Rise of the Weakest Summoner

Chapter 380 – Changes in the Ecosystem

The ride continued smoothly as Asterios flew right under the thick blanket of snowing clouds. He studied the terrain for any remarkable landmarks and memorable areas but most of the landscape was covered with a smooth layer of sparkling dust, just like the name suggested. A sizable but scarce forest could be spotted far to the east only by the regular gathering of conical shapes. This realm, or at least a big part of it, might not be seeing much of a different climate during its seasons.

If it had any.

Compared to Kraedorion, it was quite a distinct difference. The world Asterios was used to rarely saw snow outside of a few regions with mountain ridges like the territory of the dwarves he had seen in his memory. The other locations would grow colder during the late seasons, but winter wasn’t really part of them, with rather pleasant autumn wrapping up the rotation.

Honestly, he had always wanted to one day travel to those colder places just to properly experience the atmosphere and culture. After meeting Miria, he gained another opportunity to do that since her realm also housed an impressive frozen section that they were aware of. They even discussed a trip there to combat the heat from the Scorching Steppes but inevitably hadn’t made those plans true yet, often getting distracted by many other things.

To find himself in the middle of a much more extreme environment was a shock but also a pleasant surprise for Asterios. And thanks to his draconic origins, the freezing temperature didn’t bother him as much as he had expected it to. It was a good thing to know for the future. Especially since he could see himself taking a deeper look into this world whenever they had some free time on their hands.

The easily excitable seals piling up on his back constantly peered over his sides in sheer joy and amazement. They had to hold each other from leaning too far, most likely never having been so high in the sky before, save for standing atop tall hills and mountain peaks. But, flying was something entirely different.

As they continued their journey, Asterios angled his head to glance at the leading male who sat the closest to his neck. “Is it alright to just leave those bodies out there like that?”

The small man took a moment to realize that he was being spoken to. “Oh. It’s not a problem. We will send our harvesting teams to gather whatever we can from them. The amount of materials should last us for a few weeks of expeditions. Finding even one deceased Frost Titan is a reason to celebrate and we have four of them! Albeit some a bit more charred than the others.”

A rumbling chuckle escaped Ast’s snout. “I can bring them to your village without a problem if you would like.”

“That won’t be necessary, Great Asterios. We appreciate the good intentions, but such a massive amount of fresh resources will gather lots of scavengers around them, possibly even other predators to investigate. It’s better not to have the corpses anywhere near the village,” the walrus responded. “We would like to retrieve the remains of our unfortunately deceased kin and we can do that while returning for the Titans.”

His remark was certainly smart and Asterios was slowly warming up to the peculiar creatures.

“Look. We are almost there now,” the man then added.

Following his outstretched arm, Asterios gazed upon the land below them. At first, it was a bit hard to spot, but after looking attentively enough, he was able to notice a seemingly unorderly array of what seemed like ice domes set in small groups joined with narrow surface tunnels. From high up, they looked like simple snowflakes or turtles banding up together.

There was one bigger structure in the middle that could be called a castle or a fortress, without the massive, towering part. The ice sculpture was still impressive and definitely contained numerous intricate designs inside its walls, judging by the artistic way the outside was portrayed. Asterios wondered if he was going to meet another king or queen already.

He gradually dropped his altitude and closed onto the settlement which was set up near a frozen shore. Parts of it were excavated to provide openings into the cold water, showing just how thick and deep the ice ran. A few of the round folks roamed over its surface, most likely fishing or doing something similar. 

It was hard to imagine what other ways to feed oneself could be utilized in such a world. Asterios wouldn’t be surprised to learn that his new friends were planning to feast on his kills for the upcoming months. Nothing could be wasted in such harsh conditions and it was perfectly understandable.

He wondered where to drop his passengers off, but the little guy insistently guided him to the village. While not deeming it as the best idea, he didn’t argue and followed the leader’s suggestions. Hopefully, their arrival wouldn’t be much of a trouble if he was accompanied by a group of their own.

Unfortunately, that was wishful thinking.

The people on the ground noticed him only after the mighty thudding of his wings echoed right above the village. As expected, the sight of a blood-red beast landing in the middle of it caused most of the residents to scatter in panic. 

