Robert’s Second Chance: Dance of Dragons Rewritten (Completed)

Chapter 2: Chapter 2: Robert I

He's only a child…Robert thought sadly as he studied Lucerys. The boy was around his son's age, but Lucerys was far braver, standing firm even though he was clearly scared.

You won't be brave for long, boy. Not when Vhagar comes for you…

If Robert allowed it, that was.

While Lucerys delivered Rhaenyra's message (and while Aemond glared daggers at him), Robert's mind swam. He could save Lucerys. He could forbid Aemond from chasing him down, or at least delay Aemond long enough to give Luke a chance to escape. He could save this innocent boy's life. He was so young…

But I need to think like a battle commander, not a man with a bleeding heart, he knew, chest squeezing.

Passion was vital to a war, but not if it overpowered his common sense. Misplaced mercy could derail the most powerful of armies. Robert had been forced to harden his heart during the Rebellion, when many died under his leadership. Otherwise he never would have won the war.

I must put my sympathies aside and look at this like a warrior, Robert thought sadly, and so he took a few seconds to review everything he knew about the Dance to follow.

If Lucerys lived, the Blacks would have another dragon. The Sowing of the Seeds would likely still happen. The Blacks already had far more dragons than the Greens to begin with; another one might be the difference between victory and defeat. Worse, Rhaenyra, no longer suffering from grief, might be a more active participant in the war.

Saving Lucerys might prevent Blood and Cheese…but frankly, that was a very big 'might'. Robert had read many tales of the legendary Rogue Prince, and he might have tried something equally sadistic anyway. Robert had other ways of preventing Blood and Cheese, thus ensuring Aegon II's succession. Saving Luke might also make Aemond angry with "Borros", less likely to trust his advice. It might even make him question Robert's loyalty.

A spark went off in his brain. A spark that, to his disgust, sounded an awful lot like a suggestion Cersei might make. If Luke dies and I handle it exactly the right way, I might be able to work it to the Green's advantage.

Robert took no joy in his decision. In fact, it made his guts clench, churning like writhing snakes in his belly. But unfortunately, Lucerys would have to die, exactly has he had in the original timeline. Otherwise, it would make it far harder for Robert to help Aegon win the war.

I'm not killing him, Robert told himself. He was supposed to die anyway. I'm just not saving him.

"Go home, Pup," Robert said, shaking his head in disgust. Disgust with himself, not Lucerys. "Your mother's claim to the throne was forfeit the day King Aegon was born. Doubly forfeit when she gave birth to three obvious bastards."

Hypocrite, he mocked himself. How many bastards did you have? Twenty? That you know of? In all fairness, he never tried to pass them off as trueborn. As much as he hated Cersei, his trueborn children with her were his heirs.

Lucerys sneered at him. "I shall take your answer to my mother. The Queen," he spat at Robert before turning to leave.

You're never going to see your mother again, Robert thought, his heart aching.

Still, Robert forced himself to remain hard as a stone through what happened next. Through Aemond asking for permission to hunt Luke down. Through the silver-haired prince running out of the castle to mount his own dragon. Through the roars that echoed through the skies above Storm's End.

It had to be this way. It had to be this way…

Robert rose from the throne and bid the maester to follow him, speaking again only once he knew they had privacy.   

"I will need you to write two letters," Robert advised him. "One you will send to Prince Jacaerys in the Vale, one to Princess Rhaenyra. In both, you will express your sincerest condolences and explain to them that Prince Lucerys has passed…"

The maester gasped, staring at him with wide eyes. "My Lord, you don't know that Vhagar…"

"Oh, spare me!" Robert grunted. "Vhagar is five times the size of Arrax, and you heard her roaring as well as I did! The boy's as good as dead."

But unlike Borros, Robert knew exactly how to best utilize that death.

He ordered his servants to pack his things and load them onto a docked ship, where he would set sail tomorrow morning for King's Landing as soon as the storm had calmed. His men (whatever their names were) would retrieve Lucerys's body tomorrow morning when it washed up on the shore, and it would be prepared with respect by the Silent Sisters, sent to Rhaenyra on Dragonstone. This way, she could have a proper funeral for him. 

