on the Council anymore. When Meleys died, she took a piece of her rider into the grave with her. Rhaenys could no longer protect the Velaryon fleet. She had no combat experience of her own. All she could truly contribute was a bit of political advice she'd picked up over the years. That, and serving as a mother figure to Baela.

 "Then we will secure their loyalty the way all great Houses do. With a marriage pact," Corlys said. "His son, Jaehaerys, is still unbetrothed, and with the death of Prince Lucerys, so is Rhaena…"

The thought made Rhaenyra ill. Rhaena was more than ten years older than the six-year-old prince.

"No," Daemon said gruffly, his voice dark.

Undeterred, Corlys leaned forward in his seat. "It's a viable solution, Daemon," Corlys insisted. "You would eventually get your blood on the throne, as would we. And it would help secure our safety by re-strengthening the family tie."

Almost absentmindedly, Rhaenyra's hands wandered to her belly, the empty feeling still foreign. If my daughter had lived, would Corlys be suggesting marrying her to Jaehaerys? Or does he only want his own blood on the throne?

The Sea Snake was certainly hedging his bets carefully. Jace and Baela were betrothed, so if Rhaenyra won the war, Corlys would eventually get his blood on the throne. But if Rhaena was betrothed to Jaehaerys, then he would eventually get his blood on the throne that way instead…

"There will be no betrothal," Daemon said louder, glaring at Corlys. "I am Rhaena's father, and it is for me to decide. And I will NEVER mix my blood with the blood of Otto Hightower!"

"Enough!" Rhaenyra snapped at both of them, though it lacked any vigor. "We are not surrendering today…but it is time to send them a sweetened offer of peace."

Daemon snorted. "You expect them to surrender when they clearly have the upper hand?"

"No," she admitted. "But it buys us time." She pointed at the map herself. "We will send word to Lady Jeyne in the Vale to begin mobilizing her soldiers. When they are ready, Lord Corlys, you will pick them up in Gulltown. We will then march them to our rallying point in Harrenhal whilst we wait for the North to make its decision. Once that is done, we can negotiate from a position of greater strength."

"And if they still refuse?" Jace pushed. "Even with the knights of the Vale, we cannot win as we currently are, mother. Not when Caraxes, Vermax, and Syrax are the only dragons we can feasibly use against them. Moondancer is too small, and Joffrey and Aegon are too young to ride into combat. They have four rideable dragons, and one of them is Vhagar."

"We either recruit the dragon seeds and tame the wild dragons," Daemon continued. "Or we take our chances and likely get slaughtered."

Or we surrender, Rhaenyra added silently.

"We will do what we can do for now," she decided. "And we will cross that bridge when we come to it."

But for now, she had to prepare an envoy to deliver her new terms to her brother.




I like being an uncle, Daeron thought with a smile as he flipped Maelor upside down, delighting the toddler and making him giggle. Yet another wonderful part of coming home.

When he first walked into the throne room with Ormund, he had to follow decorum standards, behaving like a prince. The newly knighted Daeron the Daring. He had knelt to his brother, called him King, and swore his loyalty. However, once they left the throne room and were in the family's private living quarters instead, everything changed. His family embraced him, smothering him with hugs and kisses and claps on the back, welcoming him home. Aegon even had a welcome-home feast for him just last night, plying everyone with food and wine. True, the wine was harder to get these days because of the blockade, but they had other methods to bring in imports, even if it took longer.

This morning, however, was much less fun when the messenger from Rhaenyra arrived, bearing an offer that was better than her last but still an insult.

"Guardians of the Realm?" Aegon had snorted, wadding up the paper and throwing it into the hearth. "We get our own lavish castle…right on the Dornish border. A safeguard against insurgents. She is undoubtedly hoping that the insurgents will kill us in our sleep. Rancid bitch." He snorted, rolling his eyes. "I suppose she oh-so-graciously offered to allow us to keep our dragons this time."

There was no way Rhaenyra truly believed we'd accept such an offer, Daeron mused. Aegon is King, and four Kingdoms have already declared for him. It would be like expecting him to trade a golden dragon and receive a single copper in return.

Not only that, but the Greens would never be safe. Not only from the Dornish, but from the Blacks. If they bent the knee, they sacrificed their current allies, and without them, they would have no protection of Rhaenyra decided to go back on her word and have them all killed.

No, Daeron thought, tickling Maelor's belly and making him laugh some more. This is where we belong. In our family's home, rulers of the realm. Rhaenyra's damn lucky Aegon is offering to let her keep Dragonstone. It rightfully belongs to Jaehaerys when he comes of age.

"I'm so glad you got to meet him," Alicent said with a smile as she watched Daeron play with Maelor. "Aemond is planning to take him to White Harbor soon, for safekeeping. He is betrothed now, to Lord Desmond's daughter, and after…"

She bit her lip, rubbing at her wrists, as if trying to soothe a phantom ache.

