Chapter 23: Adminstration is not Fun
Usually these times around, I would argue that there is no need for monetary things yet as a matter of fact people won't give their best unless they get something from it personally such things as glory, betterment of society are just fairytales.
As such stuff like credits are really the best carrot and stick option.
"Arc, what do you think? Should we cancel the funding for college reconstruction? "
"No, not cancel it but I think we should create something else entirely."
"Another one of your medieval ideas. I'm in, tell me."
"It's not always medieval. This time around I think we should create an academy where there will be a ranking system, higher the rank higher the rewards. This way children will compete against each other more thoroughly and get stronger fast."
"You want to create a fight club. I think we can do that, but credits are gonna be used like water, you will have a lot of work."
I leaned my head on my arm, brooding. I said in a calm voice, "There are planets in our solar system without any portals. If we want to evacuate from here we need people with different strengths and ideals to push us through. Some extra work won't stop me from the greater goal."
Larrisa smiled faintly and replied, "Not gonna I'm impressed, I usually am but today I'm more."
Chuckling I added, "And I have Azrael too, to take my place and work."
Larrisa gave me a side eye, "I take my words back."
"Oh come on, I'm his brother working him like a slave is my birthright."
This time she was disgusted which kinda hurt me.
"You are despicable….hehe but I'm in."
My eyes involuntarily blinked a few times, did we just make a team bully Azrael. Hell Yeah!!!
Right after that, Azrael knocked on the door.
"Can I come in? If you guys aren't getting freaky."
I faintly heard Larissa cracking her fingers. This guy is doomed.
"Yeah, you can."
He entered nonchalantly. He was gonner for sure, I clasped my hands and prayed that his end won't be painless.
"Did you complete your laps… nevermind."
"Why did she stop mid way? Oh wait I get it."
Azrael was drenched in sweat, his already glowing skin glowed even more. What kind of discrimination was this? I don't glow when I get drenched.
Why didn't this guy use his powers to dry himself? Oh wait to prove his running probably.
"I have seen that you ran…You can change now."
Her voice broke, was she getting cautious of this guy? Damn! Great job brother.
Immediately with a snap of his fingers he dried himself and his clothes. Actually he changed his clothes. Junia's techs are super convenient.
"What should I do now?"
"Ahm, you don't really have anything to do. When there will be any portal breach you will get the notification if it's your level then you will be dispatched."
He nodded his head, after thinking for a few seconds, he went back.
"I'm gonna train then. There are some portals here too, right?"
"Yeah, that would be the best. Just ask the officers here for directions. You should know how big the castle is."
"I know the circumference, which is 5000 m."
Puzzled, Larrisa asked, "Why were you calculating the circumference?"
Annoyed, Azrael replied, "Didn't you tell me to run 20 laps?"
"You ran around the whole castle!!!!"
Larrisa screamed, she probably didn't think this dimwit would actually do the whole 20 laps. I guess she can get startled too, I should take notes.
"Why are you that surprised? Didn't you tell me too?"
"You moron, I told you to run 20 laps around the training field, not the whole castle. "
Wait!! What? How was he suppose to know that, hell I didn't think you meant that too. Was she giving him some leeway?
"How was I supposed to know!!!"
Yeah! Exactly, even I didn't know. It's your fault Larrisa, I'm not going to say that ofcourse.
Grabbing her head, she retorted, "Fine!! Just go train now."
He didn't say anything and just went out, leaving me alone. Why do I hear boss music?
Fortunately nothing happened and I survived. I would genuinely freak out if I get any more work. Administration is not my thing!!!, either way I have to do it because money is money.
It was around 7 pm, time to head back. I searched for Azrael, actually I didn't 'search' he was chilling near a portal with tens of creature carcasses around him.
"Wait what!!!"
I called out to him, shouting at the top of my lungs. Not quite literally but still loud.
"Coming!! Don't shout, my ears will bleed."
"You are going to bleed if you don't explain wtf is happening here."
"What is there to explain? I was training and these guys just kept popping up, so I killed them."
"These creatures wouldn't have come, if you moved from here every hour. At Least from the portal's radius."
"Nahh, I'm too lazy for it. My lazy ass couldn't move that much."
I lost my will to banter but I made a mental note to get this guy scolded, when we got home.
"Let's just go home. I don't wanna talk about your laziness."
Nodding he got in the car and we made our way home. We were bantering on the way for absolutely no reason.