At least I can give her that, he consoled himself, though it was little comfort. In the original timeline, she didn't get to give him a proper farewell, and Borros did not treat the boy's remains with respect.

Jace, upon learning about his brother's death, would likely return to Dragonstone for the funeral and to comfort his mother rather than going North right away. That would give Robert a bigger window to help the Greens get to the Northerners first. 

Was it a cruel, heartless, manipulative move that would make Robert's father-in-law proud? Yes. He was exploiting a mother and brother's grief for war advantage, and he hated it. But if he did this right, it would not matter. Robert would cease to exist, and from his sacrifice, Lyanna would live, Ned would have his family intact, and Robert could possibly save tens of thousands of lives.

Luke's life and Rhaenyra's grief is not worth more than the lives of tens of thousands of smallfolk, Robert reasoned. Nonetheless, I won't be sleeping tonight.

But that was all well and good, because he didn't have time to sleep. He would need to spend the night with a map, sheets of paper, and a quill, writing down everything he knew about the Dance of Dragons. And coming up with the best possible strategy to ensure Aegon's victory.





Kinslayer. Kinslayer. Kinslayer.

The word echoed through Aemond's mind, and he managed to turn just in time to vomit into the sky rather than onto Vhagar's back. 

Is that what they will call me? he thought, salty tears streaming down his face and mingling with the rainwater, acidic vomit burning the back of his throat. Aemond One-Eye? Aemond the Kinslayer? Is that to be my legacy?

It was an accident. I only wanted justice…

Six years ago on Driftmark, he'd been so certain that his father was going to give him that justice. Viserys was the King and Aemond was his secondborn son. Surely his father loved him. Surely his father would be horrified and demand that Luke be punished for slicing out his eye. That all of them would be punished for attacking him four on one after he claimed Vhagar. His father couldn't give his eye back, but he could make Luke regret taking it…

Aemond would never forget how devastated, how powerless, he felt when Viserys made it abundantly clear that he didn't give a shit about Aemond's eye. That he was far angrier about Aemond calling Jace a name than he was about Aemond being mutilated for life.

Jace tormented me for years, father. You never cared about that. Why is it harmless fun for him to mock and humiliate me but not for me to insult him even once? 

In one night, he both lost his eye and learned that his father didn't love him. Aemond had carried the pain in his heart ever since, long after he wiped the tears from his remaining eye. Crying about it would do no good. Instead, he let himself dream about how he would get justice for himself one day. Himself and his mother, who fought so valiantly to avenge him, even when no one took her side. 

Now that Aegon's finally king…now that we're the ones in power…I thought I finally had my chance…

And he had. Lord Borros hadn't denied him that right. All Aemond wanted was an eye from Lucerys, to make them even after Luke took an eye from him. Fuck, Aemond might have been satisfied simply by making Lucerys shit himself, realizing the godlike power of Aemond and Vhagar. He didn't want him dead.

Below him, Vhagar gave a sad roar as King's Landing came into view, and Aemond reached down to give her a reassuring pat on the scales.

It's not your fault, Vhagar, he assured her mentally, focusing his thoughts on how much he loved her. Arrax attacked you. You were only trying to protect me. You remembered how he hurt me six years ago. You knew he was our enemy…

After rinsing out his mouth a few times, Aemond drew a deep breath, closed his eye, and let the wind wash over his face. Let it wash away the tears, the horrifying image of Luke's face when he realized he was about to die. Let it wash away the last traces of Aemond's innocence.

I will not become a monster, he vowed, but Luke's life will not be the last that I must take, and I need to accept that. We offered Rhaenyra fair terms. We were willing to counteroffer and negotiate with her. She refused. She never sent peace terms of her own. She began calling her banners rather than trying to enter peace talks. She chose to declare war rather than bend the knee. As Aegon said, what happens next is on her head.

Come what may, Aemond would serve as Aegon's dragon knight. He would defend his family. No matter the cost.

