Remnants anomaly


"How can you act so casual about growing back a whole limb!?" weiss exclaimed angrily. leon sighed "for you it's an incredible feat , but for me it's just a normal thing." he explained calmly. none of the others said anything after that since he had a bit of a point. "now if you all have nothing else i would like to relax for the rest of the day." leon said effectively telling them to shoo. ironically five minutes after they left glenda showed up and began to strip immediately before leon could even say anything.


"Geez woman what's got you so stressed?" leon asked between pants while a messy haired blonde was resting on his chest. "you know damn well what!" glenda said with a small angry huff. "ok to be fair you deal with the festival every year." leon pointed out. "while that's true i had no way to deal with all the stress it brings until now." she defended herself with a slight blush like she didn't just try to wring him dry. "you could have at least been more gentle , i'm quite fragile i'll have you know." leon joked making glenda roll her eyes.

"Says the guy who shrugs off bullets like they are mosquitoes." she said with a small smirk. "who told you such a malicious lie , bullets sting a whole bunch i'll have you know!" leon feigned offense. glenda giggled lightly at his antics "don't think i have forgotten that you are also stressed about something as well." she said with a serious look. "you can talk about it you know." she said reassuringly. 'friends with benefits huh? such a strange concept , but who am i to question a good thing?' he thought with a sigh.

"My instincts are screaming at me everyday that somethings coming and i have no idea what." leon said seriously. "if it was anyone else i may think you are worried about nothing , but i've seen the those instincts at work before. do you think it has something to do with that theft of the recovered dust?" she asked trying to be helpful. "my gut tells me that it has something to do with it , but all the trails just seemed to vanish without a trace. even spider has been helpless to find any clues to the perpetrators and it's bothering me to no end."

"I have had every single populated area in the kingdom searched thoroughly at this point and yet all that dust just vanished into thin air. i am halfway tempted to believe the thieves have some sort of hidden lair under a mountain or something." leon said with a frustrated tone. "well no matter what it is i am sure you have it covered in those rather satisfying plans of yours." she said with a seductive lilt at the end. leon rolled his eyes "you insatiable women!" he said with a smile before going back to work as it were.

Meanwhile in a dark area lit up with generator powered lamps three people were talking while several others worked nearby with a large amount of dust. "It is rather ironic that that mans purging of the criminals is what made our operation possible in the first place." cinder said with a small smile at the people going about their roles. emerald nodded in agreement "he did force quite a few people to desperation with his actions , not that i can blame him. last time we had all this dust he got word on our rough plan and exterminated everyone involved. us stealing it back must have made him very nervous." she said honestly.

"Yes though it is unfortunate that he increased the security so much as a result making the impact of the plan less than i had hoped for in the beginning." cinder said slightly annoyed. "so long as we get what we are after i don't see any reason to complain about the low body count." silver said from a crate he was sitting on. "it would have made a greater statement if the numbers were higher , though you are correct that only the prize at the end is what matters." cinder said calmly.


I am taking someone's suggestion and making it so my patrons can read an extra two chapters ahead along with using the site as a way to directly contact myself rather than needing to hope i respond to your comments.

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