"After the attack, we no longer feel safe keeping your brother's heirs under the same roof," she finished, tears welling in her brown eyes. "Lord Borros's idea, to ensure that Aegon's line will continue even if we're attacked again. He'll be safe in White Harbor until this nightmare has ended."

Daeron balled his fist. Yet another reason Rhaenyra deserved nothing, not even Dragonstone. She sent assassins after babes. After Helaena. After Alicent.

"Even Helaena may need to leave soon," Alicent lamented. "She and Aegon desire more heirs. If he gets her with child, we may need to move her as well, so that each of Aegon's children are in a different castle. Your grandfather has not suggested it to the council yet, but he is entertaining the idea of moving her to Oldtown."

Because the Blacks have already proven they plan to target her.

As much as Daeron loved Oldtown, the thought of his gentle sister needing to flee the city to protect her own life and the life of her soon-to-be child made him snarl.

"Fucking cowards," Daeron said, wincing when he realized he'd sworn in front of his nephew. "For all their claims about being the Blood of the Dragon, they're a pack of cowards. None but a coward would make targets of women and children."

Alicent's shoulders slumped, and she rubbed at her wrists again. "I fear many more women and children will become victims, and they will not be lucky enough to have Borros Baratheon come to their rescue. If Rhaenyra does not bend the knee…"

Then the innocent will suffer.

To some degree, he'd been lucky at Honeywine. He had no desire to kill anyone, but he could stomach it when it was enemy soldiers. But the thought of innocents becoming collateral damage…

"If Rhaenyra does not bend the knee, then she needs to…" He remembered Maelor and checked himself. "D-I-E. There is no third option. Not one that would keep our loved ones safe."

The thought made Alicent cringe, but she nodded grimly. "Your grandfather proposed that immediately after your father passed, but I talked him out of it. I prayed Rhaenyra might see reason. That she might act in favor of the good of the realm. The good of our family." Rubbing her wrists again, she shook her head. "But I was wrong." 

You were not wrong. You were thinking from a place of logic and reason. But you cannot leverage logic and reason in the face of a thirst for power.

"Then let us hope this ends in Duskendale," Daeron said hopefully. "When Ser Criston defeats the Darklyns and Rhaenyra sees her allies falling, it might just be the push she needs to come to her senses."

He hoped it, but he doubted it. And so for now, he would focus on enjoying the peace while it lasted. Before the Hightower army needed to march again, with Daeron and Tessarion at its helm, to bring Fire and Blood to Aegon's enemies.




I am here to do my duty. There's no sin in it. It is not about desire. I'm here to do my duty. Aegon needs more heirs. He needs to strengthen his line. I am helping my King and my Queen. There is no sin in it. This isn't lewd. It's a duty…It's a service to the realm…

"Will you relax?" Aegon chuckled as he sat down next to Aemond on the settee, rubbing his shoulders through his silken shirt. "You're so tense."

He was more than tense; his muscles were hard and rigid as if they were carved of stone. And he was trembling from head to toe.

Aegon, on the other hand, was completely at ease: shirt unfastened, exposing his chest, shoes off, crown set aside, hair mused, a cup of wine in his hand, and most infuriatingly, an amused smile on his face.

How can you be so fucking calm?

Aegon had promised no one knew about their 'lessons', and it was a secret Aemond had planned to take to his grave. But any minute now, Helaena would arrive to join Aegon in his bedchamber. She knew Aemond would be here, so surely she must at least suspect that he and Aegon had been intimate in the past. Even if she would keep their secret to preserve her own dignity, she would know the truth.

And that was only the tip of his iceberg of worry.

"You…" Aemond swallowed. "You still will not tell me what exactly we are to do?" he asked nervously.

Aegon rolled his eyes, then leaned in to kiss Aemond on the lips, soft and warm and sweet, until he eventually relaxed the smallest bit.

"Sweet little brother, I do not have an itinerary planned," he said gently. "I've been with several partners at once before, and it's impossible to plan everything in advance. We will have to simply see where the mood takes us. There are only two rules. One, by the end of the night, I must spill my seed inside of Helaena, because that is what it will take to get her pregnant. Two, you must not spill your seed inside of her, because if you do, we will not know if the resulting child is mine or yours. Otherwise, I am content with whatever happens. Quite literally, whatever happens." After a moment of consideration, he shrugged. "And Helaena's participation in the act is her choice as well. With me or with you. I have no objections."