And right now, part of that cost meant facing his mother.

He took his time landing Vhagar by the cliffs near King's Landing so she could fly off to the cave she'd claimed as her nest. He climbed down more slowly than he usually would, removing several itchy dead scales from her flank on his way down, to which Vhagar let out an appreciative grumble. He lingered near her face, rubbing her affectionately and kissing her on the nose, reassuring her once again that he loved her and wasn't angry with her.

But then Vhagar's belly let out a rumble of hunger, and he knew it was time to let her go so she could hunt one of the whales that swam off the coast. Letting her be too hungry for too long was dangerous.

Don't be a coward, he commanded himself, drawing himself to his full height and walking into the castle with a confident stride, even as his belly was churning with fear so intense he would have vomited again if there was anything left in his stomach. Fear that only sharpened when it took him awhile to find his family.

Twenty minutes later, he managed to track them down in the King's private quarters, Aegon, Alicent, and Otto. They were arguing, and Aemond heard Sunfyre's name come up. Perhaps his brother was making another argument about how he should tour the kingdoms to allow the people to gaze upon their new King.

Fortunately, Helaena was absent; his sweet sister didn't need to fret about the consequences of what Aemond had just done.

"Aemond!" Alicent said as he walked in, her face brightening hopefully, forgetting whatever argument she was having with Aegon. But then her brow furrowed, worry clouding her eyes. "You've returned from Storm's End so soon?"

Maybe there's a way for me to soften the blow…

"Yes, mother, I have," he declared, smiling softly. "Lord Borros agreed to fight for us. Quite loyally, I might add. He will set sail for King's Landing tomorrow morning to bend the knee in person. He even said a marriage pact was unnecessary."

Otto frowned, folding his arms. "You made it clear to him that we may be asking him to risk his men's lives if it comes to war? For this, he wants no reward?"

"Not entirely," Aemond conceded. "He wants to serve as an advisor to Aegon…"

Otto rolled his eyes while Alicent massaged her temples. "Lord Borros is an idiot," she lamented. "He can't even read!"

"Actually, mother, I think that was merely a cruel rumor," Aemond corrected. "When I handed him our offer letter, he read it himself with no difficulty."

"Hmm," she conceded, sighing. "Even so, to have him as an advisor…"

"It's of no consequence, Alicent," Otto assured her, patting her affectionately on the shoulder. "Having him as an advisor does not mean we need to take his advice. We just need to listen politely while he makes it." Brightening, he added, "And this means Aemond is free to forge a marriage pact with another House."

Aegon snickered, flashing Aemond a smirk. "Relieved, brother? I heard the Four Storms weren't much to look at."

Aegon…Aemond sighed. True, he hadn't been particularly looking forward to marrying one of Borros's daughters, but they had Valyrian blood, and he'd be doing his duty to his House by forging a strong alliance. Whether or not they were attractive was of no consequence. "Will you act like an adult?" Aemond scoffed. "You're a king!"

But Aegon only laughed. Idiot.

"Grandfather," Aemond said, ignoring his brother. "Lord Borros actually had a similar idea of me marrying someone else to forge an alliance. He also strongly urged me to make my way North as quickly as possible."

Otto nodded. "In due time," he agreed. "I'm preparing letters to send to the Great Houses. Now that you are free to marry, I will have to weigh our options. I believe House Tully has an eligible young maiden…"

While he mused, Alicent studied Aemond's face, her frown growing deeper and deeper until she stopped Otto by grabbing his sleeve.

"Aemond," she said slowly. "This is excellent news. You've accomplished a great feat at no cost. Why don't you look happier?"


He was silent for a second too long, and now all three of them were studying him, immediately suspicious.

"Aemond?" Otto pushed.


"Aemond, if there's a problem with Lord Borros…"

"No," he said slowly. "No, the problem isn't with Lord Borros."

Don't be a coward, he commanded himself.

And so he swallowed his reluctance, straightened his spine, and told them the entire story, professionally and matter-of-factly, even as the look of horror on Alicent's face grew stronger and stronger by the second.