Those on his back hastily slid down into the snow and his guide started frantically waving the bony staff at them. “It’s okay! It’s alright! It’s not dangerous! It comes in peace!”

With all the baggage gone from his shoulders, Asterios quickly morphed back into his humanoid form and the swirling motion caught the walrus’ attention. The little man turned his flat snout to him and gaped at the new figure in silence for a few seconds.

Waking up from his stupor a moment later, he faced the crowd again. HE comes in peace! He saved—”

But, he wasn’t met with a disorganized anarchy, instead finding his kin equally stunned as they blinked their deep black eyes at Ast’s new form in total silence too. Nobody moved or let out a sound. It was incredibly hard not to laugh at almost every reaction coming from the sealfolk.

The leader cleared his throat and recomposed himself. “Please, inform the Oracle that we have an honored guest she would like to meet. The gathering expedition has returned successfully, albeit not without sacrifices. With the amount of supplies we managed to secure thanks to the help of the Great Asterios, we are going to feast through the entire third and fourth phase!”

A few seconds after his declaration, the village went wild, once more switching moods at an insane speed. No one was worried about the monstrous shapeshifter now standing between them as only a somewhat taller humanoid, focusing solely on the good news brought to them by the expedition commander. Whatever one said about them, it certainly was clear that they lived in the moment. Two or three individuals split from the group and dashed in different directions, most likely going to convey the message and share the news.

The leader walrus trotted back up to Asterios with encouraging gestures. “Come, come, please. You must be cold standing here in those thin clothes. I’ll gladly offer you a warming drink as we wait for the Oracle’s response, Great Asterios.”

To not be rude by declining the man’s hospitality, Asterios didn’t correct him, both about his comfort and the way he was being addressed. The stout male hastily led him to one of the domes and pushed its sealed door inside. Asterios had to bend forward quite a bit to pass through the entrance, but after getting past the arched portal, he was slumped only a tad, bending his neck to avoid grazing against the ceiling.

He didn’t spot any fires going on but the temperature was noticeably higher and his host took off the thick layers of furs and leathers, ending up in a simple outfit that revealed more of his chubby arms, legs, and stubby tail. The male truly looked like a walrus, besides the obvious hands and webbed feet.

Soon, Asterios was brought an ice mug full of dark yellow steaming liquid from a different, smaller dome connected to the main one, which must be the kitchen. Letting Tia give it a little test first to judge if it was safe and comfortable for him to consume, he took a sip, and the beverage instantly heated his insides. It was potent, but not overbearing. Something this sweet and effective would sell like crazy in cold climates.

~Master, may we come in now?~ Miria suddenly asked in his head and he remembered his promise to get back to them soon.

~I would like to say yes, but it’s unimaginably cold here. I don’t think we have proper clothes for such a place back at home,~ he answered.

~I’ve already brought us all a set from my home.~ Selene chuckled softly.

Asterios shook his head and turned to the owner of the house. “Would you mind if I brought my mates here? They are not as big as I was when we met. More like I am now.”

“Of course not, Great Asterios! It would be my pleasure to serve them too!” The walrus bowed.

A crimson gate rose from the floor and the girls walked into the short dome one by one. Asterios couldn’t help but raise a brow at their unexpected attire. Each person wore an outfit with thick furs, consisting mostly of a comfy coat and some pants or skirt depending on the person. Big, fluffy hats sat atop their heads, covering them almost entirely, save for the small square for the face, leaving their eyes, nose, and lips unobstructed. Naturally, equally snug high boots completed the image.

“Wooo! You didn’t exaggerate, Master! It’s cold!” Miria giggled as she hugged him with a soft thump of multiple layers covering her body, save for her athletic legs which were still on full display below her wooly shorts.

“Just wait until you step outside.” He snickered, turning to the sealfolk man. “This is Miria, Selene, Tina, Grea, Silvia, Bryn, and Althea. And this is… Uhhh…”

“My goodness! I haven’t even introduced myself!” Their host jumped in embarrassment. “My name is Ohm and it’s an honor.”

“Likewise,” Silvia replied with a polite curtsy. “A lovely home you have here, Mister Ohm.”

“Even if a little small,” Bryn commented, trying her best not to brush her wings against the ceiling and the walls.

