Resequencing DNA

Chapter 27

Ashleigh once more perched herself on a corner of the bed, her heart now beginning to pound in her chest, wondering what Alistair would have to say to her as she anxiously waited for him to begin speaking. What Ashleigh did notice, however, was the quick glance that Alistair gave Rose, who made a quick exit from the room, almost as if she had been ordered to do so.

Ashleigh nervously looked up at Alistair, who was now, pacing back and forth before her, his right hand rubbing his chin as he did so.

“I almost feel ill,” thought Ashleigh, feeling a knot become tense within her stomach, “the suspense is killing me.”

Alistair finally stopped pacing back and forth, stopping directly in front of Ashleigh, anxiously rubbing his hands together before clearing his throat.

“Ahem…so…Ashleigh…” started Alistair. “Once again…I would like to wholeheartedly apologise for what happened with my s…” he continued before stopping himself, “…That…boy Wesley,” he added with a clear look of disappointment on his face.

“They sure are all upset and disappointed with Wes…after what he did…can’t say I blame them…but for a family to almost disown their son like this…wow,” thought Ashleigh.

“You…you have no need to apologise…Alistair…sir,” mumbled Ashleigh in response. “As wrong as it was…what Wesley did…or tried to do…I hold neither you nor the rest of the family responsible for his actions. He is a grown man…old enough to be accountable for his own actions and besides…you and the rest of your amazing family have made me feel so…so welcome and for that, I thank you,” she explained.

“I…I’m glad you feel that way, Ashleigh…and you will always be welcome here,” stated Alistair, “and you are correct…Wesley is accountable for his own behaviour…but still…as the head of this family…I feel it is my duty to apologise,” he explained as he sat down on the bed beside her.

The pair sat in silence for a few moments as Alistair once more looked deep in thought.

“Is this why he wanted to see me…to apologise for Wes?” thought Ashleigh.

“Alistair…” said Ashleigh, snapping Alistair from his deep thought. “I’m pretty sure you didn’t just come to see me… to say sorry for Wesley’s behaviour…you said have had a suggestion put forward to you…” she added.

Alistair nodded before turning to look at Ashleigh,

“Yes…indeed I have…” he answered, “I…ahem…I have spoken to Vivian…it was she who suggested this…” muttered Alistair. “As you were here…as Wesley’s…erm…date…Vivian feels it is not right that you…erm…attend our darling Pippa’s wedding…alone,” he proceeded to explain.

“Where is he going with this,” thought Ashleigh.

“And so…my wife…has asked if…erm…maybe…with your permission of course…she has asked James to be your chaperone… not in a romantic sense…of course…I mean…I imagine you aren’t wanting anything like that…just yet…but the offer is there… if you want him to…of course,” said Alistair.

“Oh my…” thought Ashleigh, she felt as though the blood in her body had all rushed to her head at

once, her heart now pounding so hard that she felt sure it was making a sound that was audible to those around her. “Do I want James to be my chaperone…let me think…YES! And no…it doesn’t have to be in a romantic sense…he’s right, I don’t want anything…well…not long term anyway. It would make things far too awkward when I have to…well…come Monday.”

“I…I…I erm…” stammered Ashleigh, “I think that would be nice,” she replied, trying not to let her excitement be too obvious.

“Good,” replied Alistair, getting back up to his feet, “I shall let both Vivian and James know that you accept the proposal.”

“Thank you…Alistair…thank you for everything,” stated Ashleigh with a smile.

“You are quite welcome, Ashleigh… as I said…it was Vivian’s idea…she too is feeling dreadfully guilty regarding what took place…” said Alistair as he went to leave the room before stopping, looking back to Ashleigh and letting out a slight chuckle. “It’s almost like you have traded one of my sons for another…in some ways,” laughed Alistair as he left the room.

No sooner had the door shut, Ashleigh laid back on the bed, staring up at the ceiling.

A giddy feeling gripped her, as she thought, "I...I really can't believe it.". “I could honestly scream right now…he’s just so…so gorgeous…however…it would be wrong of me…to show how excited I am…as far as everyone else is aware…I have just broken up with my boyfriend…urgh…I can’t even believe I’m saying that…about Wes… but that’s the whole reason I’m in this situation in the first place.”

Ashleigh’s thoughts were soon to be interrupted, however, by a gentle tap at the door.

“Who is it?” called Ashleigh, attempting to push herself back to an upright position, yet struggling due to the tight and rigid corset she was wearing.

“Hey Ashleigh, it’s me, Eloise,” shouted Eloise as she opened the door ajar.

“Come in,” replied Ashleigh, as she finally managed to sit upright once more.

“Ashleigh…you look absolutely beautiful,” said Eloise as she approached Ashleigh.

“Thank you…I…I honestly feel gorgeous,” replied Ashleigh, who, by this point, could not hide the huge smile that was on her face.

“So you should…darling you look amazing,” stated Eloise before looking at Ashleigh with narrowed eyes, growing somewhat suspicious of her friend who was beaming from ear to ear. “What is it?” she asked rather curiously.

“I have no idea what you are talking about, Eloise,” replied Ashleigh, unable to stop her response from being followed by a somewhat excited giggle.

“There’s something you aren’t telling me…and I need to know what…you know what I’m like…I feel like I’m going to explode, now tell me,” whispered Eloise as she too giggled, sitting on the bed beside her friend.