"You only lost one eye!" Otto snarled, turning away from him and pacing the room. "How could you be so blind! Do you have any idea what you've just done?"


"You've DESTROYED any chance we had of resolving this through negotiation!" he screamed, a string of spit escaping his mouth. "You've exposed us to retribution! You might have created SYMPATHIZERS for Rhaenyra! You might have cost us alliances!"

It was an accident…It was an accident…I would never intentionally hurt our faction…

But as much as his grandfather's screaming hurt, it was nothing compared to Alicent.

SLAP! The cracking sound echoed through Aegon's chamber, leaving Aemond's cheek stinging and his eyes watering…and not solely from the pain.

"I gave birth to a kinslayer," she whispered, sneering at him in disgust, tears collecting in her own eyes.

It took every ounce of self-control Aemond possessed not to burst into tears. It was an accident…please…it was an accident.

And then the screaming started, Alicent's face turning red with rage.

"YOU'VE KILLED US ALL!" she bellowed, drawing back her hand to slap him again. "YOU'VE KILLED US ALL!"

But before the slap could connect with his face…

"Enough!" Aegon commanded, grabbing Aemond by the arm and tugging him backwards away from Alicent's slap. Aemond blinked as Aegon stepped in front of him, becoming his shield. "Enough, mother. This is a good thing."

"A good thing?" she cried. "A good thing!!! Lucerys is DEAD! Rhaenyra is going to be…"

"Furious," Aegon finished. "Grieving. Despairing. Fearing the safety of her remaining children."

Shouting wordlessly, Alicent drew back her hand to slap Aegon…

And Aegon seized her by the wrist before it could connect.

Aemond and Otto watched silently as Aegon gripped their mother's wrist, squeezing just hard enough to make Alicent wince in pain. Aegon didn't say a single word, but his eyes, sharp and cold, fired a thousand retorts at their mother.

You will never raise a hand to me again.

I will not suffer one more second of your abuse.

I'm not afraid of you anymore.

I am your King. 

Aegon said none of that. Said nothing at all. But nonetheless, Alicent heard it. Every drop of rage faded from her face, and she began to sob, drawing back from Aegon and dropping into one of the silk-upholstered chairs.

"I offered my sister peace," Aegon said, his voice deep and commanding. Sounding like…well, like a King. "I offered her Dragonstone, wealth, and privilege. I offered her children prestigious and prosperous futures. I was willing to negotiate. She refused. And now, thanks to Aemond, she knows she cannot declare war on me with impunity. With Lucerys's death, she fully understands what she risks if she continues. If she wants to protect her remaining children, she will sue for peace. And we've weakened their military strength; they're down a dragon."

"The princess will not see it that way…your grace," Otto said slowly, his face grim. "And neither will Daemon."

Aegon's eyes flashed. "If they do attack us, they do it from a place of anger and hurt, not from logic. Angry and hurt people make stupid choices. They make mistakes. Mistakes we can exploit. Perhaps enough to take the rest of them out of the war."

Fixing one last glare at Alicent, Aegon stepped back and clapped his hand against Aemond's shoulder. "My brother is a loyal dragon warrior, and we will celebrate this first victory with a feast in his honor."

"Aegon…" their mother said weakly.

"And you will never refer to him as a kinslayer again. Lucerys Strong was not our kin. He is the bastard son of a traitor who is actively recruiting armies to harm us."

Aemond's heart swelled, the warm glow of his big brother's protection washing over him. Aegon's defending me, he thought. Defending me in a way our father never did. Perhaps because he's genuinely pleased…but perhaps because he loves me.

"Thank you, brother," Aemond whispered, smiling as Aegon patted him lovingly on the cheek.

"Leave me with him," Aegon commanded to Otto and Alicent. "Aemond and I have much to discuss."

A tearful Alicent needed no further prompting, fleeing the room with one last glare at Aemond, but Otto hesitated, glancing at Aegon worriedly, but ultimately, he obeyed, nodding politely and wishing him farewell with a soft, "Your grace."