“Apologies, my ladies. We often move as a nomadic tribe and have gotten used to building our houses just big enough to fit our needs. Except for the Oracle’s palace, of course. It’s of no surprise that your kind might find them rather claustrophobic,” Ohm chuckled warmly.

“Not a problem.” Asterios waved at him dismissively. “Though, speaking of our kind, you realized quite fast back there that I was a male, but not before I transformed. Do you have humans in this world?”

“We do know about ice elves and they look fairly similar if not for the color of your skin so I dared to assume,” the man admitted. “I’m not sure if we have humans here. At least in the regions our people travel through. Other races might know more.”

“And what race are you?” Tina asked curiously.

“We are sealies, my lady.” He bowed. “We often live in the nearby ocean, but during the harshest phases of the eternal winter, its surface freezes so much it can trap us underneath for way too long. Therefore, we settle up here during that period as both environments feel like home to us.”

Considering the Seelies Asterios knew of from some realms often reached into by Summoners, this name would be a handful. He could imagine the surprise on someone’s face when he said he had a sealie familiar and suddenly a burly, dwarf-sized walrus popped out of the gate, slapping his opponent with a fish.

“Do you have any Dragons here? Perhaps a bit scared, but you didn’t look too shocked to see Ast’s other form when he arrived on the battlefield,” Althea noted calmly.

The man frowned slightly. “I do not know of the Dragons you speak of. But, I’m just a relatively young member of the gathering party. The Oracle might have the answers to your questions. Speaking of which, she should be ready to take you in. Let us walk to the palace to meet her.”

Asterios and the girls nodded, following their host out of the dome. With some struggle, they squeezed through the entrance, chuckling at each other, and moved into the open air. A few other sealies wandered around while taking care of their daily tasks and stopped to stare at the alien individuals with clear intrigue.

Miria gasped and rushed to the closest one, picking up a female by a tanning rack and spinning them both around while holding the smaller seal woman to her chest. “They are so adorable! Look at those cute little snouts poking out of their hoods! Don’t they make you wish to keep one, Master?”

He bonked his giggly mate on the head, bringing out a bit more force than usual due to the fluffy armor she was wearing. “Put her down. They are adults, not kids, and definitely not pets so we aren’t keeping any. And don’t go around trying to steal their females. Just because they are cute, it doesn’t mean we have to kidnap one to join our family. I’m sorry for my mate’s behavior.”

With an embarrassed pout, Miria let go of the sealie and the little lady gave them a kind smile, which made her soft features even cuter. “It’s okay. We all love cuddles. But I agree that our females might not be willing to leave the tribe. No offense to you, respected guests.”

Their walrus guide laughed honestly. “I don’t blame her. Our females are very pretty, to the point that some races and creatures hunt for them intending to put them on display or keep them as your partner said. It’s not surprising she felt the same desire.”

Apologizing once more to the tanner, they were on their way once more. Plenty of stares were directed at them as they traversed the frosted village and people gossiped about their origins and reasons for coming here. Soon, they reached the small castle and entered its crystal corridors. The decorations were kept simple but regal, and considering what Ohm had told them about their nomadic nature, it was to be expected.

He led them into a bigger but still round chamber with a single person sitting on a pile of wools, furs, leathers, and other comfortable materials atop a raised stage. Above it, hung a big skull of some marine creature, possibly a giant shark. 

The seal-looking female was dressed in enchanting cloths with plenty of bone accessories like rings and wristbands. Her skin showed signs of old age with some occasional wrinkles and folds, and her whiskers were so long they rested on the ice floor at her feet. Even so, her pure black eyes shone with wisdom and clarity.

“Thank you for rescuing our valuable tribe members from the ambush of Frost Titans,” she said slowly, inclining her head. “My name is Ecu and I can’t express my gratitude enough.”

“You are welcome.” Asterios nodded back. “It was a coincidence I stumbled upon the battle, but since the Titans chose to attack me too, I simply fought back in self-defense. At that time, I didn’t know which side was right in that struggle.”

“Can you see the future?” Bryn asked.

“No, I’m not that kind of oracle.” Ecu let out a stifled chuckle. “My role in the tribe is to keep the memories of all the previous Oracles within my mind and lead our people into the best possible future by making sure we don’t make the same mistakes as our ancestors. And with how many generations back our lineage extends, it’s close to predicting the outcome of many actions and variables.”

