Resonance of the Abyss

Chapter 13: Emergency


After thanking every staff member and Junia for taking care of Azrael. Both of us went home.

The facility itself was situated in sector 1, whereas our home is in sector 4.

"Did you enjoy your stay there?"

Azrael paused for a second, "I guess it was a profitable experience".

I raised my eyebrows, "oh, what was so profitable?"

"Junia… I mean her intelligence, she was useful in my ascension theory."

"Oh Yeah! You haven't told me about it."

"It's nothing groundbreaking, you know about chakra's right? Energy center in our mythology…"

Afterward he told me all about his theories and his everyday routine at the facility.

"You are playing with fire there, a single mistake could have taken your life."

I said that in a stern, cold and suffocating voice enough to make fluctuations around us.

He nonchalantly shook his head, "I had Junia there to protect me, you are worrying too much."

"Anyway, I will talk about it later. You were lucky any Planetary being didn't pop up."

"Yeah, actually I was disappointed. I wanted to see a fight between two planetary figures."

Involuntarily I raised my voice. "You!!! Junia is still at instinctual level in Planetary strength, if a mastered level creature would have popped. She would have been strengthless."

"Ah… Your Level."

I stopped the car, took a deep breath and spoke again.

"Azrael…listen don't take this lightly. I have faced abominations strong enough to trap the once weaker than them in a temporal dome. The despair you face in such a place, the memories you relieve aren't the nicest ones."

"Temporal dome? A place away from conventional space, basically a different dimension. Where the one in control can trap the other party, play with their sanity. It's an interesting place."

"sighs, your hypothesis is correct. But you're seriously getting on my nerves now…this isn't a game."

"Come on brother, can't I have some fun?"

"You having fun is just a straight up lie. Don't think I don't know how you are!!"

There was a long silence. It was also partially my fault, I was too cold. I lost my cool imagining this moron fighting with a creature well beyond his capacity.

"He has always been like that… actually he's been like this since that day."

The long silence was broken by my cell phone ringing. I immediately accepted the call, it was a distressed signal.

A small holographic image of Junia materialized itself in front of me.

-Arc!! The portals around the diamond level, the sector 88 training center are showing signs of breach.

"Ok, I will be there fast. What's the danger level?"

-It's bad! Really bad, from the massive influx of energy readings that I'm getting, the creature for sure will be of Planetary Rank, Trained level.

"Ok, I will be there."


"What happened??"

-There's actually another breach, it's near the college your niece studies. It's a horde type too.

I was conflicted, the horde type meant there would be shit load of Mortal Rank creatures. The students may be able to protect themselves but as an adult I was still stressed.

Azrael's voice woke me from my conflicted state.

"I will go get our niece. You go to the training center."

Azrael said so with utter conviction as if it was a matter of fact.

"You are worse than them, they study to harness their abilities, but you are just a 7 days old baby."

He was visibly offended, frowning before he could have said anything. Junia interrupted our banter.

-Arc you don't have much time just believe in him, even if he is an insufferable piece of utter garbage who you can't even recycle. He does have strength, and maybe he could even get a beating to get his head straight.

Is she complimenting him or insulting him? I'm genuinely confused but my instincts are screaming it's the latter option.

"Believe me it's the latter one."

"I guess he is with me. Wait! Did he read my mind?"

"I did not read your mind. It's just written all over my face."

"Fair enough."

-Arc, you go your merry way, I will teleport Azrael to the college.

Azrael snatched the phone from my hands. "Wait, if you can teleport then why the hell aren't you going."

-Cause it's against the laws, there those children are learning to be protectors of the planet. Unless your family member is there, nobody could interfere in case of such breach. It's especially strict on us Planetary Rankers.

I patted his head. "That's also the reason why I can be carefree and let you go there. Those kids are strong and can hold their own."

Azrael nodded at my response, got out of the car. The space beneath his feet shook, emitting an azure glow soo blinding and entrancing at the same time. The space split and devoured him in an instant.

-He is at his destination, do you want the same treatment?

"Don't mind if I do."

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