That doesn't help at all…

Logically, he knew Aegon was right. Sometimes, their own 'lessons' deviated from what they originally intended because the mood struck. That in and of itself had been one of the lessons. But a plan would make Aemond feel less anxious. Less fearful…

Although his fear greatly lessened when Aegon set down his wine, climbed into Aemond's lap, and kissed him full on the lips. He tasted sweet, like the Arbor red he favored, and his tongue coaxed Aemond's own to come and play. Aegon kissed with a mastery Aemond could only pray he'd achieve one day, and once Aemond was completely relaxed, Aegon grabbed his hair, broke their kiss, and gave him a scolding nip on the earlobe.

"You're about to fuck a king, and perhaps a queen," Aegon purred, squeezing Aemond's earlobe between his teeth again. "And you will love it. You are going to cum. Several times, if I have my way. So relax and stop your fretting."

It was hard to argue when Aegon started kissing his neck, sucking on the spot that never failed to make him whimper.

"Fuck," he groaned, surrendering and preparing to let Aegon do whatever he pleased…

Until a soft knock at the door snapped him out of his delightful haze.

"Bedchamber," Aegon said, smirking as he kissed him one last time. "Just to keep the guard from seeing you as he escorts her in."

It was hard to feel nervous when his cock was still hard from Aegon's ministrations, but Aemond's belly flopped anyway, even as he obeyed, walking to the bedchamber a bit stiffly, his cock pressed against his belly.

This is a duty. I am helping my King and my Queen. It is a service to the realm. There is no sin in it…

It didn't settle his nerves as he got into the bedchamber and sat down on the edge of Aegon's bed, unsure if he should remove his clothing or not. He instead settled for loosening the front of his shirt, like Aegon, displaying the sculpted muscles of his chest.

He was grateful for his choice when Aegon entered a few moments later, escorting in Helaena and shutting the door behind her. She was covered from chin to toe in a lovely silken robe, a night dress beneath it, and she looked at Aemond shyly, the sight of his exposed chest making her blush.

"Brother," she greeted softly.

In a heartbeat, Aemond's nervousness faded, Helaena's anxiety triggering a deep instinct to protect, and he smiled at her reassuringly, the confident Targaryen Dragon Prince once again.

"Helaena," he said, his voice warm and confident. "Thank you for letting me be here, sister. I love both of you, and I'm glad I can help."

She managed to offer him a shy smile in return, her face still pink.

Aegon chuckled softly, rolling his eyes but thankfully not commenting on Aemond's newfound confidence. Instead, he guided Helaena over to a comfortable armchair he'd set up for her near the hearth.

"The choice is yours, Helaena," Aegon offered. "If you wish to remain in the room while Aemond and I… 'prepare', you may. If you'd feel more comfortable waiting outside in the living area, you may do that as well; we will call you when I am ready. Or…" He offered her a flirty smile, but once he saw that it made her blush even more, he took a step back. "Or…whatever else you want," he said instead, more calmly.

He's learning, Aemond thought appraisingly. He himself, of course, had never flirted with her, but Aemond knew her well enough to know what her romantic needs would be. Helaena cannot be pushed or flirted with, not beyond gentle acts of romance. She needs to do things on her own terms, when she's ready and feels safe, and not a moment before.  

And so her brothers would show her that sex was not something to fear. That it was pleasurable.

Helaena studied them curiously, then turned to look at the door, considering her options. Finally, she bit her lip and sat down in the armchair, perched at the end of the cushion, as if prepared to bolt from the room if what she saw made her too uncomfortable.

The thought made Aemond frown. No, I don't want her to feel uncomfortable. I want her to feel safe.

And so he decided to start slow.

Knowing he had blanket permission to do what he wanted (and knowing that his brother would stop him if he didn't like it), Aemond got up from the bed, crossed the room, and gently wrapped one arm around Aegon's waist, bringing his other hand up to brush back his hair before cupping his cheek. Staring deep into his brother's eyes, Aemond smiled at the spark of warmth he found there. Desire…and more wonderfully, affection.

Slow and sweet, he urged him silently, hoping Aegon would understand. Let me lead. I want to show her how wonderful it can be. How wonderful you can be when you actually want to be.

Aegon understood, relaxing in his arms and giving the tiniest nod of consent, before Aemond leaned in and kissed him. Slowly at first, chastely, enjoying his brother's warm lips against his own, enjoying the tiny butterflies that always danced in his belly. Aegon hummed happily, a soft vibration echoing through his chest as he looped his arms around Aemond's neck, pulling him in closer and urging him to deepen the kiss.

A request Aemond was happy to honor, parting his lips and slipping his tongue into Aegon's mouth.

So many times they had undressed each other (or undressed themselves, playfully stripping for each other's amusement), but today, Aemond was in no hurry. Remembering their lesson on sensuality, Aemond gently stroked his hands down Aegon's chest, lightly massaging the muscles and tracing his fingers along the few remaining buttons holding his shirt in place, wordlessly asking permission to unfasten them. Permission Aegon granted without breaking their kiss, humming contentedly.