Ashleigh sat and thought for a minute, turning to see the expression on Eloise’s face, she could no longer resist keeping it from her.

“Alright…” replied Ashleigh, “But you must not say a word to anyone…this is between me and you…and Pip…Pip can find out but nobody else…promise?” stated Ashleigh.

“I promise,” replied Eloise, “Now spill…the suspense is killing me,” she added with a giggle.

Ashleigh looked Eloise directly in the eye and before she had the chance to speak, her lips began to tremble.

“I…I…I kissed James,” mumbled Ashleigh.

“You did what?” screamed Eloise with delight.

“Shhh, quiet down,” whispered Ashleigh, “You never know who else will hear with a mouth like yours, Eloise.”

“Are you serious? You kissed James…what was it like? Did you like it? Oh my god, what did he do?” said Eloise, almost like an excited schoolgirl.

“He…he’s just so….he is such a good kisser,” stated Ashleigh, staring off into the distance as she replayed the moment in her mind.

“So…he kissed you back then?” asked Eloise, trying her best to whisper.

Ashleigh nodded, “His embrace is just so…hmm,” her eyes lit up as she smiled.

“So I take it you enjoyed it then?” asked Eloise.

“I…I guess so,” answered Ashleigh, who now had a faraway, daydreaming look in her eyes.

“So…what are you going to do about it all? What about…you know…wanting to change back to a guy?” Eloise continued with her questioning.

“Oh…I…I’m still going to change back,” replied Ashleigh, getting to her feet, “I’m changing back regardless.”

“Oh…I see…” replied Eloise.

“Come on Eloise, don’t be like that…you know I can’t stay this way forever,”  stated Ashleigh.

“I guess…” answered Eloise, sounding rather downbeat.

“Something else…happened by the way…” said Ashleigh, “Your Uncle Alistair just came to visit.”

“Oh…what for?” enquired Eloise, still sounding relatively low-spirited.

“He…well…your Aunt Vivian has suggested that…erm…James is to accompany me to Pip’s wedding,” responded Ashleigh.

“WHAT!!!” responded Eloise, “Are you serious?”

“Yeah, I know…crazy isn’t it,” replied Ashleigh.

“Ashleigh…” muttered Eloise, with the most serious look on her face that Ashleigh had ever seen, as she too got to her feet.

“What’s with the serious look Eloise?” asked Ashleigh with a giggle.

Taking Ashleigh by the hands, Eloise looked her square in the eye as she gently cradled her by the hands.

“Ashleigh….I think…I don’t know how to put this…” started Eloise before taking a long pause, presumably to try and gather her thoughts and the correct words to say.

“Come on Eloise, spit it out,” said Ashleigh, now rather curious as to Eloise’s reaction to the whole situation.

Eloise composed herself and took a deep breath,

“Okay…Ashleigh…Promise me you won’t take offence to what I’m about to say…okay,” stated Eloise.

“I…I promise…I guess…what on earth is wrong?” replied Ashleigh, growing ever more concerned.

Eloise looked Ashleigh in the eyes once more,

“I…I just think that…maybe you’re playing a dangerous game now Ashleigh…don’t you?” said Eloise.

“What…what do you mean by that?” replied Ashleigh, rather confused.

“I…I don’t mean by way of hurting yourself or anything…I just mean…poor James…if you have no intention of staying this way…I don’t think you should be leading him down a path where…where he…you know…gets hurt,” explained Eloise.

“So…what you’re saying is…because I’m not staying this way…I shouldn’t have fun, whilst I’m stuck like this?” snapped Ashleigh.

I do not mean it that way...honestly, I don't," said Eloise, "I just mean...James is a nice guy...please…do not put him in a situation where he can be hurt...that's all I'm saying...." she added.

“Why are you being like this…I thought we were friends?” retorted Ashleigh.

“We are friends Ashleigh…I told you not to take this the wrong way…Pippa told me a little about…you know…how you are as a guy and…” said Eloise, however, she was quickly interrupted by Ashleigh.

“Oh…I see now…Pippa explained that I was always a one-night stand kind of guy…of course, this makes sense now…and you automatically assume, that’s how I still am…well you know what…get out,” stated Ashleigh, pulling away her hands that were still in contact with Eloise’s hands.

“No…it’s nothing like that at all Ashleigh…I promise,” pleaded Eloise.

“GET OUT and leave me alone,” snapped Ashleigh.

After a few seconds, Eloise merely nodded, turned and left the room without saying another word to Ashleigh.

Ashleigh sat herself back on the corner of the bed and stared toward the ground.

“I…I honestly…don’t know how I feel…” contemplated Ashleigh, fighting back any tears that she could feel building up. ”Why do I feel so…so emotional? Is what I’m doing so wrong? Was Eloise right? Will I just end up hurting James in the end? Am I such a bad person?”

Eloise checked the time and got back to her feet.

“Not long now till Pippa gets married…I had better head downstairs...” thought Ashleigh. “Where has the time gone? This morning sure has flown by,” she thought as she picked up her handbag and made her way to the door. Stopping only once more to give herself a quick glance in the mirror, checking her makeup and her outfit. “I do look incredible…but…I can’t stay this way…especially just for a guy…can I?” thought Ashleigh, smiling at her reflection before eventually heading out the door, to make her way downstairs.

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