Chapter 1: A Caged Lord
Within the endless expanse of the void stood an enormous tesseract continuously revolving within its axis, emitting enough auroran lights to light up multiple universes.
In front of the Tesseract structure a barely humanoid, pitch black figure stood there seemingly without any inconvenience.
One could sense the tiredness even without it having a face.
"How many times have I tried to breach the barrier, huh?" the humanoid figure gives a heavy sigh.
"Might as well try it one last time." saying so the figure stretches its hands and as if answering its call the darkness across numerous universes converges itself in a beam like attack, striking the Tesseract.
But before it could even reach the tesseract 7 figures wearing long robes, each representing a colour from the VIBGYOR, ripped the space itself above the Tesseract and stopped the dark beam before it even grazed the structure.
One of the 7 figures wearing the red colour comes up acting like their incharge and addresses the black figure.
"Umbra, do you really have to do this every time you regain bits of your strength, why can't you just accept the region given to you and sovereign it like it's intended too, why must you insist on breaching the barrier." the figure in red asks Umbra, its face obscured by some alien force stopping anyone from prying at it, its voice so eerie that you would mistake it for the grim reaper.
"There has only been a single reason for my existence and it's to gain strength, to gain deeper understanding about the darkness itself. And you giving me this region to rule is not a generous gift for me, it's nothing but a shackle. I want to roam the entire cosmos, visit other multiverses, gain strength and learn more about darkness and I can't do this if I'm stuck here." Umbra shows his disgust towards the 7 unwanted guests the so called Guardian of the Origin, staring right back at them as their indifferent figures hovers above the Tesseract
"YOU ALL ARE KEEPING ME FROM FEELING ALIVE, I WOULD RATHER DIE THAN ROT HERE FOR ANOTHER MILLENNIA." Umbra shouts as its body increases its size continuously as it tries to self-destruct.
One of the Guardians wearing the blue robe comes forward, with a gesture of his hand the self destructing body of Umbra stops itself, shrinks back and gets coiled up by some invisible force.
"You really have to stop misunderstanding us Umbra, you don't have a choice, you have to do it. You were born for the purpose of serving the Origin and you will serve for the rest of your lifespan." declares the blue robed guardian, its cold almost unnerving voice reverberating the surroundings causing ripples in the space itself.
The red robed Guardian places its hand on the blue robed Guardian "You don't have to kill him otherwise Lord Origin won't be pleased."
Listening to its command the blue robed Guardian stops its constricting ability and releases Umbra.
The yellow robed Guardian teleports behind Umbra and says in a cheerful voice of child who just found their favourite toy and are going to play with it. "Okay, so Umbra has done the mistake, AGAIN, soooo it's my time to punish the evildoer, hehehehehe, give us some space and go check the Tesseract while im busy"
The rest of the Guardians give a last look towards their twisted companion as they leave him to have his fun while they go and observe the Tesseract.
"You are quite hard skinned for an entity who lost all his bones, flesh and organs. Hmmmm, what should i take from you this time...well we are in quite a hurry sooooo why don't you just relieve all your past 'fun times' for a decades or so." As he said those words, the void felt an intense repulsion from Umbra, erasing it from the existing reality, trapping it in some desolate demension. Only accessible to the wretched Guardians or someone/something equally horrifying.
"Please don't stop being such a determined fellow even though there's nothing you can do except follow what you are told to do but i do like the small defiance that people like you show because that's the only time i have my fun." The yellow robed Guardian laughs at Umbra as he leaves in his merry way with other Guardians by splitting the space, leaving it to writhe in pain.
" I will return next year. Umbra take care ;) "
10 Years go by as the yellow robed Guardian tortures Umbra, each year returning and torturing it to his heart's content if he even has one, reanimating Umbra's body, destroying it in the most horrifying way. Grinding the bones , rotting the flesh, physical damage, psychological damage so on and so forth each year its reanimated pristine, almost humane but utterly breathing taking and divine visage gets mutilated until it's nothing but an entity of darkness.
"A decade has gone by huh? Umbra, I have enjoyed my time with you. So, i hope you do try to destroy the Tesseract again. You don't really have anything that i can permanently render useless, you need to act like sovereign here. A completely crippled sovereign won't be intimidating, right? Hehehehehe."
laughs the yellow robed Guardian as he goes back, from wherever he came from, leaving the motionless body of Umbra floating within the void away from the Tesseract.