Remnants anomaly

Reaching an understanding

"Now that the bothersome part is done we can move on to the secondary part of lesson." leon said not even seeing the need to draw attention. the whole crowd of foreign students was watching leon along with their familiars. "the first thing all of you need to understand is that i don't care what your background is , nor do i care if you disagree with how i do things. you are here to learn from me so if i tell you to do something it serves that purpose even if the request seems foolish or pointless." leon said giving all the foreign students a hard look.

It looked like leon got his point across since most of the crowd made a subconscious effort to straighten their postures. leon smirked when he saw this "that said you should be made aware that i have a bit of a tricky streak in most of my lessons so if your mind isn't very sharp you will suffer more than the rest , fair warning." he said with a chuckle that made everyone shiver. "for the rest of the lesson each of you who has summoned a familiar will spend getting to know your new lifelong companion."

"As for the few of you who were unable to complete the summoning , you may leave if you so wish as none of my lessons shall prove very useful for you. that said feel free to socialize with your team mates familiars if they summoned them as they are now your responsibility as well." leon said before a glow shone from his eyes and a chair made of hardened earth rose from the ground that he sat on. this was a small piece of the earth magic leon created channeled through his eyes rather than his hands or feet.

This was a unique feature that this system of magic had compared to what one would normally expect. it was also a sort of short cut that skipped a few steps of magic casting letting leon use it to a small degree even though his hasn't actually left the first stage of development technically. the result was far weaker than if he were to actually use the magic correctly , but for a simple chair it was fine. the action had confused and surprised those who were aware of the flames leon was well known for as this was manipulation of an entirely different element.

"Don't go staring at me like that i have already explained where this power came from so get to work already." leon said seeing the looks he was getting. his explanation was taken at face value and the foreign students started to try and communicate with their familiars. it was entertaining to see the looks that showed up when each person realized that understanding them was easy for their familiars but the opposite was not true. in order to effectively communicate each person had to quickly figure out the method their familiars used to do so or teach their familiar to write.

This was what leon had done with genesis as well since genesis's species communicated via grunts and roars with posturing as well. leon could roughly translate these things with a bit of effort but for in depth understanding between them leon taught genesis how to use the common alphabet. what was genesis doing while this lesson was going on you may ask , sleeping or to be more specific napping. as stated earlier genesis had almost the same personality as leon himself save for the fact that he was uncaring what others thought of his actions.

This meant that if it wasn't something that may increase his power later genesis was too lazy to care in most cases and simply slept instead. at leon and genesis's level of power any training they do was highly destructive to the surrounding since they needed to push their limits. needless to say such training would be a very bad idea in a teaching environment and so genesis napped instead. leon as the teacher however was needed to watch over the students to ensure that no accidents happened. thankfully the only real issue was when a summoned Pikachu got over excited and tazed it's owner accidentally.

The poor girl who owned the creature had an afro for the rest of the class earning laughter from the others. by the time the lesson was over about half of the foreign students had figured out a rough way to communicate with their familiars. the most irritating thing for leon after that was writing up a report on the eating habits of the familiars he knew of and make suggestions for the rest since beacon had to cover those extra expenses while the foreigners were here.


My p@treon is listed under my pen name : loskro if you are having trouble finding it.

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