Aegon waited until they left and the door closed behind them before he sighed, clapping Aemond on the shoulder again. "Hurts, doesn't it?" he asked.

"Hurts?" he asked, though of courses, it did. His mother had never spoken to him that way. Had never looked at him that way. Aemond still had to dig his nails into the flesh of his hand to fight back the tears. But surely Aegon couldn't see that…

"It used to hurt me too, when she looked at me like that," Aegon said, guiding Aemond to sit on the couch while he poured both of them a cup of wine. His brother stared at the flowing Arbor Red, his gaze far away. "You think of me as a drunken wastrel," he said, and Aemond didn't correct him. "But I wonder if you're old enough to remember that I wasn't always that way."

Aemond frowned as he accepted the cup of wine from Aegon, taking a small sip. He was like that before I claimed Vhagar…and I know he started drinking before his thirteenth nameday…

"Once upon a time, I was you, brother," Aegon said sadly. "I tried so hard to be the perfect prince. I took all my lessons seriously. I memorized the histories. I dressed and behaved exactly as she wanted me to. She even let me be council cupbearer for a while after Rhaenyra outgrew the role. Back when I was eight. You were only five…"

Perhaps that's why I don't remember, Aemond thought, frowning. "I don't understand…"

"It didn't happen all at once," Aegon continued. "It was a gradual thing. I would accidentally say the wrong year when reciting one of the histories, and she would slap me. I'd mistakenly use the fish fork during the meat course, and she would slap me. Even when I was perfect, it was never perfect enough, and she would slap me…" Wincing, he added, "Once, while I was cupbearer, I tripped and spilled a glass of wine on one of the lords, and…." He shook his head, eyes squeezed shut so tightly that Aemond knew he was fighting back tears of his own.

"I never knew that," Aemond whispered.

"I never told anyone," Aegon admitted. "Eventually, I realized that nothing I ever did would be good enough to please her, so I just stopped trying. But that doesn't mean I've forgotten how much it hurts when it's still fresh."

"She's…" Aemond swallowed, taking a drink of his wine to wet his mouth. "She's scared, Aegon. She's been living in a constant state of terror for years, and she's made mistakes…"

"I understand that now," Aegon agreed, sighing as he sipped his wine. "I understand that if Rhaenyra took the throne, you, me, and Daeron all would have had 'tragic accidents' within the first year of her reign. Daemon certainly would have done it, even if Rhaenyra hadn't. But even if she was acting out of fear, it doesn't make it hurt any less."

On that, we can agree, brother.

"I hate that I hurt her," Aemond admitted. "Made her fear even worse. Mother was hoping your ascension would be bloodless. That neither our side nor Rhaenyra's would lose people that we love. But now that little fantasy is over."

"Bloodless," Aegon muttered. "That was never going to happen." He reached over and gently traced the edges of Aemond's scar, before tugging off his patch so he could see it properly. "They shed first blood years ago. And they did it without a hint of remorse. No apology. No empathy for a mutilated child. No attempt at making amends. Rhaenyra even tried to have you tortured afterwards. How could mother think she would ever agree to a bloodless ascension?"

Butterflies danced in Aemond's belly as Aegon stroked his face, all the care and worry of a loving big brother. Where were you years ago? he thought sadly.

"I'm glad that you are taking the war seriously, brother," Aemond said, leaning into Aegon's touch, even if it made his brother chuckle. "The only way we're going go prevail is if we fight together."

"Hmm," Aegon agreed, fingers wandering from Aemond's face and into his hair, gently scritching his nails against his scalp.

Oh, that feels wonderful…he thought, letting his eye flutter closed as he enjoyed the touch. Something he never would have done six years ago. But after Aemond lost his eye, he and Aegon came to something of a truce. His brother stopped bullying him, and sometimes, Aegon even tried to be nice. He would take Sunfyre up into the sky so that the two of them could fly their dragons together.

