Rising up from a Nobleman to Intergalactic Warlord!!

Chapter 36

---Victor POV---

“Of all the fucking times to pull this shit, why does it have to be at fucking one in the morning?!”, I spat, racing downstairs to my laboratory, “Jarvis, what is the situation out in the field?”

<The Academy and City Guards are onsite now helping evacuate students from the women’s dormitory. They have currently cleared seventy percent of the building, but a portion of it is inaccessible. Attempts to douse the fire with water magic have proven ineffective, this suggests the fire is magical in origin.>

“What of the nobles and military? Surely, they are not sitting on their hands while their children are at risk.”, I said, entering my lab.

<As they do not know what caused the explosion, they are preparing for a potential enemy assault at the port. Currently they are dividing up their manpower, and assigning men to ships.>

“Since we do not have enemy contact on radar or satellite imaging, we are probably dealing with an enemy agent in the capital. Please start reviewing the footage, and find out who the perpetrator is.”, I told Jarvis, “I will mobilize our troops to catch this son of a bitch and help restore public order.”

Tapping the call button on my holographic display, I selected Commander Dance’s name and waited for it to connect. Commander Dance was a first-generation clone trooper who was currently in charge of the First Division of my military. Among the first ten successful clone troopers made, he quickly caught my eye as he was different from his brothers. Dance had a keen eye for strategy and has proven himself a natural born leader during dozens of training exercises. One of only six commanders in my military, I wanted him to lead this operation as the others were reserved for more dire situations.

“Good evening, sir!”, Dance said, removing his helmet to salute me, “How may I be of assistance tonight?”

“Commander Dance, an unknown enemy agent has attacked the women’s dormitory on Academy grounds. You have three objectives: help restore public order, send medical assistance to the Academy to aid staff and students, and locate the son of a bitch responsible for this incident. Till Jarvis can identify who the culprit is, please focus on the first two objectives.”, I ordered him, “I will be heading out momentarily for the Academy. If you have any issues, notify me immediately.”

“Of course sir, we will head out immediately!”, Commander Dance said, saluting me before ending the call.

Tapping my chest three times to deploy the Mark 37 Bleeding Edge armor, the nanobots quickly began constructing my suit around me. Waiting for my HUD to confirm I was ready to go, once I got the thumbs up, I opened the hanger doors and set off to render assistance.

---3rd Person POV, Port---

Taking charge as soon as he arrived, Duke Redgrave began orchestrating the dispersal of equipment and manpower to each vessel. Keeping track of the men as best he could, everyone came to halt as floodlights and unknown vehicles began swarming the skies. Initially believing they were being invaded by an unknown enemy, the duke let out a sigh of relief when he noticed Viscount Stark’s emblem emblazoned on the vehicles and soldier’s armor. Having his 74-Z speeder bike descend to the ground, Commander Dance jumped off his bike and saluted the duke.

“Apologies for startling everyone, Viscount Stark has dispatched us to aid you with restoring public order and capturing the culprit responsible for the bombing.”, Commander Dance said, removing his helmet, “We have already dispatched medical teams to the Academy to render aid to the injured there.”

“All of you are Viscount’s men?!”, Prime Minister Atlee inquired, looking up at hundreds of vehicles covering the capital’s skies.

“That is correct sir, we are all members of the Viscount’s First Division.”, Commander Dance said, saluting the Prime Minister.

“Bernard, we can discuss this matter with Victor at a later time.”, Duke Redgrave said, steering the topic back on track, “Just so I am understanding things correctly, we are not under attack? An enemy agent attacked the Academy?”

Before answering the duke’s question, Dance received an update from Jarvis. Updating him with the new information, satellite footage, and an updated location of the culprit, Dance activated his radio to advise his men.

“Men, the culprit is currently half a mile north of my location. Transmitting a live feed of our target, capture her alive!”, Commander Dance ordered, before looking back at the nobles, “My apologies, I just received updated intelligence on the situation. Allow me to show you what we have been able to determine.”

Using the built-in projector in his helmet to broadcast the footage, Dance showed them what happened from the very beginning. Watching Julius and Jilk help Marie escape, lead her through the royal escape tunnels, and leave her at the Academy, Vince’s blood began to boil with anger. Observing everything that occurred after Marie entered the dormitory and her subsequent violent escape, the duke’s anger boiled over. Putting it aside for the moment, they had more pressing matters to deal with right now.