“That’s still impressive. I bet you have some neat ability or magic to keep that up and not go insane from relearning everything from start to finish every day for your entire life,” Grea commented.

“You are correct. We have an inherited technique taught to each Oracle by her predecessor.” The woman smiled at her clever observation. “Now, I heard that you have arrived in the Domain of Eternal Frost from another realm. Are you here to check up on the Lady of the Lake?”

“I don’t think I’m familiar with that person.” Asterios stroked his chin. “Why would you assume that?”

“Because of the description of your other form that my tribesmen gave me. I’m fairly certain you belong to the same species as the Lady of the Lake as your appearance is said to match the stories I know of,” she replied. “A big lizard-like body with four powerful limbs and two wide, leathery wings. Protected by almost impenetrable scales and capable of unleashing streams of deepest frost with a single breath. Fierce, ferocious, and never forgets getting slighted, mauling the foolish perpetrator with sharp claws and fangs. It does sound like it fits the image, does it not?”

“If that’s not a damn True Dragon then I’m going to eat my old wand.” Grea snorted. “And not in that way.”

He smirked and shook his head. “It appears so, but I’m not in contact with any other members of my race. What happened to her?”

“She disappeared a few generations ago. Mind you, we live for around forty to fifty years,” Ecu explained. “She was the apex predator of this region, living atop the tallest mountain to the south with a big, never freezing lake at its foot. She was the only one keeping the other creatures in check as they feared her wrath for even annoying the Queen of the Glazed Vale. With her disappearance, the Frost Titans and many other feral beasts became bolder, making these lands no longer as safe to live as before. I will admit that I wish she was still there, as unpredictable as she was, or that someone took her place. That is the reason behind my inquiry into your visit, Great Asterios.”

“Well, I’m afraid I won’t be that person, unfortunately. Besides the fact that I prefer warmer climates, I have my own people to look after back home. My arrival here was accidental, as I already mentioned. And we were in the middle of practicing something important, under a strict time limit,” Asterios replied. “While we should be returning to those activities soon, I’m sure this isn’t the last time we show up at your doorstep if you would have us. Somewhere in the future, we would love to explore this realm more, and wouldn’t mind helping you out with your Frost Titan problem in the meanwhile, perhaps checking up on that female Dragon too.”

“That is perfectly understandable. I dare not request any more favors from you, Great Asterios. You brought me great joy returning my children to me and I will be forever grateful for your kindness.” The Oracle offered him a deep bow. “We will always welcome you amongst our kin. Feel free to stay with us for as long as you wish to.”

He returned the respects and glanced at his mates. Immediately, he was met with the pleading eyes of his feline lover, pouting at him as adorably as she could. While the others weren’t as obvious as she was, they also expressed their curiosity through various more subdued means. Althea was the only one gracing him with a knowing smirk, already able to see into the future.

Sighing softly, he turned back to Lady Ecu. “How far is that mountain with the lake exactly?”

“You can see it from our village. On foot, it takes a few hours. But I’m not sure about aerial travel,” she answered, her beady eyes twinkling with amusement.

“Since we are already here, we might as well take a peek. Who knows what knowledge or riches she might have left behind?” he said with a wry smile.

Miria threw herself at him right away, joined by Grea and Tina soon after.

It was nigh impossible not to spoil his lovely mates at times like these.


Welp, adventure it is.


Enormous gratitude towards our  Living Legends of the highest tier - Moheebi3abc, Lynderyn, Muff_Diver_Dave, Jeffrey B., and Shadow Silvermane! No less respect for our EX-rank Guild Members - Julian, Wiliam H., Sura, James M., and D3monEmper0r! And naturally towards all the S-rank Guild Members - FSoen Kigi, Fandley, Darth Mole, Dennis W., William J., Michael S., Tonatsi, Robert H., Fussel, Trenton S., SIDracon, Alvzorin, Rando C., TheGovnor, Drew P., Solomon P., Eddie F., Chocotaku, RandomRandomly, Nicholas G., Cody B., Saint.J, Atomic0chicken, Patrick F., Zadwolf, Seamus M., Jonas, and Timmy! We wouldn't be able to have such epic adventures without your support! This Guild Master is greatly honored by your presence!

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