Aegon's attempt to bring Aemond to a brothel when he was thirteen was a remarkable failure, but Aemond didn't fault him for it because he knew it was well-intended. Aeg didn't even tease him when he couldn't work up the courage to touch or even talk to anyone. He just brought him back home and said they'd try again later, after…

After I had a few lessons.

As if hearing his thoughts, Aegon shifted, and Aemond's eye snapped open as his brother climbed into his lap, stroking his face with both hands before slowly bringing their lips closer together.

Aemond didn't hesitate, leaning forward to meet Aegon's kiss.

Just another lesson, he told himself, closing his eye and focusing on the techniques Aegon taught him. The right pressure to use. How to work his tongue. How to hold Aegon by the hips, digging in his fingers. Just another lesson. Nothing more.

He'd had his first kissing lesson the night they left the brothel. It was nothing, really, Warm and chaste, Aegon's lips softer than silk as they pressed against his. First kisses could be intimidating, Aegon had explained. It was best that Aemond practiced so that he would know what he was doing when he met a girl he really liked.

When Aemond was sixteen, Aegon decided it was time to actually teach him how to kiss, rather than just letting him get used to the feeling. The closeness. And Aemond had been an eager student.

I want to be able to please my future wife, he thought, holding Aegon tightly while he kissed him. I want to be a master kisser before I wed her…

Over the last two years, Aegon began giving him lessons in many things. How to kiss the neck and other erogenous zones to incite desire. How to be a courteous recipient while having his cock sucked (they took turns practicing that skill…it was only fair that he helped Aegon practice too). And most recently…

"I have oil here with me, brother," Aegon gasped, breaking his kiss. "And I think you need another demonstration before I allow you to practice on me again."

Aemond's cock throbbed at the thought, hard and aching in his trousers, pressed right up against Aegon's ass. Who knew there were so many different ways to fuck someone? Rough. Tender. Aggressive. Sweet. Romantic. Passionate. Playful. Dominating. Aegon was teaching him all of them, both demonstrating them on him and letting Aemond practice. Fucking his brother wasn't quite the same as it would be to eventually lie with a woman, but it was close enough. His body was warm and tight, the feeling so divine it left Aemond gasping for breath. He needed as much 'practice' and as many 'demonstrations' as possible, so he would be able to memorize the hundred different ways he could please his future wife.

And so Aemond gave no objection as Aegon tugged off Aemond's shirt, and then his own. It used to make Aemond proud that he was more muscular than his elder brother, his torso and arms all well-cut muscles and hard ridges, but over the last two years, he'd come to appreciate Aegon's form as well. The satin feel of his skin. How soft he was when Aemond held him. Even the tiny little bit of doughiness around his middle. Aegon wasn't fat, not even close. In clothing, he looked almost slender. But the doughiness was there, and Aemond loved it. It made Aegon warmer and softer to cuddle…

A cuddling lesson, of course. Women liked to cuddle. Aemond needed to practice the right way to do it.

"My brave warrior," Aegon praised, leaning in to kiss him again. "My dragon knight. You will enjoy this lesson."

Aemond whined as Aegon slid out of his lap, but it was short lived. His brother grabbed him by the hand and lead him behind the privacy screen to his bed, urging him to lie down and make himself comfortable against the pillows.

"All you need do is watch and learn, sweet brother," Aegon coaxed as he reached for the fastenings of his trousers, pulling them down to reveal his hard cock. "Let me teach you, and we will practice what you've learned later."

Yes…teach me…I want to learn…

Aegon pressed a kiss against his neck, exactly in the spot that Aemond loved the most, and he could not help moaning at the feeling. Aegon chuckled, the vibrations shaking Aemond's chest, and his brother decided to take his sweet time, kissing and sucking on Aemond's neck until he panted, rutting his hips up against his brother's naked torso, gasping at the slide of his cock against Aegon's skin.

"Patience," Aegon scolded him, nipping his ear sharply. "You follow my lead, little brother. You don't want me to punish you again."

Yes, I do…But Aemond shook his head. He was not meant to enjoy being punished, no matter how good it felt when Aegon bound his hands and feet, then rubbed his cock until he was almost ready to cum before stopping. Again and again and again, no matter how much Aemond apologized and begged for release.

