Robert’s Second Chance: Dance of Dragons Rewritten (Completed)

Chapter 16: Chapter 16: Aethan I

I once swore I'd never enter such a horrible place, Aethan thought, struggling to keep his face impassive as he walked through the brothel. The sights, sounds, smells that polluted the air turned his stomach and made him simultaneously want to vomit and slam his fist against the wall, but he grit his teeth, forcing himself to do neither.

It was not the sex that repulsed him. Aethan was far from pure. Over the course of his lifetime, three women had shared his bed. But those women were friends who had lain with him by choice. A mutual exchange of pleasure to distract them from the dreadful life they led in Fleabottom.

These women, however, were not here by choice, and many were clearly only pretending to enjoy the degrading acts they were performing. They were here to scrape together a small handful of coins so they may feed themselves tonight. Some of them, more like than not, had little ones to feed as well.

Just like my mother. The thought of his kind, gentle mother in a place like this…Well, Aethan nearly lost his battle not to vomit.

Fuck you, Daemon, Aethan snarled wordlessly. Fuck you for leaving her in this hell after she gave birth to your child.

But Aethan could not surrender to his rage. He would save that for later. For tonight, he had a job to do.

He chose the young whore very carefully from the available pool. The one he picked was a lovely young ginger, still new enough to have a lingering trace of fear in her eyes. However, she was not entirely new to the skin trade. Her scanty clothing revealed a belly with the faintest traces of silvery stretch marks.

She's had a child, Aethan thought, his heart aching for her.

And so it was to her that Aethan extended his hand, asking for her to join him in a private room. Yet once they were alone and she started to disrobe, he grabbed her hand to stop her.

"What's your name," he asked her kindly.

Stunned, she blinked at him. "Brionne…" she said softly. "But good sir, I…"

"You needn't worry, Brionne," he assured her, reaching into his pocket to pull out a silver stag, far higher a price than what this particular establishment commanded. "I still intend to pay you, but I am not here for your body. I am here for information. And I am willing to pay another ten silver stags. Later tonight, of course. Away from here, so your brothelkeep will not see that you have it."

Her eyes lit up, sparkling with wonder. Ten silver stags was likely more money than she had seen in her entire life. 

"Information about what, good sir?" she asked.

"It's not information I wish to buy," he clarified. "It's information I wish to sell."




"She gave you permission?" Aegon asked, eyebrows raised amusedly as he reclined on the settee in his chambers. "Well then, the matter is settled. You'll spend your nights here with us."

Aemond moaned sadly. "It's not that simple, Aegon," he said. "Nothing would bring me greater joy than to spend each night here, with you and with Helaena. But that is very clearly not what Abby had in mind. She intends for me to live with her, as part of her household, and occasionally slip away to…" He blushed. "Sate my hungers…" he muttered.

Aegon snorted. "And what does it matter if you grow hungry one night a week or seven?" he asked. "She has no romantic interest in you either."

"But she wants it to be a mutually respectful marriage where we will be friends, parent our children together, and operate as a partnership. Slipping away every night to join you here would not make me her partner. I'd be using her as a disguise and a broodmare, and she deserves better than that. Especially with her being so understanding as to offer to allow me some degree of freedom."

Aegon opened his mouth, closed it again, and then let his shoulders slump. "Yes, yes…I know you're right." He perked up hopefully. "But occasionally?" he asked. "You have permission. Surely it would not be grossly disrespectful to her to slip away occasionally."

Aemond started to shake his head…then hesitated. "I don't know," he answered honestly.

He wanted to. Desperately. It would be a compromise. A small taste of the life he truly wanted. Slipping away from his suite with Abby a few nights a month would hardly even be noticeable, since royals did not share bedchambers with their spouses anyway.

But would even that dereliction be a failure to honor Abby as his wife?

"I don't know, Aegon," he repeated. "I want to…but I don't know. I don't think it's a decision I can make in a single evening."

