Remnants anomaly

Passing time

Percy was less depressed looking after hearing leon's words but it was pretty clear to everyone watching that he lost when they left the castle. a quick spoken command and the castle was lowered back underground to be repaired and changed into a different configuration. the rest of the class was eager to give these war games a go since even if you were a type of training they also looked pretty fun. and so time flowed onwards with five months soon passing by with only a few noteworthy changes.

The first was that leon had managed to raise his stats the the peak of A rank thanks to his intense training when he wasn't busy with other things. even with this improvement leon still found himself complaining about how slow he was progressing with his falna. after all as far as he knew he still had two whole letter grades left before he could could attempt to find a way to level up. the worse part was that not only was his progress slowing down the higher his stats got but that his gut was telling him that something big was coming and he was getting desperate to grow faster.

Leon was sure it had something to do with the stolen dust but the trail had gone cold and he couldn't find the ones responsible even after all this time. to add insult to injury leon's eyes had began to ache as they had reached their absolute peak and were but a single traumatic incident away from evolving. this was a unique situation as even for the clan they originated most who achieved mangekyou had never truly pushed their eyes to the limit before doing so. even the progenitor of the eye indra himself had not done so much less his descendants.

The third thing that had occurred was that jaune and pyrrha had finally taken leon's advice and hooked up after a "definitely not rigged" talk under the moonlight. Ok , so admittedly leon may have engineered the situation since he was plain sick of the two of them dancing around the issue when it was obvious to the world they were into each other. awkward romantic tension is only entertaining for a short amount of time before it starts to get irritating to watch. leon was so fed up with it that he flat out called the two of them out during one of his war game lessons and complained about it to them while being livestreamed.

The most hilarious part was that their familiars were also in agreement about them needing to just hook up already. an interesting event had happened during this last month however as general ironwood from atlas had decided to take control of the security of vale for the vytal festival. as if that wasn't suspicious enough qrow had stuck around after showing up at the start of the month. for ruby and yang this was just a pleasant surprise but for leon it meant very bad things since qrow only stayed in one spot if there was danger.

Leon hadn't made a fuss over it but it was pretty obvious that ironwood did not like playing nice with leon anymore. the reason leon knew this was that the amount of attempted break ins for the titan corp had risen dramatically since he had shown up. the constant failure and subsequent death of so many of his people was beginning to grate on ironwood as he was constantly in a foul mood and stormed away with gritted teeth at the merest sight of leon.

Ozpin could only sigh at this when he saw it but didn't interfere since he trusted both ironwood and leon not to do anything bad for vale. leon didn't give a shit about ironwood's efforts and had even went so far as to openly read information from atlas's secure servers right in plain view of ironwood just to mock him. the man had even started to have to take blood pressure medicine after his constant rage caused one of the blood vessels in his eyes to burst from the pressure on it. even with his aura ironwood needed to wear an eyepatch for three days after that , leon laughed his ass off at it and passed lots of pirate jokes between him and qrow.


My p@treon is listed under my pen name : loskro if you are having trouble finding it.

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