He moved slowly, telegraphing each move as he unfastened the buttons, then slowly, gracefully, pushed Aegon's shirt off his shoulders, letting it fall to the floor. Aegon copied him, removing Aemond's shirt with equal finesse and letting his fingers dance tantalizingly along the skin he revealed, smiling when the touch made Aemond shiver.

Hazarding a glance, Aemond peeked his eye open just a bit, and to his relief, Helaena no longer looked like she was ready to run for the door. Her cheeks were still pink, but she no longer looked frightened or anxious, and she allowed herself to recline back into the armchair.

Good. Good, she's not upset. We'll keep moving slow, just like this.

Not wanting to be completely naked just yet, Aemond broke the kiss when Aegon started reaching for his pants, and instead bent down to pick Aegon up. His brother, his King, gave a small huff of indication at being picked up and carried gently like a princess, but his eyes betrayed him. They sparkled, and Aegon wriggled ever-so-slightly with delight.

He likes it. A good lesson to remember.

Carrying him like a knight from a maiden's fantasy, Aemond brought him to the bed and laid him down gently, resting his head against the pillows and making sure Helaena could see clearly from where she was sitting. She could. Her chair allowed her an unimpeded view of both her brother's bodies, and she would be able to see everything.

And judging by the expression on her face (curiosity and undivided attention), she was not protesting the sight.

Keep showing her how wonderful it is, he told himself.

After making sure Aegon was comfortable, Aemond took his sweet time kissing his way down the column of Aegon's throat, down to his chest and his belly. He knew every favorite spot. Every place Aegon liked him to kiss, to suck, or to nibble, and Aemond made sure to pay attention to each and every one. When he swirled his tongue around Aegon's nipple, gently squeezing it between his teeth, his brother arched up beneath him, softly panting, "Aem…"

He made the mistake of glancing over at Helaena again before he unfastened Aegon's pants. While his sister still seemed fine (blushing but not looking away), it distracted him, and Aegon took advantage to flip Aemond over onto his back.

But I wasn't done making you feel good…But the look in Aegon's eyes stopped his protest before he could voice it.

No, he's right. He's the one who's going to be with her soon. She has to see that he can be gentle too.

He let his eye flutter closed, and he nearly forgot Helaena was even there, arching up into every kiss Aegon placed against his chest, crying out breathy moans as Aegon sucked a hickey onto his belly, just above the waistband of his pants.

A breathy moan he heard echoed from across the room, where Helaena still sat, watching.

He knew his brother heard it as well, but Aegon didn't stop, unfastening Aemond's pants and pulling them down just enough to free his hard cock before wrapping his mouth around it, taking him deep into his throat with no teasing.

Oh fuck…How do I be a good recipient again? No thrusting without permission…what else?

Perhaps they hadn't practiced enough, because all rational thought fled his brain when Aegon began sucking, bringing his free hand up to massage his balls.

"Ah!" he panted, fighting to keep his hips still. "Aegon…Ah!"

He could hear his own voice, his own moans, echoing in his ears as Aegon pleasured him. I sound like a whore, the stray thought passed his mind, but he didn't care, surrendering and savoring the feeling.

Aemond's eye was closed as the pleasure overwhelmed him, but Aegon still had one eye peeked open as he worked, just enough to see his wife, his queen, from his peripheral vision. Aemond's enthusiasm aroused him, every sound going straight to his cock…and it seemed he wasn't the only one.

Helaena shifted in her chair, but not with awkwardness or discomfort. Her gaze trailed between the look of utter bliss on Aemond's face and the sight of Aegon's mouth wrapped around his cock, and she wore an expression he'd never seen her wear before. Pupils wide. Flush more than blushing. Lower lip trembling ever so slightly as her breathing grew heavy. But most telling of all, she shifted again, crossing one leg over the other…and whimpering slightly at the feeling.

She's aroused, Aegon thought, a small surge of pride swelling in his chest. An accomplishment he'd never achieved before. He didn't know if it was him arousing her, or Aemond, but he found he didn't care. She can have both of us if that's what pleases her. I love them both, after all…

Beneath him, Aemond writhed, no longer able to resist the urge to thrust up into the warm, wet mouth engulfing him. "Aeg…please…"

His brother answered by releasing his balls to grab hold of his hips, relaxing his throat and urging him to thrust forward.

And Aemond didn't hesitate to obey.

There was no teasing, no lessons or practice tips to help him improve his stamina. Aegon's only goal was to make him feel good, and fuck, did Aemond ever feel good. He felt his balls begin to tighten, and he gasped, managing to give a strangled warning before his bliss overtook him. Pleasure surged through Aemond's veins while he cried out, thrashing his head against the pillow, and though it all, Aegon sucked, swallowing every trace of his cum.

Just like they practiced.

