Reverend Insanity the Final arc- Fan edition

Chapter 2337 Spectral Soul you’ve changed

The smell of iron permeated the field as crimson dyed it red.

Rustling can be heard among the foliage, a man limps across the field.

*Huff* *Huff*

The man collapses on the ground; exhausted.

"Please, I beg of you have mer…"

The man is suddenly impaled through his heart.

A tall but slender man looks down on him: "Begging is for the weak and the weak are only fit to be food for the strong."

Suddenly the tall man opens his mouth and, begins to draw out a translucent visage of the man who lays dead on the ground.

Screaming can be heard as the man desperately tries to crawl back into his body, but it's useless he is quickly devoured.


Satisfied the man pulls down the hood revealing who else but Spectral Soul in his youth.

"Hmm, I can feel my soul growing stronger, but the efficiency is terrible, I lose so much soul energy in the process of converting a soul into Dao marks there has to be an easier way of devouring souls."

This thought would lead Spectral Soul down his path towards food path and ultimately killing path.

Back in the present, the 3 venerables look in shock at the newly revived venerable. He was completely naked and stretching in the wind.

His hair reached down to his lower back and was separated into the deepest shade of black and the brightest of white. His skin was flawlessly smooth, and his visage was as delicate as a flower.

He truly looked like the depiction of a fair maiden but, firmly attached between his legs was Spectral Soul's mighty proof of manhoooo….d?

"Greetings Immortal Venerable Star Constellation, Immortal venerable Giant Sun, Fang Yuan, surprised to see me?" Spectral Soul spoke with a voice that would captivate any man's heart.

"It was truly a surprise. I didn't know the great demon venerable Spectral Soul was such a delicate individual." Replied Fang Yuan whilst trying to hold back his laughter.

"Indeed, I had long heard tales of your ruthlessness, but none spoke of your magnificent form it truly does put all women to shame." Giant Sun said amidst laughter.

At this point, Spectral Soul knew something was wrong and was eager to rush to a water source.

But Fang Yuan was one step faster and conjured a water mirror formed from the waters of Reverse Flow River to protect himself.

"WHAT!" Spectral Soul roared so loud that it was the equivalent of a Rank 6 killer move through sheer strength alone.

At this point the venerables could no longer hold themselves back and began to laugh, even Star Constellation let out a chuckle.

To see the mighty Spectral Soul venerable in such a revealing and seductive form was truly an eye-opener for them.

Spectral Soul quickly regains his composure, because he was just reborn, he was assaulted by the sudden input from things such as emotions and his senses, he lost his cool a bit too easily.

He thought about it and understood that because he was reborn using Rank 9 Fire Gu, his aperture became the Pure Yang aperture, even stronger than the Blazing Glory Lightning Brilliance Physique.

Its advantage lay in the Yang's natural preference to consume to boost itself, much like fire consumes the materials and oxygen around it to burn brighter.

However, it would quickly devour through and assimilate the natural Yang energy of a male, and thus, being a female with Ying energy was the only way to contain this aperture.

No, the thing that bothered Spectral Soul wasn't even the fact that he was in a female body it was that he was naked in front of his adversaries.

In fact, Giant Sun kept looking lecherously at his body.

Spectral Soul then decided to morph his Soul path Dao marks into clothes that would serve as a defensive killer move.

"Hmph, we will have our battle at a later date." He said as he began to ascend to Spectral Heaven.

Meanwhile, the 3 venerables had set aside their differences and while they were teasing Spectral Soul, they were secretly in communication with one another.

"Should we let him leave like that?" inquired Giant Sun.

"Of course, not we need to test his capabilities first if. Quick Star Constellation pull him back," replied Fang Yuan.

Star Constellation harumphed: "Hmph and why should I do the work instead of you or Giant Sun."

"Obviously because you're the strongest while we're still in Heavenly Court if he retaliates and breaks free it would be a chase and who knows what happens once, he reaches Spectral Heaven." Fang Yuan said while rolling his eyes.

He made a good point there is good reason to believe that since Spectral Soul was the one who devoured the black Heaven Heavenly Spirit, he would control at least half of the 2 heavens.

But would Star Constellation trust the other 2? NO. Especially after the state, left Heavenly Court and its members in she would be a fool to trust them.

After all what if the 3 of them decide to gang up on her or take advantage of her lapse in attention to prevent Primordial from Reviving.

Although she could fight the 3 Venerables even with Spectral Soul's returned sanity, it would be challenging to defend the Qi Harvest fruit as well.

So instead of dividing her attention between Spectral Soul and the other 2 venerables, Star Constellation elected for diplomacy.

"Friend Spectral Soul come back a meeting between venerables is rare much less 4 why don't you join us for a chat. After all, the number of female venerables has just been doubled today."

Spectral Soul shivered slightly at those words firstly because he still did not like his present circumstances.

Secondly, because even though he was emitting the aura of a Rank 9 venerable, it was just the lingering aura from the Heavenly Fire Tribulation that prevent Primordial from Reviving that he went through.

In actuality, he was a Rank 8 pseudo-venerable who had yet ascended to Rank 9. But currently, the whole of Spectral Heaven can be considered his blessed land.

And once he got in, he would be able to use the Dao marks in it regardless of the path.

Although his control would be flimsy, with the sheer amount of Dao marks and his expertise in Soul path he would be able to force any Venerable to retreat. 

In fact, he had a secret weapon, he was currently working with Heaven's will!

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