Remnants anomaly

The cardin problem

"No need to look at me like that , i'm perfectly fine with my lot in life." leon said with a small smile. "it's rather funny that it took bearing my soul to chase away that pesky gloom in my head." he said with a chuckle. ozpin smirked "things tend to have an unusual way of working themselves out like that. for example did you know that the only students who have come to me for my hints are those closest to you?" he asked surprising leon. "is that so? figured cardin and his cronies would have the arrogance to demand them from you but i guess not." leon said shaking his head.

"Mr.winchester does have some concerning behavioral issues but he does respect those who are truly capable , you are part of that group in his eyes interestingly enough." ozpin said calmly. leon was surprised to hear this since from what he could tell cardin was just a shallow jerk with racist tendencies. "i understand your surprise it was quite a shock for the other professors as well since the only one that seemed to have his respect besides me was glenda. from what we have observed mr.winchester values tangible evidence as his main way of  determining who to respect." ozpin explained calmly.

Leon nodded " you run the academy so obviously you are capable while glenda is in charge of the combat readiness class which shows progress actively. my own lessons so far have also been both logical and beneficial for the future hunters along with easily digestible , the theory holds water about how he decides to distribute respect , but why aren't his fellow students given a level of respect then?" leon asked curiously. "that was the only inconsistency that we have found in the theory since he has shown an active disdain for even those on team rwby who are each more capable than himself." ozpin said said honestly.

Leon looked thoughtful "i think i have it figured out." he said after a moment of contemplation. ozpin looked interested "oh? and what did we miss?" he asked curiously. leon smirked "it's how passive everyone else seems. cardin is under the false impression that those truly capable control and force their wills on others." he said with a chuckle. "it's wrong at best and delusional at worst." leon said honestly. ozpin thought about it for a moment and it did indeed explain the inconsistencies that their theory had,

"That would perfect the theory if it were true , but then we are left with the problem of figuring out how to break him out of this mindset so he can truly grow as a person." ozpin said seriously. leon grinned maliciously "that's easy , we just need to crush him with the truth." he said with a wicked laugh. ozpins brows furrowed "i don't follow." he said honestly. "all we have to do is crush cardin in a task with all of the people he thinks are incapable. once he fails to prove himself better multiple times he will either realize that he was wrong and change or grow desperate to prove his superiority." leon paused so ozpin could finish that thought. "if he grows desperate he will likely turn violent allowing us to expel him , removing the problem." ozpin said with a frown.  "a cruel but effective plan i admit." leon said honestly. "what task do you suggest for something like this?" ozpin asked knowing leon was right. "the best task is the one he is most confident in , combat. if he is shown up multiple times in his own specialization he would be forced to adapt or sink." leon explained seriously.

Leon and ozpin continued to discuss how to solve the biggest problem student of the year and narrowed down some of the best candidates to put cardin down. this whole conversation wasn't that odd since any good teacher tries to correct the failings of their students and cardin had huge character flaws. without leon neither glenda or ozpin would be able to fix this problem despite knowing it since their own personalities couldn't jump to the correct conclusions to do so. leon however had a personality that understood all facets of people and could thus make up the short comings of his peers.



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