“Everyone listen carefully, the culprit is an escaped prisoner from the palace dungeon. Those of you with family members at the Academy, head there immediately to lend a hand and confirm the status of your loved ones. If you do not have family members there, help quell the public’s fears and assure them we have everything under control. Viscount Stark’s men are already in pursuit of the culprit and should have her in custody again soon.”, the duke commanded everyone.

Doing as he said, the nobles and soldiers present began filtering out of the docks to render aid where needed.

“Bernard, I will head to the palace to inform the Crown of what their son’s have done. You go to the Academy and check on your daughter.”, the duke said.

“Thank you, Vince!”, Bernard said, jumping on his horse and taking off in hurry to check on his daughter.

---Victor POV, Academy---

As the Academy came into view, everyone on the ground started running away from the building. Watching the north side of the dormitory begin to slowly fall toward the courtyard, I increased my speed and prepared several earth spells to help prop up the building. As soon as I was with range, I invoked the spell Earth Pillar to generate over a dozen thick, stone pillars. Slamming them into the building with a great deal of force, the pillar secured the building in place, but the impacts knocked a few students through the brittle outer walls.

“SOMEONE HELP ME!!”, Deirdre Fou Roseblade screamed, as she and three of her followers plummeted toward the ground.

Using the Force to grab them mid-air, I gently moved them behind the line that the staff had made to keep students back. Setting them down on the ground, the four of them looked up at me as I arrived on scene. Giving them a nod, I turned to the staff for information.

“How many students am I looking for?”, I called out, using my loudspeakers to ensure everyone could hear me.

“There still two dozen students unaccounted for!”, the headmaster replied, as my medical teams began arriving.

“Understood, thank you!”, I said, pointing to the medic ships, “Take all your wound to my medical teams, they will take care of everything for you.”

Turning to look at where I was pointing, the headmaster thanked my profusely as he began telling his people to ferry the wounded over to them. Focusing my attention back on the building, I started using the Force to locate the trapped students inside. Finding the largest group on the top floor of the southern side of the building, the group of eight women were banging on the door to the roof which was jammed shut due to the building’s partially collapse.

Focusing my repulsors into a narrow beam, I cut a hole in the side of the dormitory closest to them. Backing away as the wall collapsed, the women were not sure who I was and what was happening when they saw me.

“Come on, we do not have much time!”, I told them, offering them my right hand, “The building is going to collapse any minute now!”

With no other option but to trust me, the women began leaping to me one by one. Ferrying the group down in two waves, I quickly began retrieving the other trapped students one by one till I had only one student left. Cutting a hole through the outer wall to reach her room, I discovered a massive pile of building debris, from the floors above, blocking the door. Hearing a familiar voice on the other side, I began blasting the debris away as quickly as I could.

“Please…anyone…help me…”, Olivia cried, weakly.

“Olivia, I am here!!”, I shouted, removing a huge chunk of roof debris from her door, “Stand back, I am going to kick the door in!”

Giving her a moment to comply, I slammed my foot into the door ripping it off its hinges. Rushing into the burning room, I instantly pulled what personal belongings of hers I could into my Storage then grabbed Olivia.

“Victor…is that…you…?”, she asked, before blacking out.

Turning to leave the building, a loud crashing noise ran through the building as everything began to plumet toward the ground. Realizing that the main supports had given way, I covered the two of us in my shielding and shot straight out the roof. Once we were clear of the building, I used the Force to hold back the wave of ash, debris, and fire from engulfing the courtyard full of students.

Flying Olivia to the medical team as soon as most of the momentum fell off, I handed her off to one of the men for treatment. Immediately getting to work on her, I stood by her side till the doctor assured me she would be alright. Telling me she had fainted due to low oxygen levels, he said that she would wake up in a few minutes now that she was clear of the fire.

“How bad do the other students look?”, I asked, glancing over at the dozens of students being treated.

“We have several young men with first and second degree burns from helping get the women out of the building. As for the women, we have injuries ranging from a few minor burns and bruises to severe third-degree burns, several broken bones, and concussions.”, he said, looking over at a station where several medics were treating a few women, “There are a few women, who I assume were close to the explosion, that are in critical condition. We are not sure they are going to make, sir.”

“I understand, get me a list of names and I will speak with their relatives.”, I said, noticing the arrival of several nobles on horseback, “Let me know if you need anything from me.”

“Will do sir!”, the medic replied, moving to his next patient.

Standing there next to Olivia, I took a moment to collect my thoughts as the names of the critically injured populated my HUD. Thankful that I did not see any names of people I was close to, I headed out to warn the relatives of the women in critical condition.

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