Since it was his first and only time being punished, Aegon took pity on him and let him cum after only a half-hour. But the pity came with a dark warning. Next time, it would be a full hour. And if it happened a third time, it would be another full hour…and he wouldn't be allowed to cum at all. 

He himself had once 'punished' Aegon a similar way, and the beautiful way Aegon begged and moaned…

Lessons. Only lessons.

"Good boy," Aegon praised him, rewarding him with a trail of kisses down his chest…and then his belly…

"Aegon…" he moaned as his brother took his cock in his mouth, trying so hard to remember his lessons on how to be a good recipient. Stroking his hair is fine; he likes it. No thrusting until he taps my hip to tell me it's ok.

Aegon didn't tap him, but Aemond felt not one whisper of disappointment. Not when Aegon reached for the oil bottle and slicked up his fingers, pressing one of them inside Aemond while he sucked his cock, relaxing him and distracting him from the strange foreign feeling of being invaded. A feeling that was always short-lived; it faded the minute Aegon crooked his fingers and pressed against that wonderful spot deep inside Aemond that made sparks of pleasure explode behind his eyes.

Women had a similar spot, or so Aegon had promised. Aemond would have to take him at his word. Though why the gods saw fit to give both women and men a spot inside of them that felt good when they got fucked, Aemond would never understand.

Not that I would fuck any man but Aegon, Aemond reasoned as he gasped, Aegon rubbing that spot with two fingers instead of one. It doesn't count as fucking when it's a lesson. No more than my lessons with the sword count as combat experience.

At least that's what he told himself when Aegon coated his own cock with oil, then gently pressed it inside of Aemond.

Once he was fully inside, massaging Aemond's legs soothingly until his body relaxed and accommodated the new stretch, Aegon told him, "I'm showing you a new position today. You're going to love it."

I know I will.

Grabbing hold of Aemond's legs, Aegon pushed them up until Aemond's knees were practically touching his chin, moving slowly and massaging the muscle along the way so he wouldn't cramp.

"Hold your ankles…yes, just like that," he praised when Aemond grabbed them, leaving himself more exposed then he'd ever been. His cheeks flushed pink, and he looked away, until Aegon gently grabbed him by the chin and made him watch again.

"This position is great for when you wed," Aegon explained, making eye contact the entire time as he began to thrust. "Because with a girl, it leaves her wide open so you can rub her clit while you fuck her. Less of a perk for men, but…" He smiled, reaching his oily hand down to stroke Aemond's cock. "I can still fuck and please you at the same time."

"Ah!" Aemond cried out, throwing his head back as Aegon's cock brushed against that spot. The dual sensations of Aegon's cock filling him and his slick, firm grip engulfing him had Aemond whimpering, unsure if he wanted to thrust forward into Aegon's hand or back against his cock.

A lesson Aemond had not yet mastered was stamina, and today would not be the day he succeeded. Every thrust of Aegon's cock, every stroke of his hand, drove Aemond deeper and deeper into madness. Aegon brushed his thumb along the slit of his weeping cock, and Aemond cried out so loud that he might have feared being overheard…if any part of him was still sane enough to give a shit.

"Ah! St…stamin…stamina lesson can, AH! wait…" Aegon assured him, grunting as his thrusts came deeper and faster. "Cum when, AH! when you…need…"

"Fuck!" Aemond cried out, thrusting back harder and driving Aegon's cock in deeper. One more stroke. Two…five, and Aemond was screaming, white hot cum coating Aegon's hand as the pleasure coursed through his veins. He never had a chance to be embarrassed at his lack of stamina, not when Aegon released his cock to grab hold of his hips, thrusting madly thrice more before coming himself with a gasp, his fingernails digging into Aemond's flesh.

Don't pull out just yet…Aemond hoped. It feels so good when you stay inside of me through the aftershocks…Yet another lesson Aemond would one day utilize.