Mercifully, Aegon did not push. Instead, he got up from the settee, walked over to Aemond, and wrapped his arms lovingly around his waist, pulling him in for a kiss. Warm and sweet, his brother's kiss chased away all traces of anxiety. All traces of nervous anticipation about his mission tomorrow before he flew North to meet up with Cregan Stark's army. All traces of anger or fear about the war that raged on outside of their city.

Right now, at this moment, he was in his brother's arms. Safe. Happy. Loved. And everything was as it should be in the world.

Tomorrow, I will do my part in fighting for our family's future. I am ready to fight. I want to fight. But for tonight, this is where I belong.

A few wonderful seconds longer, and Aegon broke their kiss, rubbing his nose sweetly against Aemond's. "Helaena's on her way," he explained. "The maester predicts another week or so before she is at her most fertile, but…" He smiled, rubbing Aemond's nose again. "You are leaving tomorrow. And we wish to give you a proper send-off."

Aemond smiled and allowed Aegon to take him by the hand and lead him into the bedchamber, safely out of view when the door opened and Helaena arrived, escorted by her guards. She followed them in a few seconds later, looking so beautiful it sent a rush of butterflies fluttering through Aemond's stomach.

The new robe set had been a gift from Aegon. Beneath the heavy, modest outer layer, the sleep gown itself was sleeveless, pure white, and hugged her shapely curves as it flowed gracefully down to her feet. She wore no braids or barrettes, and her long, silver hair fell to her waist in loose curls. Most wonderfully of all, she smiled happily while Aegon closed the door behind her, no trace of fear or shyness. She trusted them fully now.

"I do not wish for you to leave tomorrow," she said, though her smile did not dim. In fact, her eyes sparkled playfully. "But…Well, you shall see."

I shall? he wondered. It couldn't be anything frightening or grim, not when she smiled so brightly. In fact, she even giggled, her laughter music to his ears.

Even amongst Valyrians, she well may be the most beautiful woman Westeros has ever seen…Admittedly, he may have been biased, because he knew the beautiful heart that beat within her as well.

And one day soon, she may be carrying his child. The next Queen after her.

Aemond did not hesitate to greet her with a kiss on the cheek, one she sweetly returned by kissing him softly on the lips before turning to grant Aegon one as well.

Aegon kissed her back, then gestured to the edge of the bed. "When you're ready," he encouraged, smiling as she nodded and went to sit in her usual spot. For although the act no longer frightened her and she trusted her brothers to move at her pace, she needed to be fully relaxed and aroused before she was ready to move on to more touching. And the best way to ensure that she was relaxed and aroused was for him and Aegon to get started first.

Though to his delight, when he seized Aegon by the waist and playfully tossed him into the bed, straddling his waist and leaning down to kiss him, he felt Helaena's hand gently stroking his shoulder blade.

She's growing more confident, he thought happily, bringing up a hand to rub her hip in turn.

Unfortunately, it gave Aegon the leverage he needed to hook his leg around Aemond's waist and flip them, so now he was on his back instead. He fake-grumbled, making Aegon laugh, but it was hard to complain when his brother stripped off his own shirt, then Aemond's, leaning down to press feather-soft kisses against his skin.

Hmmm, feels nice, he thought when Aegon sucked on one of his favorite spots, just between his neck and his shoulder. And he is my king…

And so Aemond let his eye flutter closed, allowing his brother to do as he wished.

Their 'lessons' together taught Aegon exactly what Aemond liked, and Aegon revisited each of his favorite spots, lavishing sucking kisses and scraping bites along his hipbones. His shoulders. Even his nipples, swirling his tongue around them before gently biting each in turn. And at one time, Aemond might have held back his moans out of shame, but no longer. Now, he allowed his voice to be heard as he panted, arching up into Aegon's touch. Clearly, his brother did not find it shameful, not when his clothed cock was harder than steel, pressed against Aemond's own.

I wonder…

It was not a position they'd ever done this in before, but Aemond felt emboldened, grabbing Aegon by his hips and tugging him forward. His brother let out a small puff of surprise, but he didn't resist, not until he sat higher up on Aemond's chest, one knee on either side of his face. Nor did he resist when Aemond unlaced his trousers, freeing his cock and giving it a long, slow lick.

