Remnants anomaly

Introducing familiars(2)

"That said i have created a method to summon creatures that can focus and improve your power while also being absolutely loyal to you." leon paused to let that sink in. he pointed at genesis who was looking at the students curiously. "this small spiked creature here is genesis , my own familiar , and as some of you may have noticed he has a striking resemblance to a dragon. this is because he is in fact a type of dragon , a nergigante to be precise. for those curious why he is so small as a dragon it is simply because i summoned him when he was an egg and he had hatched on wednesday." leon explained calmly.

A few people raised their hands to ask questions but leon stopped them. "the process to summon a familiar merely brings the best fit for the individual in question. but this didn't mean that your own familiars will also be eggs as many will likely summon adult versions of your creatures." leon said and all but three hands fell. "yes miss nikos?" leon asked as pyrrha was one of those with her hand still raised. "where do the creatures come from since remnant certainly doesn't have any like that.?" she asked pointing at genesis.

Leon shook his head "i can't say , i know where my familiar came from , but due to the uniqueness of each persons familiar requirements they could come from literally anywhere." he said seriously. "is there any risk to getting a familiar?" pyrrha asked satisfied with the previous answer. the other two hands fell when she asked this showing their intention to ask that very question. leon nodded "there are indeed risk involved in getting a familiar but i was going to explain those as part of the class anyways. is there anything else?" he asked calmly.

"How do we take care of our familiars if we don't know what they need?" she asked and a few others nodded that this was important. "i will help in identifying your familiars as well as the needs of their species as part of the class as well. this level of diligence is to be expected from me as a teacher after all , no need to worry about it." leon explained calmly and pyrrha had no more questions. "the next topic before i answered those questions was about the risk involved with the binding of familiars." leon said seriously.

"These familiars are bound to you on a spiritual level and as a result should either you or your familiar get killed the other will be struck with a wound on their very soul along with the emotional damage losing the other would cause. a wound on the soul has horribly consequences with the mildest being agony the likes of which puts torture to shame. the heaviest however is the soul wound and the emotional trauma causing your soul to shatter erasing you in your entirety. your familiar is both an additional strength but also a weakness so guarding their life is doing the same to your own." he explained sternly.

"Other than that the only true risk is if you mistreat your familiar and it retaliates. remember that your familiars are literally bound to your souls so you are closer to them then even your own parents or lovers. treat them like family and you'll never worry about it but try and suppress or treat them cruel and they may kill you or themselves." he warned focusing on cardin with his gaze. the boy just sighed "i get it i was wrong!" he says angrily.

Apparently one of the other teachers had told cardin about the sneaky way leon used to fix his horrible attitude. having genuinely changed cardin had seen how much of an asshole he was before hand which was quite the wake up call. it was still a work in progress but cardin was much more friendly after that. "a fair warning however is that no one can record past the security dome here to keep the people without authorization from summoning familiars. if you take anything electronic through the security dome you will quickly find out it was fried immediately." leon warned seriously.

"If for some reason some of you fail to summon a familiar it is merely your own bad luck for not having a compatible soul. this was simply a safety precaution to prevent you all from accidentally damaging you souls during the summoning due to lack of energy." leon said calmly lying about why the circle wouldn't work for those with evil or twisted personalities. "with all of this said none of you are being forced to summon a familiar if you simply don't think yourselves capable of taking care of it." leon said with a reassuring smile.


My p@treon is listed under my pen name : loskro if you are having trouble finding it.

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