Remnants anomaly

Masterful display

'Percy green , pidgy familiar , plant manipulation semblance , weapon is a sword called fanged spring that also has a short range shot gun feature.' leon mentally went over the information he had on his first opponent. "can we have a castle defense game?" the boy asked nervously. leon nodded and spoke up "configuration three!" he said loudly and the ground nearby rumbled and opened up to reveal a fully constructed small fortress. this building rose from under the ground until it looked like it had always been there. "you have fifteen minutes to get familiar with the building before i begin my assault." leon said before taking a seat.

Percy knew better than doubting leon since there was honestly no reason for him to lie about his actions. instead percy took leon at his word and began familiarizing himself with the castle while having his familiar set up traps around the area. thanks to the open nature of this battle these actions were seen by both leon and the boys classmates. 'in a normal siege type scenario these strategies would give him an edge , unfortunately i am no normal foe.' leon thought calmly.

Soon the fifteen minutes were up and percy had holed up in the easiest defendable location in the castle while his familiar patrolled the air above. leon stood up and began to casually stroll towards the castle with his weapon propped up on his shoulder. this confused the rest of the people watching but for different reasons depending on how sharp their eyes were. for those without sharp eyes leon simply seemed to have little skill with his weapon but for those with sharp eyes it confused them why the hand holding the spear shaft was so low. to be specific his right hand was much lower than the center of the shaft that would normally be the area a spear user would hold.

Thanks to the fact that leons lessons were livestreamed as well as recorded by an anonymous student it had become a regular habit for many to tune in on saturdays to see if there was anything new. on one hand this was fantastic for the publics opinion of the hunter schools while on the other it let people collect information on leon. only the most skilled could notice what leons hand placement actually represented. the location leon was holding the spear was used exclusively for ambushing opponents thanks to the use of gravity to stab forward.

The way it worked was by pulling the elbow of the hand holding the spear behind your back while tilting your wrist to make the spear look like it was falling forward. if done correctly the spearman could then thrust the spear forward with the lowered hand giving a longer reach for the instant of the attack. it was an extremely advanced technique that was also very situational in it's use thanks to it's tricky underhanded nature. what leon was going to use it for however was completely new however historically.

Everyone watched as leon calmly walked directly to the barricaded entrance of the castle before a small orb of silver black flame the size of a marble formed at the tip of his spear. the rest of the technique was executed perfectly however that orb at the tip of the spear detonated in a single direction the moment leons spear tip was going to pierce the entrance. an explosion rocked the entire castle as leon's attack blew to entrance wide open with flying splinters of wood and metal aimed entirely inward.

Everyone watching was left speechless at the brutal but simply manner leon breeched the castles defenses. the more knowledgeable people were excited at the clever use of an otherwise disadvantageous technique to switch the use from ambush to a powerful piercing attack. it was a little more complicated than this but basically leon used the structural pressure points of a sphere ,which are in a straight line from top to bottom , to direct the energy of the explosion in a single direction via a powerful thrust. if leon had struck the orb at the wrong angle he would have been engulfed in his own attack but through perfect execution he was entirely unaffected beyond the loud sound from the explosion.


My p@treon is listed under my pen name : loskro if you are having trouble finding it.

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