Body trembling, he allowed himself a moment to breathe, to savor each wonderful aftershock as it tore through him, pleasure buzzing through his mind, but before he could even sit up to reach for Aegon in turn, his brother was sweetly threading his fingers through his hair, stroking him lovingly and kissing him on the forehead.

"Relax," Aegon urged him. "Enjoy it."


He'd nearly forgotten Helaena was even there until he heard Aegon speaking again.

"One of the few drawbacks to being a man," Aegon mused as he leaned in to kiss Aemond's neck, making him shiver. "We don't get to cum more than once. Not even for dragons like us. It takes at least fifteen minutes before we're ready to play again. But women?"

Aemond cracked open his eye just in time to see his brother giving Helaena a suggestive smirk, even as he leaned down to kiss Aemond's neck again.

"Women can cum as many times as they want, with no break in between," he purred.

If Aegon's tone made her uncomfortable, the only indication was her brief averted gaze. But it only lasted less than a second before she met his eyes again.

"I…see…" she whispered.

Aegon gently tapped Aemond on the flank, and even without rehearsal, he recognized the cue.

He wants to approach her. He wants to bring her over to the bed, but he needs me to make her feel safe. A task he was happy to do. Even with his limited experience, Aemond recognized her interest.

Aegon wants her to enjoy this, and so do I. The best way is to make her feel comfortable, and the best person to do that is me.

And so with a happy hum, Aemond slowly sat up in the bed, carefully telegraphing his movements as he walked over to her, gently extending his arm and wordlessly letting her know it was her choice whether or not to take it.

She only hesitated for a second before curiosity overpowered whatever nervousness she had left, her expression relaxed. Excited even.

Aemond's heart swelled as he studied her beautiful face. How many years had he loved her? Long before he had any physical desires. She had always been so…good. Kind. Happy with so little. Almost to pure and wonderful to even exist in this world. Someone he would give his life to protect.

And I would, sweet sister. I'm not merely fighting so that Aegon can keep the throne that is rightfully his. I am fighting so that his children, your children, can one day inherit it after him.

Love and the lingering need to cuddle after his climax overtook him, and he slowly, gently wrapped an arm around her waist, carefully studying her eyes to make sure she was not frightened, and then kissed her. The brush of her silken robe against his sensitive flesh reminded him that he was very much naked, but he felt no shame. Her lips were warm and wonderful, her cheeks softer than satin against his own. He kissed her slowly at first, with only the barest hint of pressure until he felt her relax completely. And even then, he left the choice up to her, parting their lips and teaching her how to deepen the kiss…but letting her decide if she was ready to do it.

And she did, tentatively touching his face with her soft hands while she let her tongue play with his.

Even at this, you are absolutely perfect…he thought as the kiss tapered off and she looked up at him shyly. So perfect.

"Ah, I see," Aegon said, and only then did Aemond remember that he was still there. His elder brother stepped in close and stroked a hand up and down Aemond's back. Then, moving slowly and gently, he did the same with Helaena, pausing until she relaxed enough to accept his touch.

"I was moving too fast," he said. "Those times we were together. It wasn't a matter of skill. I was moving faster than you were ready for me to move."

Helaena dropped her gaze, but Aegon shook his head.

"It's not a bad thing, sister. Everyone has their quirks when it comes to passion."

Aemond felt Aegon giving him an appraising look, and he cocked his head, wondering what he meant by that, but Aegon only chuckled, shaking his head.

"No matter," he assured her. "I know what to do now."

Aemond felt his belly twist, and he felt more than a hint of fear. If he knows what he needs to do…perhaps he has no further use for me…

A fear that proved unfounded when Aegon leaned in and kissed him on the lips. His kiss was firmer, more confident than Helaena's, but no less wonderful. Aemond's fear vanished, and closed his eye, surrendering to it for several long seconds.

He whimpered softly when Aegon pulled back, but his breath hitched when he watched Aegon kiss Helaena in turn. Copying Aemond, he moved slowly, as though he were afraid of breaking something fragile and precious, until she relaxed enough for him to hold her.

Aemond had worried he might be jealous (of Aegon or Helaena, he wasn't sure), but to his surprise, he found no trace of envy or possessiveness.

They're both mine, he thought. And I belong to both of them. There's no reason for envy.

In his lovely haze, it didn't occur to him that he was wandering down a dangerous path, falling in love with both of them rather than merely loving them. He didn't care that he risked heartbreak when daylight returned and Helaena went back to being Aegon's wife and he her husband. He didn't dare let his thoughts linger on the fact that tonight might be the only night he shared with her and the last night he shared with him.

For tonight, for this one, glorious moment, he had everything he wanted in the world. And he was happy.