"Fuck…" Aegon moaned.

Oh yes, Aemond thought, smirking as he licked his cock again. I like this position.

And apparently, Aegon did as well.

Flat on his back, head reclined against the pillows, Aemond allowed himself to relax as he brought Aegon's cock onto his mouth, swirling his tongue along the head and sensitive underside, just as Aegon taught him. And when his brother moaned bucking his hips forward and effectively fucking his throat, the new position spared him from choking or gagging. His hands free, he massaged up and down Aegon's thighs before reaching back to palm his ass, squeezing each cheek in his hand and making his brother moan louder.

Take what pleasure you will from me, my king, Aemond encouraged, doing his best to suck while Aegon continued to thrust. You are beautiful like this.

It was of no surprise that Aegon quickly reached his end, tugging on Aemond's hair to give him a warning before he came. But Aemond didn't pull back, cupping Aegon's ass and anchoring him in place as he swallowed.

Just a bit of salt. The taste doesn't bother me as it once might have.

While Aegon panted, resting his hands on the headboard as the last waves of pleasure coursed through him, Aemond opened his eye to look at Helaena, pleased to see that she had enjoyed the performance. Pupils wide. A light flush across her face and collarbone. Her breathing just a bit labored.

I wonder…she is growing more confident…Usually, they took care of her far more gently, allowing her to rest on her back, comfortable against the pillows while they took turns giving her pleasure. But if she was growing more comfortable…

Aemond reached over and stroked her thigh, enjoying the way she leaned into his touch. "Would you like to take his place?" he offered, smiling at her in what he hoped was a sultry way.

And he was glad he did. For although she blushed, chin tucking, he saw the answer in her eyes. Yes. And Aegon very clearly saw it too.

Grinning, Aegon recovered, eased off of Aemond, and then kissed her, whispering a promise in her ear of how good it would feel. He waited until she nodded, then helped her ease into his former position, with one of her silken smooth legs on either side of Aemond's face.

And Aemond's chest swelled with pride when her soft moans of pleasure began the second he slipped his tongue between her warm, slick folds.

Once again, he marveled at the difference between a woman's body and a man's. Pleasing her, swirling and flickering his tongue, was far easier, especially on his back where his neck would not be strained. Her taste was far more pleasant, a sweet nectar that he'd grown to crave. And when she came, crying out as her core throbbed beneath his tongue, Aemond knew he did not need to stop, continuing to work his tongue to bring her to pleasure once again.

But best of all, his new position allowed him an excellent view as Aegon helped to satisfy her as well.

He'd started slowly, kissing her lips, then her neck, but now he gently removed her sleep gown, freeing her breasts and exposing them to Aemond's view. Usually shy, she preferred to keep them covered, but now she gave no protest, shivering with delight as Aegon cupped them in his hands, gently squeezing and lapping his tongue along her nipples.

She's beautiful…and fuck, he's beautiful too…

After her second climax, Aemond was prepared to continue, but Aegon stopped him by gently tapping him on the shoulder. He obeyed, watching as Aegon kissed her neck again.

"Would you like to try staying on top?" Aegon whispered to her as he continued to massage her breasts. "Riding him is a different experience altogether. It puts the power in your hands, and it lets him far deeper inside."

The thought had Aemond's already-hard cock twitching against his belly…twitching harder still when she nodded in agreement, far too lost in bliss to feel shy or nervous any longer.

Aegon showed her how to position herself, whispering erotic instructions as she slowly lowered herself onto his cock, and Aemond threw back his head, moaning at the feeling. But he remembered his lessons from the times Aegon had ridden him.

Offer extra support by holding her hips. Not too tight; give her room to move. But the support will make her feel sturdier and let her ride you more easily.

As always, Aegon was right.

She started slowly, wet and tight from two climaxes, unsure of how to hit the exact angle, even with Aegon guiding her. Then, when she found it, her eyes snapped open, hands resting against Aemond's chest for support as she panted.

