Resonance of the Abyss

Chapter 6: Reunion


I checked the body of my brother, his wounds were healing. His bones, flesh, nerves, skin everything was healing at astonishing speed.

My eyes expanded, I looked at Junia for some explanation.

She gasped,"Hey, don't look at me. I don't know anything about it. The new generation kids usually can heal themselves but even they need practice but his body is healing involuntarily."

"His condition is stabilizing, his heart is pumping, I can feel his breath. You should put him in observation for sometime."

"I would have asked you to do that either way, I'm not too sure but I guess the cosmic energy was the cause for his rapid healing. I mean that's the only logical explanation here."

Some of the workers here came with a stretcher and took Azrael to an observational room.

"What do you think about the experiment? Is it successful?"

"I would say sort of, it does need some work but yeah we can create semi-wormholes."

"Good, once it's done we can send some rescue team and search for the devoured people."

"Don't say devoured!! It feels as if they were killed, just call them victims, Ok."

I chuckle," Yeah, my bad, sorry."

She pouts,"it's alright if you do that".

We both start giggling simultaneously.

"I'm going to check on your brother, I will send someone to inform you when it's done."

I nod and go to buy some refreshments.

After few hours,

A worker eventually comes and informs me about the successful check up.

I hurriedly visited the observation room.

The room itself was quite big, white marble with intricate design were all over the walls, Azrael stayed put on bed, various kinds of machines were hovering around him making all sorts of 'clink clunk' sounds.

Junia stayed beside, monitoring him with a serious expression.

She saw me entering and said with a mischievous smile,"He is quite the handsome fellow if I say so myself".

I chuckle,"I mean he is my brother that much is given."

"I guess it's fair, you must be perplexed and excited about your brother's return though."

"Not much, I can sorta get the gist of it. It's that popular time dilation theory isn't it or time travel theory."

Junia's eyes expand,"You aren't a muscle brained after all".

"Don't show that level of surprised expression, you have known me for half a decade now."

"Hahaha…sorry for that, you are technically right and I like the fact that you are taking this maturely."

I frowned. "I'm mature".

"Yeah! Yeah! Of course, but from what I could decipher. That portal opened at the same time when it had appeared, when it was charged by my powers."

"So, what you are saying is that 15 years ago this was the place where he was captured. That doesn't make sense, I still remember that place and I..I ... .I often visit that place, are you implying I forgot about Azrael?"

Junia holds my shivering hands,"No, dummy, what I mean is that the portal is the same. They are changing location".

I blanked out of a second. These fuckers changing place meant that the creature coming from them would change everytime, implying, the so called secured portals don't make any difference those utter horrors could pop up anywhere,my scalp dried. Before I could even digest this statement I heard a familiar mocking voice.

"What kind of play are you people doing in front of a patient?"

Junia and I were pretty close and she was also holding my hands, I could understand what this bastard was trying to imply.

I maintain some distance from Junia, clear my throat,"You are awfully energetic for a patient, don't you think so, little brother."

"How could you say such a thing? I'm just sitting straight, nothing else, you don't understand how weak I feel, big bro."

He said that in a way as if it was taking a toll on him.

"Ohhh, so about you tell me then, how are you feeling?"

"Nothing much, just as if my left torso was dug out and replanted again. It's so fucking sore."

I mean technically it did happen. Everything else was fine though, he is the same guy as he was at 19, fair skinned, slightly above average in height, raven black hair and eyes, extremely handsome and somewhat skinny.

"When are you going to tell me about the shit that happened??"

He gestured around the equipment circulating him.

Ahh…yes, I threw my diary at his face.


"What the hell?? I'm patient so some concern you troll."

He showed some tantrums but eventually read the diary, after half an hour.

"Shit!", he said calmly.

"Now you know, I'm way older than you now, 26 years to be precise. Show some respect now lil bro."

"Yeah! Uncle."

I really wanna smack him…oh wait I can.


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