Aegon broke the kiss with Helaena, then turned to Aemond again, kissing him on the cheek, before grabbing both of his siblings' hands and leading them to the bed. To Aemond's surprise, after only a moment of hesitation, Helaena boldly undid the silken cord on her robe, then removed the garment, letting it fall to the floor and leaving her clad only in her night dress. Silk as well, the fabric was sheerer, clinging to the curves of her body like a pale blue second skin. Aemond could see her navel. The outline of her breasts. The firm buds of her nipples.

Fuck…she's so beautiful. Like a Valyrian goddess.

"I…" she said softly, eyes dropping and cheeks flushing pink. "I…enjoyed…watching…" She swallowed, unable to continue, but mercifully, Aegon understood. He guided her to sit on the edge of the bed but did not pull her further in.

"Then continue watching," he encouraged, smiling before he kissed Aemond. Unlike Helaena, he did pull him further into the bed, playfully wrestling him onto his back, but this time, Aemond was prepared for him. Clearly the better warrior between the two of them, Aemond had no difficulty flipping Aegon onto his back and straddling his hips, pinning him to the mattress.

Perhaps I cannot fuck you just yet, he thought, massaging his hands up and down Aegon's chest before grabbing the vial of oil they strategically placed on the nightstand. But fortunately, I do not need to.

Helaena's breath hitched as she watched Aemond part Aegon's legs, coating his fingers in oil before pressing one of them inside him. But Aegon merely closed his eyes, thrusting back against Aemond's finger and silently urging him to put in another one. And when Aemond obeyed, slipping in a second finger and grazing that spot deep inside of him, Aegon arched his back, moaning loudly.

"That…" Helaena whispered, as if afraid she'd interrupt. "That feels….good?" Her eyes were wide with arousal again, shifting as she tried to find a more comfortable position.

"Hmmm," Aegon purred in agreement. "It feels amazing."

He gestured for Aemond to keep going, and he obeyed, fucking Aegon with his fingers, even as he flopped his head to the side to look at Helaena while he spoke.

"For men as well as, ah!, women, sister," he said breathily. "We have a, ah!, spot inside of us designed for pleasure. W-ah!-which is why I tried using m-ah! ah!-my fingers with you." He trailed off, groaning loudly as Aemond added a third finger, filling him.

Helaena watched silently, breathing labored as she hesitantly rested her hand on her thigh, rubbing the muscle.

"I…I have such a spot as well?" she whispered, rubbing her thigh a bit harder.

"Hmm," Aegon agreed, smiling and thrusting back against Aemond's fingers, his cock twitching and leaking precum. "With girls though, it's tricky. Sometimes it only feels good if you're aroused."

She nodded. "Oh."

Eye flashing with desire, Aegon raised an eyebrow suggestively. "I can show you."

She couldn't even bring herself to answer, not out loud anyway. It took her nearly a minute and a good bit more blushing just to nod, inclining her head so timidly it was almost imperceptible.


Signaling for Aemond to stop, Aegon encouraged Helaena to get into the bed, helping her get comfortable against the pillows before touching the hem of her nightdress.

"I won't take it all the way off unless you want me to," he promised. "I'm just going to push it up some."

Another tiny nod, and then she closed her eyes, drawing a breath as Aegon pushed the hem up around her belly, and Aemond felt his own cock twitching back to life.

He and I have never 'practiced' with an actual woman in the room before…

Women's bodies were so different, but unlike Aemond, Aegon was well practiced, knowing exactly where to slide his fingers, rubbing them against her clit while she let out the softest whimper.

"You have a spot inside as well, but for women, this is the part that feels the best," he said throatily as he worked, smirking as Helaena whimpered again. "And it feels best when you're already nice and wet, like you are now."

Aegon was masterful with his fingers, and soon enough, Helaena let out another whimper and rubbed herself back against him, silently asking him to move faster, to use more pressure, but her own request embarrassed her, and soon her cheeks began to redden…

Don't feel embarrassed, sister. It's supposed to feel good. Wordlessly, Aemond inched over to her and gently stroked her face while Aegon worked. She managed to peek at him nervously, and he let his guard down, hiding nothing from her. Letting her see how much the sight of her pleasure excited him, just as much as the sight of his had excited her. She saw…and she relaxed, cheeks fading from red to ivory again. Aemond could not resist leaning down to kiss her chastely before retreating, slipping in behind Aegon and rubbing his back and shoulders while he continued.

He watched as Aegon slipped two fingers inside of her, crooking them and using the heel of his hand to continue rubbing her clit, and soon Helaena was gasping. Two thrusts, maybe three, and she bit her lip, moaning as she came. But Aegon didn't stop, even as her gasps faded and her breathing slowed.

"If you think that felt good…" Aegon purred, pushing her legs a bit wider apart and settling between them, darting his tongue to lap at her clit…and smirking when she let out a shout of pleasure.