Pleasure coursed through Aemond's veins as he watched, immediately grateful for every lesson on longevity. His view was unimpeded as she rode him slowly at first, then faster, driving his cock against the spot deep within her that made her moan. The curve of her hips against his hands overwhelmed him, and like with Aegon, he reached back to cup her ass, helping drive her down deeper still. And fuck, she was so wet…so tight against his cock…

Thankfully, Aegon saw that he was about to cum and helped him, gently pressing his thumb against the base of Aemond's balls to keep him from climaxing too quickly.

Good…good…yes, her first…

Mercifully, it did not take long. Oversensitive from two climaxes, the dual feelings of Aemond's cock inside of her and Aegon's lips on her neck quickly sent her over the edge yet again, making her cry out as she grew so tight it made Aemond moan as well. Only then did Aegon let him cum, allowing him to release inside of her for the first time, his vision clouding as he thrust his hips upward.

They took a moment to recover, panting, Aemond growing soft inside of her, but he quickly noticed that Aegon had taken himself in hand, the sight of their lovemaking arousing him again. Gently swatting his hand away, Aemond took over the task himself, wanting Aegon to join them in their bliss. It didn't take long, a few strokes at most, and then all three of them detangled themselves, collapsing into a sweaty, sticky mess before Aegon quickly grabbed the wet cloths that he had waiting on the nightstand, taking care of all three of them so they could sleep comfortably, then kissing each of them in turn.

Could tonight have possibly been the night? Aemond wondered as he pulled Helaena into his arms, Aegon spooning him from behind. The night where the three of us created our future child?

Perhaps. Or perhaps it would not happen until Aemond returned to King's Landing, after the war was won and the realm was safe. But it would happen. He knew it in his heart.

I have no idea what I will decide after I marry Abby, he thought, eye closing as he began to drift off into a contented sleep. But come what may, I will always have this. I will always have this memory. All the memories of the three of us together. As we should be…




The night had been long and sleepless. He'd needed to meet with more than a dozen people, and pinkness had begun coloring the night sky, but at last, his efforts had borne fruit. A small pouch of silver sat in front of him, and Aethan did not hesitate to grab it, stuffing it into his pocket while Mysaria penned a letter as quickly as she could write.

"Another pouch on the morrow when your information proves accurate," Mysaria promised him, blowing on the letter to dry the ink. "I will admit, this was not what I expected of the King's newest dragon rider."

Aethan snorted. "You think I'd be loyal to whichever cunt wants to call himself king?" He laughed. "You and I know better than that. Their power is naught but an illusion. A ruse to keep people like us in the gutter where we belong. What do I care if the Greens and the Blacks tear themselves apart? Certainly not enough to risk my life to be part of their little blood feud. Not more than I needed to be."

He patted the silver in his pocket. "What matters to me is that I get to take my dragon across the Narrow Sea, buy myself a manse with the profits I have earned, and live a long and happy life as a wealthy man. And if that means selling the secrets that Aegon was fool enough to share with me in the first place?" Aethan shrugged. "That's on his head."

"A head that will soon be on a spike outside of the Red Keep," Mysaria said, smirking in grim satisfaction as she rolled the letter, opened up her raven's cage, then affixed it securely. "What you have just told me has saved the Rogue Prince's life. The King's Firefly has killed all of my other informants in the castle."

Aethan waited patiently until Mysaria released the bird into the sky, still dark enough to disguise his feathers from any lookouts who might be on the watch. Only once he knew it was too late for the White Worm to order the bird killed with an arrow did he speak again.

"I'm surprised you don't remember me," he mused softly as he balled his fist, concentrating as hard as he could, praying it would be enough.

"I remember you," she assured him calmly. "It was hard to miss the parading of the dragon heads. I never did learn the identity of the tiny green one."

"A wild dragon from Dragonstone," he lied. "But I don't mean from the parade. I meant from before."

She frowned, quirking an eyebrow. "Before?"

Aethan laughed darkly. "I suppose I'm not surprised; we never officially met, after all." He gestured towards his clothing, elegant finery worthy of a Targaryen dragon rider. "And what a difference a bath and new clothes can make. Until very recently, I was filthy, wearing rags and fleas. More than half-starved as well."

