Restitutio voluntatis Dei – The Restoration Of The Will Of God

Chapter 2 – Vulnerability

Chapter 2 - Vulnerability

“Hey, kiddo, why are you crying?” 

I wonder why?

“This is why kids are so…” I can barely hear Martin whispering something over my relentless sobbing.

"Shit, switch with me real quick. You already know where my house is anyways"

"Why did you even get in the wheel if you were going to– whatever"

I hear shuffling and a voice next to me talking.

“Here, it’s okay kid” As he puts his hand on my shoulder and starts hugging me, I cry myself to sleep



As the child falls asleep I keep hugging her

"So, are we going to talk about it?"

"About what?"

"The halo on her head?" Of course, it's about the halo.

"What about it?"

"You know. She is totally different from the other ones" At that comment I roll my eyes

"Of course I know, that's why I'm going to keep her, unlike the others. An Extraordinary child needs an extraordinary parent after all"

“I’m sure about that, Enforcer” I don’t even have to look at him to know he is about to burst out laughing

“You don't have to laugh every time you say it, you know" I sigh

"Martin, this girl needs some help, If you saw her  living conditions, you would do the same thing"

"Is it because of the halo though?" Is he serious?

"It doesn't matter if she is some sort of angel or whatever, I WILL protect her"

"And you know about The Door, She could be related to it" Everyone knows about The Door.

"A random kid that YOU found on the street, why don't you start doing stand-up comedy?"

'Look at this guy' I can feel my eyebrow twitching

"Take this seriously Martin, I'm not in the mood for jokes right now"

Doing a hearty laugh, he says "My bad, My bad. We are already here anyways"

As the car slows down I open the seatbelt and carefully grab her into a princess carry. I step out of the car.

"I still can't believe you got such a good house man. Sigh… If only I didn't choose a desk job"

While rolling my eyes I quip "Stop acting so pitiful, we both know you are in love with your job"

'It's not that he is wrong about the house anyways' The house is classic Americano, with a front lawn, a garage, and two floors, all painted in sky blue. 'Cozy and artificial, just the way the founding fathers intended.'

Opening the door, I step inside the house

"Go to the kitchen and make the usual, I'll take the kid to the bedroom" 

Without waiting for a response I start making my way to the bedroom.

Opening the door to the bedroom I put her in the bed and cover her with the sheets.

Observing her, I notice she looks skinny, so skinny even a stick is fatter than her 'Such a frail child, what happened to you?'

'I'll protect you with my life. Because that's what a hero does'




'What is that smell?' Waking up so hungry I could eat a whole cow, and so thirsty I could drink the whole red sea was not in my plans.

Sitting on the comfy bed I start thinking 'I should find food first before anything'

Yawning, I stand up and begin walking slowly with an arm in front of me.

'First I need to find a wall and start following it' Feeling the sense of touch in my fingertips I slowly put my whole palm against the wall and start walking.

'Oh, is this the door?' Making my way into the hallway I keep walking, ignoring everything but the smell of oh-so-tantalizing food.

Finally arriving at the kitchen, if im guessing right, I suddenly hear a voice

“Hey, you’re finally awake. Did you read the note I left for you?” Jumping at the unexpected voice, I calm myself knowing its just Alexander

Pointing to my eyes, I shake my head.

“Do you have a problem with your eyes? Here, let me check” I can hear him making his way over from the chair he was sitting on.

Putting his hands on my head he mumbles “unclear cloudy eyes, doesn’t seem to focus on anything… you’re blind.” 

Nodding my head, I make motions with my hands as if im eating. Accompanied by a rumbling from my belly.

“And mute from the sound of it, also really hungry. Don’t worry kid I was cooking just for you”

'Thank you' I mouth as he grabs my hand and gets me on the chair.

“A plate of food & water for the lady” I don’t have to be blind to know he is having fun with this.

“The food is classic Swiss fondue, by the way"

As I was about to dig in, I heard a buzzing close to my ear. 'What is this? A Mosquito?'

'Im way too hungry to deal with this' Sighing I quickly prepare myself to catch the bug.








'Why can't I catch a stupid bug?'  Being blind has nothing to do with this, you can be blind and competent, 'It seems that I am blind and useless'

'This time for sure' Psyching myself, I hear the buzzing, the way it moves, how much time it stays in one place, and its velocity while moving.

'Puny little insect, I’m going to send you straight into the warm hands of the Lord!' Just as I was about to reach it, I felt it once more.

“Thou shalt not kill”



Writing is so hard, even though I felt like I wrote a lot it's only 900~ words. But even though it's not a lot, I felt like this was the place to finish the chapter.

This chapter was really fun to write, and I hope you guys like it.

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