Aemond watched for as long as he could bear it. Just as Aegon said, women needed no break in between climaxes, and as Aegon ate her, she came again…and again…and again… Every cry, every moan of pleasure, went straight to Aemond's cock, and soon it was hard and leaking against his belly, more aroused than he'd ever been in his life.

He said I could do as I wished…But would relieving his ache disrupt his siblings too much? Helaena's eyes were closed, so lost in pleasure she may have forgotten her own name, and Aemond didn't want to distract Aegon and make him stop…

But if I do not risk it, I may go mad.

And so he grabbed more oil, lubricated his fingers again, and pressed one of them back inside of Aegon. To his relief, his brother not only continued pleasing Helaena but thrust back against Aemond's fingers as well. The feeling of his brother' hot, tight entrance around his fingers was too much for him to bear, and so he withdrew, grabbing more oil to slick up his cock before positioning himself behind Aegon, grabbing his hips, and sliding inside.

Fuck…He moaned.

He wouldn't last long, he knew. Aegon's ass was too hot, too tight, and the sight of Aegon working his tongue between Helaena's legs was far too arousing. But he gave his brother as much pleasure as he could, thrusting at just the right angle and slipping his hand around to massage Aegon's cock and balls.

But short-lived as though it was, when Aemond's climax came, he felt it with his entire body, crying out as pleasure flooded every synapse, cumming so hard his balls ached. His nerves tingled, from the crown of his head to the soles of his feet, and he kept thrusting well through the aftershocks, well until his overstimulated cock began to soften and he was forced to withdraw.

But when he tried to continue rubbing Aegon's cock, to bring him to climax as well, Aegon pulled back from Helaena and stopped him with a tiny head jerk.

"Hellie…" Aegon gasped. "I'm really fucking c-close. Are you ready?"

She didn't answer, too far gone to formulate words, but when Aegon aligned himself with her entrance, she thrust back against him, urging him inside.

Far too aroused for far too long, it didn't take Aegon more than a few seconds once he got inside of her, but a few seconds and a few good hard thrusts was all she needed to cum yet again, her thighs squeezing Aegon's hips.

How does it feel? Aemond wondered. Is she tight, like Aegon gets when I bring him to bliss?

Whether it was the tightness or the eroticism of seeing her enjoy it, Aegon came as well, hands gripping her thighs to ground himself as his eyes squeezed shut, body jerking as aftershock after aftershock raked his frame.

It was the most erotic thing Aemond had ever seen, and if he hadn't just finished twice in rapid succession, he would already be getting hard again.

Instead, when Aegon withdrew and collapsed into the bed next to Helaena, sated and happy, Aemond's desire was not for pleasure but for closeness. A driving need to solidify the bond he knew they'd just forged. A bond not easily broken.

I understand now, why Aegon the Conqueror took two wives. He loved both, just as I love both of them. We're one now, he knew, as surely as he knew his own name. The dragon with three heads. We belong together…

Too exhausted to think philosophically, Aegon quickly grabbed a few wet hand towels for cleanup, then slipped into bed behind Aegon, spooning him tentatively and fearing, just for a moment, that he would be rebuffed. But happily, he wasn't. Aegon actually encouraged him to snuggle in closer, and then gently wrapped his own arm around Helaena's waist, spooning her as Aemond spooned him. And through her post-orgasmic haze, she happily accepted the touch, savoring the closeness just as much as Aemond did.

Sleeping there, in Aegon and Helaena's marriage bed, was a risky idea that could lead to scandal were they caught, but Aemond didn't care. Nothing shy of an angry wild dragon would be enough to chase him away, and he pressed a soft kiss to Aegon's shoulder before letting himself begin to drift. His last realization was that Helaena, almost absentmindedly, had rolled over to hug Aegon back, her arm wrapping around him and lovingly brushing against Aemond's flank as well.

If only we could stay here forever…  




"Duskendale has fallen!" Otto cried triumphantly, his voice echoing through the Small Council chamber. A chamber that was annoyingly only half-full. Ormund Hightower had arrived with the Hightower army (something that had not happened in the original timeline, reassuring Robert that his plan was working), so he and Daeron were present, but Aegon, Helaena, and Aemond were all conspicuously missing.

I have balls judging him, I suppose, Robert thought. How many small council meetings had he himself attended over his reign? Very few.

Robert had been an excellent warrior, an excellent conqueror, but he'd been a piss-poor King, wanting little to do with actually ruling the kingdom he'd fought tooth and nail to win. Aegon, mercifully, was a bit more involved than Robert was, but he grew very bored very quickly with political discussions.

This, however, was not a political discussion but a military discussion. Aegon was always actively involved in the progression of the war and wanted to be kept apprised of all occurrences.

"Shall we send for a messenger to retrieve our King," Robert suggested. "He was enraged when he received Princess Rhaenyra's newest offer of terms. The news of Ser Criston's victory might bring him some joy."