To his delight, Aegon did linger inside until his panting slowed and his cock grew soft, just long enough for the last of Aemond's aftershocks to fade. On shaky legs, his brother retrieved a few wet cloths, came back to quickly clean them both up, then slipped into the bed next to him, pulling him into his arms for their cuddling lesson. He even draped his leg over Aemond's hip and scritched his fingers through his hair again.

"You're getting good at this," Aegon praised, kissing him sweetly on the forehead. "Soon, you'll be the best lover in the Seven Kingdoms."

The tiniest flicker of fear gripped Aemond's heart, but Aegon was quick to reassure him, "After a few more months of lessons, of course. And even after you've mastered the art, it's always a good idea to train…just to maintain your skill level, of course."

"Of course," Aemond agreed, ducking his head and snuggling in closer against Aegon's chest. He let himself savor the closeness for a few minutes more before asking, "Surely, that's why you practice with me? For Helaena's sake?"

Aegon stiffened, and even though he didn't pull away from the cuddle, the moment of closeness was over.


"Brother, I…"

"No, it's alright," Aegon assured him with a heavy sigh. "I'm trying, Aem…"

"I know."

"Really, I am…"

"I know," Aemond promised, stroking his hair.

Aegon sighed again, bringing a hand up to rub his temple. "It was so much easier back when she was just my sister. I hate that they forced me to marry her, and I know she hates it that they forced her to marry me."

And you've taken out that resentment by completely ignoring her and leaving her all alone most days…

"She's not like most women, Aem. When we were first married, I truly tried to get her to enjoy being with me, but she HATES me. She never let me touch her. She acts like I'm this vile monster every time I try. Even kissing. I couldn't even hold her hand. She really wanted children, so she let me join her in bed a few times so I could get her pregnant, but she clearly hated every second of it, no matter what I tried. I had to get drunk just to force myself to do it."

Aemond couldn't argue there. Helaena didn't like to be touched. Even with himself and Alicent, who only touched her in a loving, platonic way, like hugs, Helaena couldn't stand it, shaking them off and flinching. Which might have been fine…if she had any partner but Aegon. In the past six years, Aemond had learned that nearly all of Aegon's affection was expressed via touch, platonic or…not platonic. Rejecting his touch, to Aegon, meant rejecting his affection.

"That doesn't mean she hates you, Aeg," Aemond reasoned. "She's very sweet, and she's very affectionate. Just not physically."

"Perhaps…" he agreed, gaze dropping. "I do care for her, you know. When Jace danced with her, I wanted to strangle him with his own intestines. I wouldn't have felt that way if I didn't care. And I felt bad after what she said about me…you know, during her toast."

Aemond knew. The day Aegon was crowned, he'd given Helaena a gift as a thank you, both for being his Queen and the mother of his children. And to Helaena's delight (and Alicent's horror) it was a jewel-encrusted broach shaped like a spider. When he gave it to her, Aegon quietly made the promise to try to be a better husband and father, like his new Queen deserved.

"Why not try spending some time with her in the gardens?" Aemond suggested. "Now that Luke is…" Aemond's throat constricted. "We might not have much peace time left. Best we take advantage of it."

"The gardens…" Aegon agreed, nodding his head slowly. "Perhaps tomorrow before Lord Borros gets here. Winter will be here soon, but some of the flowers are still blooming."

"She'll love it," Aemond encouraged. "And so will the children. You should spend some time with them anyway, especially Jaehaerys. He's your heir."

"My heir," Aegon agreed, a smile spreading across his face. "The seventh king of the Seven Kingdoms. Born of my bloodline."

"And perhaps he might like some more siblings?" Aemond proposed. "He has Jaehara and Maelor, but the more you have, Aeg, the better. Future dragon riders to build our empire."

Aegon rolled his eyes. "Don't get ahead of yourself. I said I was going to be a better husband and father. I'm not sure that includes joining Helaena in bed again. Neither one of us enjoyed it, and we already have three."

We shall see, Aemond thought silently as Aegon pulled away from him to grab their clothes. Surely there's some middle ground to be found. There's no better way to ensure the success of your reign than by shoring up your succession.  

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