Resonance of the Abyss

Chapter 28: First Mission


It's been three weeks since I arrived here, at the association. Literally on the first day, I got beaten up with the rest of my teammates.

I had really thought, they would give us permission to roam the planet but alas Mr. Arceid is unconventional.

Actually it's better this way, I know what kind of horrors are actually dwelling around. At Least as I have heard. We can train here under Mr. Arceid's guidance without much trouble.

These three weeks, we just did exactly that. Our powers have been refined, fighting with Mr. Arceid.

Funnily enough we are officially a team now, whenever there will be a breach. We will collectively go to save people.

We are relatively close now too, the collective beating we got made us get close faster.

I had never thought that Kaltain was this easy going fellow, he has his whole gentleman demeanor yet he is strangely funny and easy going. Not overly formal, at least with us.

Without any doubts, the most extroverted one is Azrael by far, with us. He is the one who starts the convos. Yet strangely enough, he doesn't talk with people, he just meets.

I had made my mind to not waste my mind, stay away from people and grow stronger incognito yet here I was playing house with people of my age.

We are getting stronger and even at a fast rate still, it just destroys my whole philosophy….I shouldn't dwell on it this much…probably.

We have already gotten our beat today, we were training with our respective favourite equipment. When we received a collective team call.

I made my way towards the administrative room, where we were called. Both Kaltain and Azrael followed soon.

Within the room, we were greeted by Miss. Larrisa.

She let out a faint smile. "Looks like your first job is here."

Azrael, sighed. "Finally, Where do we have to go?"

She laughed wholeheartedly this time. "You are one eager fellow. Usually we don't get such a positive response, it feels like a cemetery normally."

Azrael grumbled. "Yeah, we know that, just tell us our job."

She didn't hear his grumbling but I heard. That's the reason why she is so agitated by him.

She continued. "I should not waste your time, or a certain someone will get irritated."

Kaltain murmured beside me. "She heard it? Right?"

I nodded my head at his remark. Yup, if you heard, she most definitely did.

She tapped on her bracelet, materialising a holographic screen.

"This is sector 56, bronze level. Also known as The Nest. It's one of the most secured place on the planet. Currently the place is showing signs of combined breach. So, you guys go there and prevent any casualties."

Azrael sneered. "Weren't we stopped to go to 'dangerous' places? A combined breach anyway you sugar coat it, it's a dangerous mission."

"Aww, is little Azrael scared? You don't have to go if you are scared."

These guys can't stay sane without ticking eachother off.

Larrisa rubbing salt on the wound continued. "Aren't you usually the smart one, what happened now? Hordes type breaches consist of mortal rank creatures and occasional Planetoid Rank ones. So, following that logic shouldn't a similar large-scale breach consist of weaker creatures."

Azrael mumbled. "Ok fine, when do we have to go though?"

"Right now, Junia won't be able to drop you all at the exact location but you will be dropped at sector 55."

"Why can't she drop us at sector 56?"

Kaltain questioned exactly what I was thinking. "Why can't Miss Junia teleport us there?"

"Nice question there Kaltain, a certain someone is too smart to have this puny level of doubt. The reason why can't…"

Azrael interrupted her. "The reason is because cosmic energy is dense there, any slight difference might tick it off like a time bomb. Summoning a creature of higher rank."

"Yeah, that's the reason. Sometimes even you can be smart."

Praising him really took a toll on her. You could clearly see that on her face.

She waved her hands motioning us to go away.

Walking through the hallways, Kaltain asked a question.

"Have you guys ever visited the bronze level region?"

Azrael waved his hands, walking forward. "Not me, It's my first time. Should be fun I guess? What do you guys think?"

I pondered for a second. "Actually it won't be 'fun', people there live the worst lives. Constantly in fear of getting killed the next moment."

Kaltain expressed his concern. "That is so sad, they don't even have any strength to save themselves as they can't harness cosmic energy."

I have seen enough fakers in previous timeline to know that he faked his concern. This is the reason why I am so guarded against this guy.

Azrael finally stopped in his tracks, he turned in our direction, contemplating.

"That's their fault for being weak, don't think too much about it."

This was the first time he turned this serious. Quite a breath of fresh air. But his remark irked me the most.

Kaltain walked forward, putting his arms around Azrael.

"You are right about it, still if we get the chance. We should save some people, don't you think so too?"

He didn't talk, just kept walking forward.

I followed them too. We arrived back at our favourite place. Training room, unconsciously.

Miss Junia's call took our attention back from the 'thing' we just did. We have literally become training junky.

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