Revived Fates

Chapter 4: Chapter 3: Uncoincedal Tacticance

It was a while after the un-entertaining fight, we scoured ourselves from one place to another with no little avail to ourselves what raced our thoughts was that when would we have the chance to pick a fought with someone smaller than us, that said we decided to head to the empty city for now.

As stated some time before the place was like your ordinary city but the odd thing is its devoid of life and the buildings look some what marble white, across the streets its just entrances to the buildings, mostly glass double door ways. It wasn't much of a hustle to see the view on top with abilities like mine, on top we could get our best view across the red skyline as the clear view of the city shines within our eyes.

Not only that WHY THE HELL ARE ALL THE BUILDINGS EMPTY?! every single one we checked its just all empty like your seeing the house before you even buy it even so.... This place fills the strange vibes it gives off but just by the lack of anything at all, that makes me feel less of a void. Not a single trash can in sight or lamp post just the streets, sidewalks and the buildings amongst the red sky, as both me and mori walked in utter nothingness.

"To be real honest here, i really wanna wreck this place but i feel like something might happen."

i said standing there just staring at the empty abyss of a red sky

"huh?, who knows..... at least we have the place all to ourselves."

Miyano said whilst fidgeting with his somewhat longish hair. It isn't curly but somewhat straight

Crossing along from sidewalk to sidewalk we could only but rant ourselves in this state of epiphany without much all i could do was vent out my anger by just screaming out my complains, would have been fun if we had a car to drive around.


kirino fell forth to the ground in pure agony, such boredom and the aftermath of such a disappointing fight would make truly make him be this way, now slamming his clenched fists on the ground kirino could do nothing but complain to such a misdemeanor.


He screams out as he is absolutely pissed off

"What are you doing?!"

mori says with the puzzled look on his face


"oh right..."


miyano now screams with both his hands in his head flailing around, amongst the emptiness of the city

kirino now starts screaming gibberish as mori just lays there dead from nothingness, after a while kirino stops and starts laying dead too in hopes some sort of event would happen. minutes turned into hours and hours just stayed hours.

kirino now in a vegetative state (literally went to sleep) as mori just stares him down with an even more puzzled look.

"Hey???" "Wake up?" "Oi" " I SAID WAKE U---

speech was then blocked as a shoot of ice covered his mouth rendering him speechless.

"Shut up. let me enjoy my nap for a sec"

kirino said pointing his finger to mori

miyano then mumbles out the sound for the word what the hell he then points his pistol towards his jaw to break the ice, before pulling the trigger.


Ice now shattered on the floor kirino jumps up in a daze

"Did you just shot a gun?"

he said droopily

"nuh uh! that ain't me!"

miyano assures him

kirino now pans to a blinking light onto the corner, with a fierce look with a sinister smile

"looks like we've got company"

kirino blasts a huge shot of ice the size of a tank, it hits and destroys the building and other buildings in the process, kirino then dashes towards the center of it but no signs of life or any other peoples sounds

kirino then pans behind him being met with a kick he briefly dodged

an opponent this is what he thought to himself with overlaying relief as he took stance and prepared to deal more, now waiting for the opponent to strike first, he could only be left in wonder as why they are still standing the moment he blinked their gone....


kirino ducked down as the perpetrator dashed above him, which was enough to have a good look on this individual, he was able to distinguish some features, a weapon on the back and is somewhat caped and cloaked.

this was the best image he described as this only lasted a second to see,now dashed they started attacking mori

"God! why me!"

mori now starts blocking knife attacks with body guards as kirino watches from a slight distance, with his palm focused point black he fire a blast of ice towards them.

Miyano now at a conclusion nudges himself back in order to not get into the blast, the ice hits the attacker but the attacker is blocking it, no matter how continueous his ice was it was still not doing anything for us.


I pouted out loud and pulled forth with everything i've got


I screamed in total sanity as the ice goes out of control, freezing the entire area that was in shambles.

Miyano seeing this, tackled from behind only to be kicked in the groin


He squeaked but still managed to pull the individual hood down with him, as they both fell.

The moment they fell i did the honors by manifesting my arm with ice and planting the final blow---

Theres nothing....


"Hah, Skank you thought i'd not notice that?"

Kirino tauntingly said as he manifested ice at the nape of his neck perpetually trapping the

Attacker leg frozen.

"Knowing women like you, your flexible enough to aim for the neck"

Mori says, perspectively the moment mori pulled the hood both him and kirino noticed some long black hair peeking out although

The person was masked they figured it was a woman who attacked them.

Kirino then lunges front forward flinging the attacker towards mori as he summons something he kept up his sleeve


A black long limousine crashes onto the individual face first as they then were thrown across the field.

"Show time"

Kirino says with a devious look, as they both ran forth preparing to engage in combat, with no other choice in mind the individual narrowly looking up towards the debris right as they ran closer.

With a moment of truth the individual hurriedly left, leaving the 2 in confusion.


Kirino crashed out sending a huge ice misile towards the escaping person


Mori then sends out a fleet shooting at the area, the chaos lasted for 5 minutes until

The area being attacked was but left into a huge gaping hole between the buildings.

"WHAT THE HELL?!, Our first opponent then this?!"

Kirino yells out

"Shame on her, putting up no fight? I wanted this to be the battle of our lifetimes but HELL!"

mori frustratingly said out loud

"Guess we have to scour this endless wasteland!"

Kirino then said in a trance state

"OFF WE GO!!!"

He then dashed off on his ice now sending multiple shots and clusters of ice around the area


Mori sits there cradling himself in pure dissapointment as kirino still wreaks havoc amongst the city.


Listen, are you helping me or not?

A girl questions a woman wearing light and holy clothing.

Im sorry young lady but do you mind?

I know i've tried to give you helping advice but it seems i'm at a dead end here.

The woman argued back

You said you would help me!, Someone you had interaction with must have stolen my microphone!

She argued in response

Microphone.... phff why would your ability need to focus on such an object? You've got to have something else you could do.

As an artist it is the basis for me!, without it nothing much would do more. As for you a priestess? Your not even doing your job!

My job? All you did was just came up and clinged on to me.

Nuh-uh you said you must know someone holding it.

This is getting nowhere for you--

"Ladies, have i've interrupted something here?"

A man wearing extravagant clothing enters the temple, his footsteps echoing the empty corridors of the place.

As both stared eyes on him, at the moment Artist the girl who was arguing about the microphone took a piece of rubble now throwing it onto the ground.



Priestess now on the ground unable to handle the sound now trembling on the floor as artist makes her escape

She's yours freak!

She assures him as she runs out

"Ho-Ho.... What a fresh one we have here.....,Pure light of the heavens"

The man steps forward as blood gushes out of his ears, he places his finger below his gushing ear looking at the fingertip now covered in blood.

He wipes it on his tongue as his eyes grow red, teeth sharp as fangs as he stares down on the trembling woman

He adjusts his claws ready to dig in to such a feast not until then.

The light shall pierce you...

She summons a light pearcing through his stomach, the man smiles as stands there with a huge gaping hole in him.

As she crawls back and gazes at him to her shock, she sees a man unwounded and unfazed, staring smiling at her, she was really sure he would have been hit with great damage as she did heard the sound of guts hitting the floor as the light she possessed pierced through.

"Come on now!, give it all you've got!"

He extravigantly yelled out loud not until he then licked his cheek.

She then stood up preparing to engage towards combat.

"Ho-ho, She accepts?..."

The man said in an enjoying tone, as this battle will commence.

End of chapter 3

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