Alicent shook her head, leaning forward. "We shall inform his grace of our victory first thing tomorrow morning. Tonight, he and the Queen have cautioned me that they were…" She looked down, scowling disapprovingly. "Not to be disturbed…"

Ah, they're fucking. Good for them.

Robert himself had not remained celibate since awakening in Borros's body. He didn't feel safe enough going to the Street of Silk (not with Mysaria still on the loose), but he had found himself a pretty mistress with huge tits amongst the Red Keep's maids, reasonably confident that bedding her would not negatively impact the timeline. He didn't bed her as often as he would have liked, but he needed to keep his mind sharp and focused on the war.

Borros had a wife, but Robert had left her behind to care for their daughters and serve as regent of Storm's End, coordinating with the castellan. Partly because Borros's closest family would likely notice that something was wrong with the family patriarch (it took him longer than he cared to admit to memorize all of Borros's daughters), and partly because Elenda Baratheon was Robert's great-whatever-grandmother. If she'd been brought to King's Landing, Robert would have been expected to fuck her at some point, and as wild as his tastes were, he drew the line at incest (he wasn't Valyrian enough for that).

Fortunately, Elenda had written to him to let him know that everything was well at Storm's End, and that she was pregnant (thankfully done by Borros before Robert took over). The child would be a boy, Robert knew. Borros's only son, a boy Elenda would eventually name Royce, despite Borros's wishes for the child to be named Aegon.

Eh, there are already plenty of Aegons. Might as well let her have what she wants, he decided. The last thing he needed was another wife to argue with. Not after finally getting away from Cersei.

You dug your own grave with that one, he reminded himself.

During her youth, Cersei Lannister may well have been the most beautiful woman in the Seven Kingdoms, but she was cold, cruel, and at times he felt it might have been safer to stick his cock in a beehive. But that was his own fault. She wasn't that way when he first married her. She wasn't that way for several years.

Things might have been different if I were a better husband, he deprecated himself. Grieving Lyanna and still bloodthirsty even after Rhaegar's death, Robert had been a horrible husband. He had married a proud and beautiful lioness, and yet he shamed her at every turn. Fucking other women openly. Being selfish in bed without caring about her pleasure. Acting like a drunken ass more oft then not…

Of course she turned into a bitter harpy.

What might it have been like if he had made Cersei into his teammate, his ruling partner, rather than his enemy? He didn't love her, never could have, but they could have been a strong political couple. She was smart, viciously so, and had inherited her father's ruthlessness. He'd need to keep her in check when that ruthlessness got out of hand, but she still could have made for a strong ally.

A regret I can perhaps rectify with Aegon and Helaena, he mused. He was now certain that Helaena possessed the gift of Dragon Dreams. She could be more valuable to Aegon than the dragons themselves.

"With Duskendale secured, the next step is to secure Rook's Rest," Robert said, leaning forward. "Once they're dealt with, Princess Rhaenyra will have no remaining support in the Crownlands. Even if she does manage to ferry in the Knights of the Vale, they will have to slough their way through army after army after army, with no relief or aid in sight. Not with Meleys dead. Caraxes can't be in multiple places at once, and the rest of their dragons are too small to be a credible threat."

Otto nodded. "And with Vhagar on our side…"

Oh no, we cannot risk Vhagar fighting Caraxes. Not by herself. Not without at least one other dragon there to watch Aemond's blindside and compensate for Vhagar's lack of speed.

"Indeed, my Lord Hand," Robert agreed. "After the Princess's most recent insult of an offer, I believe the time has come for us to show our strength, and Rook's Rest might be the perfect opportunity."

Ormund Hightower leaned forward. "You're talking about using dragonfire?" he clarified. "I saw it myself in Honeywine. Half a world away from the Princess Rhaenyra. Using it at Rook's Rest, closer to home, would undoubtedly have a far greater impact. Those who would take up arms in defense of the false queen will learn how the crown means to deal with traitors."

"And it would show the Princess that we do not bluff," Robert added. "We've extended her fair terms multiple times. Those fair terms are still on the table, and we will happily entertain counteroffers if she sends them. But empty threats will not serve, and they will give her no motivation to move her ass."

Otto quirked an eyebrow at the crassness, but he nodded in agreement. "While of course we do not wish to use dragonfire if we can reasonably avoid it, a controlled show of strength is needed."

"And a controlled sense of unity as well," Robert agreed. "Vhagar should not be the only dragon who goes to aid Ser Criston."

When I fought in the Rebellion, I was on the battlefield right along with them. It's part of the reason they were so loyal to me. Aegon's men must see the same. With Meleys dead, it is safe. Sunfyre is a tough son of a bitch. 

Aegon would fly into battle atop the beautiful golden dragon, and with luck, the world would behold his glory…with none of the tragedy that befell him in the original timeline.

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