She narrowed her eyes at him. "I can tell you are a dragon seed. You look a great deal like the Rogue Prince himself."

"Indeed," he agreed. "Perhaps if you do not remember me, you remember my mother? Jaylene?"

Her eyes lit up, and she offered him a sympathetic smile. "Jaylene. Yes, I remember her. You are her son from her night with Daemon. That explains why you hate the nobles. The son of a whore who died because of the appalling conditions House Targaryen allowed to exist within their own city." 

He forced his face to remain impassive. "Oh?" he asked calmly. "Is that what you remember?"

Mysaria realized her mistake immediately. Or perhaps she saw the flash of rage in his eyes, because she screamed for her guards, but Aethan was too fast, quickly punching her in the face, and then running to bar the door, granting himself a few extra seconds.

"Do you remember that your beloved Rogue Prince demanded a maiden to deflower, and so you found her for him? Made a whore of an innocent fifteen-year-old girl because she had Valyrian blood and you knew Daemon would enjoy that?"

"GUARDS!" she screamed, recovering from the punch and scrambling to her feet. But it was no use. The barred door would not easily splinter.

"Do you remember serving her to him? Do you remember how she fell in love with him, but his interest in her did not extend beyond a single night? Do you remember calling her unworthy the next day, when she asked to see him again? To you remember that you were the madame that employed her, barely paying her enough so that she could eat?"

Snarling with rage, Aethan drew back his fist and slammed it into her nose yet again.

"Do you remember that the whores in your employ used to call you 'Lady Misery'?"

"The royals and their lusts!" Mysaria spat a wad of bloody phlegm. "All royals. All nobles since before the days of the Conqueror. All of them use and discard pretty whores. I treated mine far better than most brothelkeeps. If not at my establishment, Daemon would have found his pure maidens at another."

Aethan nodded grimly. "You're right. I cannot avenge every whore my father hurt. Not yet. But I can avenge my mother."

The door splintered just as Aethan drew a knife from his hip and plunged it into Mysaria's stomach, aiming for her gut, not her liver as he had with Nettles. She did not deserve a quick death. Not after all the misery she had brought into the lives of those around her. Not after she chose to serve the Blacks. Not after she chose to remain loyal to Daemon.

"Oh," he said to her as the guards began ripping away chunks of the door to get inside. "And you did not save the Rogue Prince."

When Daemon received Mysaria's letter, he would believe that Vhagar and Tessarion were on their way to Harrenhal to kill him on the morrow. He would undoubtedly ensure that Harrenhal was well defended and ready for the attack.

An attack that would never come.

Aethan tried to leave through the window…only to find it barred, offering him no escape as the guards finally got into the room, drawing their weapons. But fortunately, he didn't need it. Not when a dragon's roar pierced the through the early dawn outside, making the men jump.

As they had planned, the Cannibal had remembered his signal, tracking Aethan's rage and feasting upon it as he circled the sky above Mysaria's hideout.

"Gentlemen," Aethan said. "That's my dragon. You have all seen him circling the city. You know his size. You know what he can do. If I am killed or abducted, he will reduce the streets of King's Landing to ashes, starting with this building."

A bluff. He was not certain he could accomplish such a feat from the ground, even if the Cannibal could track him. But what mattered was that it was a convincing bluff.

He pointed to where Mysaria screamed in agony on the floor.

"That wound is lethal. There is no way for you to save her. Are you loyal enough to burn to death to avenge her?" he asked calmly. "Or would you prefer that I collect her head and be on my way? You can steal what wealth remains in this house and vanish into the streets. No one will ever come looking for you. It's her that we wanted."

Above them, the Cannibal roared again, and not a single man hesitated, turning on the spot and running back out of the room. One dropped a thin, crude sword in his haste to make his escape. Longer than Aethan's dagger, it would be perfect for the task that lay ahead.

Grabbing it, he loomed over Mysaria, and with a few hacking motions, severed her head from her neck.

And so dies my father's last ally in King's Landing.

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